Submitted by MrReality on Mon, 2007-12-17 13:53
Description here.
"Since the introduction of the so called “No Fault Divorce” in Canada, the divorce industry has evidenced unprecedented growth estimated at $6 billion per year. The problem is that the Legal / Court industry thrives off the $B’s generated by Tax payers and Families in crises. For this they provide no value and in fact cause destruction of families by unnecessarily removing fathers from children’s lives and lowering the standard of living for all family members. This is done through unnecessary litigation, biased decisions and unreasonable support orders which escalate conflict to perpetuate the status quo in support of their self serving business. The Solution is to update divorce laws to reflect parental equality and get families out of court eliminating significant grief and $'s wasted by families and taxpayers. An alternative to courts is identified in the book."
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2007-12-17 07:23
What's nice about this story is the feminist version is totally absent, which does not happen too often. Excerpt:
'Sections 498A and 406, feels Sharda, have ensured that people are afraid of getting married. Under these sections, the husband's family can be harassed and booked on charges of 'cruelty'.
"Lawmakers have divorced themselves from reality. The Law Commission needs to examine this," Sharda added.
"Men get slapped with charges of neglecting guardianship and domestic violence during a divorce and Section 498A is often used as a bargaining chip for higher alimony," said lawyer Tarun Goombar."'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2007-12-16 21:47
A refreshing viewpoint from a female journalist in Ireland's Sunday Business Post. Excerpt:
'But it’s downright dangerous for our children, who have a right and a need to be allowed to develop a healthy, secure and mutually-respectful relationship with their fathers. At its most extreme manifestation, the risks for the children who are brought up without knowing anything much about their father, beyond the colour of his eyes, have been well-documented: research shows that they are twice as likely to drop out of high school, and twice as likely to become parents as teenagers themselves.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2007-12-16 19:55
Essay here. Excerpt:
'As I head off for my day at home, I feel for them at the office coalface, required to toil away long after their kids are in bed. In an age of equality where dads are expected to shoulder as much of the home burden as mums, it feels unfair.
Inevitably there is a backlash. Spearheading this are the self-employed, or flexi-working fathers who can wear their caring-daddy status with pride. The types who proudly tell you they can’t work as they are doing the kids. They are the male equivalent of the stay-at-home-mum brigade.'
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Submitted by scottkirk on Sun, 2007-12-16 18:22
Story here....This man could (and should) have a lawsuit the size of Texas..The police knowingly and willfully perverted the truth..To get another rape conviction! Excerpt:
'There was one major problem with the Santa Clara County crime lab report that implicated a San Jose man of sexual assault:
It wasn't true.
The document was a fake, created by a San Jose police detective. The crime lab analyst who purportedly prepared the document doesn't exist. The number used to identify it was false.
Even so, detective Matthew Christian testified as though the phony report were authentic.'
Ed. note: Free registration required on the story's site.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2007-12-16 17:46
Story here. Excerpt:
'SAN ANTONIO -- Two days after a San Antonio mother was arrested for smothering her 4-year-old daughter to death, another local mother was arrested on charges that she attacked her 8-year-old daughter in a similar way.
KSAT's Charles Gonzalez reported that police went to the apartment of Ann Marie Burlock, 30, after getting a call from a concerned relative.
The relative told police that Burlock's 8-year-old daughter had frantically called to say that her mom was trying to smother and choke her.
Burlock was charged with injury to a child, a third-degree felony, and she is in jail under $15,000 bond.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2007-12-16 17:37
Verizon is on MANN's boycott list because of this commercial. Now its finally banned! I've been unable to find any written text that expands on this video and why its banned. Maybe some of you guys have some information that I've not been able to find.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2007-12-16 17:14
Story here. Excerpt:
'From first lady to presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton has nearly come full circle in her image transformation. By running for the democratic ticket, she is challenging her contenders to work harder to appeal to women voters.
“I think that the effect of that is to keep women on the front burner,” said James Martel, associate professor and chair of SF State’s Political Science Department. “I think that it helps to focus people,” he said.
Martel said that women tend to vote for men’s issues, but men do not necessarily vote for women’s issues. “This will work to galvanize that,” he said.'
["women tend to vote for men’s issues" -- Can any of you guys think of one single male issue that's been at the fore front of any political campaign that was of great importance to a female voter?]
