Canada: Universities now where-the-boys-aren't

Story here. Excerpt:

'"It's an international trend that experts widely described as the "feminization of education."
"Martin blames the trend on the public schools, which he said switched gears through the 1970s to appeal to the learning style of girls because they weren't doing as well as boys.

"Boys are getting shafted," said Martin, starting in the early elementary school grades where there is "zero tolerance on horsing around" and boys are treated as learning disabled and put on medication if they misbehave."'

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Unmarried fathers in Ireland gain parental rights in landmark ruling

Story here. Excerpt:

"DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) - An unmarried father of twin boys must have his children returned to his custody from England, a Dublin judge ruled Tuesday in a landmark judgment for the parental rights of unmarried men.
Until now, Irish law recognized no custody rights for unmarried fathers, chiefly because Ireland's conservative 1937 constitution emphasizes that such rights flow from marriage and motherhood.

But High Court Justice Liam McKechnie said the man, a school teacher identified in court only as «Mr. G,» was the de-facto joint guardian of the twins before the mother took them without warning to Manchester, northwest England, eight months ago."

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Woman found guilty of abduction with intent to deprive custody rights

Story here. Excerpt:

"On the third day of deliberations, the six women and six men of the jury concluded that Ms. Bédard was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of kidnapping her then-11-year-old daughter and taking her to the United States last fall with the criminal intent of depriving the father, her ex-husband Jean Paquet, of his custody rights."
"We will take into account the two weeks of provisional detention she spent in a United States jail," Ms. Lemieux said yesterday. Her comments were an indication that the Crown may request that Ms. Bédard, who faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail, be handed a much lighter sentence."
"In February, Ms. Bédard regained custody of her child in a ruling that reiterated Mr. Paquet's custodial rights."

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Canada: National Association of Women and the Law closes doors

Canadian government cancels $300K yearly handout to feminist group: National Association of Women and the Law ("NAWL").

The closure is treated mostly as a non-event. It doesn't even make headlines in most of Canada's mainstream media.

NAWL news release here.

Toronto Star: Prints two articles here and here.

Ottawa Citizen: here.

Even the notoriously feminist Toronto Star buried the article in the back of its news section.

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BBC: Young hotties only need apply

Story here. Excerpt:

'The BBC has decreed that its new 'bite-size' news bulletins must be presented by young and attractive women, according to claims.
Last night a BBC spokesman denied there was any explicit mention of pretty young women in the market research, but refused to reveal what it had said about the type of presenter viewers wanted.'

"Attractive male news readers wanted for one-minute newscasts"

Can you imagine the shrill accusations of sexism? It happens to men, and is greeted pretty much with silence.

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UK: Number of women making unfair pay claims reaches record levels

Story here. Excerpt:

'The number of women taking employers to court claiming unfair pay has risen to record levels.
Jenny Watson, chair of the Equal Opportunities Commission, said that this flood of pay claims was pushing the tribunal system to breaking point.

She said the surge of cases was due to women being recruited by no-win no-fee lawyers promising to win pay rises and backdated cash.

She warned that these lawyers may now target women working in the private sector, which is just as vulnerable to legal action.'

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UK: False Accuser Jailed

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who falsely claimed to have been raped by two different men - forcing them to spend time behind bars - has been jailed for eight months."

Eight months seems lenient for attempting to destroy two families, and putting innocent men in prison. However, it is a positive development because:

(1) She is in jail.
(2) She has not been given the usual anonymity.

Maybe the tide is beginning to turn...

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Rwanda: Government Readies for Mass Male Circumcision

Story here. Excerpt:

"The government has at last officially supported male circumcision as a tool to fight against HIV/Aids. But the acknowledgement comes with a call for maximum caution from the health ministry.
The Health ministry says that Rwanda has adopted male circumcision as one of the preventive measures against the disease."

