Men's Movie Guide

For those who don't know, you can read movie reviews and rates for their entertainment value as well as their male sensitivity (misandry vs. male positive) value at the Men's Movie Guide. You can also review and rate movies yourself based on these factors.


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Mom Allegedly Puts Son in Oven

Story here. Excerpt:

"Police arrested a woman Friday after her 7-year-old son told authorities she burned him in an oven, and a day-care worker was arrested for not reporting the attack, authorities said.

The mother, 26-year-old Tiffany Fraser of Tallman, was charged with assault and endangering a child, authorities said.

Police began investigating after the boy was spotted alone at a shopping center and told officers he had run away because "his mother had put him in an oven and burned him as a punishment," according to police reports.

The day-care worker, 37-year-old Joelle Lherisson, was charged with failure to report child abuse. Both Fraser and Lherisson were arraigned in Airmont Village Court and released until their next court dates."

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Men 'find it harder to climb social ladder'

Story here. Excerpt:

"Men's chances of rising up the social scale in Britain have stalled because of greater competition from women and a slower rate of growth for top jobs, a study published yesterday reported...

...Worse still for men, Labour's goal to promote "equality of opportunity" failed to mention that any increase in social mobility was likely to create as many losers as winners, with men losing out to the increasing number of women pursuing careers...

...For men, the numbers who were downwardly mobile increased slightly while for women there was little change. The researchers said: "For the first time for men we are getting a situation where upward mobility is falling off and downward mobility is increasing...

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Mother Charged With Murdering Kids Says They Were 'Possessed by Demons'

Story here. Excerpt:

"Authorities estimate the four girls — ages 5 to 17 — had been dead for at least two weeks. Jacks told police they were "possessed by demons" and had died in their sleep, one by one, within a week of each other, court documents say.

Jacks was charged Thursday with four counts of first-degree murder. She said nothing during a hearing in Superior Court, where Magistrate Judge Karen Howze ordered her held without bond. Her attorneys had argued that she should be released to the custody of an adult relative pending trial.

Jacks could receive a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted."

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Estranged wife arrested in shootings

Story here. Excerpt:

"Nearly two weeks after a man was fatally shot and his girlfriend wounded in a Frisco home, police arrested his estranged wife in connection to the crime.

Vera Elizabeth Guthrie-Nail, 42, was arrested at the intersection of State Highway 121 and Hebron Parkway in Carrollton after dropping her six-year-old daughter at school.

Craig Nail, 36, and his girlfriend, Therisa Hofman, were both shot while at his him on December 26. While Nail was fatally injured, Hofman survived a bullet to the head that was shot as she walked into the garage of Nail's home in the 8500 block of Pebblebrook Drive.

Frisco police had a history of responding to disturbances between the Nails when they were married. Once, they arrested Guthrie-Nail for family violence."

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New Orleans: "The Vagina of America?"

It should be no surprise to anyone that Eve Ensler et al are gearing up to once again corrupt the sappy, romantic holiday of Valentine's Day into another feminist hate-day as V-Day, or Violence Against Women Day.

However, I just had to laugh when I read this stating an effort this year to also include the New Orleans tragedy in their "festivities," calling the beleaguered city "the vagina of America."

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NOW's New Anti-Father Initiative

Read it here. Excerpt:

"Users will find information on the phony Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) that is being used against protective mothers to revoke custody of minor children, with little evidence. Judges frequently ignore evidence of a father's violent behavior and grant him custody of children."

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Wisconsin's Equal Placement bill gets committee hearing


I would like to bring to your attention and ask for your support for AB-571 which will be a big step forward for dads and children involved in custody battles in family court here in Wisconsin.

The bill has 23 sponsors, both democrats and republicans. It will be heard by the Assembly's Children and Families committee on Jan 24.

Any help you can provide in getting the word out, especially to your Wisconsin subscribers, about this important piece of legislation would be appreciated.

Anyone can contact me for more information.


Steve Blake
Wisconsin Fathers for Children and Families
PO Box 1742
Madison WI 53701

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Hillary: "No woman is illegal"

Seems the would-be president is ready to allow any woman to come to America with or without papers. Wonder what she feels about men in the same condition? Read it here. Excerpt:

'In broken English, one woman told Clinton how she wasn't making money as a broker anymore.

