NYT: 'When Ties to a Parent Are Cut by the Other'

Thanks to Maurice for pointing this out. Article here. And you guessed it, it starts out with a story about an evil alcoholic truck-driving father as the perp. Only about half-way down the article do they get to this:

'Dr. Baker said her research — both for the book and with several hundred subjects over the last five years — indicates a mother or father is equally likely to do the manipulating. It is “truly 50-50,” she said.'

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Winkler Gets Visitation, Oprah Treatment

Story here and here. Excerpts:

'HUNTINGDON, Tenn. — A woman who killed her minister husband with a shotgun can begin supervised visits with her three young daughters Sept. 29, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Judge Ron Harmon said he will draw up rules and locations for the visits within a few days and Mary Winkler can phone her children every other day.'

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Women aged 21 to 30 working full time earn 17% more than men

A New York Times article of September 23rd mentions an analysis, based on 2005 census data, of the wage gap between men and women aged 21 to 30. Women who are employed full-time in that age bracket earn 17% more than men. The following is excerpted from the article (registration is required to view the article in its entirety):

For the first time, women in their 20s who work full time in several American cities — New York, Chicago, Boston and Minneapolis — are earning higher wages than men in the same age range, according to a recent analysis of 2005 census data by Andrew Beveridge, a sociology professor at Queens College in New York.

For instance, the median income of women age 21 to 30 in New York who are employed full time was 17 percent higher than that of comparable men.

Professor Beveridge said the gap is largely driven by a gulf in education: 53 percent of women employed full time in their 20s were college graduates, compared with 38 percent of men. Women are also more likely to have graduate degrees. “They have more of everything,” Professor Beveridge said.'

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New Zealand: "Government has radical plan on child abuse"

The government of New Zealand does not seem to have heard of the fact that women can be (and frequently are) perpetrators of domestic violence. Here is their new, incredibly one-sided approach to the problem: women only are to be asked at hospitals if they "feel controlled" or if anybody has "hurt or threatened" them.

This plan is indeed radical - radical feminist.

Link here.

Related story here.

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UK: 'British School Girls Beat Classmates Face ‘Beyond Recognition’'

Video here.

Some people, particularly casual visitors to MANN, might ask, "Why does MANN keep putting stories up about violent women and girls, high schoolers getting stat. raped by female teachers, etc., etc. We all know it happens, why keep on about it?"

Well the reason is just this: most of us wouldn't know about it unless someone pointed it out, as such stories are usually buried on page C15 rather than on A1, where the stories about male criminals are printed.

The urge to deny that women and girls are just as capable of violence and other criminal acts is very strong: a toxic mix of chivalry, bigotry, and cognitive dissonance keep the wheels turning. So MANN keeps posting these sorts of reports because the mainstream media keeps airing one spun-out excuse-making report for female criminal activity after another. In short: *We* won't stop until *they* stop.

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RADAR ALERT: H-RES 5-9-0, Misandry Has Got to Go!

Since the beginning of September, we have called on you to contact members of the U.S. House of Representatives to "Say NO to HRES 590." And our efforts are working!

To date the House Education and Labor Committee not voted on this hateful resolution. Even better news, the bill hasn't been scheduled for debate! That's exactly where we want it to stay.

And now we have a great opportunity – not only can we deep-six the bill, we can also send a powerful message to several Representatives who are running for president. Four current house members are running for President in their parties' primaries:
Duncan Hunter
Dennis J. Kucinich
Ron Paul
Thomas G. Tancredo

Because they are current House members they will also have to vote on HRES 590. We can continue our efforts to stop HRES 590, and perhaps influence the Presidential campaign, by making these four Congressman the focus of our efforts this week. For a reminder of just what's so offensive about HRES 590, see RADAR's critique here (.pdf file).

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Study: Men often coerced into sex

Something interesting from the National Post... here's the link.

"The stereotype of the male stud who is always up for sex is being challenged by new research from the University of Guelph showing that men are almost as likely to be coerced in the bedroom as women.

A study of 518 university students found that 38.8% of men and 47.9% of women reported being pressured into a range of sexual activity, from kissing and cuddling to intercourse and oral sex."

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CNN Protects Perpetrator Of Paternity Fraud

Story here. Excerpt:

'Fort Lauderdale, Florida-CNN has concealed the name of a perpetrator of "paternity fraud". Why?

