Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2007-09-11 21:29
Article here. Excerpt:
'The decade long wave of sexual offenses committed by women — teachers in particular have exposed a cultural double standard: The public is more willing to accept the female abuser's claim that she had a "relationship" with the victim. And in cases in which the male is a teenager, the sexual abuse is more likely to be dismissed as a rite of passage. The questionable, yet overriding assumption, is that women predators are somehow different from men.
"Men are demonized, women are diagnosed. Men are beasts, but women are troubled or mentally ill," said media scholar Matthew Felling in an interview with Fox News. In fact, accounts of women sexual offenders are often more titillating than harsh. Felling calls the news coverage of young, attractive teachers involved with their students "part crime drama, part Penthouse letter."
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Submitted by Luek on Tue, 2007-09-11 21:06
Yeah, it was predictable. The husband murderer was cleared by a hick judge to do the Oprah Show over the objections of her in-laws.
Lifetime Channel man hating movie of the month next for Bloody Mary? Sure, why not? Excerpt:
'A few hours after one Tennessee judge ruled that Mary Winkler could go on television and talk about why she killed her preacher husband, another denied her request to travel out of state to be on the show.
A press release issued earlier this month from "The Oprah Winfrey Show" promised that Winkler would open up about the abuse, reveal details from the day her husband died and explain why she has decided to speak up now.
After allowances for time served, Winkler spent about a week in county jail before being transferred to an unidentified mental health facility.'
Ed. note: MANN received multiple submissions of this story. Good eyes, guys! Related links submitted from other posts are as follows:
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2007-09-11 13:45
From Marc A.:
On August 28, 2007, the Appellate Division of the County of Riverside in California reversed the sexist decision of Judge Robert W. Armstrong that held the crime of indecent exposure only applies to men and not women. The case is People v. Alexis Luz Garcia, Riverside Appellate Case Number APP004054.
The defendant, an adult female, was charged with indecent exposure (Penal Code § 314(1)) after she allegedly unclothed in front of a boy because the boy continued playing basketball when she told him to stop. Judge Armstrong said the conduct may have been 'very silly and illegal' but that it did not warrant having to register as a sex offender. He also held that indecent exposure cannot apply to women because the statute says 'exposes his person.' On that basis, the trial court dismissed the case. The appellate division reversed, holding there is no logical reason why a woman cannot commit indecent exposure, and citing numerous authorities interpreting the statute to be gender-inclusive despite the word 'his.'
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Submitted by Trudy W Schuett on Tue, 2007-09-11 13:01
I’ve always had unusual ideas for promoting men’s issues, and now I’ve got myself right into maybe the wildest idea yet! I’ve entered a romance novel competition, and I need a lot more votes before Friday if I’m going to make a showing there!
This is the First Chapters Romance competition at Gather, and the Grand Prize is a publishing contract with Simon & Schuster, which is not something to be sneezed at. Imagine the romance genre being invaded by a man-friendly author! There are no “beta male” characters in my books, no deeply-flawed bad boys, just (mostly) decent human beings who sometimes turn out to be heroes. As in real life.
I figure a lot of you have already joined up at Gather to check out the Men’s Issues Group, so why not take it one step further and vote for my book here. Leave a comment if you like! You will have my undying gratitude…
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2007-09-11 04:56
Fathers4Justice, CRISPE and the Equal Parenting Bike Trek Crew visited a PA Courthouse to spread awareness of a child's fundamental right to be loved, guided, nurtured and educated by both fit and willing parents.
The Parent-Child Relationship is a fundamental right that MUST be protected at all costs!
View this "in your face" style video now on YouTube.
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Submitted by axolotl on Tue, 2007-09-11 04:41
Full letter here.
The following is an excerpt from Baskerville's recent Open Letter to the Board of ACFC:
"In recent years, able individuals who have served in leadership positions within ACFC have departed in frustration and anger: Jane Spies, Diana Thompson, Stuart Miller, Murray Davis, David Usher, Ed Truncellito. Each cited leadership problems in his or her departure. These people quickly went from being respected and trusted friends to being anathematized as if they were enemies, much as figures appear and disappear in a Kremlin photograph."
(note: there is a single popup when first opening the page)
Ed. note: I debated with myself re posting this submission. Then I thought it through-- an open communication from the president of ACFC, even if it is critical of its own organization, is news in the context of MRA work and so there is no reason not to post it. But it's no secret that inter-group politics and conflicts of interest and personalities are found in MRA circles-- unfortunately, that part isn't news.
