Men's Rights Issues in Thailand

Excellent article. This probably shows that violation of men's rights is now a global problem. Excerpt:

'In the interest of ensuring equality for women and men alike, it is time for men to stand together and request the abolishment of some accepted customs, such as boyfriends/fiances having to pay for everything, and definitely the age-old tradition of having to cough up a dowry. Now, some women might scream aloud at such a deplorable idea being floated by the "farang visitor", and would advise that this is a custom deeply embedded in Thai culture. Well, all well and good, but in that case, let us not be selective, and let's encourage adherence to all traditions and suggest that while showering money on his beloved, the man be accorded the right to take on a couple of mistresses at the same time.'

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"Authorities puzzled about mother in deaths of children left in hot car"

Story here. Excerpt:

'She made it to her job at a county-run group home July 29, a typically warm summer day. After eight hours, she called a supervisor and said she had to leave because of child-care issues.

According to her employer, she didn't tell the supervisor or a co-worker that for all that time, she had left her 1-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son in her Chevy Cavalier hatchback, parked on a residential street.
Her friends and her bosses -- and even the officers who arrested her -- say Heyward had been trying her best: working long hours and providing for her children.
She had been arrested twice in the past three years, but she was not prosecuted on a charge of hindering an officer and was found not guilty of first-degree criminal domestic violence in February 2006.
Her lawyer, Andy Savage, said he hopes a mental evaluation will shed light on what happened.'

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"Women for Rudy"

From a political standpoint this is an attempt by the Giuliani campaign to take some female votes away from Hillary. My concern is the non-existent political approach regarding issues that affect men. I follow politics very closely and have yet to hear one comment on issues such as father's rights, paternity fraud, boys' education and the unfair disparity throughout the judicial system (to name a few).

The American voting system is the pillar of democracy, yet modern society ignores mens issues and values a social welfare state for women. I really don't blame Rudy, he's wants the GOP nomination and ultimately the presidency. However, a true leader would stand up and announce gender equity regarding issues that are unique to men and women. My '08 vote is already tainted. Our next president will approach gender with the same ideology as feminists. Remember, politicians cannot challenge "cherry picked" feminist statistics (eg: the wage gap myth). Its politically incorrect and political suicide.

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Bill Maher on Feminism

On YouTube: "Bill Maher's take on how feminism has taken over America. He makes some very insightful points that prove America has become a feminized country. This is an excerpt from his special 'Victory Begins at Home'"

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Fathers need to be in teenagers’ lives

Letter here. Excerpt:

'Several “experts” surmise that sex education classes in Texas’ schools is not working. I think there is another reason.

Countless studies show that a father’s absence increases his daughter’s risk of teen pregnancy.
If so, it sounds like these young girls may be seeking a father figure when they have unprotected sex. One way to keep young girls from looking for father figures is to give them fathers; biological birth-fathers.'

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Judge tosses man's lawsuit over ladies' night

Story here. Excerpt:

'Steve Horner's crusade against ladies' nights at bars took a hit Thursday as a Denver County judge tossed his claim that newspaper ads for such promotions violate state civil rights laws.

"Too bad we didn't have an impartial judge," Horner said as Judge Brian Campbell adjourned the proceeding and walked away. "The judge missed a great trial."'

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Tennesee Court of Appeals Favors Bastardy

Story here.

Same old story: Man sleeps with female; she sleeps with other men; she gets pregnant; keeps bastard; she picks one as father; HE NAIVELY VOLUNTARILY SIGNS PATERNITY ACKNOWLEDGMENT; pays support; DNA proves he is not the bastard's father; juvenile judge terminates his financial slavery and orders female to pay him back; higher court overturns pro-male judgment. Upside: he does not have to pay anymore bastard support in the future; Downside: will not get back payments already made since he did VOLUNTARILY sign a paternity acknowledgment.

Lesson: DON'T SIGN ANY DAMNED THING WHEN A BASTARD IS SAID TO BE YOURS! If your signature was not necessary they would not cajole you into signing away your life! DON'T SIGN ANYTHING!

