Another car maker: Misandrist ad -- again

As if there weren't enough misandrist ads from automakers these days, Dodge Ram (who I thought would want to sell to men) brings out this little ditty.

"I now pronounce you unconscious" features a bride and groom at the alter. She delivers a violent headbutt right before "I do", then drags the unconscious groom out of the church.

I can take a joke. Really, I can. But this is really, really violent. Even a bit scary. Anyone would cringe at this ad -- MRA or not.

If you choose to comment on the video on YouTube, please be polite and civil.

If anyone has the contact info for Dodge's marketing department or ad agency, please put it in the comments here and on YouTube.

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National Post: Domestic Violence, Feminism

The National Post ran two articles and two letters to the editor today on men and feminism.

Barbara Kay, discusses the Peel School Board's approach to domestic violence, false statistics, and ignoring violence against men.

Two letters to the editor on feminism can be found here and here.

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Democrats Hope to Reverse Supreme Court Ruling on Pay Discrimination

Here's more political nonsense about the wage gap nonsense:

'"All Americans deserve equal pay for equal work, and it is my hope that Congress can remove the technical hurdles that will prevent individuals from receiving what is rightfully theirs," said Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., a Democratic presidential candidate."

"Many victims of pay discrimination who didn't immediately realize they were being paid less than others will have no remedy, even though the discrimination continues with every paycheck," Kennedy said. "With women earning only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, the nation needs strong laws against pay discrimination. This is not what Congress intended when we passed the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1991, and we need to restore full protection against wage discrimination."'

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Dissident Domestic Violence Experts Announce Ground-Breaking Conference: 'From Ideology to Inclusion'

Covered by Glenn Sacks here. Big step forward! Excerpt:

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Justice Ginsburg's feminist background evident at Court

Speaking for the three other dissenting justices, Ginsburg's voice was as precise and emotionless as if she were reading a banking decision, but the words were stinging. "In our view, the court does not comprehend, or is indifferent to, the insidious way in which women can be victims of pay discrimination," she said.

Poor Ginsburg -- read as she laments being a lonely and frustrated woman on a Supreme Court filled with men. Ugh, give me a break.

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"Women sex offenders living next door"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Finding out if there is a sex offender living near you is public information that is easily accessed, but many people do not consider checking out the lady next door.
There are 81-females on the sex offender registry that live all over Connecticut, but most of their neighbors are unaware.
"A lot of time with the female offenders there's always some sort of mental health treatment as a condition of their probation," said Anselmo.'

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11-year-old girl wins landmark right to play football with the big boys

Story here.

I she gets hurt, she'll sue the education system.

"She's a tough tackler and a natural winner, as the boys on her team would tell you.

Now Minnie Crutwell has secured a famous victory - against the might of the Football Association.

The 11-year-old has forced the FA to reconsider its age-limit for mixed-sex teams, after recruiting Government ministers to her cause.

Minnie will now be allowed to stay with her team beyond her next birthday, instead of being forced to join a girls-only side. There will be a one-year pilot to see how older mixed sides work before the FA decides on a long-term policy."

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Plea Deal Expected For Woman In Teen Sex Case

Story here. Excerpt:

"Jeni Dinkel, the wife of a former Cincinnati Bengal Tom Dinkel, entered a not guilty plea Tuesday in court to third-degree rape charges.

Her attorney said Dinkel's plea is likely to change Thursday, when she is scheduled to face a judge again.

Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney Rob Sanders said the 15-year-old victim's family has expressed support for a plea deal."

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'Teacher of the Year' Faces Student Sex Charges

The pictures tell the tale here. Excerpt:

Slide 1:
"An award-winning female middle school teacher accused of having sex with a teenage girl was in jail Wednesday on five sex-related charges, authorities said."

Slide 2:
"Kanesa Hopkins, 31, who was recently named the school's Teacher of the Year by her peers, is accused of having a sexual relationship with a former student several years ago, authorities said. The sexual assaults occurred at both Hopkins' and the alleged victim's residences, according to a sworn statement."

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Treatment of Stanford's "Imposter-Squatters" Points Up Double-Standards

Seems Stanford has been in the news lately not for just one case of "imposter-squatting", but two. The kick here is that in the second case, the administration knew about it and refused to do anything. Stories here:

Imposter 1

Imposter 2

Both are young, small Asian women. Both are being treated as either needing help, victims, or both. Guys, go ahead, try this yourselves and see what happens (just be sure to have a lawyer and medical insurance lined up ahead of time). Excerpts from the stories... (click 'read more')

'Azia Kim was like any other Stanford freshman. She graduated from one of California’s most competitive high schools last June, moved into the dorms during New Student Orientation, talked about upcoming tests and spent her free time with friends.

The only problem is that Azia Kim was never a Stanford student.
Police are currently investigating the situation....

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Another Woman Murders Her Kids

Story here.

The headline itself hides the fact that this woman obviously is responsible for the crime.

I particularly get a kick out of the closing lines:

"Andrea Yates drowned her five children in the family's Houston bathtub in 2001. In 2003, Deanna Laney beat her two young sons to death with stones in East Texas , and Lisa Ann Diaz drowned her daughters in a Plano bathtub. Dena Schlosser fatally severed her 10-month-old daughter's arms with a kitchen knife in 2004.

All four of those women were found innocent by reason of insanity. Yates initially was convicted of capital murder, but it was overturned on appeal."

Show me a man who can get away with killing his children by reason of "insanity." Yeah, right.

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Calif. prisons trying to reduce suicides

Story here.

Though the title doesn't suggest this, it's really all about male suicide. Male suicide is, according to some, at epidemic proportions. I'm glad to see at least one sector of society trying to help these men. Excerpt:

"Guards have reported preventing more than 60 suicides in segregation cells so far this year — out of more than 170 suicides attempted during the past five months in the state's 33 adult prisons.
The sudden isolation, the stress from whatever incident prompted their transfer and the accompanying loss of possessions and privileges were found to be triggers for suicidal behavior, said Dr. Shama Chaiken, a chief psychologist with the corrections department."

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Suzanne Fields: "A New Woman in Combat. Not!"

Essay here.

The following excerpt is the very definition of feminist hypocrisy:

"Feminists remain split in the debate. On one side, women argue that the female of the species is more caring than the male, and it's wrong to deliberately coarsen those who bear the children of the next generation. To make fighters of them seems unnatural and counterproductive. On the other side, women argue that the imposition of a stereotypical "gender" role is wrong and unfair. The fact that women -- on average -- are smaller and weaker than men, have less body strength and lack the aggressive killer instinct of men must go unmentioned."

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Sperm donor was liable for support, court rules

Story here. Excerpt:

"Men who donate sperm for artificial insemination can be liable for child support, a court has ruled.

The three-judge Pennsylvania Superior Court panel said that since a sperm donor whose semen produced two children for a lesbian couple subsequently involved himself in the family and gave them money, he had assumed some responsibility for their support."

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Protest for Father's Rights in California's Capitol City

Last Monday, May 21, 2007, Fathers 4 Justice, CRISPE, and the National Coalition of Free Men, Los Angeles staged a protest in front of the Family Relations Courthouse in Sacramento, California.

The day preceding the courthouse protest, a couple of us (as private citizens accompanying another group) spent time in the state capitol, where we observed the functioning of our state government.

Protest for Father's Rights in California's Capitol City

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