Book: "Female Serial Killers: How and why women become monsters"

The book is listed on Amazon here.

'Book Description: "The first book of its kind-photographs included.

Mothers, daughters, sisters and grandmothers-fiendish killers all.

Society is conditioned to think of murderers and predators as men, but in this fascinating book, Peter Vronsky exposes and investigates the phenomenon of women who kill-and the political, economic, social, and sexual implications.'

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Sudden Divorce Syndrome

Article here. Excerpt:

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Mary Winkler's right to visit kids upheld

Story here. Excerpt:

"The Tennessee Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to modify or overturn a lower court's ruling allowing Mary Winkler, convicted of killing her minister husband, visitation rights with the couple's three daughters."
In September, a lower court granted Winkler visitation with her daughters pending the outcome of the custody battle. The court specified the visits be supervised by a guardian ad litem appointed to represent the children's interests and supervised by members of the couple Winkler is living with or by her sister. A subsequent appeal by the grandparents was denied, leading to their Supreme Court appeal."

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Female Teacher Admits to Sex With 16-Year-Old Female Student

News video clip here.

Caption reads: "A high school teacher and coach admitted to having a sexual relationship with a female student who moved in with her after graduation. The girl -- now 20 -- was 16 years old at the time the relationship began."

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Clinton makes closing argument to women

Story here. Does Hillary realize men also vote? Her "vote for me because I'm a woman theme" and ignoring men is insulting. Excerpt:

"With daughter Chelsea and mother Dorothy Rodham in tow, Clinton's four-event schedule highlighted what could be a history-making nomination. As her campaign released a list of 3,500 female supporters, she said there are too many challenges facing working mothers.

"We put so many burdens on families trying to do the right thing, trying to take care of their families," Clinton said."

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The Pink Bible – The Huntress Mentality Exposed

Came across this amazingly honest "how-to-snag-a-husband" manual called "The Pink Bible". The authoress is a hot Mormon chick who's maybe a bit too candid.


"The seasoned huntress can afford to be selective. There are many fish in the sea, but very few are keepers. ... Some guidelines:

* Good looks are not the only qualification for a trophy husband. Do not forget popularity, money, clothes, and car.
* Nerdy men can be a pain, but they are easy to catch and will usually support you.
* Avoid fixating on how much money a guy has. Devote equal attention to his earning potential and the economic status of his family.
* Only let him see you at your best. Keep your real personality hidden.
* Never complain, and he’ll assume nothing bothers you.
* Never act sad, and he’ll imagine you’re always happy.
* Never mention your ambitions, and he’ll figure you’re a pushover.

By the time he discovers it was all a mirage, it will be too late."

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Movie: 'Antwoine Fisher' sheds light on abusive women

The movie Antwoine Fisher is nearly six years old -- it came out in 2002 -- but I believe it to be relevant to men's rights due to it's content.

The film is a true story about a young black boy that was mentally and physically abused by two black women. It was directed by Denzel Washington who stars in the film as Fisher's psychiatrist. Although the movie received some excellent reviews it was never as widely promoted as the scores of fictitious films that promote "women" as victims. You would think that a film that showcases and actual account of abuse against a young boy would have been promoted better.

To the contrary the film was criticized by a few shoddy comedians for its factual content. Rather than being yet another fictional feminist-inspired film about some woman getting raped; this film actually revealed how abusive some women really are towards young male children. It also shows the headjobs these women do on a young man's sense of self-worth at an early age.

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Rape claim was cover for cheating on husband, charges allege

Story here. Excerpt:

"A St. Paul psychologist who claimed she was raped by a patient in her office in October 2006 has instead been charged with falsely reporting a crime.

Authorities say that Jill Ajao, 41, made the rape claim to conceal an extramarital affair and to "protect herself and her family." The false report prompted a detailed police investigation, the release of a suspect sketch and surveillance photo and the sifting through of hundreds of tips, according to the criminal complaint filed last week.
"It's extremely rare. It's rare because we don't want victims not to report" a crime, he said. "But it's very clear that this young woman was not sexually assaulted. And given the fear that she created in our community, we felt that this action was necessary."

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Hillary: Deadbeat Politics Comes Home

Essay here. Excerpt:

"The New York Daily News reports that Hillary’s youngest brother, Anthony Rodham, is a deadbeat to the tune of $158,000 in child support, alimony, and interest. It is known that Rodham is “cash strapped”, as is customary in the majority of feminist-styled “deadbeat dad” cases.

Anthony married the daughter of radical-feminist legislator Barbara Boxer. Needless to say, a marriage made in pink hell will probably also end that way.