Francisco Rodriquez is the victim of an ordinary case of paternity fraud. The state of Florida insists that he owes $10,000 in back child support payments for a fifteen year old girl who, according to DNA results, is not his daughter. The state even jailed Rodriquez for failure to pay.

Here is my twist on this otherwise ordinary case: In reporting this story, CNN refused to divulge the name of the mother – a perpetrator of fraud who wrongly named Mr. Rodriquez the father. Why did CNN protect her? She is not a victim. She is a perpetrator.'

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Mother and Daughter Lure Boy To Home, Beat Him

Story here. Excerpt:

'DES MOINES, Iowa -- Two women are in custody, accused of assaulting a 12-year-old boy who's also a relative.

"They assaulted him and caused serious injury," said Lt. Jeff Miller of the West Des Moines Police Department.

Police said Jaton Warren, 27, and her mother, Maia Beadeau, 51, are responsible for beating the boy Wednesday.'

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"Rigorous Imprisonment" For Woman In Fake Rape Case

Story here. Excerpt:

"A city court sentenced a woman to five years' rigorous imprisonment for framing four men in a fake rape case. The verdict comes on the heels of the Supreme Court's recent direction to courts for handling allegations of rape with 'caution'.

Meera, 49, had framed four men in a fake rape case and then extorted money from them during the trial. She was arrested after the court had established inconsistencies in her statements in court. The four men were freed in 2005 after court found them innocent "as the Meera had been making different contradictory statements at various stages, which was very difficult to believe".

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Woman Arrested for Making False Rape Charge

Story here.

Make sure you check out the video for this story. Excerpt:

"A North Little Rock woman is arrested for making a false rape charge. Police say that on August 5th, 31-year-old Paula Renee Kay said she was raped in Burns Park. North Little Rock Police then spent many man hours and money -- including hiring a sketch artist -- to find that man. "It's a sad situation that we've had to arrest someone who alleged that they were a victim. But at the same time, our investigators were able to close this case. More importantly, we're able to give the community some sense of security again, that Burns Park is an okay place to go - it's safe," NLR police spokesperson, Sgt. Terry Kuykendall said. Filing a false report is a felony, punishable by up to six years in prison."

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Canada: Universities now where-the-boys-aren't

Story here. Excerpt:

'"It's an international trend that experts widely described as the "feminization of education."
"Martin blames the trend on the public schools, which he said switched gears through the 1970s to appeal to the learning style of girls because they weren't doing as well as boys.

"Boys are getting shafted," said Martin, starting in the early elementary school grades where there is "zero tolerance on horsing around" and boys are treated as learning disabled and put on medication if they misbehave."'

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Unmarried fathers in Ireland gain parental rights in landmark ruling

Story here. Excerpt:

"DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) - An unmarried father of twin boys must have his children returned to his custody from England, a Dublin judge ruled Tuesday in a landmark judgment for the parental rights of unmarried men.
Until now, Irish law recognized no custody rights for unmarried fathers, chiefly because Ireland's conservative 1937 constitution emphasizes that such rights flow from marriage and motherhood.

But High Court Justice Liam McKechnie said the man, a school teacher identified in court only as «Mr. G,» was the de-facto joint guardian of the twins before the mother took them without warning to Manchester, northwest England, eight months ago."

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Woman found guilty of abduction with intent to deprive custody rights

Story here. Excerpt:

"On the third day of deliberations, the six women and six men of the jury concluded that Ms. Bédard was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of kidnapping her then-11-year-old daughter and taking her to the United States last fall with the criminal intent of depriving the father, her ex-husband Jean Paquet, of his custody rights."
"We will take into account the two weeks of provisional detention she spent in a United States jail," Ms. Lemieux said yesterday. Her comments were an indication that the Crown may request that Ms. Bédard, who faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail, be handed a much lighter sentence."
"In February, Ms. Bédard regained custody of her child in a ruling that reiterated Mr. Paquet's custodial rights."

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Canada: National Association of Women and the Law closes doors

Canadian government cancels $300K yearly handout to feminist group: National Association of Women and the Law ("NAWL").

The closure is treated mostly as a non-event. It doesn't even make headlines in most of Canada's mainstream media.

NAWL news release here.

Toronto Star: Prints two articles here and here.

Ottawa Citizen: here.

Even the notoriously feminist Toronto Star buried the article in the back of its news section.

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