UK: Store withdraws man-shaped punching bag after objections

Via Marc A. Story here. Excerpt:

'The Hers Boxing Set comes in pink packaging and contains a man-shaped punchbag and a pair of boxing gloves.

ManKind Initiative said owners were encouraged to insert photos of a man for the punchbag's face.

A picture on the product packaging shows an arrow pointing to a man's groin, saying "kick him here".

Mark Brooks, chairman of The ManKind Initiative, said the fact that Superdrug did not sell a similar product for men suggested domestic violence against men was more acceptable.'

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Mom Gets Probation for Attempting to Sell Son to Pay for Wedding Dress

Story here.

What bonehead let this girl (I hesitate to call her woman as that implies maturity) have custody of the kids?

And for a $200 tab? Couldn't she just get some short-term gig to cover that? Excerpt:

'DAVENPORT, Iowa — A Davenport woman received five years of probation Thursday for attempting to sell her 4-year-old son to help pay for a wedding dress.

Marcy Gant, 32, was convicted in October of purchase or sale of an individual and could have been sentenced up to 10 years in prison.

Gant was arrested in October 2006 after offering her son to a retailer to settle a $200 bill for the dress. Police said Gant offered the trade at least twice.'

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Op-ed: It's a man's fault

This piece is sickening, and needs everyone to add their comments (most of them are already on the right track).

Basically, this is the situation: A woman gets into politics, the woman gets made deputy party leader, the woman gets offered her choice of cabinet positions, and the woman CHOOSES the position she wants. And of course, the fact that she doesn't choose what some people feel to be the best position, is A MAN'S FAULT.

Almost every single comment supports the MRA viewpoint, which is great to see - I wonder how long it will be before sexist hags like this are removed from the press?

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Fox News: Sexism May Still Be Hillary's Greatest Challenge

Article here. Excerpt:

"Writing in Newsday this week, Robin Gerber, a senior faculty member in the Gallup organization and an expert on Eleanor Roosevelt, argues that Hillary “should play the gender card to the hilt” to deal with a “trust” problem that Ms. Gerber lays directly at the door of her gender.

Gerber argues, pointing to studies of the challenges women face in corporate America, that Hillary faces the same problem many high-level women do, who find that being aggressive and self-promoting leads both men and women to respond negatively to them, in ways they don’t to men with similar traits."

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Mother Drugs, Suffocates Her 5 Young Sons-- Goes to Psychiatric Facility

Story here. Excerpt:

'BERLIN — Autopsies were being performed Thursday on the bodies of five young brothers who investigators believe were slain by their mother as authorities searched for clues as to how and when the children were killed.

The bodies of the boys, ages 3 to 9, were found in their home on Wednesday after their 31-year-old mother told a doctor where they were, prosecutor Uwe Wick said. It is believed that they were killed either on Tuesday or on Wednesday, he said.
The mother, whose name has not been released, was ordered held in psychiatric care after the grisly discovery and was to go before a judge Thursday for a ruling on a request by authorities that she be held during the investigation.'

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MSNBC: Dads don’t come from labs, readers say

Story here. Excerpt:

'It seems guys don't need to worry about their paternal job security. As part of our special report “BabyQuest: The modern pursuit of parenthood,” we asked readers to respond to an story about how scientists made artificial sperm from human bone marrow and asked, “Will science render men unnecessary?”

Reader Comment:

"Men and fathers are needed. They aren't just sperm donors but an essential part of our society. My son lights up when “Daddy” gets home and I can't imagine not having his male influence on my son."'

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Innocent Man Sent To Jail For "Missed" Child Support

Story here. Excerpt:

'Systemic problems allowed an innocent Massachusetts man to be labeled a deadbeat dad and sent to jail.
Caliri was sentenced to 90 days in jail after he was accused of falling eight weeks behind on child support payments.

"There was a balance of $2,240," Caliri said.

He has proof of a good payment history. But problems came last spring with his new job at Daniel's Townline Pizza in Weymouth.

Townline Pizza garnished child support from Caliri's wages but never sent the money to the Department of Revenue for his ex-wife and three children.

He went to court last month to explain it all but instead went to jail.'

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Father Christmas fired for saying 'ho ho ho' - because it is 'offensive to women'

Story here. Excerpt:

"A Santa in an Australian department store said today he has been sacked for saying "ho ho ho" and singing Christmas songs to children.

