"The Mirage of Professional Gender Equality": By David R. Butcher

Article here. Excerpt:

The Woman's Century? Never heard that one, but nothing surprises me anymore. Notice the links towards the end of the article. Excerpt:

"The 21st century has been called the Woman’s Century. Hillary Clinton is running for President, women are playing stronger roles in the workplace and the female profile is rising in many professional fields. So why does no one seem shocked that gender discrimination still lingers in the workplace today?"

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Female Teacher Accused of Sex With Male Student Told Teen to Deny Relationship

Story here. Excerpt:

"An Arizona female teacher charged with having a consensual sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student was caught on tape telling the teen to deny the affair to his parents and asking her husband if he wanted to have children with her when the whole "mess" blows over.

Jennifer Mally, a 26-year-old high school English teacher and cheerleading coach at Paradise Valley High School in Phoenix, was indicted on 17 counts of sexual misconduct with a minor stemming from what police described in court documents as a long-term sexual relationship."

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Bill banning teacher-student sex heads to full Senate

Story here. Excerpt:

'“This is certainly not limited to male teachers,” Downs said, because many recent reports of teachers having sex with students involved female teachers. “It says to a teacher, male or female, ‘You’d better keep your hands off or there will be serious consequences.”'

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Fathers' rights campaigner is jailed in child support battle

Story here. Excerpt:

"A legal clerk who refuses to pay child support to his ex-wife because their three teenage sons spend half their time with him has been jailed.

Michael Cox, 43, a prominent member of Fathers for Justice, has failed to pay maintenance for 12 years because he claims the system is "oppressive, unjust and discriminatory" towards men.
Mr Cox is paid nothing for the time he looks after his three teenage boys, but the Child Support Agency demands he pay their mother £365 a month for the time they are with her."

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Jailed for waving at my daughter

Story here. Excerpt:

"Then his former wife was granted an injunction stopping him even gesturing to his children as they passed. 'It was incredible. She said it was harassment, and the court believed her. But I carried on waving.
'I was damned if I was going to be prevented from waving at my own children. Naively, maybe, I assumed the whole business would be cleared up at the next court hearing.'

It wasn't. Instead, Mark left that courtroom in handcuffs, sentenced to four months, having been told that waving was tantamount to stalking his ex. He couldn't believe what was happening."

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"In Praise Of Skinned Knees And Grubby Faces"

In Praise Of Skinned Knees And Grubby Faces

'When I was a teacher, I asked my head of department why every textbook seemed to have a girl achieving her dream of being a carpenter while the boys were morons. She replied that boys had had it their own way for too long, and now it was the girls' turn. Ouch.'

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Wendy McElroy: "A conscientious objector in the Gender War"

Article here. Excerpt:

"To counter male control of the dialogue, such feminists seek to suppress politically incorrect words and ideas. In the workplace, laws such as those against verbal sexual harassment control words. In academia, ideas are regulated by language codes which categorize criticism or "attacks" on categories of human beings -- other than white males -- as hate speech. Even children's textbooks are edited to remove politically incorrect references."

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Man pays $311,491 child support bill to get passport renewed

Story here. Excerpt:

"Los Angeles County officials say a deadbeat dad who tried to renew his passport while stuck in Hong Kong was forced to pay a $311,491 child support bill.

The man, whose name was not released, was forced by federal authorities to pay the amount -- thought to be the largest single child and spousal support payment ever made in the United States -- or risk losing his passport, effectively trapping him in Hong Kong, the Los Angeles Times reported Friday."

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So, a pig walks into a bar... by Tracy Clark-Flory

Article here. Excerpt:

"I was shocked to find that there's plenty about the ad that actually offends my own sensibilities. For starters: The depiction of men as pigs. I can understand the idea behind it -- that men who do not respect their partners enough to protect them from pregnancy or disease are pigs. But filling an entire bar with the nastiest of male stereotypes implies that almost all men are pigs. I'm also not too hot about the underlying message that men are solely responsible for condom use."

