Rudov: Misandry on Madison Avenue

From Marc Rudov's blog : "Your spellchecker doesn’t recognize misandry, the hatred of men, because the developers at Microsoft, when creating Word, weren’t conscious of it. But, they sure knew about misogyny, right? HR sensitivity programs ensured that. Bashing women is so verboten in Corporate America that people can lose their jobs over it. Excoriating men, on the other hand, is so infused -- and apparently profitable -- that, like breathing, most people accept it without question. And, nowhere is misandry practiced more than on Madison Avenue, the advertising capital of the world, the source of the male-bashing TV commercial.

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Child Support Not Reaching Children - Gov't Just Keeping Most Money

A new report shows what MRA's have always advocated - the current child support system is a scam, a cash cow only for those who implement, collect, and manage the support payments.

According to this latest report, fathers, and the children/mothers they are supposed to be helping, are ALL suffering - embroiled in a futile, crooked system that promotes itself as "helping" children receive stability and justice from deadbeat parents. Who's the real slime bags? The alleged deadbeat parents, or the crooks taking the child support payments and putting it in their own pockets rather than the children's?

J Soltys

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Judge rules sperm donor liable for child support

Story here. One only needs to look at the gender of the judge to know what the decision was going to be and how traumatic is it going to be to give an eighteen year old a DNA test.

"Family Court Judge Ellen Greenberg ruled Nov. 16 that despite the mother's willingness to have the child's DNA tested, the man could not seek a paternity test to determine if he is the biological father because the results could have a "traumatic effect" upon the child, who is now 18 and lives in Oregon with the mother.'

NEVER EVER become a sperm donor.

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Misandrist capitalizes off rape hysteria

Rapex created by the misandrist Sonnet Ehlers is a medieval torture item that women can insert into their vagina that hooks into the skin of a man's penis.

The creation of this medieval torture item is based off of fraudulent rape hysteria stirred up by women's organizations and the politicians that serve them.

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Debunk Domestic Abuse Junk-Science

Debunk Domestic Abuse Junk-Science

To describe the effects of the systematic, domestic abuse theory discrimination (perpetrated against all men in America today) as a "tragedy" is actually employing a euphemism. Given the scale of destruction done to the targeted male population, it is more accurate to describe it akin to the beginnings of the holocaust in Nazi Germany, or the institutional persecution of African-Americans in the decades before the civil rights movement.

Tremendous abuse has been inflicted on innocent men through America's misandrist, and corrupt domestic abuse laws. What we see being done to men in our domestic abuse courts, family law courts, colleges and universities, mass media and other societal institutions in the name of domestic abuse law is a gross national disgrace.

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Law professor exposes Human Rights Commission for ignoring male domestic violence victims

Letter here. Excerpt:

'It is probably true that male victims, victims in same-sex relationships and the children associated with them do not face a postcode lottery - there are next to no services. The Scottish Government is funding a small-scale project to raise awareness of domestic abuse in same-sex relationships but it will not come to a magazine or billboard near you soon.'

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Roe v. Wade for Men Shot Down Again

Article here. Excerpt:

'Should a man be able to avoid the obligations of parenthood when he became a father involuntarily? No, according to the recent ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals which has dismissed Matt Dubay’s "Roe v. Wade" for men case.

On appeal, the court considered one basic question: Does the U.S. Constitution's Equal Protection Clause prevent a state from making men support children whom they did not desire to produce? The court decided “no,” because the Equal Protection Clause does not prohibit all differentiations on the basis of sex. It guarantees only formal equality - the right of likes to be treated alike.'

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More junk science from LiveScience

Look at this, will you. Read the interpretation of findings. First off, does anyone think these findings are really defensible? And second, it seems whenever men talk more it's about domination and when women talk, it's about "connecting".

"JunkScience", as I am now calling it, is owned by Imaginova, Inc. It seems they also own a number of other science-related news sites as well. However there are scant details of who is running things. Anyone have knowledge?

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Rudov: "When woman hits man"

Marc Rudov was recently vilified by Media Matters for stating the truth about women being as violent -- and many times "more violent" -- than men. The Media Matters website then blocked comments that solidified Marc's fact-laden position.