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Winkler Permitted To Visit Children

Story here. Excerpt:

"A judge ruled Wednesday that a woman who killed her minister-husband with a shotgun can begin supervised visits with her three young daughters, but did not decide whether she can have custody of them.

Mary Winkler, who said she needs to help her children heal emotionally from the loss of their father, can visit with them starting Sept. 29, Judge Ron Harmon ruled."

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Costa Rica: Some women swindle with domestic violence law

Thanks to Marc A. for this. Article here. Excerpt:

'Women are kicking their mates out of the house in record numbers in Costa Rica. Some of them are enjoying it and using the law designed to protect women against domestic violence to swindle expats. Many expats come to Costa Rica in search of a relationship and end up shooting themselves in the foot by making bad choices.

Police in Heredia say women are abusing Law 8589 Article 7. The article states, “In order to protect the victims, they will be able to request, from the start of the complaint, the protective measures contemplated in the law against domestic violence, as well as the necessary precautionary measures foreseen in the penal code of procedure.”'

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German women to be paid money, just for agreeing to live in a city

Article here.

Apparently a German town had been suffering a mass exodus of young people from it's bordered, so it's novel approach to a solution is to pay women almost $3000, just for agreeing to live in the city for 3 years.

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Larry Summers Hysteria Still Lingers

Article here. Excerpt:

"What did Summers, a distinguished economist and a liberal Democrat who served in the Clinton administration, do to deserve such obloquy? In 2005, he suggested that it's worth researching whether, among other factors, innate differences between men and women may play a role in the greater prominence of men in the sciences -- a hypothesis that has some support in the relevant scientific literature.

Summers desperately tried to make amends, issuing an abject apology for even raising the subject. Nevertheless, and despite strong support for him among Harvard students, he was drummed out of the Harvard presidency by the Cambridge academic equivalent of a lynch mob.

Apparently his sins against feminist orthodoxy were so grave that he's still not welcome to give so much as a dinner speech to the UC Board of Regents more than two years later."

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Men: Guilty until proven innocent

Thanks to Marc A. for this one. Article here. Excerpt:

'Child advocate John Walsh advises parents to never hire a male baby sitter.
So when the topic of male nannies - mannies - came up in a conversation with friends, I didn't think too long before voicing my take on the trend.

I actually said - aloud - something to the effect of: "Even if we could afford it, I'd never hire a mannie. Too risky that he'd turn out to be a predator.'
Sexual molestations committed by women are seriously underreported in this country, Rice said. Such cases often involve adult women having sex with adolescent boys whom they know. Which, sadly, too many people still don't consider sexual abuse, but rather good fortune on the boy's part.
Rudov says statistics about male sexual predators are distorted because sexual abuse by women is not reported or not even considered abuse. He also cites federal statistics that show physically abused children are more often victims of female perpetrators.'

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Lesbian couple sue - because they get two babies instead of one reports here on an interesting story.

Two lesbians pay a prominent doc for IVF. It succeeds. But then they sue, because the doc accidentally implants two eggs, and they get twin girls instead of one.

My favourite quote: "Their mothers, whose combined income is almost $120,000, want $398,000 to cover the costs of raising one of the girls, including fees for a private Steiner school in Melbourne."

So they get twin girls, but have to make the doc who got them preggers to pay for them to send the girls to a private school??? Man, the world is insane...

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India: State Agency Admits Men Are Often Victims

Orissa State Women's Commission accepts that male victimization is happening on a large scale. This is the first time that a government agency (in India) has accepted this fact so openly. Excerpt:

'In the past couple of years, there has been a perceptible increase in the number of such men - bullied and blackmailed, tormented and terrorised. It is true that we have a whole lot of wicked women who misuse their legal weapon." And here's the last word from her: "Contrary to popular belief, torture of men does not take place in urban areas only. It is rampant in villages also."

Also, here:
"This is only the tip of the iceberg. The number of such atrocities against men by women is rising in Orissa. Since May 2007, the Commission has registered 38 such cases," chairperson Namita Panda said.'

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