The Next Duke U. Case? G.I. Jane Claims Rape

Rape or party?

'Airman 1st Class Cassandra Hernandez, 20, said she got drunk at a party the night of May 12, 2006, and she admits that her memories of the evening are fuzzy at best. Airman 1st Class Jerrel Apache, Airman Russell Basile and Airman Rotez Butler also admit they had been drinking for several hours.

But fuzzy memories alone can’t explain the discrepancies between what they say and what she says happened after the party, in the early-morning hours of May 13, 2006.

Hernandez told investigators that the men gang-raped her in a dorm room. The men say Hernandez consented to have sex with each of them, and that she instigated the sex."

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Mary Winkler Released

Story here. Excerpt:

'After spending a total of seven months in custody, the Tennessee woman who fatally shot her preacher was released on Tuesday, her lawyer told CNN.

Mary Winkler, a 33-year-old mother of three girls, was freed from a Tennessee mental health facility where she was treated for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, lawyer Steve Farese said.
Farese said his client will not talk to the news media because she continues to wage a legal battle to win custody of her girls and faces a $2 million civil suit filed by the parents of of her slain husband, Matthew Winkler.

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Baby Left in Car Dies-- Mother not Charged

Story here. Poor Dearism taken to the point where even criminal negligence leading to infant homicide is excusable. Excerpt:

'A Wyoming County mother who left her young child in her car while she worked will not be charged with the baby's death.

Lynn Brol said she forgot to drop her 5-month-old son, Brayden, at day care on Aug. 2 and drove directly to her job at a credit union in Arcade.
The boy was found dead by his mother at the end of the workday, nine hours later.
The death was ruled accidental. Brol could have been charged with criminally negligent homicide, a charge that would result from conduct so reckless it results in a fatality.

An autopsy showed that Brayden was otherwise healthy with no bruises or suspicious marks.

Arcade Police Chief John Laird and his office investigated the death. "It was a tragic accident and I support the DA's decision," he said.'

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RADAR Alert: Attend the Pro-Family Rally on the DC Mall August 18-19

RADAR will be participating in an important pro-family rally at the DC Mall on August 18th and 19th. Advocates from many kinds of religious and secular organizations will be speaking at the rally on topics such as marriage, shared parenting, divorce, and social policy reforms.

Domestic violence continues to be an important social problem. The existing gender-based approach to domestic violence has failed to impact domestic violence trends because VAWA does not address violence or its causes. It funds radical organizations who devote substantial resources to covering-up for women's violence, shifting blame for it onto men, and mischaracterizing minor disagreements among couples as serious domestic violence.

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On YouTube: Kim Gandy Endorses Hillary Clinton

Clip here.

A YouTube video staring Hillary and Kim Gandy. This is NOW's endorsement of Hillary. This endorsement was reported on this site about three months ago. The video certainly expands on the articles submitted.

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On YouTube: Feminist Hate Speech

Vid here.

This speech was submitted to YouTube about six months ago. This woman reminds me of a date rape seminar I was forced to attend at Syracuse. Definitely check out the comment and response section. Feminism: A politically correct hate movement!

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Forum: Criminalizing America's fathers?

Essay here. Excerpt:

'This plague of fatherless children is driven not only by culture but also by federal programs that subsidize single-parent homes through quasi-welfare entitlements for the affluent that welfare reform did not address.

In fact, the welfare subsidy on single-mother homes was never really curtailed so much as it was shifted. Reformers largely replaced welfare with child support, on the reasonable principle that fathers, rather than taxpayers, should support their children. But a profound unintended consequence has been the transformation of welfare from public assistance into law enforcement.'

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Article Still Resonates

Thanks to Tony for this link:

Men Are They Really That Bad?"

Published in 1994, but a good one for your collection. Excerpt:

'The assumption is that men are fair game. Any man insulting is retributive: a payback for the years, the centuries, of male domination and oppression. And for the continuing Awfulness of Men.

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Wikipedia: Global Male Suicide

This is a global suicide chart provided by The World Health Organization. As expected, the numbers show an overwhelming gender disparity. This information, while morbid, should serve as a sobering reality regarding the least spoken of MRA topics. The numbers are disturbing.

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Boycott, an online men's magazine, has published this piece on their front page: Single Fathers’ Rights.

The article starts with back-handed shaming ... (would anyone ever qualify an article by questioning a mother's love?)

"Everything discussed in this article is predicated on two main ideas: that you “know” that you’re a good, loving father and that you want to play a significant role in your child’s life, and that you’re willing against all odds to get along with your ex -- the mother of your child -- to do so."

... Goes on to rhyme off sexist assumptions to justify anti-male family courts...

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Draft Clock ticks closer to midnight

The new "War Czar" has finally said it...
Bush War Adviser Says Draft Worth a Look

No mention of adding women to the Selective Service "draftables", either.

Relatedly, Democrats Say Leaving Iraq May Take Years. Yeah, no kidding.

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Great News/Advance in Australia!

Snip 'not worth cost' -- CIRCUMCISION will be banned in Victorian public hospitals unless it is for medical reasons. The State Government has ordered the ban, which starts next month, following medical advice that circumcision of baby boys was unnecessary."

Our victory is inevitable, because truth, reason, and justice are all on our side.

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Norway: Gov't Establishes Men's Panel

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 32 men in the sport's pub are members of the newly established Men's panel, set up by Bekkemellem to introduce a public debate on men's rights. Men are falling behind in the education system, rarely get custody over children after divorce, and face other health risks than women, the minister argued.

The Men's panel will discuss these issues and more, and will advise the Government on the drafting of a forthcoming white paper on men and equality, due next summer.'

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Female DV Victim Fraudster Forfeits Lottery Winnings

This article is about a female who used her ex-boyfriend's dead mother's credit card to purchase the winning ticket in a state lottery. She at first claimed to be a victim of DV and asked lottery officials to keep her winning the lottery private. What got her caught was she still used the dead mother's stolen credit card after winning the lottery! I guess all that slapping around from DV caused her not to think too good huh? Excerpt:

'Prosecutors said Christina Goodenow, of White City, used a credit card that belonged to her then-boyfriend's dead mother to buy a winning $1 million Scratch-It ticket in Oct. 2005.

Goodenow asked lottery officials to keep her win quiet, claiming to be a victim of domestic violence. But police learned of the crime about two weeks later, as Goodenow continued to use the stolen credit card.'

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Indian Gov't To Review Anti-Male Laws

Looks like MRActivism works. The Indian Govt has decided to review the DV law passed last year. Two proposed laws have been put on hold! Story here. Excerpt:

'One law that is reportedly being misused the most is the Domestic Violence Act passed by Parliament just last year. The Supreme Court called it a clumsily drafted law and since its inception, it has even been slapped against some top bureaucrats.'

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