Hillary's Shakedown of Chinese Immigrants

Wow, read this. So she got all that money from poor Chinese immigrants? Or were they just told to say they gave her that money, or was it given to them to give to her?

Egad. I haven't seen news like this since Chicago in the 20s (not that I was alive back then, but...). Excerpt:

'All three locations, along with scores of others scattered throughout some of the poorest Chinese neighborhoods in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx, have been swept by an extraordinary impulse to shower money on one particular presidential candidate -- Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton.'

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"Feminists Have More Fun"

Latest news from feminist academia:

"Feminism boosts sexual satisfaction for both men and women, a new study suggests.

Busting stereotypes that peg feminists as men-haters, a new study shows that having a feminist partner is linked with healthier, more romantic heterosexual relationships.

The study, published online this week in the journal Sex Roles, relied on surveys of both college students and older adults, finding that women with egalitarian attitudes do find mates and men do find them attractive. In fact, results reveal they are having a good time, maybe a better time than the non-feminists."

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LiveScience: Competing over women for sex may cause men to die earlier

This article says "In humans and many other animals, males age faster and die earlier than females. New research suggests this might happen because of intense competition over sex."

So competing over women for sex may cause you to die early? Even more of a reason NOT to do it. Chasing women is bad for your health. Thank you LiveScience!

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Ohio Proposes Paternity Consent for Abortion Law

In a bill that feminists are calling unconstitutional, the Ohio state legislature has introduced H.B. 287 which would require that a woman seeking to terminate a pregnancy must obtain the written consent of the father. In cases where she does not know who the father is (due to having multiple sex partners), a paternity test would be mandatory. Obviously this poses an aggressive legal challenge to the feminist monopoly over birth control and “choice” in reproductive rights.

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Steinem Interview Neglects Male DV Victims

Posted for Marc A.

The Capitol Times in Wisconsin just printed an interview with Gloria Steinem.

They asked about NCFM's claim that male victims were neglected in the domestic violence discussions. True to form, Steinem downplayed the seriousness of the problem and said male victims are mostly elder abuse. Amazing! Steinem knows that isn't true, of course. In addition to all the research we have sent her from the Centers for Disease Control, etc., Harvard Medical School just recognized that women initiate domestic violence at least as much as men among heterosexuals between ages 18-28 (hardly "elderly").
See Harvard article here.

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Harvard Medical School recognizing frequency of female domestic violence

From Marc A.:

The article below printed in the 9/07 issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter (V. 24, N. 3) and is on the Harvard Medical School's website. It is by the researcher from the Centers for Disease Control, Dr. Whitaker, whose recent reseach found 24% of heterosexual relationships had violence, half of it reciprocal, and that women committed over 70% of the non-reciprocal violence and initited the reciprocal violence more than men, and women suffered more injury but men suffered significant injury as well. The abstract of the study is at http://www.ajph.org/cgi/content/abstract/97/5/941.

The Psychiatry Online article on the study is at

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RADAR ALERT: Equal Protection?

Civil rights are those rights which we create through the application of the law. They are distinct from "human rights" which many assume to be common to all people, everywhere. In the United States, the constitution guarantees equal protection under the law (under the 14th amendment). This was necessary because prior to the 14th amendment, individual rights were only protected from violation by the federal government (but not state governments). The individual states had wide latitude in how draconian or arbitrary their laws were, and the application of state law could discriminate against citizens for the most capricious of reasons. The 14th amendment's "equal protection clause" was meant to correct that, and provide due process (and many other rights) to all citizens, regardless of the state they lived in.

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Baltimore Sun prints Glenn Sacks' column re false rape rape accusations

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Maryland is under fire for denying activists from the Clothesline Project, a campus rape-awareness event, permission to publicly name alleged rapists. The university cites the danger of lawsuits from those named, and that's certainly a reasonable fear. Yet the university should also oppose naming alleged rapists because it could defame and harm innocent men.

A significant percentage of allegations of sexual assault are false. According to a study conducted by former Purdue sociologist Eugene J. Kanin and published in Archives of Sexual Behavior, in more than 40 percent of the cases reviewed, the complainants eventually admitted that no rape had occurred. Mr. Kanin also studied rape allegations in two large Midwestern universities and found that 50 percent of the allegations were recanted by the accuser.'

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Nebraska mom who abandoned baby will get full custody by December

Sorry to keep bringing this story up on the board (this will be the last), but it appears there will be no consequences for a woman who left her baby in a hospital restroom. She will probably get the baby back by the end of the year. Notice how much sympathy is in some of the comments to this story. Many of those who commented mentioned how they felt when they were pregnant and 18. They seemed to be strangely implying that they understand this woman's actions (??). Article here.

"Don't get married, don't put your girlfriends name on any of your property, and hide your assets!"

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Rudov: Man sues over being forced to take female hormone pills

According to the latest debate on Fox News some corporations are now forcing men to take female hormone pills because -- according to them -- it makes men "less aggressive." The war against men is still going full steam and behind the wheel are women and men whom would rather argue with, and impugn other men, than expose women's double standards and lies.

You can watch the debate here.

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Opening This Week: "Feminist Farm" CafePress Shop

This week-end I will be opening up a new CafePress shop, Feminist Farm Online Store, devoted to "... lampooning feminism and exposing feminism's long history of misconceptions, absurdities, distortions, half-truths and outright lies."

The store's headline reads: "The best way to drive out the devil . . . is to jeer and flout her, for she cannot bear scorn." And that's what we plan to do: make fun of feminism, with humorous and (hopefully) pointed illustrations that mock and scorn feminism.

Although the shop will open with only four items, I've hired artists from as far away as India, and have about a dozen additional illustrations now on the drawing board that should be ready for the store in 1 or 2 weeks.

Please check it out! http://www.cafepress.com/feministfarm

Feedback and suggestions are always welcome!

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Politico: Dems must woo white men to win

Article here. Excerpt:

"In 2008, Democrats are assembling behind a front-runner, Hillary Rodham Clinton, with singular problems among white males. Polls show her support among this group is approaching the record lows scored by Democrats during the peak of Ronald Reagan’s popularity in the 1980s. Some recent hypothetical matchups — which are highly fluid at this stage of a contest — showed Clinton winning roughly a third of white males in a race against Republican Rudy Giuliani."


Also from anthony, an interesting contrast: Clinton's team says women will carry win.

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Isiah Thomas: Guilt by genitalia

Article here. Excerpt:

"Nowhere is female privilege more evident than within the star-chamber like confines of the "Sexual Harassment Industry." In this arena, feminist lobbyists have erected a charnel house to exterminate the expression of random, unscripted male behavior in the workplace. It has even created a ludicrous female right not to be offended…by anything said or done in their proximity. This right can be brandished upon men who accidentally forget to don their automaton costumes before punching the clock."

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Baby-throwing mom convicted

Article here. Excerpt:

'A jury has convicted a woman of swinging her 4-week-old son at her boyfriend during a fight and fracturing the infant's skull.

Chytoria Graham, 28, fell into the fetal position when the judge told her she faced a five-year mandatory minimum prison sentence after she was convicted Wednesday of aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, simple assault and child endangerment.

"Oh my God," Graham cried. "Oh my God, Oh my God. No, no, no."'

Why is she so upset? A man would have gotten at least 20 years minimum for the same thing. Oh well, good riddance.

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Former Duke Lacrosse Coach Sues School

Article here. Excerpt:

"CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) -- The former Duke University men's lacrosse coach who resigned last year amid allegations that three of his players raped a stripper has sued the university."

"Mike Pressler's lawsuit apparently stems from a financial settlement the school reached earlier this year with him.."

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