Boycott, an online men's magazine, has published this piece on their front page: Single Fathers’ Rights.

The article starts with back-handed shaming ... (would anyone ever qualify an article by questioning a mother's love?)

"Everything discussed in this article is predicated on two main ideas: that you “know” that you’re a good, loving father and that you want to play a significant role in your child’s life, and that you’re willing against all odds to get along with your ex -- the mother of your child -- to do so."

... Goes on to rhyme off sexist assumptions to justify anti-male family courts...

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Draft Clock ticks closer to midnight

The new "War Czar" has finally said it...
Bush War Adviser Says Draft Worth a Look

No mention of adding women to the Selective Service "draftables", either.

Relatedly, Democrats Say Leaving Iraq May Take Years. Yeah, no kidding.

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Great News/Advance in Australia!

Snip 'not worth cost' -- CIRCUMCISION will be banned in Victorian public hospitals unless it is for medical reasons. The State Government has ordered the ban, which starts next month, following medical advice that circumcision of baby boys was unnecessary."

Our victory is inevitable, because truth, reason, and justice are all on our side.

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Norway: Gov't Establishes Men's Panel

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 32 men in the sport's pub are members of the newly established Men's panel, set up by Bekkemellem to introduce a public debate on men's rights. Men are falling behind in the education system, rarely get custody over children after divorce, and face other health risks than women, the minister argued.

The Men's panel will discuss these issues and more, and will advise the Government on the drafting of a forthcoming white paper on men and equality, due next summer.'

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Female DV Victim Fraudster Forfeits Lottery Winnings

This article is about a female who used her ex-boyfriend's dead mother's credit card to purchase the winning ticket in a state lottery. She at first claimed to be a victim of DV and asked lottery officials to keep her winning the lottery private. What got her caught was she still used the dead mother's stolen credit card after winning the lottery! I guess all that slapping around from DV caused her not to think too good huh? Excerpt:

'Prosecutors said Christina Goodenow, of White City, used a credit card that belonged to her then-boyfriend's dead mother to buy a winning $1 million Scratch-It ticket in Oct. 2005.

Goodenow asked lottery officials to keep her win quiet, claiming to be a victim of domestic violence. But police learned of the crime about two weeks later, as Goodenow continued to use the stolen credit card.'

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Indian Gov't To Review Anti-Male Laws

Looks like MRActivism works. The Indian Govt has decided to review the DV law passed last year. Two proposed laws have been put on hold! Story here. Excerpt:

'One law that is reportedly being misused the most is the Domestic Violence Act passed by Parliament just last year. The Supreme Court called it a clumsily drafted law and since its inception, it has even been slapped against some top bureaucrats.'

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CRISPE Bus and the Equal Parenting Bike Trek Combine Efforts

August 9, 2007

For Immediate Release
Angela Pedersen, R.N.
A Child's Right

The famous 42' CRISPE Bus and the Equal Parenting Bike Trek combine their advocacy efforts!

Their Mission: To help bring awareness to the child abuse that is occuring across the country when a child is denied their fundamental right to be loved, guided, educated and nurtured by both fit and willing parents after a divorce.

Lansing, Michigan - Ohio - Pennsylvania - D.C.

Robert Pedersen and Rob MacKenzie will depart on their 700 mile bicycle trek forchildren on August 11th, 2007 near the Lansing, MI Capitol. The purpose of this intense700 mile bicycle trek is to bring awareness to a child's fundamental right to be loved,guided, nurtured and educated by both fit and willing parents after a divorce.

August 12th, 2007 the Equal Parenting Bike Trek ( will meet up with the CRISPE bus in Akron, OH for a rally to begin at noon.

August 13th, 2007 they will unite again in the afternoon for a rally in Pittsburg, PA

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Fathers, The Third Victim of the Abortion Industry: By Carey Roberts

Essay here. Excerpt:

'In their book Men and Abortion: Lessons, Losses, and Love, Shostak and McLouth report that 44% of single men offered to marry the woman, 18% of the couples had discussed adoption, and half the men accompanied the woman to the abortion clinic - hardly the image of wholesale male abandonment.

