UK Gov’t to Treat ‘Extreme Misogyny’ Like Terrorism: Report

Article here. Excerpt:

'The new Labour Party government in Britain is reportedly planning on treating “extreme misogyny” in the same manner as terrorism amid a supposed rise of radicalisation of young men on the internet.

Teachers, healthcare professionals, and local officials in Britain may become legally obligated to report young men to the government’s Prevent counter-terror programme in the same manner as Islamic terrorism or far-right radicalism if they are suspected of “extreme misogyny,” The Telegraph reports.

Under the programme, those referred to Prevent are assessed by police and their local authority to determine if they are in need of deradicalisation training.

According to The Guardian, British boys are already being reported to the counterextremism programme by their schools for repeating Tate’s views or for “verbal harassment” of female teachers.

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UP Honor Flight considers women’s only flight

Article here. Excerpt:

'An honor flight for women who served in the U.S. armed forces could soon be coming to the U.P.

U.P. Honor Flight brings veterans to Washington, D.C., to see the memorials for the wars they fought in. Most of the veterans who take advantage of the opportunity are men, but the organization is looking to change that. If there’s enough interest, it’s considering a women‘s-only flight next May.

U.P. Honor Flight says a women’s only flight could make women feel safer.

“I think we’re going to get a better response from the women population doing an all-women veteran flight,” said U.P. Honor Flight President Scott Knauf.'

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Why The Boy Scouts Vanished

YT video here. YT channel "The Why Minutes" takes on explaining things. In this case they take on the demise of the BSA.

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On the Ballot: American Manhood

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 2024 vote was set to be a referendum on the rights of women. Instead it has become a debate over the needs and desires of men. The question now is which model of manhood will win in November. The macho brawler of the Trump-Vance ticket, or the kindly “girl dad” offered by Harris and Walz? The fighter or the coach?
For Democrats, the first step is simply to acknowledge the reality of the problems facing American men. The facts here are stark. Boys and men are lagging at every stage of the education system, with massive gaps opening up on college campuses. Wages for working-class men have stagnated, along with their marital prospects. White men raised poor are much worse off if they were born in 1992 than in 1978, according to the latest work from Harvard economist Raj Chetty. The male suicide rate is four times higher than for women, and claims 40,000 men a year. The suicide rate among men under age 30 has risen by 40% since 2010.

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Hoping for unicorns, 1 in 5 young men are NEETs—not in employment, education, or training

Article here. Then there's openly anti-male discrimination, too. Excerpt:

'There’s a growing cohort of Gen-Zers who are rejecting life’s major milestones and becoming NEETs—that is, “not in employment, education, or training”. Many of them are college-educated men.

One in five young people around the world are currently NEETs, according to the International Labour Organization. In the U.S., this jumps to about 11.2% of young adults. Meanwhile in the U.K., almost 3 million Gen-Zers are now classed as economically inactive.
Despite having just graduated, 1 in 5 men under the age of 25 are unemployed, Bloomberg’s analysis shows. And they’re not actively looking for work, either.

While the share of Gen Z female college grads participating in the workforce has steadily increased, the participation rate for their male counterparts has nose-dived.
“Women tend to be more flexible in accepting job offers, even if they're not perfectly aligned with their career goals or are part-time or they are overqualified for,” he says.

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Whatifalthist on YouTube: Stop Coping. Your life sucks.

Video commentary here. Whatifalthist knocks the ball out of the park with this one.

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Canada: Federally-funded Anti-Hate Network blacklists Christian pro-life group, claims most hateful group ‘white boys, men’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Federally-subsidized activists claim a Christian pro-life group is a “hate movement” and that most haters are white people, namely white boys and men.

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) published its blacklist after receiving $640,000 from Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge’s department and others for “research,” per Blacklock’s Reporter.

“We define ‘hate-promoting’ to refer to ideologies, groups, movements and individuals which target members of protected groups,” said the CAHN booklet entitled 40 Ways To Fight The Far-Right.

It included what the activists call a “non-exhaustive list of the kinds of far-right and hate movements we have seen in Canada in the last few years.”

Pro-life Catholic advocacy group Campaign Life Coalition and its affiliated LifeSiteNews were blacklisted along with neo-Nazis and skinheads. Minister St-Onge did not comment.'

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White and Asian Men Not Invited to Apple's Entrepreneur Camp

Article here. Excerpt:

'Female founder in-person programming

To be eligible to apply for Apple Entrepreneur Camp for female* founders, you must meet the following requirements.