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On YouTube: Glenn Sack Talks About Bias in the Media

Check out this 10 minute video, in which Sacks talks about several specific cases where television, movie and musical performers, reinforce the idea that violence by women is OK.

One of these really astonished me, it is a video of a woman getting revenge on her ex by tearing up his car with a knife and baseball bat. It turns out the video was the first one ever written and directed by a woman to achieve "video of the year" awards, and was voted number one on CMT. Incredible!

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For Young Earners in Big City, a Gap in Women’s Favor

The New York Times reports that in Los Angeles, Dallas, and New York City, the gender wage gap among people in their 20's favors women.

For women in Dallas it is as extreme as 120%!

'Young women in New York and several of the nation’s other largest cities who work full time have forged ahead of men in wages, according to an analysis of recent census data.

The shift has occurred in New York since 2000 and even earlier in Los Angeles, Dallas and a few other cities.'

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Female Movie Directors Face "Struggle for Equality"

"Hollywood is still an old boys' club and boys are bullies.

The ultimate symbol of the film industry is a man, Oscar, clutching a sword and standing on a reel of film because he's defending his turf," said Tom O'Neil, columnist for Web site. "I think that says it all."

Read the rest here.

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Virginia wants to know if you might be a dad

Story here. Excerpt:

"The state Department of Social Services wants any man who is not married to a woman but could be the father of a child with her to voluntarily fill out a one-page registration.

The law, which went into effect July 1, is designed to protect men's rights in the case of a future adoption.

State officials emphasized that the confidential database is not an attempt to track sexual activity or partners. But it suggests men register "after relations with new partners or continued relations with the same woman."

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Proposed Ohio Abortion Law Would Give Fathers a Say

Article here. Excerpt:

"Several Ohio state representatives who normally take an anti-abortion stance are now pushing pro-choice legislation - sort of.

Led by Rep. John Adams, a group of state legislators have submitted a bill that would give fathers of unborn children a final say in whether or not an abortion can take place.

It's a measure that, supporters say, would finally give fathers a choice."

Later on, the feminists get to say: "This measure is a clear attack on a woman's freedom and privacy."

What about the man's freedom to not have to pay child support for the next 18 years for a baby he didn't want to have? Say what you will about abortion, but if you want the baby, they you pay. If you don't and she does, she should pay.

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"How to get through to a man"

Linked from the CNN main page as of this writing:
How to get through to a man taken from Anyone else notice the link to on the top? Looks like CNN and Time are collaborating these days in their misandrist pursuits. Excerpt:

'Meet every protest and argument he makes, no matter how ridiculously false, with the observation that he is absolutely correct ... but you still want what you want. In boxing this is called rope-a-dope, and even if you don't know what the rope part means, the dope part sounds pretty applicable. This is called win-win -- except you did and he didn't.'

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Sacks' Latest: 'Choosing Foster Parents over Fathers'

From Glenn Sacks:

'My new co-authored column, Choosing Foster Parents over Fathers (San Diego Union-Tribune, 7/11/07), discusses perhaps the worst verified child custody/family law injustice against a father and a daughter which I have ever seen--the outrageous Melinda Smith foster care case.' Excerpt:

"In the heartbreaking Melinda Smith case, a father and daughter were needlessly separated by the foster care system for over a decade. Last week, Los Angeles County settled a lawsuit over the case for an undisclosed sum. Yet a recent Urban Institute study found that the Smith case typifies the way the foster care system harms children by disregarding the loving bonds they share with their fathers."

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Adoptive Mom Accused of Abusing, Starving Foster Kids for Decades

Story here. Excerpt:

'They were often handcuffed, tethered together with plastic ties and allowed to soil themselves, investigators say. They had scars on their wrists. Some had burns.

None appeared to have more than a fourth-grade education, not even the adults in their 20s. All were starving.

In all, nine teenagers and young adults were held like prisoners in Judith Leekin's home in what appeared to be a decades-long scheme to line her pockets with the government payments she received for adopting and raising them, police say.'

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