Kathleen Parker on Nifong's legacy, feminism's shame

The always excellent Kathleen Parker writes today in Jewish World Review that:

'Nifong's legacy, which ultimately may hurt women more than the falsely accused men, will be long-lived. And the politically correct culture that allowed his charade to persist remains securely in place … It is tempting to convince oneself that Nifong's banishment means that all is right in the Dukedom. Doubtless, many among Duke's faculty and administration, as well as random race-baiters, campus feminists, various reporters, commentators and assorted armchair prosecutors would prefer that no one remember their roles in advancing the Nifong farce.'

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American Academy of Pediatrics reconsiders policy on circumcision

Story here. Excerpt:

'The influential American Academy of Pediatrics is reviewing its neutral stance on circumcision following recent studies showing the procedure may have reduced HIV infection rates in African men.
Although the AAP has never strongly endorsed or repudiated circumcision, the organization has gone back and forth on the issue for decades. Most recently, in 1999, the AAP issued a statement that neither endorsed nor discouraged circumcision, noting that the surgery - particularly when performed without painkillers - resulted in "pain and physiologic stress.

Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision," the Elk Grove Village, Ill.-based AAP states. "However, these data are not sufficient to recommend routine neonatal circumcision."'

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Trojan Condoms: Men are pigs if they don't wear a Trojan

Get ready for this advertisement (video). Several major TV networks have refused to show the ad.

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Appellate court denies reimbursement to paternity fraud victim

Posted for Marc A.:
Appellate court denies reimbursement to paternity fraud victim; 1 judge suggests changing the law

In their decision (.doc file), the Court of Appeal just upheld the trial court's refusal to order the County of L.A. to reimburse paternity fraud victim Taron James, an NCFM-LA member. The denial of reimbursement is based on the statuary language. Justice Rubin, one of the 3 judges, wrote a concurring opinion in which he recongizes the fundamental injustice and suggests that the California Legislature change the law to allow reimbursement for men like Taron, who paid money to and would be reimbursed by the County (welfare reimbursement) rather than the mother.

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6-YO Boy is Youngest Anorexic

Eating disorders are now striking little boys more often than little girls. Story here. Excerpt:

'A six-year-old is the youngest boy to be treated for anorexia, a study reveals today. It also shows more young boys than girls are being treated for eating disorders such as anorexia.

Figures show 51 hospital admissions last year of boys under 11 with eating disorders and 36 admissions of girls.
Lib- Dem MP Sarah Teather, who obtained the NHS figures, said: "Young people are under pressure from all sides these days.

"It is time for a debate about how childhood is changing and politicians should be concerned about the type of issues teenagers are having to deal with at a younger and younger age."'

Notice when the MP Teather is using an "inclusive" reference to children when there is evidence to show there is a problem among boys. Does she do the same when the topic includes largely or only girls?

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Reproductive Choice – It’s Not Just for Women Anymore

Essay here. Excerpt:

"Can the body of one person be used against their will to satisfy the desires of another? This is a simple question which no person who believes in justice, liberty or individual rights could possibly answer in the affirmative. Indeed, it is a question long settled with respect to all identifiable groups in the United States save one (men). Since the abolition of the institution of slavery, men have been exempted from this simple principle in at least two areas – the draft and reproductive freedom. The latter issue is before us at this time in the case of Roman v. Roman, now before the Texas Supreme Court."

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Study: Circumcision Removes Most Sensitive Parts

Article here. Excerpt:

'For circumcised penises, the most sensitive region was the circumcision scar on the underside of the penis, the researchers found. For uncircumcised penises, the areas most receptive to pressure were five regions normally removed during circumcision—all of which were more sensitive than the most sensitive part of the circumcised penis.
Recent studies have also shown that circumcision can lower the risks of HIV infection by as much as 60 percent in sex between males and females.

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Who's to blame for divorce epidemic?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Author Stephen Baskerville, PhD., explores:

Why the "deadbeat dad" is not only a myth but a hoax, the creation of government officials and lawyers who plunder parents whose children they have taken away

How hysterical propaganda about domestic violence is destroying families, endangering children, and making criminals of innocent parents

The real causes of child abuse and how the abuse industry willfully ignores them

What drives the rash of "parental kidnappings

How family courts operate as if there is no Bill of Rights, denying parents their constitutional legal protections'

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England: Sex with a woman who is drunk may soon be rape

Story here.

This is an update from a story submitted few months ago.


"Men who have sex with drunken women risk being convicted of rape - even if they appear to have given consent.

Ministers will unveil the controversial proposals this week in a bid to boost conviction rates for sex offences and bring more 'date rapists' to justice.
If a woman is deemed to have consumed so much alcohol that she is incapable of agreeing to make love, the man would be far more likely to be convicted of rape."

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Duke Reaches Settlement With Players

Story here. Excerpt:

'Duke University has reached an undisclosed financial settlement with three former lacrosse players falsely accused of rape, the school said Monday.
"We welcomed their exoneration and deeply regret the difficult year they and their families have had to endure," the school said in a statement. "These young men and their families have been the subject of intense scrutiny that has taken a heavy toll."'

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U.S. Circumcision Rate Drops

Article here. Excerpt:

"According to a study by the National Health and Social Life Survey, the U.S. circumcision rate peaked at nearly 90 percent in the early 1960s but began dropping in the '70s. By 2004, the most recent year for which government figures are available, about 57 percent of all male newborns delivered in hospitals were circumcised. In some states, the rate is well below 50 percent.
The debate escalated in February, when studies found that heterosexual men in Africa who were circumcised had HIV infection rates up to 60 percent lower than uncircumcised men. Because of those studies, the American Academy of Pediatrics is taking another look at its policy."

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Must-see Humor

Every now and then, we have to laugh (or we'll cry, right)? I am betting these two pieces will send more than a few of you to the floor laughing.

No Sex Tonight (on craigslist.com)

Spoiled Rotten (on misanthropic-bitch.com)

Some of you may be blocked at work for these sites, so if so I'll suggest you wait to look at home. It's worth it though. Enjoy!

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Teacher Accused Of Having Sex With Student, 13

Story here. Excerpt:

'(WCCO) A middle school teacher in Prescott, Wis. has been fired and the Pierce County Sheriff is investigating claims she had sex with a 13-year-old student.
The 38-year-old woman was a substitute at Prescott Middle School.

The student's father said he found the two having a middle of the night rendezvous together at the teacher's home after the boy stole his mother's car.

Sources said the woman's husband and 13-year-old daughter were home at the time.'

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"Female infidelity is on the rise"

Marc Rudov, the author of 'The No Nonsense Man' has revealed a very disturbing rise in female infidelity.

He says: "Isn’t it amazing that yet more evidence comes along to buttress the premise of my book, The Man’s No-Nonsense Guide to Women: How to Succeed in Romance on Planet Earth, that men and women are virtually the same. No, it’s not amazing. I’ve been telling you this for over one year." Read the article here.

Mr. Rudov has also revealed a website being promoted by major corporations that 'encourage women to cheat' you can find this site here.

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"Women Above the Law?" by Carey Roberts

Essay here. Excerpt:

'When a female high school teacher deflowers a student, she gets a judicial wrist-slap. When a wife kills her husband, it's the dependable Battered Woman Syndrome defense to the rescue. When a woman falsely accuses a man of abuse and destroys his reputation and career, the chivalrous prosecutor turns the other cheek. If a mother tries to alienate a child from his dad, that's "protecting the child from a domineering father." And when a woman kills her unborn child, she's exercising her constitutional right to privacy.'

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