YouTube: Stephen Colbert on Feminism

If anyone needs a laugh, check out this video! I'll say it again, this is a classic for the archives. (I'll be shocked if Matt actually posts this).


Ed. note: Well I am not *completely* without a sense of humor! :)

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Genarlow Wilson ordered released by Georgia Supreme Court

Via Marc A. Story here. This is great news, "some justice" as they say. Excerpt:

'ATLANTA -- Georgia's Supreme Court on Friday ordered the release of a young man who has been imprisoned for more than two years for having consensual oral sex with another teenager.

The court ruled 4-3 that Genarlow Wilson's 10-year sentence was cruel and unusual punishment.

Wilson, 21, was convicted of aggravated child molestation following a 2003 New Year's Eve party at a Douglas County hotel room where he was videotaped having oral sex with a 15-year-old girl. He was 17 at the time.'

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"The Big O's" All-Girls' School Makes Headlines for Child Abuse

Watch it here. Sounds more like a girls' reformatory to me. Note how openly she advocates only for black children, girls in particular? There is nothing to be proud of with this racist, sexist "institution". She is happy to provide for children provided they are the "right" ethnicity and gender, but it looks like those kids are paying a price they didn't count on. "The Big O" can add this to her list of accomplishments, right after the one that describes her profit-making venture in Africa that relies on the "culling" of the foreskins of African men and boys for her very expensive skin cream.

God, she makes me sick.

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Texas Prop-13 to jail innocent men without bail

Article here. Excerpt:

'Texas voters will decide on November 6 whether to approve
Proposition 13, a dangerous measure which will harm innocent men by greatly eroding the rights of those accused of domestic violence. The measure grants judges the ability to hold without bail those accused of nonviolent, trivial, or accidental violations of temporary restraining orders.'

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Special ed teacher "has sex with" one of her ninth graders

Story here. Excerpt:

'Police say a special education teacher at a Tampa high school has been arrested and charged with having sex with a ninth grade student.

According to investigators, 33-year-old Christina Butler, who teaches at Middleton High School, faces charges of lewd and lascivious battery after detectives say she had sex with a 15-year-old boy who is reportedly one of her students.

Detectives say they discovered the relationship after they caught the boy driving Butler's car on Tuesday night.'

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Update: "Woman stabs tied-up lover to drink blood"

Story here.

"A woman who stabbed her tied-up lover so she could drink his blood has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Tiffany Sutton told Maricopa County Superior Court Judge David Udall that she was sorry for the incident and said she never meant to hurt anyone, but received the stiff sentence anyway after he called the crime especially heinous."

"Robert McDaniel, agreed to be tied up during sex but became alarmed and asked to be untied when Sutton pulled out a knife and said she liked to drink blood."


MANN's most previous entry on this story is here.

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Woman stabs ex-boyfriend 7 times, says prosecutor

Story here. Excerpt:

'CAMBRIDGE - After Anna Tang and her boyfriend broke up three weeks ago, prosecutors say, the Wellesley College junior began sending him e-mails telling him she would kill him.

Yesterday, police said, she almost succeeded.

At about 6:30 a.m., Tang sneaked into his dorm room at MIT, climbed on top of him as he slept, and plunged a knife into his back, Assistant District Attorney Suzanne Kontz said in Cambridge District Court yesterday, where Tang was arraigned.'

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North Dakota State University newspaper covers male victims of DV

Article here. Excerpt:

'October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and some researchers are urging the public to take a closer look at both sides of an issue that’s often presented from one viewpoint.

The media often frames domestic violence as a women’s issue, with stereotypes of “abusive husbands” and “battered women” prevailing in many stories on the topic. However, abuse by the female half of the relationship is just as common, studies are reporting.

The National Coalition of Free Men, a nonprofit organization that examines the way sex discrimination affects men and boys, issued a press release citing recent research into domestic violence.'

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VAWA Budget Increased By $10 Million!

