Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-09-06 22:47
Story here. Excerpt:
'"Women today in Canada are so far behind the goal of equality," said Judy Wasylycia-Leis, chair of the party caucus. "The fact is we have a situation of being an embarrassment on the international scene because of our lack of progress."
Irene Mathyssen, NDP critic for the status of women said women in Canada "are now under attack economically, socially and politically.
"Many women in Canada are still not safe in their homes or on the streets. One in four women in Canada is the victim of sexual violence in her lifetime."'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-09-06 22:42
Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-09-06 22:39
Article here. Excerpt:
'When many people think of single, non-resident fathers providing meals for their kids, they conjure up the image of dad piling the kids into the car for a quick trip through the McDonald's drive through.
"Regarding the non-custodial father being the 'fast food dad,' we did not find evidence to support that stereotype," said Stewart, who is author of the book Brave New Stepfamilies: Diverse Paths Toward Stepfamily Living (Sage Publications). "We found that non-resident father involvement -- so kids with an involved, non-custodial dad -- actually eat better and more nutritious food than kids whose dad is not involved. They are less likely to skip breakfast and lunch, and eat vegetables more often. They also eat more simple sugars, but they're more likely to eat regular meals."'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2007-09-06 18:56
Studio 1714, which has a strong following in Michigan, interviews the Equal Parenting Bike Trek Cyclists about the 700 mile bike trek for EQUAL Parenting Rights. Title IV-D and the state of child custody laws in Michigan discussed.
View this video on YouTube.
View other videos from the Equal Parenting Bike Trek.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2007-09-06 18:16
Article here.
No mention that boys are still four times more likely to take their own lives. Men: the disposable sex. Looks like boys also fall into that category. Excerpt:
"The suicide rate among preteen and teenage girls rose to its highest level in 15 years, and hanging surpassed guns as the preferred method, federal health officials reported Thursday.
The report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests a surprising reversal in recent trends.
The biggest jump — about 76% — was in the suicide rate for girls ages 10-14 from 2003 to 2004. There were 94 suicides in that age group in 2004, compared to 56 in 2003. That's a rate of fewer than one per 100,000 population."
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2007-09-06 14:24
Thanks to Marc A. for the heads-up.
Story here. Excerpt:
'While women’s abuse has resulted in great public sympathy and a mild response by government, male victims of domestic violence appear to receive less sympathy and support in Chile’s male dominated society. Universidad de Santiago psychology professor Eugenio Vargas argues that the challenges male victims must overcome before they will report incidents of abuse most likely lowers the number of complaints filed.
“In society, there are different perceptions and responses to abuse that affect women. There is a validation of the subject and there are networks of support.” said Vargas. “These things do no exist for male victims...Sometimes, even a victim's friends will assume a critical position of their situation. This is the reason why men avoid talking about the subject.”'
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Submitted by tac0965 on Thu, 2007-09-06 13:34
Story here.
Would a "scared" father get the same caring, understanding response from the Nebraska DA if he did the same act? Excerpt:
'The mother who left her newborn in the restroom of an Omaha hospital on Monday turned herself in to police Wednesday and will not be charged in the case.
She could have been arrested for child neglect, but County Attorney Don Kleine says no charges will be filed against the 18-year-old mother, saying there would be nothing to gain from proceeding with a criminal case.
Kleine doesn't believe her actions or intentions were criminal. Her name is not being released.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2007-09-06 13:16
In this week's alert, we asked you to contact Rep. George Miller, chair of the House Education and Labor Committee three times this week. His committee is the one that will be considering House Resolution 590, a resolution which RADAR believes to be the most misleading, biased, and untruthful bill on domestic violence ever introduced in the House.
We need to get this message through to Rep. Miller, loud and clear. If you've already phoned his office, please also email or fax him. And vice versa if you've already emailed or faxed. And if you haven't contacted his office yet, please do it now.
