Who killed Red Pill lawyer Marc Angelucci – and why?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Homicide detectives are investigating, the investigation is ongoing, and the motive for the shooting is recorded in official documents as being “unknown” at this time.

Except, it’s not “unknown” is it?

This bears all the marks of a hit.

The question that must be answered now is – if it was a hit, who was behind the killing?
Never, ever again may anyone attempt to assert that there is no war on men and boys in the US or around the world.

Do not ever attempt to assert that feminism has any interest, regard or ambition to pursue “equality”.

And do not for one second think that the growing, passionate movement which is fighting back against female supremacy, warped discrimination and seeking true equal rights for all, is going to let Marc Angelucci’s death disappear from headlines.

This murder, this hit, this utterly foul destruction of a valuable and cherished life speaks volumes about the walls of power.

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Marc Angelucci's murder suspected by friends of being a hit

Article here. Excerpt:

'Co-workers and friends of the men's rights attorney who was shot dead in front of his California home this weekend say his killing could be related to his court cases.

Marc Angelucci, 52, a board member of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Coalition for Men (NCFM), was killed at his front door in Crestline on Saturday around 4pm.
'It maybe related to our cases, I am sure the cowards that murdered my friend in cold blood won’t be stupid enough to come after a pro #2A Congressional candidate,' she added.

Kennedy said she and Angelucci gave 'a devastating blow to our opposition' on Friday.

'We talked laughed hugged each other and planned to meet this week to go over next steps. We wee such a good legal team,' she said.

His friend and former Congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine tweeted claiming his death was a 'hit', noting he was about to win a 'huge case' in Mariposa County.'

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Male student sues uni after expulsion over double-standard

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) is suing after the school expelled him for sexual misconduct even after evidence was presented that showed he was the victim.

The student, referred to as John Doe in court documents reviewed by The Daily Wire, says in his lawsuit that he informed ERAU that he was too intoxicated to engage in sexual activity and witness statements back him up, yet the school relied on antiquated gender stereotypes about male sexuality to say his claim wasn’t credible.

The lawsuit stems from an encounter between John and a student referred to only as Jane Roe that took place on October 26, 2019 following a Halloween party at John’s home. John and Jane, according to the lawsuit, had been exchanging text messages for weeks prior to the party and had gone on several dates, though John no longer has the messages.

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Top feminist organizations are plagued by racism, 20 former staffers say

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women of color have struggled to find that same sense of belonging at NOW. In the 54 years since the organization was founded, few women of color have risen to its highest ranks. The organization’s leadership has always been dominated by white women, said Katherine Turk, a professor of history and gender at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who writes about NOW in her forthcoming book, “A Dangerous Sisterhood.” Ten of NOW’s 11 presidents have been white women. Twelve of its current 17 board members are white.

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NCFM Vice-President and Dear Friend Marc Angelucci murdered

Article here. This is really bad news. Excerpt:

'Marc Angelucci, 1968-2020

Marc Etienne Angelucci, Vice-President and Board Member of the National Coalition for Men (NCFM) and longtime President and Founder of the Los Angeles Chapter of NCFM, was tragically murdered early in the morning of July 11, 2020, in front of his home in Crestline, California.

Marc Angelucci was truly beloved, with a personality that had a magnetism that many of his friends and colleagues found to be truly magical. Marc was an unbelievably generous man, living on a shoestring despite some personal health challenges so he could donate many millions of dollars of his time to mostly voluntary legal work on behalf of men’s rights and the genuine gender equality that is so badly needed in this country and this world.

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Female Mountie keeps her job after groping a fellow B.C. officer twice

Article here. Excerpt:

'A B.C. Mountie who fondled the genitals of one of her fellow constables, groped his thigh and made inappropriate sexual comments to him has lost 20 days of pay and 10 vacation days.

Because of her discreditable conduct, Campbell River Const. Valerie Little will also be ineligible for promotion for two years, has to work under supervision for one year and is restricted from working in the same detachment as the man she groped, according to a January decision from the RCMP's conduct board.

"I find that a reasonable person in society, with knowledge of all the relevant circumstances, including the realities of policing in general and the RCMP in particular, would view Const. Little's actions as likely to bring discredit to the force," Josée Thibault wrote in the board's decision.

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SAVE Files Amicus Brief Against 18 Attorneys’ General, In Support of New Title IX Regulation

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / July 10, 2020 – SAVE filed an Amicus Brief yesterday in support of the recently released Title IX regulation, which seeks to restore fairness and due process in campus sexual harassment cases. The Amicus Brief highlights the legal inadequacies of the attorneys’ general Complaint, and urges that the Court dismiss their request for a preliminary injunction.

In 2011 the Department of Education issued a “Dear Colleague Letter” that imposed a range of new campus adjudication procedures for sexual assault cases. These changes removed a number of due process protections, such as the right of parties to be represented by counsel. As a result, hundreds of lawsuits were filed against colleges (1).  Amidst intense public pressure, the Department of Education revoked its notorious Dear Colleague Letter in 2017, and later issued a new regulation on May 6, 2020. (2)

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They Were Accused Of Rape And Jailed For One Year Even Though DNA Proved Their Innocence. They’re Now Suing.

