Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2007-11-24 21:01
In his latest Fox News debate, VAWA Reform Coalition member, Marc Rudov stated that HHS and CDC statistics show women and men commit domestic violence equally. The website "MediaMatters for America" has responded by calling Marc a liar.
In actual fact, the latest CDC research, indicates that women are as violent, if not more violent than men. In March 2007, the peer-reviewed scientific journal, "American Journal of Public Health" published a report by Centers for Disease Control researchers Whitaker, Haileyesus, Swahn, and Saltzman entitled "Differences in Frequency of Violence and Reported Injury Between Relationships With Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Intimate Partner Violence".
This research analyzed data on 11,370 young heterosexual adults aged 18 to 28. About half of the violent couples reported that both partners were violent to one another (reciprocal violence). Of the violent couples in which only one partner was violent (non-reciprocal violence), the woman was the perpetrator in 70% of the cases.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2007-11-24 05:55
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Topeka man is fighting a legal battle over parental rights, because his babies' mother says he is just the sperm donor.
Hendrix is a gay man who didn't think he would ever become a father. Then in 2004, the Topeka resident said a longtime female friend named Samantha Harrington approached him and asked if he would father a baby for her through artificial insemination...
So Hendrix said he agreed to the deal. "I thought everything was perfect and I said, 'Do we need anything in writing?" he said. "She said, 'Daryl, we've been friends for 10 years. I'm an attorney. Kansas is an oral agreement state. There will be no problem.' And I took her word for it."
Hendrix said, "When she found out she was pregnant, she called and said, 'Congratulations Daddy."
The twins were born in May 2005 at Stormont Vail Hospital in Topeka. Hendrix said when he went to the hospital to see the infants, a boy and a girl, he was turned away.
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2007-11-24 00:30
Gentlemen, this is why MANN needs national exposure. We need to report blatant misandry and educate all men and women! This video shows the embedded hatred feminists have towards men.
Note: Google spell check can't identify the word "misandry"
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2007-11-24 00:23
A fascinating segment from 20/20 on YouTube.
He confronts the false assumptions underlying the belief that "men are paid more".
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-11-23 21:40
Story here. Excerpt:
'On his wedding day three months ago, Michael Forbes made a special announcement to his guests: He and his new wife would be moving into a beautiful home in Merrick.
"Everyone thought it was nice, was happy for him," his uncle, Cecil Dudley, said Thursday.
No one realized how horribly wrong things on Frankel Boulevard would turn.
On Wednesday morning, Kelly Forbes grabbed a long, orange, heavy-duty electrical cord, put it around her husband's neck and strangled him, Nassau police said. Forbes, 29, called 911 on a cell phone from the house. When paramedics and police arrived, they found Michael Forbes, 50, on the floor in a room next to the master suite. He was unresponsive and died about an hour later at 10 a.m. at Nassau University Medical Center in East Meadow.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2007-11-23 21:28
Article here. Excerpt:
'Radical feminists have devised a scheme to cash in on the flow of taxpayer money in a big way. Their good buddy, Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., has just introduced Senate Bill 2279, called the International Violence Against Women Act.
The act earmarks at least 10 percent of its program funds to be granted to a certain type of women's organizations. Biden's press release identifies the favored groups: NOW's Legal Momentum, Family Violence Prevention Fund, Women's Edge Coalition, and Center for Women's Global Leadership.
Orders of protection were designed to be a "shield" to protect against domestic violence. This article bluntly describes how a petitioner can use an order of protection as a "sword" to obtain child custody in an expedited manner, to restrict a father's visitation with his children and to gain exclusive use of the home.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2007-11-23 17:14
Story here. Excerpt:
'A woman who became pregnant after a one-night stand yesterday won the right to keep the existence of her baby a secret from its father.
In a landmark decision, three Appeal Court judges agreed that the 20-year-old single mother has "the ultimate veto" over whom should be told about the child, who is being put up for adoption.
Describing the case as "on any view extraordinary", Lord Justice Thorpe ruled there was no justification for "breaking open the mother's secret".
And Lady Justice Arden said this was not a violation of the father's rights to family life under the Human Rights Act because he had no rights to be violated.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-11-23 16:35
With Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner responsible for Age Discrimination.
Have your say on building a fair and equal society for women and men in Australia.
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC), in partnership with the Hawke Centre, the Equal Opportunity Commission of South Australia and Safe Work SA invite you join HREOC's new Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner responsible for Age Discrimination, Elizabeth Broderick, for a community consultation.
