Female U.S. corporate directors out-earn men: study

Also via Marc A.

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (Reuters) - They may be a small minority in corporate boardrooms, but women directors typically earn more than men, a new U.S. study has found.

Female directors in corporate America earned median compensation of $120,000, based on the most recently available pay data, compared with $104,375 for male board members, research group The Corporate Library said in its annual director pay report on Wednesday.

At the same time, the study said, women in corporate boardrooms are outnumbered eight to one.'

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Circumcision: Time story omits recent research

Via Marc A.

The Time story omits recent research showing circumcision removes the most sensitive part of the penis. See:


Letters can be sent to Time at letters@time.com.

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Court rejects 'Roe v. Wade for Men'

Story here. Excerpt:

'LANSING, Michigan (AP) -- A federal appeals court has upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit nicknamed "Roe v. Wade for Men" filed by a men's rights group on behalf of a man who said he shouldn't have to pay child support for his ex-girlfriend's daughter.

A three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in a decision released Tuesday, agreed with a lower court judge that Matthew Dubay's suit was frivolous.

Dubay, 25, had said ex-girlfriend Lauren Wells knew he didn't want to have a child and assured him repeatedly she couldn't get pregnant because of a medical condition.

He argued that if a pregnant woman can choose among abortion, adoption or raising a child, a man involved in an unintended pregnancy should have the choice of declining the financial responsibilities of fatherhood.

U.S. District Judge David Lawson in Bay City disagreed, rejecting Dubay's argument that Michigan's paternity law violates the U.S. Constitution's equal protection clause because it didn't extend reproductive rights to men.'

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"Breaking the Silence": Call for References

Does anyone have any information as to which PBS channels recently rebroadcast the unfair and biased 'documentary' "Breaking the silence'?

A spokeswoman for PBS and their ombudsman are both interested in knowing this information so that they can investigate the matter. Our pressure is beginning to make an impact. I hope someone will post the stations that did the dastardly deed on the website so that I can inform the spokeswoman and ombudsman of PBS of this information. We should keep up the pressure to make sure this does not happen again.

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Former Teacher Charged with Sexual Assault of Daughter's ex-bf

"Mom allegedly slept with daughter's pal, 13": Video here.

Video only, no text.

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National Post: An Embattled Champion Of Male Values

Go National Post! You're two for two in one day!

"As Remembrance Day approaches, the media's wartime love affair with our troops serves as an ironic reminder of how rarely in the fourth estate one sees sympathetic editorial treatment of manhood.

Most of the year, men -- not as individuals but as representative of their sex --are far more likely to be portrayed negatively: as control freaks, perverts and in general people to fear. Only for a brief annual pre-Nov. 11 interlude do we ever see glowing tributes to the traditional male virtues of honour, gallantry, steadfastness, stoicism, brotherhood and chivalry."

Thanks to Barbara Kay for this article.

Makes you wonder, though... Why is it that only female journalists can write about men's issues, but male journalists are silenced?

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I Don't Agree... But I like It!

Of course it's rare, but I love to see women receiving the stupid, paranoid treatment we men are subjected to on a consistent basis.

Some may say that two wrongs don't make a right (spare me!), but in the stupid atmosphere we are in in the U.S. these days, nothing will get corrected until women have to put up with the same treatment we men are so often subjected to. Excerpt:

'MASCOUTAH — A 13-year-old junior high school student was given two days of detention after school officials spotted her hugging friends after school last Friday.

Megan Coulter, an eighth-grade student at Mascoutah Middle School, was hugging her friends goodbye after school Friday when vice principal, Randy Blakely, saw her and told her she would receive two after-school detentions.'

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Great Article on Circumscision

I stumbled upon this article that discusses circumscision in a (gasp) negative light.


Circumcised men are said to suffer from, wait for it, “significant penile sensory deficit”, although – get this – a Men’s Health magazine survey in 2000 suggested that uncircumcised men lasted an average of four minutes longer during sex than their circumcised peers.

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Mother Who Claimed Carjacker Killed Her Son Charged With His Murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'COLUMBIA, S.C. — The mother of a 7-year-old boy who claimed a carjacker killed her son was arrested Monday and charged with murder in her son's death, Greenville County Sheriff Steve Loftis said.

Amanda Reagan Smith was arrested nearly three months after she told authorities that a knife-wielding carjacker forced her to drive to a secluded, wooded area in Greenville on Aug. 12. Once there, she said the carjacker locked the car doors and pressed a pillow to the face of her 7-year-old son.

"Investigators have concluded that Amanda Smith is responsible for the death of her son," Loftis said during a news conference in Greenville. "We are confident that we have the suspect in jail now."'

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Biden introduces I-VAWA

Folks, we need to fight this. Release here. Excerpt:

'BIDEN/LUGAR Introduce the International Violence Against Women Act Groundbreaking Legislation Integrates U.S. Efforts to End Gender-Based Violence on a Global Scale

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RADAR ALERT: DVAM: An Amazing Blow-Out Month!

October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and the theme was "It's Time to Tell the Truth about Domestic Violence." And this year 10 organizations came together to assure the truth would ring loud and clear throughout the land.

During October these groups arranged for 1 gigantic billboard, did 2 days of lobbying, released 3 reports, participated in 4 rallies, issued 6 press releases, fostered the publication of 9 editorials, distributed information via flyers and displays 9 times, published 18 letters to the editor, and stimulated 22 articles and interviews.


During the course of the campaign Fox News 2 in Detroit aired a segment on October 22 titled, "Men Also Suffer from Domestic Violence."

The Christian Science Monitor (and many other newspapers) published letters to the editor on male victims.

The blogosphere was buzzing, as well:

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Politico: Feminists split on Hillary sexism defense

Article here. Excerpt:

'But the debate is still churning in feminist circles, where some women's activists said she had every right to invoke sexism and gender stereotypes as a defense on the campaign trail — and predicted that this tactic will prove effective against fellow Democrats and against a Republican, if she is the general election nominee.

“It goes beyond logic — it’s a gut response,” Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority Foundation, said of the spectacle of Clinton onstage confronting seven male rivals and two male moderators at a debate in Philadelphia on Wednesday night."'

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Female absenteeism is apparently not just due to child care

Article here.

It has been found that women are twice as likely to be absent from work as men. This is mostly due to child care, however studies show that doesn't account for all of it. The real answer is still unknown. However that doesn't stop the author from chalking it up to something else.

You guessed it. Sexism.

Don't hesitate to sound off the message boards. A few women are waving their feminist flags high along with a good dose of man bashing.

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US House of Reps Bill Supporting Joint Custody

This bill was recently introduced. This is a good opportunity for activism indeed-- write your rep! Excerpt:

'Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress expresses support of the States passing joint custody laws for fit parents, so that more children are raised with the benefit of having a father and a mother in their lives, careful to protect victims of domestic violence, abuse, neglect, children from potential kidnapping by a parent.'

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Protecting children by portraying Men as Monsters

Article here. Excerpt:

'A columnist for that newspaper asserted that grown-ups were teaching children to fear men in an effort to keep kids safe from abusers and would-be abductors.

That paper noted that children who get lost in public places are encouraged to look for a "low-risk adult" — such as a pregnant woman, or a mom pushing a stroller — to help them. It pointed out that airlines place unaccompanied minors with female passengers, not male ones.'

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