Beta Site Suspended for Securiy Concerns

MANN Regulars,

The Beta site has been suspended because the software that it uses has had some security issues reported about it. Sorry, but it is better to be safe than sorry when these things come up.

OK, let the conspiracy theorizing begin! >)


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School Suspends Boy for Sketching Gun

Story here.

Let's put this in perspective. The boy simply sketched a picture of a gun. No bullets or threats were included on this drawing. Are we shocked? Society criminalizes men for the most assine reasons. The attack on boys is growing at an alarming rate: another reason why boys have become disinterested with school.

We need to educate the mothers of young boys. As any good parent, if they were aware of this boy crisis, they would demand massive changes throughout the education system.

Let's be honest, most women want their sons to succeed. That's why I gave my sister with two sons a copy of Sommer's break through book: "The War Against Boys." My sister was shocked and felt the book was so important, she gave several copies to other women affiliated with the P.T.A.

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NOW Conference Videos from Detroit (July 7, 2007)

My reasoning for posting these videos is simple. I believe it is vital for MRA's to fully digest what feminists have to say because it has a direct impact on our movement.

Sample Quote: Writer and Producer, Jill Soloway:

"On why movies don't tell more women's stories]
[Men in Hollywood] have nothing to do except be ambitious. We make babies, we make beauty, we make dinner, we make homes, we make gardens, we make people happy. Men come to Hollywood and wake up every morning thinking 'My story needs to be told."

Sample Qoute: National Congress of Black Women Chair, Dr. E. Faye Williams

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Newsweek: He's Dead, Winkler Free. What's Up With That?

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Mary Winkler is a free woman—free of her abusive marriage and free of jail. After 67 days in a mental-health facility in Tennessee, Winkler was released earlier this week and has returned to her hometown of McMinnville. But is she free of the posttraumatic stress disorder and depression that her legal team said drove her to gun down her preacher-husband, Matthew, last year? ...Winkler's critics wonder if she ever had PTSD in the first place and say the diagnosis was just a means of getting off easy.'

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Mother upset that the 24 year old woman who had sex with her 14 year old son was given probation

Story here.

The really interesting twist is, the same mother's 23 year old son is currently in jail for having sex with a 14 year old girl. Excerpt:

'"If she was a man, she would already be in prison," the mother said. "She's only out because she's a woman. A criminal should not be able to hide behind the fact that they have a child."'

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Resource List of "Naughty Teachers"

Found it here. It lists the many "naughty teachers" appearing in the news today and links to the stories reporting them.

As long as they are called "naughty" and not "criminal", I suppose it'll just keep going on and on...

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Female teacher sentenced to 60 days for sex with student

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who taught at Tenino High School was sentenced to 60 days in jail Monday for having a sexual relationship with a then 16-year-old female student, but she was not ordered to stay away from the teen upon her release.
Welter, 38, pleaded guilty to two criminal counts, both gross misdemeanors — communicating with a minor for immoral purposes and sexual misconduct with a minor — as part of a plea deal Monday in Lewis County Superior Court, Hill and Lewis County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Colin Hayes said.

As part of the plea deal, Hayes agreed to dismiss two counts of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes and reduced another count of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes from a felony to a gross misdemeanor."'

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Essay: "Working women could use a wife"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Now that women have solidly earned their place in the work force, many find themselves still yearning for something men often have: wives.

"The thing I most want in life is a wife. I'm not kidding," said Joyce Lustbader, a research scientist at Columbia University, who has been married for 29 years. "I work all day, sometimes seven days a week, and still have to go home and make dinner and have all those things to do around the house."'

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School experimenting with gender separation

Story here. Excerpt:

'Separating boys and girls is an educational trend that has gained momentum from research showing profound physiological differences between the sexes at young ages.

Chris Raeker, principal at Carman Trails, began looking into single-sex education as boys' discipline problems rose and test scores dropped.
But critics, such as Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, argue that single-sex schools promote sexual stereotypes and lead to inequalities.

"Even when such classes start out on equal footing, when schools in America get split into genders, the girls always end up getting the short end of the stick," Gandy said. "There is still sexism in this society. There are still people who want to return to what they see as the proper role of the sexes."'

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Fox Video: "Superheroes scale Lincoln Memorial"

Fox covers the Lincoln Memorial protest with video:

Superheroes scale Lincoln Memorial

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No passports for 'deadbeats'

Video story here.

Basically, if a man (err, sorry, NCP) owes more than a certain amount by order of a court to his child's (or someone else's) mother, he doesn't get a passport. Without one of course, he can neither enter another country nor re-eneter this one. So much for the right of travel and passage that "all Americans" are supposed to have.

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Men writing on gender issues: Beware!

Story here. Excerpt:

'Earlier this month, members of the International Academy of Sex Research, gathering for their annual meeting in Vancouver, informally discussed one of the most contentious and personal social science controversies in recent memory.

The central figure, J. Michael Bailey, a psychologist at Northwestern University, has promoted a theory that his critics think is inaccurate, insulting and potentially damaging to transgender women.
The hostilities began in the spring of 2003, when Dr. Bailey published a book, “The Man Who Would Be Queen,” intended to explain the biology of sexual orientation and gender to a general audience.

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Sacks' Newsletter: Links to F4J Lincoln Memorial Vids

Glenn Sacks' most recent newsletter includes links to video of the F4J Lincoln Memorial protest, among other good reporting. It's the third entry down.

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New CDC study: "Men Shouldn't Be Overlooked as Victims of Partner Violence"

This article in Psychiatric News should be distributed to as many editors, politicians, educators etc. as possible. Excerpt:

'In addressing intimate partner violence, the focus is usually on women who are physically battered by husbands or boyfriends. However, women sometimes hurt their partners as well.

Women are doing virtually everything these days that men are - working as doctors, lawyers, and rocket scientists; flying helicopters in combat; riding horses in the Kentucky Derby. And physically assaulting their spouses or partners.

In fact, when it comes to nonreciprocal violence between intimate partners, women are more often the perpetrators.'

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GreenStone Media about to be shut down, Fonda and Steinem not paying employees

Story here. Excerpt:

'GreenStone Media debuted with a splash a year and a half ago, with ambitious plans to target what was perceived to be a potentially huge market -- talk radio for women -- and high-powered financial backers.

The ending will be considerably quieter. Unless executives of GreenStone can cobble together a last-minute financial rescue, the network will sign off Friday.'


Jane Fonda slammed for not paying female employees

'Veteran actress and feminist Jane Fonda has been slammed for not paying her female employees working in the actress' radio network Green Stone Media.

The twice Oscar winner and the radio network's co-founder Gloria Steinem have been accused of "putting their own reputations above their female employees' finances."'

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