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More on FOX, CBS Rejecting 'Evolve' Commercial

Story here.

As Matt mentioned, FOX and CBS have rejected the commercial. Several reasons are cited in the article, but nothing about misandry or media male bashing. Excerpt:

"Jim Daniels, vice president for marketing at Trojan, said the ad is more expensive than any previous campaigns, but he declined to give a specific amount. Daniels said the company's goal is to "dramatically increase" condom use in the U.S. "The 'Evolve' ad does a nice job of being humorous, but it's also a serious call to action," Daniels said, adding, "The pigs are a symbol of irresponsible sexual behavior and are juxtaposed with the condom as a responsible symbol of respect for oneself and one's partner"

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New Book by Herb Goldberg Available

What Men Still Don't Know About Women, Relationships, and Love

"In his first book in fifteen years, the author of the classic book on men, The Hazards of Being Male, explores the relationship dilemmas of contemporary men and women. What Men Still Don't Know About Women, Relationships, and Love uniquely addresses the timeless complexity of love and relationships. It is not uncommon for contemporary men to believe that they have done everything right in a relationship, only to find that even their best intentions have failed them. Dr. Herb Goldberg attempts to bridge the gap between a man's naturally distancing personality and his need for a close relationship. Explanations are given as to why it is actually men who take longer to get over a failed relationship and why a man's true relationship enemy is one that lies deep within himself. Many of the paradoxes and conundrums of men's relationship experiences are explored, with case histories presented and guidelines for change offered."

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Trojan "Evolve" Theme Front of Trojan Condoms website - Time for Action!

If you think the "Evolve, men!" theme from Trojan is limited only to an ad or a special sub-site, think again. Go to the Trojans main site at http://www.trojancondoms.com/ and have a look. 'Pigs-to-men if you use Trojans Evolve' is the theme from start to finish.

MANN calls on men and women to boycott utterly Trojan brand condoms and to let them know just why you are doing so. The Trojans brand is owned by Church & Dwight Co. (NYSE ticker: CHD), who can be contacted here. On that page, in the "Visit our Websites" drop-down box, note the other brands owned by C&D; perhaps they could use some time on the shelf as well.

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Boy in Trouble for Touching Girlfriend during Lunch

I wonder if they are as aggressive at enforcement with the girls? Story here. Excerpt:

'Fairfax County middle school student Hal Beaulieu hopped up from his lunch table one day a few months ago, sat next to his girlfriend and slipped his arm around her shoulder. That landed him a trip to the school office.

Among his crimes: hugging.

All touching -- not only fighting or inappropriate touching -- is against the rules at Kilmer Middle School in Vienna. Hand-holding, handshakes and high-fives? Banned. The rule has been conveyed to students this way: "NO PHYSICAL CONTACT!!!!!"
Hal's troubles began one day in March when he got up from his assigned cafeteria table and went to a nearby table where his then-girlfriend was sitting. He admits he broke one rule -- getting up from his assigned table without permission -- and he accepts a reprimand for that. "The table thing, I'm guilty," he said.

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Nifong Faces Contempt Hearing

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- Three former Duke University lacrosse players are seeking criminal contempt of court charges against Mike Nifong, the disbarred prosecutor who pursued a flawed rape case against them.

In legal papers filed Friday, the exonerated players also asked a judge to order Nifong to pay their legal bills.
Besides asking that Nifong be held in criminal contempt and forced to pay costs associated with the players' defenses, the motion asks the court for any other disciplinary action it deems appropriate.

Possible penalties for criminal contempt include jail time or a fine.'

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White boys 'let down by education system'

Story here. Excerpt:

'White boys are being turned into an unemployable underclass - as they fall behind children from other racial groups at school, new research shows.
White British pupils make up more than three quarters of low achievers in English schools and do worse than children from other ethnic groups with similar economic backgrounds, according to the study. The large majority of under-performers are boys.
There is a clear link between failure at school and a life of crime, the authors say. "Only about a fifth of the lowest achievers go on to a further education college and acquire any other sort of education or training.'

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