Your organization must have:
A female founder, cofounder, or CEO;
A female developer proficient in Swift or Objective-C; and
A functional and complete app that’s available on the App Store, as a beta build on TestFlight, or as an .IPA in an equivalent state.'

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Men’s cancer deaths expected to spike more than 90% by 2050, study finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'The prevalence of cancer among men is expected to skyrocket globally in the coming decades, according to a new study from the American Cancer Society (ACS).

To predict future risk, Australian researchers analyzed the mortality rates tied to 30 different types of cancer among adult men in 2022, based on data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer across 185 countries and territories.

Based on those findings, they predicted that between 2022 and 2050, men’s cancer cases will spike by around 84% — going from 10.3 million to 19 million.

In 2020, men were 43% more likely to die of cancer than women, and their diagnosis rate was 19% higher, statistics show.

Men have been shown previously to engage more in modifiable risk factors for cancer, including smoking and consuming alcohol.

They are also less likely to get regular screenings for male-specific cancers, the study authors noted.'

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The All-Male Christian Group Seeking a Resurrection in the Trump Era

Article here. Nothing scares so-called progressives and feminists more than men coming together in all-male groups of virtually any kind. One of the big successes feminists and so-called progressives have had, from their POV anyway, has been making men alienated from each other and afraid or gun-shy to form all-male groups of any kind for fear of being accused of "sexism"-- as feminists form as many all-female groups and events as they possibly can. If men are going to claim their power, they need unity which requires group-formation: men-only. What's good for the gander... Excerpt:

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Australia: Men’s behaviour change programs are key to addressing domestic violence – our new study shows how we can improve them

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men’s violence against women in Australia is recognised as a national crisis. We urgently need to better-understand what can be done to prevent it and intervene effectively.

There’s a need to hold perpetrators to account for their abusive behaviour. This is set out in the National Plan to end Violence against Women and Children. Men’s behaviour change programs are a key component of the broader strategy to hold men accountable for their actions and prevent future abuse.

While there’s been an increase in funding for these programs in recent years, there’s still limited understanding of whether perpetrators engage in these programs, and why. Our research, released today, provides new evidence on what’s needed to improve the efficacy of behaviour change programs with the goal of improving women and children’s safety.'

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UK: Scheme to jail Britons overseas ‘should only apply to men’

Article here. Excerpt:

'She called on the Government to amend its Criminal Justice Bill, which would grant ministers the power to detain UK prisoners in overseas jails, so that women are excluded.

Speaking at a Public Bill Committee meeting on January 18, where MPs were debating details of the proposed measures, Phillips said: “Data shows that women prisoners are predominantly victims of domestic and sexual violence, which is often a pathway to their offending. Would it not be better to put on the face of the Bill that women are carved out? … I am afraid to say that Governments are not always great on the issue of women in prison—not just this Government, but any Government, including any that might come in—so would it not be better to include that safeguard?”'

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UN concern over disciplinary case against UK lawyer for ‘boys’ club’ remarks

Article here. Excerpt:

'Four UN special rapporteurs have warned that disciplinary proceedings against a female barrister for saying a judge had shown a “boys’ club attitude” may send “a disconcerting message” to lawyers challenging gender bias in custody and domestic abuse cases.

Charlotte Proudman is accused by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) of tweeting misleading information for comments she made about Jonathan Cohen – a member of the Garrick Club, which recently ended its ban on female members after 193 years – over remarks he made in a family case ruling two years ago.

They said: “While we do not wish to prejudge the accuracy of the above-mentioned allegations, we are concerned that the ongoing harassment of Dr Proudman, combined with the BSB’s decision to take disciplinary proceedings may send a disconcerting message that legal professionals who dare to challenge alleged systemic gender bias against mothers in custody cases, and women who are survivors of domestic violence, will be punished.'

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UK: This is the story of working-class England. It's an experience barely worth living

YT video here.

Alex Phillips says white working-class men have been betrayed by decades of neglect.

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Women firefighters allege sexist culture as FDNY commissioner quits

Article here. Excerpt:

'Firefighting is a male-dominated field nationwide, but New York City’s gender gap is especially glaring. According to personnel data collected by the City Council, less than 2% of the FDNY’s roughly 11,000 firefighters are women, compared to 9% nationwide and more than 12% in cities like Miami and San Francisco. The first woman to lead the department, Laura Kavanagh, stepped down on Wednesday, after less than two years on the job.

The FDNY did not make Kavanagh available to Gothamist for an interview. In an essay on Medium last month, she attributed her decision to wanting to spend more time with family and friends. Yet her exit has renewed attention to the FDNY’s gender gap, as well as long-standing complaints about sexism and harassment.

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