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Submitted by axolotl on Tue, 2007-09-11 03:55
Good People & People of Faith,
This is a brief status updated message for what has occurred this week. More background and details at the web site,
There will be another message with more details and future plans to follow:
September 4, 2007 - At app 10 am, John returned to the Syracuse Federal Building with chalk. He wrote on the ground, "I Love you Dom" (Domenic is his son) & "Sen. Clinton Help Us!" in about three different locations. He was taken into custody and was arraigned by US Magistrate Judge DiBianco. The Judge asked him to sign a conditional release form stating he wouldn't come back to the building. John would not sign. He is currently being held at the Jamesville Correctional Facility near Syracuse. John hasn't been told how long he'll be there, but he had been told earlier that the maximum sentence is 15 days for each offense.
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Submitted by MR on Mon, 2007-09-10 18:24
>News Flash: National Coalition of Free Men, Board of Directors, Meets in San Diego to Chart Course for the Future!
Members of the Board of the National Coalition of Free Men (NCFM) met in San Diego, California over the weekend to chart a course for NCFM for the future. NCFM Board members came from as far away as Minnesota, and NCFM general members came from as far away as New York, to participate in (and witness) this historic meeting.
Over the course of the next two days, the assembled board members addressed issues pertaining to structure and direction for NCFM in coming months and years.
The coming year will certainly not be a boring one for the NCFM Board, it’s members, and friends.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2007-09-10 18:15
Thanks to Marc A. for the tip.
Story here. Excerpt:
'MANY persons would have witnessed a St Thomas wife roughing up her husband on live TV aired Tuesday, after the man, appearing without his voters' ID for the general elections, refused to do the legal alternative and swear to the presiding officer.
The fellow, a tall, bearded man, who said he only swore to God, was draped up and dragged away by his chubby wife, who berated him for acting the fool.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2007-09-10 17:23
Studio 1714 has been very helpful to getting the Equal Parenting Rights issue to those who would not normally hear it! Let's help them by boosting their view count AND ratings on YouTube as a way of returning thanks to them. They are strong advocates of Equal Parenting Rights. Make sure to comment and also vote a 5 star!
Part Two - NEW
Part One
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Submitted by tac0965 on Mon, 2007-09-10 17:06
Story here.
Insisting that she has "First Amendment" rights in the courtroom, a Nebraska woman sues a judge who barred the word "Rape" at trial. There has already been two mistrials in this case. We'll just have to see if feminist protesters with tape on their mouths decide the outcome of this rape case, instead of the facts themselves. Can someone tell me why she just won't describe to the jury what happened? Why is it so important to her to use inflammatory remarks? Excerpt:
'LINCOLN, Neb. -- The 24-year-old woman at the center of a sexual assault case has sued the judge who barred the word "rape" and other words from being used during the trial.
Tory Bowen said in the complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Lincoln that Lancaster County District Judge Jeffre Cheuvront violated her First Amendment right to free speech.'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2007-09-10 13:08
10.30-12.00 2G
Tuesday 11th September 2007, 10.30am to 12 midday
2GLF FM 89.3 in Sydney
and ONLINE via live streaming at
or in MP3 format at
With special guests...
Mark Harris, the English father who was jailed for waving at his daughters as they drove past in the family car, and author of a new book "Family Court Hell", a rare and unique insight into the secret British family court system.
"Family Court Hell" is one man's harrowing story of frustration and determination as he battled for access rights to his young daughters following the bitter break-up of his marriage. Incredibly, his was a journey that spanned almost ten years, with 133 hearings by 33 judges, and which reportedly cost the taxpayer over GBP1 million.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2007-09-10 12:56
"... there is no other court in the land where the penalty for perjury does not exist - you can lie repeatedly and not only NOT be punished for it, but actually be rewarded for it. There is no other court where you are presumed guilty until proven innocent. And for non-custodial parents...especially fathers...going through a divorce...and the never-ending litany of custody issues and all the rest that goes with can feel like eternal damnation."
So says a father of two from New Jersey, who has undergone an ordeal in which he was verbally abused by a judge, physically accosted by police officers, criticized by child welfare officials, shown the door by school administrators, and even turned away by life-long friends.
Situations such as this will be perpetuated by House Resolution 590. It allows for the continued abuse of domestic violence laws, creating a dynamic in which allegations are made solely for the purpose of obtaining an advantage in litigation.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2007-09-09 22:36
Story here. On the heels of the college article, note there are no call for equalizing the numbers of brain-injured war veterans so that it's 50/50 male/female. Or adding women to the selective service act. Or anything else like that. Excerpt:
' NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The war in Iraq is not over, but one legacy is already here in this city and others across America: an epidemic of brain-damaged soldiers*.
Thousands of troops* have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, or TBI. These blast-caused head injuries are so different from the ones doctors are used to seeing from falls and car crashes that treating them is as much faith as it is science.'
* For "soldiers' and "troops", read "men".
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2007-09-09 20:35
Article here. Excerpt:
"After years of fighting for educational equality, it is disheartening to think that the college admissions' bar has been raised even higher for young women. My guess is that at some private colleges with balanced gender enrollment, women are getting the short end of the admissions stick."'
Related article: College Admission: Tough Times For Girls?
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