"I have no income at all," she said. "So how will I survive?"

Choking up with emotion, the woman said, "In my neighborhood, there are brand-new homes, but the value is nothing. I'm glad you are here so I can tell you, because you're going to be the president, I know."

A man shouted through an opening in the wall that his wife was illegal.

"No woman is illegal," Clinton said, to cheers.

Summing it up at the end, Clinton said, "We've only talked to a few people, but each of them talk about some part of the problem we are confronting. This is a problem that is only going to get worse if we don't address it."'

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X-TRNL Unveils His New Rap Song "XY"

Hello fellow MRAs. I don't think I've told you guys before, but I'm an avid fan of hip hop and to date have written over 50 rap songs. I've recently been inspired to write a new song regarding men's issues, and I've recently finished it. It actually turned out to be the longest rap song I've ever written, as I found I had a lot to say in it. I would like to share the lyrics with you. Click "Read More" to read them. The song is called "XY". I hope you enjoy it.

by Evan AKA X-TRNL

XY means I'm a bad guy
XY means I'm a bad guy
They think women never lie
XX is what's on their side
Many women commit crimes
And are free right after they're tried
But XY means I'm a bad guy
XY means I'm a bad guy

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Harvard 'scholars' Advocate Higher Taxes for Men

Via Marc A. "They're still at it" was his comment in his note to me. Read it here. Excerpt:

'Gender-based taxation induces a more balanced allocation of home duties because it increases the implicit bargaining power of women within the marriage by improving their outside option. Despite the change in bargaining power, if family members share enough of their market earnings, gender-based taxation could even be welfare-improving for both spouses. And in the long run it will induce a more balanced participation of men and women in the market, both in term, of levels and elasticities. Currently, women and men work exactly the same amount, but women more at home and men more in the market in all countries for which data are available.'

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Romney Asks for Restraining Order Abuse Stories

Covered here on Glenn Sacks' blog. Excerpt:

'We've often discussed the way restraining/protection orders based on false allegations of domestic violence are frequently used to separate fathers from their children. At a recent New Hampshire gathering, fatherhood activist Richard Smaglick asked presidential candidate Mitt Romney about the problem.

In response, Romney, who was governor of Massachusetts from 2003-2007, said that he could not recall a circumstance where such a thing had occurred, but said, "If you’re familiar with such, let us know."

We appreciate Romney's offer, and will take him up on it. If you have had your parental rights interfered with because of a restraining order or a false allegation of domestic violence, please send me your name, phone number, and a brief (100 words max) description of yourself by clicking here. We have a method of getting the letters to Romney.'

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Paglia: "Hillary without tears"

Article here. Excerpt:

"Hillary's willingness to tolerate Bill's compulsive philandering is a function of her general contempt for men. She distrusts them and feels morally superior to them. Following the pattern of her long-suffering mother, she thinks it is her mission to endure every insult and personal degradation for a higher cause -- which, unlike her self-sacrificing mother, she identifies with her near-messianic personal ambition.

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School Refuses To Let Boy Join Cheerleading Squad

Story here. Excerpt:

"Bobby's mother filed a discrimination claim with the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights two years ago, and now a settlement has been reached.
[Bobby's mother]... said she has sworn statements from other parents stating the coach admitted cutting Bobby because she didn't want a boy on her team.

...the coach was also the school's human resources counselor.
In the settlement agreement, the school admits no wrongdoing but the commission has ordered mandatory training for the principal, teachers and coaches at the school.
As for the woman who cut him from the team, she is no longer the cheerleading coach."

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A Law Firm for Fathers

This article in the St Louis Post-Dispatch is about a law firm specializing in helping men!! Writen with a woman reporters bias, it still gets the message across. FATHERS HAVE RIGHTS! Excerpt:

'The firm's founder, Joseph Cordell of Wildwood, is quick to say he is not a political activist. But he doesn't shy from controversy, nor his belief that feminists have ruled family court.

"Exacerbating things further is the feminist movement and its shrill insistence on women's interests to the utter exclusion of the underlying merits of a given case," he writes on his personal website,'

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