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two black teenagers were jailed for nearly one year in Richland County, South Carolina after being charged with rape. They remained in prison even after DNA evidence proved they didn’t commit the crime and months after another man was charged with the crime.
Both men provided DNA samples, and once they had defense attorneys, began requesting results.

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Trump Administration Launches Campaign To Reduce Suicides

Article here. Excerpt:

'Suicide is a major, yet not often discussed, issue in modern society, and on Tuesday, the Trump administration took a step toward reducing high rates by launching a national campaign called REACH.

Fox News reported that digital ads will be appearing on the Internet Wednesday displaying a message that “suicide is preventable,” and that together, we can reduce the rates.
In 2018, NBC reported that mental health and suicide is an issue particularly affecting men and boys, who are taught not to share their feelings.

“While teenage girls attempt suicide more often than teenage boys, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, boys are more likely to die by suicide. Suicide rates for teenage boys and girls rose steadily from 2007 to 2015. In 2015, there were 1,537 suicides documented for boys ages 15 to 19 and 524 for girls, according for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” the outlet reported.'

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Dutch university told to stop offering women-only job vacancies

Article here. Excerpt:

'Eindhoven University only advertised scientific vacancies to women to improve the gender ratio in permanent staff in July 2019.

If a job isn't filled within six months, men are eligible to apply.

New female staff also receive a $172,000 research fund and special mentoring programme.

An anti-discrimination bureau took the university to the Human Rights Council after receiving 50 complaints.

A Board of Human Rights ruled Eindhoven University "in conflict" with Dutch equal treatment legislation on July 3.
The Council's ruling is not legally binding but can be used as evidence in a court case.'

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Extraordinary details of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's marriage on day one of libel case

Article here. Excerpt:

'Johnny Depp has denied being a "wife beater" and accused his ex-wife Amber Heard of being the abuser in their marriage on the first day of his libel case.

In a day of lurid evidence at the High Court, the Hollywood star documented his drug-taking history, which started at the age of 11, and how he realised his marriage was over when he found faeces in his bed.

The court heard a claim from Depp that Heard punched him in the face on a plane and also threw bottles of vodka at him, severing his finger.

Depp is suing The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers (NGN), after an article referred to "overwhelming evidence" that he attacked Heard during their relationship.'

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Appeals court reinstates anti-male bias lawsuit against Oberlin

Article here. Excerpt:

'Oberlin College likely discriminated against a male student when it found him guilty of sexual assault based on his female sexual partner allegedly saying “I am not sober,” a federal appeals panel ruled 2-1 last week.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower court’s decision that found no sex-based discrimination in the private college’s judgment against “John Doe.” It remanded the case back to U.S. District Judge Solomon Oliver nearly a year after John and Oberlin submitted their appellate briefs.

Even the dissenting opinion agreed that John has a “colorable claim” on the first prong of the “erroneous outcome” test for Title IX violations: “casting doubt on the accuracy of his disciplinary proceeding’s outcome.”

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"Make Men Masculine Again"

Came across this video in my YouTube travels and thought it was a contender. I don't much like the appeal to stereotyped roles it uses but the overall message I think is on target. What is that overall message? Simply: Feminising men doesn't create better men. It creates weak men who can't resist actual "toxic masculinity" which is better characterized by such actions as rape, waging aggressive war, etc. Worth the watch. In fact a lot of Prager University videos are pretty darn good viewing. Enjoy.

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Woman, 22, who had 'sexual contact' three times with a boy, 14, avoids jail

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who had sexual contact with a 14-year-old boy she met online has been spared prison.

Sophie Johnson engaged in sexual activity with the schoolboy on three occasions within the space of a few days, a court heard.

Newcastle Crown Court heard she had ignored warnings about his age and failed to take steps to ensure he was over 16.

However, once she realised how young he was, she stopped what was happening between them.
Johnson, of Elswick, Newcastle, who has no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual activity with a child and was sentenced to a three year community order and must sign the sex offenders register for five years.

Setencing her, Judge Sarah Mallett said: 'This was a relationship of mutual affection, there was no pressure applied or grooming of any sort.
'She's a young lady who presents with a maturity level much younger than her age and she has her own vulnerabilities.

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UK: Accountant sacked after accusing boss of ‘mansplaining’ in office dress code row

Article here. Excerpt:

'Zhihui Lu asked her manager Matt Brunton "who was he as a man to be telling her what she can and cannot wear?"

In a "loud and aggressive tirade" the Durham University graduate then asked whether he thought her bra was appropriate and tried to show him her bra strap, a tribunal was told.

The 'completely inappropriate' outburst was just one of a number of incidents of misconduct that led to Miss Lu being fired after just three years at the accounting giant, a panel heard.

After she was given the boot she took them to the tribunal claiming the firm had discriminated against her.

But the panel sided with KPMG and dismissed her claims for unfair dismissal, harassment, and disability and race discrimination entirely.'

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