Employment company Westaff, which supplies stores with red-robed, white-bearded Father Christmases, had earlier asked its Santas to say "ha ha ha" because the word "ho", which is American slang for whore, could offend women, media reported."

This actually IS a joke, or was. Take a look at the MRA blog Heretical Sex from last December.

This joke has actually come true...

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Canadian universities gender blind recruiters

The National Post reports:

Despite a growing gender gap on Canadian campuses, universities are balking at a fledgling movement in the United States to make special efforts to attract more men, such as adopting affirmative action initiatives that favour male applicants over female ones.

Campus recruiters and admissions managers from Memorial University of Newfoundland to the University of British Columbia in Vancouver say they are taking no extra steps to target male students.

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Statutory Rapist Debra Lafave Busted Again

Story here. Excerpt:

'Tampa cops today busted teaching temptress Debra Lafave for allegedly having illegal contact with a teenager at their job."

Lafave, 27, is best known for having a lewd-and-lascivious affair with a 14-year-old boy in 2004, and now she's serving three years of house arrest.

Lafave's allowed outside to work, and while on the job at a Danny Boy's restaurant is Ruskin, Fla., she allegedly had one-on-one contact with a 17-year-old female co-worker, state correction officials said."

The spoke privately about personal issues, in violation of Lafave's probation. Lafave was released without bond, but she'll have to face a judge about this alleged violation.'

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RADAR ALERT: Sword or Shield: Illinois Bar Journal Exposes Restraining Order Abuse

In the November 2007 issue of the Illinois Bar Journal, Scott A. Lerner, Esq., takes a critical look at the Illinois Domestic Violence Act (DVA) in his article "Sword or Shield: Combating Orders-of-Protection Abuse in Divorce".

"There's no question that victims need protection from abusers," he writes. "But not all parties to divorce are above using OPs [orders-of-protection] not for their intended purpose but solely to gain advantage in a dissolution." And "the greatest potential for abuse of the system," in Lerner's opinion, "is in visitation."

As Lerner points out, "It is far easier to restrict visitation via an order of protection then by seeking the same relief under the IMDMA [the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act]. Under the IMDMA, 'A parent not granted custody of the child is entitled to reasonable visitation rights unless the court finds, after a hearing, that visitation would endanger seriously the child's physical, mental, moral or emotional health.'"

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The Onion: "Man Finally Put in Charge of Struggling Feminist Movement"

America’s Finest News Source reports – “After decades spent battling gender discrimination and inequality in the workplace, the feminist movement underwent a high-level shake-up last month, when 53-year-old management consultant Peter "Buck" McGowan took over as new chief of the worldwide initiative for women's rights. "All the feminist movement needed to do was bring on someone who had the balls to do something about this glass ceiling business," said McGowan, who quickly closed the 23.5 percent gender wage gap by 'making a few calls to the big boys upstairs.' "In the world of gender identity and empowered female sexuality, it's all about who you know."

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Fireman who donated sperm to lesbian couple fights demand for child maintenance

Story here. Excerpt:

'Andy Bathie, 37, a firefighter from Enfield, agreed to help Sharon and Terri Arnold after they assured him he would have no involvement in the children's upbringing and no financial commitment.

But he is now having his pay docked to pay thousands of pounds in child maintenance even though he has no legal rights over the boy and girl the couple had.

He was stunned when the Child Support Agency contacted him last November to demand payments because the women had split up.

Officials made him take a £400 paternity test and began docking his pay.

He says the payments mean he and his wife cannot afford to have children of their own.

He is now bringing an unprecedented legal challenge so that he is not recognised as a legal parent to the children.'

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One in Four UK children do not consider their father to be close family

Story here. Excerpt:

"One child in four does not consider their father to be close family, according to a study published today.

More boys view footballers as role models than their fathers and only one child in 10 said they would go to their father first if they had a problem.

Even among traditional families, fathers are much more in the background of children's lives than their mothers, the research carried shows."

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'A bookshelf of wounded manhood' belittles men's rights issues

Posted for Marc A.: This ignoramus just printed an op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer making all the typical clueless arguments against the men's rights movement and even making typical straw man attacks, mis-framing our movement completely. Please let's slam the editor with letters in response to this. Please write to the editor at and copy and the author at Be sure to give the Inquirer your name address and phone.

'Feminism is not stealing children from men during divorce, as many of these books contend. Feminism helped bring about gender-neutral laws, which led to joint custody of children being considered the best option in today's family courts.

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