Essay: 'PC Feminism and the DV Courts'

Article here. Excerpt:

'If the PC feminist theory of domestic violence was only being taught to womens’ studies majors, that would be one thing, but it’s being taught to judges charged with the responsibility of granting temporary and permanent DV restraining orders, and, to some degree, with the responsibility of deciding custody and visitation issues. In a report entitled “Education for Injustice,” RADAR (Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting) identified a number of examples of this. Here are two: West Virginia’s benchbook on domestic violence, the official judicial handbook, states, incorrectly, that “women are overwhelmingly the typical victims of domestic violence;” similarly, Alabama’s benchbook puts forth the false claim, “National crime statistics show that about 95% of spouse-abuse victims are women.” This “education” is funded by the federal government pursuant to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).'

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Wall Street Journal: Are we teaching our kids to be fearful of men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Child-welfare groups say these are necessary precautions, given that most predators are male. But fathers' rights activists and educators now argue that an inflated predator panic is damaging men's relationships with kids. Some men are opting not to get involved with children at all, which partly explains why many youth groups can't find male leaders, and why just 9% of elementary-school teachers are male, down from 18% in 1981.'

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Women Charged with Pandering: Aunt Hires Prostitutes for 12-YO Boy

Video here. Well it's good law enforcement seems serious about prosecuting "the aunt" as well as "the mom" (who may or may not have known about what auntie was going to use the money for), but I have to wonder-- if it were an uncle setting up a niece to have sex with whomever under whatever terms, how would the press be covering it?

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Toronto Star: Where are the men?

Front page news on Sunday in the Toronto Star: Where are the men?. Excerpt:

'Most – like Smith, 36, with three children by different fathers – received no help from the men. A few have, including Zenith Isaacs, 35, who was helped by Julian Hinckson, 41, the father of her two youngest, until he was stabbed to death in June near their Sparroway home.

Throughout the city, single mothers are raising children on little money, often in public housing where kids are exposed to greater risks, because it's all they can afford. Too often, they live with fear and violence.'

UPDATE: Read the second installment: Where are the women?. Excerpt:

'Yesterday, the Toronto Star reported on a hidden crisis of single mothers, mostly black, mostly in public housing and routinely living with fear and violence. We asked everybody we interviewed to offer solutions.

Jordan's advice was as blunt as it gets: The problem lies as much with the women themselves as with men who turn out to be absent dads.'

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'Barbie Bandit' Suspect Pleads Guilty

Here is an update on the "Barbie Bandit" who robbed a bank for kicks. Excerpt:

'One of the two young women dubbed the "Barbie Bandits" after a videotaped bank theft pleaded guilty Wednesday and apologized in tears.

"I regret what I did. I wish I could take it back every day," Heather Johnston, 19, told the judge.'


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Men's News Daily: The State Of The Fatherhood Movement

Article here. Excerpt:

'Here is the good news: The rally demonstrated that we have very solid policy solutions to offer. There were some riveting talks worthy of national broadcast. We have stronger ideas, speakers, and an overarching sense of cooperativeness never seen before in the movement. The talks were supposed to be 25% about the problem, and 75% about the answers – but overall the percentage was at best 50-50. This is a remarkable improvement given our history.'

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Essay: "There's a difference between military's men and women"

Article here. Excerpt:

'During a recent Democratic debate, both Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama indicated that all female U.S. citizens should register for the Selective Service. Neither candidate was as ridiculous as former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel, who said, when it comes to men and women being drafted, "What's the difference?" But the radical and dangerous implications of the front-runners' policies are not that far from Gravel's query.'

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Former Child Support Enforcement Officer Exposes the Corruption of the Child Support Industry

View the video of Carol Rhodes at the Family Preservation Rally in Washington, D.C. Carol, author of Friend of the Court Enemy of the Family, exposes the corruption within the Child Support Agencies.

View more videos from the Family Preservation Rally here.

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Arizona Woman Allegedly Stabs Estranged Husband During Sex

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Arizona woman has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly stabbing her estranged husband in the chest during sex, reports.

Falon Gonzales, 23, was released on $100,000 bond after being booked Tuesday night, according to the report. Her husband, Juan Carlos Gonzales, 26, was listed in serious condition at a local hospital.
Authorities said Juan Gonzales moved out of the couple's home about a month ago and asked to meet his wife and a home appraiser Tuesday afternoon. He later showed Falon Gonzales dissolution of marriage papers.'

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Russia: Woman sets fire to ex-husband's penis

Story here. Excerpt:

'MOSCOW (Reuters) - A woman set fire to her ex-husband's penis as he sat naked watching television and drinking vodka, Moscow police said Wednesday.
"It was monstrously painful," the wounded ex-husband told Tvoi Den newspaper. "I was burning like a torch. I don't know what I did to deserve this."'

No talk of what, if any, charges she will face.

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OpenCongress Bill Tracker Now Available

Many MRAs are involved not just in men's issues but politics in general. I know few who have not at one or another time gotten very interested in the status of some bill weaving tis way through "The System".

The OpenCongress people have just created a new past-able web-widget to help you track the status of any given particular bill without having to search and re-search for it on the Congress' Thomas site. The idea is not unlike what you do to add a page hit counter to a web page.

Without further ado, go here.

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Beta Site Suspended for Securiy Concerns

MANN Regulars,

The Beta site has been suspended because the software that it uses has had some security issues reported about it. Sorry, but it is better to be safe than sorry when these things come up.

OK, let the conspiracy theorizing begin! >)


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School Suspends Boy for Sketching Gun

Story here.

Let's put this in perspective. The boy simply sketched a picture of a gun. No bullets or threats were included on this drawing. Are we shocked? Society criminalizes men for the most assine reasons. The attack on boys is growing at an alarming rate: another reason why boys have become disinterested with school.

We need to educate the mothers of young boys. As any good parent, if they were aware of this boy crisis, they would demand massive changes throughout the education system.

Let's be honest, most women want their sons to succeed. That's why I gave my sister with two sons a copy of Sommer's break through book: "The War Against Boys." My sister was shocked and felt the book was so important, she gave several copies to other women affiliated with the P.T.A.

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NOW Conference Videos from Detroit (July 7, 2007)

My reasoning for posting these videos is simple. I believe it is vital for MRA's to fully digest what feminists have to say because it has a direct impact on our movement.

Sample Quote: Writer and Producer, Jill Soloway:

"On why movies don't tell more women's stories]
[Men in Hollywood] have nothing to do except be ambitious. We make babies, we make beauty, we make dinner, we make homes, we make gardens, we make people happy. Men come to Hollywood and wake up every morning thinking 'My story needs to be told."

Sample Qoute: National Congress of Black Women Chair, Dr. E. Faye Williams

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Newsweek: He's Dead, Winkler Free. What's Up With That?

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Mary Winkler is a free woman—free of her abusive marriage and free of jail. After 67 days in a mental-health facility in Tennessee, Winkler was released earlier this week and has returned to her hometown of McMinnville. But is she free of the posttraumatic stress disorder and depression that her legal team said drove her to gun down her preacher-husband, Matthew, last year? ...Winkler's critics wonder if she ever had PTSD in the first place and say the diagnosis was just a means of getting off easy.'

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