Perhaps Democrats and Republicans alike can learn important lessons from this case. For starters: feminism eats all men for dinner — regardless of party affiliation – including guys on both sides of the aisle who were stupid enough to be foot-servants or henchmen helping feminists destroy the institution of marriage. That’s what men get for allowing themselves to be dragged around by the male appendage."

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Detectives: Wife gave kids ear plugs before Bravest husband slay

This story was on the front page of The New York Daily News morning print edition. Usually these types of stories are buried on page 52. Excerpt:

"Investigators believe the wife of a slain FDNY fire marshal gave her daughters earplugs so they would sleep while she allegedly pumped three bullets into her husband, sources said Thursday.
Detectives believe she used the two hours between the shooting and the 911 call to clean up the scene, put a blanket over her husband's head and place the murder weapon - the marshal's service revolver - back on a shelf."
Investigators are awaiting test results on blood found under Janet Mercereau's fingernails. She told detectives it was her menstrual blood, a source said.

Janet Mercereau filed for divorce last year only to stop the proceedings months later, officials said. She told detectives her husband was abusive and that she took out an order of protection against him last year."

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Clinton's "World-class genius" comments spark riotous gales of laughter

Yes, read it here. Bill Clinton is quoted as saying:

'"The reason she ought to be president, over and above her vision and her plans is that she has proven in every position she has ever had in life, whether it was in elected office or not, that she is a world-class genius in making positive changes in other people's lives," he said.'

"World-class genius". Just ask the people of upstate New York whom she supposedly represents what they think of her. First project she undertook after getting elected was to plan for running for the presidency. "World-class" indeed.

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Women to Enjoy “Get Out of Jail Free” Card in Wisconsin

Story here. Excerpt:

'Sometime next year, La Crosse County may let all its female prisoners out of jail.

Instead of sitting behind bars, the women will be in a new community-based program ...

...using electronic home monitoring, and providing job counseling, literacy training and other programs through the YWCA.

“It’s a better way than locking them up,” said Supervisor Jill Billings.

Some questioned how the county could possibly go without a jail for women.
Keith Belzer, a criminal defense attorney, said in 15 years he’s never represented a woman who was put in jail because she’s dangerous. Belzer said women are almost always in the system “because of some kind of relationship with a man.”'

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Women Charged With Sexually Assaulting UNC Football Players

Nah, not possible. "Women just don't do this kind of thing!" Read it here. Excerpt:

'Hillsborough — Three UNC football players were the victims in a kidnapping, robbery and sexual assault incident involving two women, the university confirmed Thursday afternoon.

Chapel Hill police said the assault happened about 3:30 a.m. Sunday at an apartment complex in Chapel Hill where all three victims were bound with tape and then assaulted by the suspects.
Prosecutors said the victims met the suspects – Monique Jenice Taylor, Tnikia Monta Washington and Michael Troy Lewis – at a downtown bar and that they all went back to the victims' apartment to hang out.

Whitney said that at a certain point, Lewis was standing naked in a hallway with a knife and later put it to one of the victims' necks.

Taylor then pulled off the victim's pants, pushed him down on a bed, attempted to tie his hands with his belt and started to fondle him against his consent.

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Girl, 13, charged as sex offender and victim

Looks like perhaps some of the laws really are starting to affect some women. This girl (as well as her boyfriend, although thats in small print, HER victim-hood is in big print) is being charged as a sex offender, and labeled as a victim, for consensual sex with her 12 year old boyfriend. Excerpt:

"Utah Supreme Court justices acknowledged Tuesday that they were struggling to wrap their minds around the concept that a 13-year-old girl could be both an offender and a victim for the same act - in this case, having consensual sex with her 12-year-old boyfriend.

The Ogden, Utah, girl was put in this odd position because she was found guilty of violating a state law that prohibits sex with someone under age 14. She also was the victim in the case against her boyfriend, who was found guilty of the same violation by engaging in sexual activity with her.
"A child (victim) cannot also be a perpetrator in the exact same act," Richards said.

The Utah Supreme Court will issue a ruling later.'

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Murderess Gets Probation

Via Marc A.: "That's right. She murders her husband at gunpoint for the life insurance proceeds so she can continue her affair with a co-workers, she's convicted of first degree murder, but then she gets only probation and a fine. Genarlow Wilson gets 10 years for consensual oral sex with a 15 year old when he was 17, but this adult gets no jail time for 1st degree murder. I guess she's too pretty for jail. And she has two sons. Of course, if a father of 2 sons murdered his wife, he'd be thrown right in jail and wouldn't even get visitation."

Story here. Excerpt:

'Traci Rhode spent two days in jail and will pay $10,000 for the crime of murder.

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