NOW Prez Says More Female Execs = Greater Profits

Article here.

In a recent address promoting greater media diversity, N.O.W.'s president Kim Gandy claims that simply having more women in management creates increased profits:

'"And as you see in any business … more women in management increases the bottom line for stockholders. ... Let's face it --the men behind the curtain -- in this case the white men behind the curtain -- are most comfortable hiring people who look, and talk, and think just like them. And that's not good for the rest of us.

... having more women owners, executives, news directors and so on -- is its own reward for the women you are employing and for their families and for society as a whole. ... But the icing on the cake is that, in the end, employing more women in the media creates a more vibrant public marketplace of ideas."'

Hmmm. If that were true, why would any intelligent capitalist firm wishing to maximize profits employ male managers? (Also note Gandy's blatant sexism, racism, and complete lack of credible supporting data for her assertions ... )

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Babysitter murders baby girl, blames boyfriend

Story here. Excerpt:

"A baby girl died at the hands of her babysitter after suffering injuries consistent with being swung and thrown against a wall, a court has heard.

Lynn Jeffrey, 37, of Nelson, Lancashire, is accused of murdering 11-month-old Courtney Ann Shales in a 'brutal and callous attack'.
Ms Jeffrey was arrested at the hospital and when interviewed by police maintained the account that Courtney had fallen down the stairs.

Mr O'Byrne said her account had since changed and she was now saying that Mr Elliott inflicted the injuries.

Tony Cross QC, cross examining, suggested that Mr Elliot had been in an aggressive mood because he had been asked to babysit."

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Fox covers Title IX Controversy

This is a video report on Fox covering Title IX.

Happy Fourth of July!


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South Africa passes partial ban on circumcision for children under 16

Article here.

I say partial ban because exemptions exist for traditions and religious purposes. Still a move in the right direction. Also to my knowledge South Africa doesn't widely practice female circumcision, so this seems legitimately aimed towards males. Excerpt:

'Under 16s may not be tested for virginity or be circumcised, unless required by tradition or religion. A child is now regarded as an adult at 18, and no longer 21. This means 18-year-olds can now get into contractual agreements without parental consent. The section dealing with corporal punishment requires regulations and the act should be complete by March next year.'

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Australia: One-sex political party what women want

Story here. Excerpt:

"A new political party has been launched just for women - and its NSW founder pledges to inject more "reality" into federal politics.

The idea of a single-sex party has already attracted controversy - with critics claiming it is sexist.
One woman will run for the party in the Senate in each state and territory, and a handful of women will run in key marginal House of Representative seats."

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"Equal sexes before the law"

Article here. Excerpt:

"In broader terms, this scandal should stimulate a reappraisal of gender favoritism in our criminal justice system. The scales of justice are out of balance. At a time when feminist activists who exploit these kinds of issues demand equal treatment for women in combat, they also insist on preferences and deference for "the weaker sex" when women accuse men of crimes."

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Boys and the Boy Crisis Topics

This is a schedule of topics submitted by the individuals involved with the upcoming Boy Crisis Conference on July 13-14, 2007 in Washington, DC. There is a ton of information regarding issues that are vital towards our cause.

Ed. note: This booklet has been around since the first conference. The topics in it cover men's issues generally, though not exhaustively. Still, it serves as a good primer when someone asks "what are men's issues and why care?"

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Man forced to pay again, 30 years after divorcing unfaithful wife

Story here. Excerpt:

'A wealthy retired builder was ordered to pay more money to the woman he divorced nearly 30 years ago after a judge heard she had "fallen on hard times", the Court of Appeal was told yesterday.

Dennis North, 70, was divorced from his first wife Jean, 61, in 1978 - a year after finding out she was having an affair with the man she later went to live with.
A district judge awarded her a lump sum of £202,000 in April last year despite agreeing that Mrs North's money troubles had nothing to do with her former husband and he had no further responsibility towards her.'

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Woman shoots husband in the head, tries to cover it up

The BBC reports here on a guy who went to hospital with a severe headache - only to find he'd been shot.

"Michael Moylan, 45, from the state of Florida, is quoted as saying he had woken up with a headache so severe he thought it was caused by an aneurysm.

His wife, April, took him to hospital but left when the bullet was found. She was arrested later over the shooting, but said it was an accident. "

Hey that's unusual - a woman being violent, shooting a man whilst he slept then taking zero responsibility for it - haven't seen THAT before...

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UK: New legislation means mothers will soon be forced to register the name of their child's father

The consequences of feminism speak for themselves. Article here. Excerpt:

'Watching Mark playing with our children is simply wonderful. He'd do anything for them and that makes our family feel secure and special.

Yet the relationship he has with Ellie and Harvey often makes me pine for the father figure I never had.

Not only did I grow up without a father, my mother never even told him she was pregnant with me - as far as he is concerned, I simply don't exist.

After three decades, Mum thinks I should accept this situation and get on with my life, but I've felt the stigma of being fatherless all my life. I resent the fact she never gave him the chance to be named on my birth certificate.'

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Women Arrested, Accused Of Bathroom Sex In Front Of Children

Yep, women never do the kinds of perverted things men are accused of. No way. Uh-huh.

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two women in Seminole County, Fla., are accused of performing sex acts in front of children at a community pool bathroom while a third woman photographed them, according to a police report.
A woman told police that she was walking into the bathroom with her children, and noticed Hernandez and Jimenez naked and apparently performing oral sex. She said another woman was photographing the acts.

The pregnant mother said she tried to leave the area with her children but the women would not let her leave. She said she was threatened not to call the police.
Hernandez and Jimenez face lewd and lascivious exhibition charges as well as battery on a pregnant person, false imprisonment of an adult and child under 13 years old.'

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"The Mirage of Professional Gender Equality": By David R. Butcher

Article here. Excerpt:

The Woman's Century? Never heard that one, but nothing surprises me anymore. Notice the links towards the end of the article. Excerpt:

"The 21st century has been called the Woman’s Century. Hillary Clinton is running for President, women are playing stronger roles in the workplace and the female profile is rising in many professional fields. So why does no one seem shocked that gender discrimination still lingers in the workplace today?"

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Female Teacher Accused of Sex With Male Student Told Teen to Deny Relationship

Story here. Excerpt:

"An Arizona female teacher charged with having a consensual sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student was caught on tape telling the teen to deny the affair to his parents and asking her husband if he wanted to have children with her when the whole "mess" blows over.

Jennifer Mally, a 26-year-old high school English teacher and cheerleading coach at Paradise Valley High School in Phoenix, was indicted on 17 counts of sexual misconduct with a minor stemming from what police described in court documents as a long-term sexual relationship."

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Bill banning teacher-student sex heads to full Senate

Story here. Excerpt:

'“This is certainly not limited to male teachers,” Downs said, because many recent reports of teachers having sex with students involved female teachers. “It says to a teacher, male or female, ‘You’d better keep your hands off or there will be serious consequences.”'

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Fathers' rights campaigner is jailed in child support battle

Story here. Excerpt:

"A legal clerk who refuses to pay child support to his ex-wife because their three teenage sons spend half their time with him has been jailed.

Michael Cox, 43, a prominent member of Fathers for Justice, has failed to pay maintenance for 12 years because he claims the system is "oppressive, unjust and discriminatory" towards men.
Mr Cox is paid nothing for the time he looks after his three teenage boys, but the Child Support Agency demands he pay their mother £365 a month for the time they are with her."

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