More from MSN: "Does the Reverse Glass Ceiling" Exist?

All I can think is that MSN uses a committee to determine what articles get published. What we see in terms of MSN's flip-flopping of sympathies and interests probably represents an editorial struggle-- or an attempt to keep on the fence in the public's mind. Warren Farrell is quoted in several places as well. Article here. Excerpt:

'So-called women's clubs don't just exist in the travel industry. Stacy Kaiser has counseled plenty of men who have experienced resistance across the spectrum of female-dominated careers. "Men have said they felt that women can be uncomfortable having a man around in a female-dominated environment," she says. "Women may think … 'having a man around will change the dynamic.'"

Having a man or two at work in a room full of women does change dynamics, "but that doesn't mean it's bad change," Kaiser adds.'

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RADAR ALERT: HRES 590: Do You Know Where Your Taxpayer Dollars Are Today?

You may already know about the outlandish (and unsupported) claims made against men and fathers in House Resolution 590 (HRES-590). RADAR has critiqued (.pdf file) these extensively. But a little-noticed aspect of HRES-590 is one of its final "Whereas" clauses:

"Whereas there is a need to increase funding for programs carried out under the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA 2005) ..." (p.4)

The stated purpose of HRES 590 is to promote even more funding for VAWA programs, such as services that include emergency shelter, counseling, and legal services for victims. In the 2005 reauthorization of VAWA, Congress added a requirement that the General Accounting Office (GAO) investigate and report on just what services are being provided to which people under the act. This is important because nearly half of VAWA funds go to such programs ($507 million in fiscal year 2007 alone).

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Michigan's HB 4564

From the Equal Parenting Bike Trek folks, this site. This is the bill pending in Michigan's House. Currently it is in the Family and Children's Services Committee. The members of this committee are shown here (.pdf file) on their latest minutes report:

"Members present: Reps. Clack, Dean, Hammon, Wojno, Sheen.
Members absent/excused: Reps. Accavitti, Stahl, Hoogendyk, Palmer."

MI House reps' contact info. is here.

You know what to do. :)

(Click "read more" for the bill's opening text.)

Like0 Dislike0 Fear of a female planet

Essay here. Excerpt:

'The baby-girl boom is being blamed on the high levels of estrogen-mimicking, man-made chemicals in Inuit mothers' blood. Scientists found that the higher the amount of chemicals such as PCBs, flame retardants and DDT in an Inuit woman's blood, the fewer boys she gave birth to, suggesting that hormone-mimicking chemicals are triggering sex changes during the first three weeks of pregnancy. It was also discovered that boys who are born in Russian Arctic villages suffer from being underweight and premature.'

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Polygamous sect ousts boys for worldly vices

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the past six years, hundreds of teenage males have been expelled or felt compelled to leave the polygamous settlement that straddles Colorado City, Arizona, and Hildale, Utah.

Disobedience is usually the reason given for expulsion, but former sect members and state legal officials say the exodus of males also remedies a huge imbalance in the marriage market. (The expulsion of girls is rarer.) Members of the sect believe that to reach eternal salvation, men are supposed to have at least three wives.'

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Resolution 590: Is Congress Not Aware of Male Victimization?

Article here. Excerpt:

'This is an online open letter to the members of the 110th U.S. Congress.
Although the 110th Congress Resolution 590 claims that Congress wants to raise awareness of domestic violence, Resolution 590 accomplishes just the opposite concerning male victimization; i.e.: "Whereas one in four women will experience domestic violence sometime in her life" and "Whereas 13 percent of teenage girls who have been in a relationships report being hit or hurt by their partner." No awareness of male victimization there!'

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Indian Supreme Court: False Rape Charges Not Uncommon

Story here. Excerpt:

"While reaffirming the resolve of the judiciary to deal firmly with sexual assault, a Bench comprising Justices R Raveendran and B Sudarshan Reddy said that courts needed to be aware of the tendency to use allegations of rape to settle scores.

"The courts should, at the same time, bear in mind that false charges of rape are not uncommon," said the Bench as it acquitted one Radhu from Madhya Pradesh, who was convicted for forcibly confining a minor and raping her through the night more than 16 years ago.'