Mr. Rudov recently wrote a response -- on his blog -- to Media Matter's slanderous statements.

The blog reads: "Our societal attitude is: When man hits woman, it’s violence; when woman hits man, it’s emotion. This hypocritical attitude, resulting in the unconstitutional Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), gives women a free pass to accost men and to falsely accuse them of violence and rape. Aside from the occasional arrest, such as what happened to “bachelorette” and former Tampa Bay Buccaneers cheerleader, Mary Delgado, for punching “bachelor” and fiance Byron Velvick (both appeared in the 2004 season of ABC’s The Bachelor), most women who hit men do so with impunity.

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Hulk Hogan is the latest victim

Hulk Hogan joins the ranks of high-profile celebrity men who are getting the boot from their wives with a hefty bill attached. I feel for the poor guy. While it's true no one can always know the entire story, it is true that there seems to be a very well-defined pattern to these things: Marry a famous guy who is or is bound to get rich, have kids, get to a certain age and decide he isn't right for you for whatever reason, then leave him. Rinse and repeat. Paul McCartney learned the hard way, but only since she could get away with it, his particular sweet little cupcake bailed early.

In this latest high-profile pump-and-dump (video), the soon-to-be former Mrs. Hogan seems well-prepared in advance with an onslaught of demands for property and money. As Oprah would say: "You go girl!"


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Teaching problems: Same newspaper, same day

This story about a teacher who will likely never teach again after a false accusation.

No mention of any action against the false accuser. Note also the suspension without pay since 2005 for an allegation of touching.

Then this story in the same paper same day. All about how diverse classrooms have become but a bit of tweaking is in order to ensure a few more minorities - talk about the importance for society to be reflected in schools, such as more female janitors required, but nothing about the incredible lack of male teachers.

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AntiguaSun on violence against men

Story here. Excerpt:

"Unfortunately, the issue of domestic violence in not gender based, and many times society fails to accept the fact that men are victims of abuse too.
There are many reasons why we don’t know more about domestic abuse and violence against men. First of all, the incidence of domestic violence reported by men appears to be so low that it is hard to get reliable estimates. In addition, it has taken years of advocacy and support to encourage women to report domestic violence. On the other hand, very little has been done to encourage men to report abuse. The idea that men could be victims of domestic abuse and violence is so unthinkable that many men will not even attempt to report the situation."

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Reject Domestic Abuse Law Male-Bashing

Reject Domestic Abuse Law Male-Bashing

Considering there were already laws on the books to address violence against men and women, the time has come for this worthless piece of taxpayer bilking legislation (VAWA) to be purged of all gender feminist ideological connections, or revoked. If we are to survive as a free nation with liberty and justice for all, we can no longer tolerate a piece of hate-based legislation that can't offer a solution to violence against one gender without bashing and abusing the other.

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RADAR ALERT: "Media Matters" Before and After

In RADAR's Monday, November 26th alert we discussed Media Matters for America's article entitled "On Your World, Mark Rudov falsely claimed 'women are equal-opportunity domestic abusers'". We explained that RADAR knew that a number of factual comments on this article had been submitted but not approved for publication by Media Matters' editors.

After RADAR's alert was posted, Media Matters approved an additional 31 comments submitted between last Wednesday and last Friday. All of the previously withheld comments were critical of Media Matters' position. The chronology of events, as best we can reconstruct it is as follows:

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India: MRAs fight back

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'On August 26 this year, International Women's Equality Day, yet another demonstration was under way at Jantar Mantar, the centre of gravity for social protest in the nation's capital. No one driving by would have spared the protesters a second glance, except that the bunch shouting slogans-- "Hai Hai", "Down Down"-- was an incongruous one: software engineers, corporate managers, officers of the merchant navy and marketing execs. More incredible were the signs they were carrying: 'Stop Legal Terrorism. Stop Husband Suicides', and 'Protect the Elderly from the NCW', NCW being not the National Commission for Women but 'National Criminal Wives'. On Women's Equality Day, the centrestage belonged to one of the most unexpected byproducts of the women's rights movement: a movement for men's rights.'

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