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Last week the US Senate passed a $10 million increase for VAWA programs. The amendment, sponsored by Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Richard Shelby (R-AL) and Patty Murray (D-WA) includes the following increases:
* $5 million to partially restore the cut the Senate CJS committee had previous proposed to Grants to Encourage Arrest and Enforcement of Protection Orders for a total of $60 million.
* $4 million for Engaging Men and Youth in Prevention Efforts.
* $1 million for a National Resource Center on Workplace Responses to Assist Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence.'

(Note - The 'Engaging Men and Youth in Prevention Efforts' is of interest to those who follow how VAWA funding is used to indoctrinate boys into a kind of Duluth Model feminism-lite DV brainwashing effort through school and church workshops. "Youth" is fem-speak for "boys." You won't see any attention paid to partner and dating violence initiated by girls.)

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YouTube: Kim Gandy on CNBC debates wage gap myth

This is must see TV! The premise of the debate is about congressional and senate hearings on the proposed "Paycheck Fairness Act" This is a bill heavily supported by Hillary Clinton. Another woman does an outstanding job schooling Gandy on the wage gap fallacy. Its good to see the MSM giving equal time to others who challenge feminist propaganda.

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YouTube: Hillary How Do I Deal With Bad Men? (Redux)

YouTube: Hillary How Do I Deal With Bad Men?

This comment by Hillary was reported to MANN several months ago. The article was great, but you really need to watch the video to see her true feminist ambition.

Ann Coulter's Take on Hillary & The Feminist Movement

I am not an Ann Coulter fan, but this is an interesting segment from HardBall with Chris Matthews.

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Gender Politics Key to Hillary’s Political Calculation

Article here. Excerpt:

'There, Clinton recounted her time working as a lawyer when she became pregnant with her daughter, Chelsea. “I kept getting more and more pregnant, and the lawyers just kept sort of walking down the hall looking away.”

She also lamented women could be discriminated against today for getting pregnant. “Women can be fired just for being pregnant, if their employer has no leave policy,” she said. “If that sounds horribly outdated that’s because it is.”
When pressed for details on how she managed Mr. Clinton’s infidelity she said, “I never doubted that it was a marriage worth investing in even in the midst of those challenges, and I'm really happy that I made that decision."'

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Wrongly Convicted Man Sued for Child Support

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dwayne Allen Dail, 39, was cleared in August of the 1987 rape of a 12-year-old Goldsboro girl. The girl identified him as her attacker and hair found at the scene was similar to his. But DNA evidence found on a fragment of the girl's nightgown years after the trial proved Dail wasn't involved in the attack.
Dail, who now lives in Florida, was served Tuesday with a lawsuit by Lorraine Michaels, the mother of his son, who is seeking back child support. The suit does not specify how much money she wants, as is normal in North Carolina, but asks a "reasonable sum for the care and maintenance of the minor child." Dail did not provide while he was in prison.'

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Woman convicted in killing akin to movie’s plot

Update to this story is here. Excerpt:

'ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A stripper-turned-soccer-mom accused of borrowing from a movie plot to kill her fiancé for money was convicted Monday of first-degree murder.
“This person manipulated the circumstances with her guile and deception,” prosecutor Pat Gullufsen had told the Superior Court jury. “All she needed was someone to kill him.”'

We'll see in January what sort of time she gets.

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Male educators in elementary schools are rare, but embraced

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to a recent article in Newsweek magazine, the number of male teachers has reached a 40-year low. In elementary school, only 9 percent of teachers are men, down from 18 percent in 1981.
"Like the other male teachers interviewed for this story, Rosa says he's careful to do "sideways" hugs with his students and to abide by other guidelines when it comes to touching them. (High fives are definitely OK.) The male teachers were all cognizant of the fears about pedophilia, a subject that's gotten high-profile media attention, but none so far has experienced a problem. Some male teachers are married; some aren't. Some have kids of their own, some don't. All speak about how deeply rewarding a teaching career is. Ghafoor says he plans to earn a master's and possibly become a principal, but the rest say their place is forever in the classroom.'

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