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MSN asks: 'Is it OK to have a starter husband?' The Answer is Yes

More from the demise-of-marriage dept.:

The Starter Husband. Excerpt:

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Mom who abandoned baby in Omaha hospital restroom now wants the baby back

Yes, you guessed it gents. Girl abandons baby in hospital. In less than two weeks, she wants the baby back. As usual, an article with the normal female bias: "She is not a monster. She is just human like the rest of us. She just made a poor, bad decision." Let's just not talk about what would happen if a "confused and depressed" 18 year old father did the same thing. I can think of four things that would happen: felony charges, felony conviction, hard prison time, and no sympathy from the press and television news.

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How Female Illegals Abuse the System

Article here. Excerpt:

'Every year thousands of Americans are victimized by a swindle known as the "immigrant abuse scam." What's amazing is this shake-down is paid for by the U.S. taxpayer under the guise of stopping domestic violence.

One of those persons was Roger Knudson, 64, of Arizona. When he discovered his wife was having an affair, he filed for divorce. Fearing the judge would learn her visa had expired and order her back to Mexico, she fell into a rage and attacked him.

But the DA refused to prosecute the assault. Then the illegal went to a local woman's shelter that provided her pro bono legal services and told her to accuse her husband of the very crime that she herself had committed. "I have spent thousands of dollars since 2002 clearing myself of the accusations," Knudson wrote sadly.

So here's how the scam works: A woman makes an accusation of abuse. The laws define domestic violence so loosely that she doesn't need to provide a scrap of evidence -- she only needs to scream "abuse!" So the judge issues a let's-play-it-safe order.'

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Is the Christian Men’s Marriage Movement Covering Up the "Dying Pains?"

Is the Christian Men’s Marriage Movement Covering Up the Dying Pains?

Some voices in the Christian community have recently proclaimed a message, calling for men to participate in the promotion of marriage in America. One can only wonder what hapless thinking has inspired such irresponsible advocacy for so dangerous a venture.

"Why," reportedly is the last word uttered by Pastor Winkler in this life, after his wife shot him in the back with a blast from a 12 gauge shotgun.

It appears to me that the killing of Reverend Matthew Winkler has set a new low standard for treatment of Christian men, and non-Christian men, in the institution of marriage. Nowhere, in my opinion, is this new low more apparent than in Christian Fundamentalist Churches across America as evidenced by the killing of Reverend Matthew Winkler.

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Real Clear Politics: Hillary Wants to 'Change Our Country'

It's time for some political news. This is one of the better articles regarding Hillary's Marxist ambition as commander and chief. Excerpt:

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"Heinous act" vs. "forbidden love"

Take a look at this story. This is a teacher (male) being "hunted" now that he is suspected of having sex with two of his students. Not at all defending his actions, just wanting to contrast how police and the press handle the matter. Compare it to this story. Story 1 excerpt:

'Santaluces drama teacher hunted in student sex case
"It is a heinous act," Detective Sgt. Thomas Wallace said. "You send your children to school and expect them to get an education – and not a sex education – especially from the teachers."'

Story 2 excerpt:
'She's the former schoolteacher who had an affair with a student, Vili Fualaau, a relationship that began when the boy was just 12 years old.
Mary Kay LeTourneau sacrificed it all: husband, kids, her job and her freedom, all for the love of a schoolboy, Vili Fualaau.

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Rudov: "Women to rule men completely by the year 2010"

Marc Rudov writes "Just when you thought that legislative, judicial, law-enforcement, media, and reproductive biases in favor of women were the epitome of double standards, there is new evidence that "life control" is increasingly shifting to the female domain: in four years, women also will rule men financially. Remember this the next time the waiter brings the check to your table, and your woman insists that YOU pay it — or worse, you acquiesce."

Reality setting in yet gentlemen? Misandry, Greedy/spoiled women, Affirmative Action and chivalrous men have ensured that every man will be a legal slave by the year 2010. That's if it has not occurred already. Wake up guys stop coddling the enemy!

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Police officer berates and threatens young man - caught on camera

Look at this, will you. Do you suppose for even one second that had the young man been either female or a few years older that this officer (a sergeant, no less) would have behaved this way? And to think, we can elect representatives and all, and still, this happens. Notice how he taunts him with such phrases as "young boy"? Can you imagine him calling a woman a "young girl" like that? Never.

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