'Advice Goddess' Reports Backlash to Defending Fairness for Male DV Victims

Article here. Excerpt:

"There's no excuse for domestic abuse"...right? Well, not unless the abuser has a vagina. I wrote an Advice Goddess column, Marrying The Hatchet, condemning a woman for throwing an ashtray at her husband, and condemning the double standard that has people shrugging off domestic violence against men.'


Ed. note: Amy Alkon writes a syndicated column entitled "The Advice Goddess" that is found in over 100 papers across the country.

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Undistributed Collected Child Support - Listen to the shocking and informative interview of Richar Farr

Zero download time - Listen to the interview of Richar Farr on Ronald Smith's talk show with co-host Robin Denison. The topic of discussion is undistributed collected child support - the corruption is exposed!

Full Interview is here on DaddyBlogger.com.

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NCFM-LA Truck Advises: "Report Your Abusive Wife Or Girlfriend"

Report Your Abusive Wife Or Girlfriend

"Domestic violence awareness month, according to the gender feminist calendar, was officially over today. Yet the beginning of bringing awareness to the obfuscation caused by all the gender, feminist domestic violence propaganda continued today in earnest.

A popular truck sign that has never been parked in official protest in Los Angeles County, took to the streets today to continue bringing refutation to the biased gender feminist perspective that has destroyed so many innocent men's lives."

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"Democratic Debate Proves You Can Hit a Girl"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Thanks primarily to former Senator John Edwards, Tuesday night's Democratic debate was different. He was out to prove it's OK to hit a girl. He hit Clinton so many times that as the night wore on, she began to seem punch drunk, unsure of what was on or off the table and which tough issues needed yet another study by a fuzzy bipartisan commission tied up with a blue ribbon.
Rick Lazio of New York, who entered the 2000 Senate race after Rudy Giuliani got out after announcing he had prostate cancer and that he was separating from his second wife.

When Lazio decided to get aggressive by walking across the stage at a debate to wave a piece of paper practically under Clinton's nose, it backfired. The only thing worse than being too soft is being too hard if your opponent is a woman.'


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NCFM-LA List of Media Mentions for DV Awareness Month

We turned up the heat for DV Awareness Month by sending an NCFM news release and writing letters to editors every day re biased DV articles.

As a result we generated 6 university newspaper stories on DV, had a spat with Gloria Steinem in the Capital Times, were on Dr. Phil, and printed at least 17 letters to editors (LTEs). The LTEs listed are the ones we know printed; there are more we don't know of. For each LTE that printed there were about 5 that didn't. Many LTEs were sent in the past few days so there will be more printing soon, but this list is limited to October. Thank you everyone who participated or who had their own projects (RADAR, etc.). For a more complete list and links see our media page. -- Marc A.

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Baskerville's "Taken into Custody" Available Again on Amazon.com

Thanks to Angela P. for the word. Book link here.

As a consequence, a previous story saying that the book had stopped being sold seems to have been false, so it will be updated to show this. A good reminder I guess about jumping to conclusions!

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Kim Gandy & N.O.W. Want More Women-owned Mass Media

Kim Gandy, President of N.O.W., testified before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) yesterday on Halloween to petition for more female-owned mass media.

She stated in her testimony:

“I believe that the paltry level of female ownership affects the coverage of women's issues and how women are portrayed in the media.”

Yes, like all of mensactivism's readers, I’ve noticed that women’s issues are pretty nearly invisible and ignored in the MSM.

I’ve also heard that the poor dears can hardly find a retail store that caters to their needs!'

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Business as usual for female teacher who takes 13 year old male student out of town

A Nebraska teacher takes student out of town (or state), no amber alert is issued, rape is not mentioned in the article, and the last three sentences of the article seem to try to minimize this problem. In other words, everything is pretty much business as usual when it comes to the bias between male and female sex crimes. Oh, and rape isn't mentioned once in the article. And, remember, she only POSSIBLY faces child abuse, kidnapping, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. I'm sure the whole thing will disappear from the media after they are found. Excerpt:

'The search is on for a Lexington, Nebraska middle school teacher and the 13-year-old student believed to have gone away with her.

An arrest warrant has been issued for 25-year-old Kelsey Peterson, who faces possible charges of kidnapping, child abuse and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

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Politico: Voters' choice in 2008: Mom versus Dad

Essay here. Excerpt:

'In 1986, a Gallup poll found that 56 percent of women called themselves a “feminist.” By 2001, that number had fallen roughly 30 points, to a quarter of American women.