For a detailed analysis of the 18 claims in this resolution that are one-sided, misleading, or outright false, see
Be sure to refer to "HRES 590" which is a resolution on domestic violence, and not "H.R.590" which is a completely unrelated bill on a totally different issue. And as always, be polite in all your communications with Congress.
Here's the contact information:
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2007-09-06 13:10
Essay here. Excerpt:
'Ted Wallis, a doctor in Austin, Texas, recently came upon a lost child in tears in a mall. His first instinct was to help, but he feared people might consider him a predator. He walked away. "Being male," he explains, "I am guilty until proven innocent."
In San Diego, retiree Ralph Castro says he won't allow himself to be alone with a child -- even in an elevator.
Last month, I wrote about how our culture teaches children to fear men. Hundreds of men responded, many lamenting that they've now become fearful of children. They said they avert their eyes when kids are around, or think twice before holding even their own children's hands in public.'
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Submitted by tac0965 on Wed, 2007-09-05 02:47
This ABC Primetime program ruined my evening. This woman is suspected of stealing checks from the family business run by her husband, keeping an IRS Audit secret from her husband (regarding the checks she was supposed to pay the IRS instead of herself), and then killing her husband. She plead guilty to second degree murder (parole in 15 years). She refused to tell the judge the details of the crime, but the judge accepted the plea anyway. Why was she offered this deal?...because the prosecutor didn't want the children to testify.
What? Why didn't they try her based on the evidence they already had? If a man did this, wouldn't he be put in prison for life or get the death penalty.
Of course, the defense now says that she didn't do this crime, she just wanted to "protect her children". How disgusting....why do we put up with this gents? The family of the husband suspects that she has the millions in checks she stole hidden for when she is released from prison.
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2007-09-05 02:21
Article here.
More insight on the new book, "Until Proven Innocent". A book I plan to purchase tomorrow. The book review doesn't seem too positive. Excerpt:
"The authors make the Duke faculty look at once ridiculous and craven. For months, not one of the university's nearly 500-member faculty of arts and sciences stood up to question the rush to judgment against the lacrosse team. So much for the ideal of the liberal-arts university where scholars debate openly and seek the truth. ("This book provides one interpretation," says Duke spokesman John Burness.) The only group that shows any common sense in "Until Proven Innocent" is the student body. Aside from a few noisy activists who assumed the players were guilty, Duke undergrads mostly overlooked the political correctness of their professors."
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2007-09-05 00:03
This debate originally aired on 6/25/07.
This link gives many televised debates between Ruduv and Wiehl.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2007-09-04 16:52
Article here.
This article is a bit old, but this entire website is full of interesting and thought provoking opinions. Example:
"When you think about it, the traditional way of dealing with a woman is to permit her to control your life. Men mistakenly believe they will have more peace that way. This moronic behavior, based on the false assumption that men must crawl through broken glass to get laid, leads to devastating consequences. It’s quite scary to realize how much control over their lives men have conceded to women, with lots of help from misandric feminists and politicians."
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2007-09-04 16:13
Essay here. Excerpt:
'Over the next 25 years, the fems engineered the passage of a series of laws and programs that afforded ever-expanding legal rights and services to women. Those laws included the Violence Against Women Act, the Women's Educational Equity Act, women's health programs, the 1996 welfare reform, and many more.
How did the Girls of Guile get away with their equality ruse, when in fact they were duplicitously scheming behind the scenes to foist a hierarchical society on the rest of us?
First, they relentlessly shaded the truth - consider Hillary Clinton's laughable canards that women suffer from wage discrimination, were routinely excluded from medical research, are more likely to be the victims of war, and so on.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2007-09-04 16:10
Essay here. Excerpt:
"This comes when women feel unprecedented pressure to go to work, whether they want to or not; more than half of all mothers of children under five do so, leaving 0.5m children in daycare. What this means, often and even in allegedly satisfactory situations, is leaving children in their most impressionable and formative years in the care of poorly educated, poorly paid, poorly qualified or unqualified women, who come and go at a high rate."
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