When these men show up at the clinic, they are met with a chilly reception. Two-thirds of the fathers want to accompany their partner throughout the experience, and nine out of 10 hope to hold the hand of their partner in the recovery room. But in most cases abortion clinics prohibit men from such expressions of support.'

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MSNBC: False Rape Allegation Thwarted By Police Camera

Deadbeat parents sought by cell phone

Story here. Excerpt:

'Virginia is the first state to subpoena cell phone records to help locate parents who owe a total of at least $2.3 billion in delinquent child support payments.

Last month, the Virginia division was one of two state agencies in the country honored for innovation by the Council of State Governments. They will officially receive an award in November.'

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England: CSA accused of rewarding mums who deny child access to fathers

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Child Support Agency was last night accused of rewarding mothers who deny former partners access to their children.

Tory family welfare spokesman Andrew Selous is planning reforms to give fathers fairer settlements.

Mr Selous wants to end a rule that cuts mothers' maintenance if they let children stay with their fathers for more than a set number of nights.'

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Equal Parenting Bike Trek departs in a few days! Help spread the word and make this a success!

August 8, 2007

For Immediate Release
Angela Pedersen, R.N.

Cycling4Children and the Equal Parenting Bike Trek Receives National Media

Lansing, Michigan - August 7th 2007 - The 700 mile Equal Parenting Bike Trek is starting to receive national media attention. Recently Phyllis Schlafly wrote an opinion/commentary column which covered the Equal Parenting Bike Trek. Phyllis Schlafly's articles are syndicated in over 100 newspapers nationwide and her radio talk show can be heard on over 460 radio stations nationwide! Robert Pedersen and Robb MacKenzie have already appeared on the nationwide Radio Lia Show to discuss their 700 mile bicycle trek to bring awareness to children's rights.

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New York City Councilwoman Seeks to Outlaw "B-word"

Story here. Excerpt:

'The New York City Council, which drew national headlines when it passed a symbolic citywide ban earlier this year on the use of the so-called n-word, has turned its linguistic (and legislative) lance toward a different slur: bitch.

The term is hateful and deeply sexist, said Councilwoman Darlene Mealy of Brooklyn, who has introduced a measure against the word, saying it creates “a paradigm of shame and indignity” for all women.
The measure, which 19 of the 51 council members have signed onto, was prompted in part by the frequent use of the word in hip-hop music. Ten rappers were cited in the legislation, along with an excerpt from an 1811 dictionary that defined the word as “A she dog, or doggess; the most offensive appellation that can be given to an English woman.”'

The slippery slope is in full slide, it seems. Once one word is ban-able, why not others? So they are off to the races.

Now I wonder when such words as "bastard" and "dick-head" will be outlawed? My guess is never.

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New Maine DV Law Targets Primary Aggressors

A new Maine law adopts "primary aggressor" (guess which gender qualifies?)and "past course of conduct" criteria to beef up DV prosecutions and penalties. Excerpt:

'According to state officials, Maine is among the first states to pass legislation that distinguishes domestic violence from other sorts of crimes.

The new law comes on the heels of another piece of legislation relating to domestic violence, signed in June. Designed to shield victims from legal recourse if they take defensive action, LD 1039 instructs the Maine Criminal Justice Academy Board of Trustees to develop a program that would allow law enforcement officials to identify the predominant aggressor in instances of domestic violence.

The governor also announced that STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grants Program, a grant established in 2005 to aid independent and government agencies develop violence prevention programs, had awarded $800,000 to the Maine Department of Public Safety.'

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Boycott RONA

Article here. Excerpt:

'Canada's advertising watchdog has ruled that a TV commercial promoting RONA, the chain of building supply stores, is unfit for Canadian audiences because it discriminates against men.
The commercial features a woman going into a RONA store with an imaginary complaint call "homestressidous." A sympathetic female clerk suggests that the customer's husband never helps around the house. The customer confirms this and the clerk responds: "That's OK. They (husbands) are all like that."
Under the ad regulator's rules, RONA must either amend or pull the commercial. It may also appeal the decision.'

Ed. note: RONA is a large home building supply store chain in Canada.

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