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2007-12-16 17:05
Story here. Excerpt:
"Teaching traditionally has been dominated by women. But the gap has widened. The National Education Association recently announced that nationwide, 24.9 percent of teachers are men -- a 40-year low. In elementary schools, just 9 percent of teachers are men.
Some researchers said the lack of male teachers does not matter.
But Fusi and other educators said it's a disturbing trend because no,more than ever, children need a strong male figure to look up to.
Boys also have fallen behind girls in graduation rates and have more trouble reading and writing, leading some to wonder whether more male teachers would improve boys' classroom performance."
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Submitted by Roy on Sun, 2007-12-16 04:29
An excellent and comprehensive new essay (.pdf file) titled “From Welfare State to Police State,” by Stephen Baskerville argues that - "Through child support,(state) governments throughout the U.S. found they could turn a profit from the growth of single-parent homes. ... Child support became politicized by the early 1990s, when parents who allegedly fail to pay — "deadbeat dads" — became the subjects of a national demonology, and child support went from being a minor matter affecting a few people on the margins of society to a sacred political cow in the national vocabulary."
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2007-12-16 02:34
Blog entry here. Excerpt:
'There has been a government e-petition calling for a Minister For Men. It received over 380 signatories. The petition is set out below and the site has been alerted to the government's response. It is, as to be expected from this government which puts ignoring men at the centre of its policies, completely and arrogantly dismissive. It doesn't even answer the question why there is a Minister for Women and not one for Men.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2007-12-15 16:37
Story here. Excerpt:
"Doctors are encouraging a new group of people to consider getting tested for genes that raise the risk of breast cancer: men. Male relatives of women with such genes often do not realize that they, too, may carry them, and face greater odds of developing male breast cancer, as well as prostate, pancreatic and skin cancer, new research suggests.
After seeing breast cancer in several male patients who did not know they were at risk, Daly conducted a small study, which was presented Friday at a conference in Texas. She now is trying to convince more fathers, sons and brothers of women with the genes to get tested."
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Submitted by MrReality on Fri, 2007-12-14 15:21
An excerpt from the article: "The general point is that Feminists assume that men always promote their own interests over those of women. This is not, in fact, true. But, on the other hand, it does seem to be true that, when Feminazis score some political victory, they almost always use their newly-won power to benefit females exclusively. This is because of their persecution-complex.
You could even argue that democratic countries are actually matriarchies, and that male politicians are the paid servants of the Feminists. The litmus test would then be whether the (mainly male) politicians enacted legislation that favoured men's interests more than women's interests. And the history of the last two hundred years in the West is peppered with examples of mainly male governments enacting legislation that benefited women more than men.
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Submitted by MrReality on Fri, 2007-12-14 13:37
An excerpt from the article:
"Dr Rawls told how a team of lawyers, police and psychologists got an unpleasant surprise when it assessed a study group of 30 five-year-olds - seven reported they had been sexually abused.
All 30 had been in the care of one man. The seven told of genital touching, the man putting his hands under their upper clothing, of his touching their bottoms and making them touch his.
The revelations were an unpleasant surprise because the assessment team knew there had been no abuse. The children had invented the incidents. Their every moment with the man had been videoed."
With cases such as the one in the article it is a no-brainer as to why men no longer want to be alone with children. One lie from the "little angel" and off he goes even though no evidence was provided. A lying mother and child is a formidable juggernaut in the misandric court systems.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-12-14 01:45
Story here. Remember this one? I do. Excerpt:
'LOS ANGELES - A biochemist who killed her husband by knocking him out and pouring hydrochloric acid on him was convicted Wednesday of first-degree murder.
A Superior Court jury found Larissa Schuster, 47, of Clovis, guilty of murdering Timothy Schuster with the special circumstance that the murder was committed for financial gain. His half-dissolved body was found a few days after his 2003 death in a barrel that was inside a storage unit that his wife had rented.
Schuster faces a mandatory term of life in prison without parole at sentencing, set for Jan. 16.
The Schusters co-owned a chemical lab and were in the midst of a bitter divorce.
Prosecutors said Larissa Schuster and her former lab assistant kidnapped her 45-year-old husband on July 10, 2003, knocked him out with a stun gun and chloroform-soaked rag, then dumped his bound body headfirst into a barrel while he was still breathing.'
Justice served.
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