“My sense of [Clinton] is that she is, before everything else, a supreme pragmatist,” Faludi said. “She is certainly careful to avoid spouting women’s lib rhetoric, and that goes back to her being a realist, and that goes back to where the culture is.”

Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway said Clinton is “an icon of the feminist movement who must run a campaign to appeal to women living in a post-feminist era.”'

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Huffington Post: "Russert Leads Boys in Hillary Hit Job"

Article here.

After Hillary's disastrous performance at the most recent democratic debate, supporters are crying victim! Apparently the "boys" [including moderator Russert] were being unfair with political attacks on the front runner. Its about time Obama and Edwards chivalrous fear of Hillary has eroded. I suspect when things get more difficult for Hillary, the victim card will be a constant theme. Excerpt:

"When you throw in the continual hammering by Edwards, who had his best night, not on issues, but because he played attack dog towards Clinton, not to mention Obama jumping in when he could get up the courage, last night's boy brawl showed more about Clinton than anyone is willing to say. She can take anything dished out at her. The innuendos didn't stop her. The attacks didn't phase her publicly, though at one point I thought she was going to really come out and call it what it was, nothing short of a two-sided attack, with Clinton the target, including from "moderator" Tim Russert who had no business taking sides. But he did anyway."

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Feminist Art = Pickled Penises In a Jar?

For anyone interested in the cutting edge of misandry in feminist art, a quick glance at Chicago artist Mary Ellen Croteau’s piece titled “Men I Have Known” is instructive. The link includes a photo of her “art” -- basically a mason jar stuffed with (simulated) pickled penises.

Here’s the feminist interpretation of this inspired bit of hateful sexism:

“Croteau often uses laughter as a subversive force in her determination to destabilize patriarchal institutions and the systematic oppression of women. In Men I Have Known, a mason jar stuffed with what appears to be pickled penises, Croteau foreshadows the themes of Saint Lorena. Offering to the viewer an unsettling mixture of humor and rage, Croteau renders the homely Ball jar suddenly uncanny, a site/sight of ravenous hungers and strange trophies. In this way, she undermines the kitchen's -and femininity's-- association with passiveness, safety, hearth, and haven.”

Who says there are no women artists capable of true genius?

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"Multicultural" event excludes dads

Story here. Excerpt:

'A SCHOOL was yesterday accused of MAKING teachers dress up as Asians for a day – to celebrate a Muslim festival.

Kids at the 257-pupil primary have also been told to don ethnic garb even though most are Christians.

The morning assembly will be open to all parents – but dads are BARRED from a women-only party in the afternoon because Muslim husbands object to wives mixing with other men.

Just two members of staff – a part-time teacher and a teaching assistant – are Muslim.'

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'Breaking the Silence': An Assault on Fatherhood

The article states:

'Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories, which aired on many PBS affiliates on October 20 and subsequent weeks, is a direct assault on fatherhood. The film portrays fathers as batterers and child molesters who steal children from their mothers.

Breaking the Silence aims to reverse the minimal, hard-won gains shared parenting advocates have made in protecting children’s right to have both parents in their lives after divorce or separation. The film is extremely one-sided, and presents a harmful and inaccurate view of divorce and child custody cases.'


Ed. note: This is not old news. PBS is at it again, re-airing the same "documentary" it did in 2005, which drew widespread criticism, even from within PBS.

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Burmese Boys Impressed into Military Service

Story here. Will we see this in the MSM in America or Britain, I wonder? Excerpt:

'Add to the many hardships in Myanmar today one more danger: being a boy. According to a report that was to be released Wednesday, the military, struggling to meet recruiting quotas, is buying, kidnapping and terrorizing boys as young as 10 to join its ranks.

The report by Human Rights Watch, the New York-based rights group, says military recruiters and civilian brokers scour train stations, bus stations, markets and other public places for boys and coerce them to volunteer. Some may simply disappear without their families' knowledge and spend years on the front lines of a brutal war against ethnic insurgencies.'

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U Conn Student Paper Covers DV to Include Men

Via Marc A.: "Some of the blunders in this article are humorous. They actually take a quote from me and say Dr. Witaker of the Centers for Disease Control is the speaker. They also quote me as saying the "the National Family of Violence industry," of which there is no such thing and it is a mixup of my comment about the "domestic violence industry” with my comment about the "National Family Violence Survey." But I'm still very thankful to this reporter for doing a fine job and having more guts than most journalists. Marc"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The term "domestic violence" is generally linked with violence against women in today's society. But what isn't usually thought of is the fact that men are victims of violence in relationships as well.

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