This consultation is part of Commissioner Broderick's national Listening Tour. The Listening Tour is an opportunity for people all over Australia to make their voices heard on the issues that matter to them.
Mon Nov 26, 5.15pm for 5.30pm start to 7.30pm
UniSA Hawke Building - Level 5, Bradley Forum,
50-60 North Terrace, Adelaide
08 8302 0215
Thu Nov 29, 12 noon - 2pm
Council Chamber,
Local Government Centre,
2 Seventh Street, Murray Bridge
08 8539 1100
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Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2007-11-21 08:05
Column here. Excerpt:
'...commentator Melanie Phillips is adamant: “What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that children need their fathers.”
Really? Why? What for? And when did anybody last even ask? It might be very nice indeed for a child to have a dad around the house — provided, naturally, that he's the proper kind: the devoted, sober, gentle giant much given to manly rites of passage like the proud purchase of a brace of season tickets to Arsenal. But nice is not the same as need and certainly not as “rights”; further, if the hands-on presence of a father were actually so imperative, our species would have died out in the primordial swamp.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2007-11-20 15:28
From a press release from Men's Health Australia:
'This Sunday is White Ribbon Day (WRD) and the start of the 16 Days of Activism to Stop Violence Against Women. However the 2005 Personal Safety Australia survey found that in the past 12 months almost twice as many men as women (808,300) were victims of all types of violence; twice as many men as women (485,400) were victims of physical assault; nearly a third of sexual assault victims were men; 864,300 men were harassed and 110,700 men were stalked. The same study found that men were almost as likely as women to experience physical violence within the home (half from females, half from males) and were just as likely as women to experience physical violence from perpetrators who were known to them. Yet the WRD campaign focuses solely on the prevention of violence against women by men.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2007-11-19 16:05
Via Marc A. Story here. Excerpt:
'( A new Knesset subcommittee for fathers' rights in divorce and child-custody proceedings held its first meeting Monday.
The Subcommittee on the Family Crisis in Israel was presided over by its chairman, MK Chaim Amsalem (Shas). Committee member and initiator Avraham Ravitz (UTJ) delivered the opening statement which ignited a stormy clash between government representatives and rights groups.
Dr. Orli Iness of the University of Haifa told the committee that “when the Knesset adopted legislation on the matter of protecting women from violence, it was reported that about 20 percent of complaints filed were false, but it adopted the legislation as the price to pay in order to protect the weak… Presently, there have been reports that in some precincts the figure [for false complaints] is as high as 50%. If that had been the case at the time, the Knesset would have thought differently about the matter.”
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Submitted by digitalhermit on Mon, 2007-11-19 15:05
Story here. Excerpt:
'Police say the boys -- who are 8 and 9 years old -- are in a Cobb County youth detention center but face adult criminal charges.
Police reports show the girl went to authorities Saturday for the alleged attack, which she says happened Thursday.'
I know none of the details of the case but my gut says that there is some hysterical overreaction going on for what were most likely innocent childhood games. No matter what happened, I can't conceive any valid reason to charge boys this young as adults.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2007-11-19 14:45
Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:
'MEN'S groups are calling for mandatory paternity testing of all newborns as it emerges a record number of men are finding they are not the fathers of children they believed to be theirs.
Almost a quarter of paternity tests conducted by one of Australia's largest DNA laboratory companies show the man submitting a sample is not the father, compared to an estimated one in 10 "exclusions" 10 years ago.
Thousands of men are turning to DIY testing kits - available online - to discover whether they are the biological father while they are still in a relationship and without telling their partners about their suspicions.
Professor Margaret Otlowski, deputy director of the University of Tasmania's Centre for Law and Genetics, said: "I don't think mandatory testing is a good idea.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2007-11-19 14:41
In a report to Congress on services provided to domestic violence and sexual assault victims, the U.S. General Accounting Office identified a number of grant programs whose funds are used to provide direct services to victims.
RADAR then submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking data on the services provided to victims, categorized by gender. On October 23, 2007, the Office on Violence Against Women responded to the RADAR request.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2007-11-18 21:49
Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:
'The Reuters report stands in stark contrast to the politically correct — but empirically incorrect — Associated Press story that blanketed the nation on April 23, 2007. The AP story was based on the advocacy press release of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) that claimed after one year out of college women earned 20 percent less than men and that the gap widened 10 years later to 31 percent. The AP did not tell the nation that statistical analyses accompanying the press release reduced the two purported gaps to 5 percent and 12 percent respectively...'
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