UA Law Student, Beauty Queen Kidnaps & Tortures Boyfriend

Story here. Excerpt:

'A University of Arizona law school student and beauty queen has been indicted on charges that she and three others held her former boyfriend captive for 10 hours while torturing and robbing him.

Kumari Fulbright was indicted Dec. 18 on five felony charges – armed robbery, aggravated robbery, kidnapping and two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon... According to court documents, Fulbright and three men used plastic cable ties and duct tape to tie up a 24-year-old man on Dec. 8 and held him captive...'

PS – check out the several posted reader comments asking “what HE did” to provoke her!

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ACFC Announces New President

Announcement here. Excerpt:

'The most significant change going into 2008 takes place with respect to the office of ACFC President. As many of you know, Dr. Stephen Baskerville has returned to academic pursuits, taking a position as associate professor of government at Patrick Henry College in Virginia.
Our search committee members considered and discussed the position with several candidates and are pleased to announce ACFC's new President for 2008, Dr. Linda Nielsen.

For the past two decades Dr. Nielsen has been a proponent of Shared Parenting. She is a tenured faculty member at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Her background as a social researcher combined with her training as an adolescent psychologist, make hers a voice which cannot be ignored in the expanding debate over the need for Shared Parenting and the important necessity of a Fathers contribution in child rearing.

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District Attorney's office files formal charges against mother

Story here. Excerpt:

"Three days following the death of seven-month-old Jillian Engelman, the Fresno County District Attorney's office files formal charges on her mother, Lisa May Brown...

Brown is now facing one count of murder and one count of child abuse, causing death.

Both counts carry a minimum sentence of 25 years to life.

According to the search warrant served to brown on Monday, Brown told officials that she drowned the baby because it was possessed by demons and that the devil told her to do it.
Hickey says, "More often than not, women who kill their babies like this usually suffer from some form of mental illness."

Hickey says this case reminds him of Texas mother, Andrea Yates, who, back in 2001, was charged with drowning all five of her children in a bathtub.

Hickey says, "It's not uncommon for someone to come down with postpartum blues, have very deep depression, have deep psychotic breaks, have hallucinations, hear voices sometimes."

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Case of thrown baby heads to trial

Story here. Excerpt:

"A mother accused of throwing her young son off a balcony three months ago waived her right to a preliminary hearing Thursday, sending the case to trial.

Rita Sativa Kraft's 18-month-old son Connor suffered multiple skull and facial fractures after he fell 21 feet off a balcony at the family's Lompico home on the morning of Sept. 12, according to authorities. The boy, who suffered significant brain trauma, was unconscious and not breathing after landing on the packed dirt below the balcony.

He was resuscitated by a housemate who had medical training, then airlifted to a trauma center over the hill.

The child has since been released from the hospital into his father's custody. Doctors say it may be some time before the full extent of his brain injuries are known.
Kraft's attorney, Jon Minsloff, previously told the Sentinel his client was suffering from postpartum depression when the incident occurred. He also told the paper that Kraft has a family history of mental illness."

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Judge declares mistrial in castration case

Story here. Excerpt:

'LILLINGTON — A judge has declared a mistrial this afternoon in the case of a Harnett County woman who was accused of castrating a man with her fingernails at a Christmas party last year.
The foreman indicated this afternoon that the jury was split 8 to 4 on two charges: malicious castration and assault with intent to inflict serious injury.

According to juror Harvey “Bart” Bartlett of Coats, four jurors favored not guilty and eight voted for guilty. He was among the four who believed Dawson was not guilty.
Defendant Rebecca Dawson is accused of using her fingernails to tear off a man’s scrotum at a Christmas party last year. In closing arguments Friday, the defense said Dawson tore Kevin Russ’ scrotum in self defense. But the prosecutor said Russ was the victim, and described the injury as a vicious attack from an angry, drunken woman.'

FYI: The Jury was comprised of eight women, four men and one female alternate.

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Boys and books: How do you get them together?

Story here. Excerpt:

'According to Education Minnesota, the teachers' union, the percentage of male teachers in Minnesota has decreased from 43 percent in 1980 to 29 percent in 2005. That's why finding books for boys is a problem.

Female teachers and librarians don't gravitate toward the books that boys like, which Baxter says are about "disasters, wild animals, spies, machines, dinosaurs, and creepy-crawly things."

Showing boys male reading role models also helps catch boys' interest. In Apple Valley, two female teachers host the book club, but each month a different male teacher reads to the club.

Theresa Back, one of the female teachers that started the club, said that boys interact well with the male leaders. "We just didn't have the 'boy connection,' " she said about the female teachers.'

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Happy Holidays Include Fathers

Happy Holidays Include Fathers

I had a bit of a grinch like attitude earlier in the month as I contemplated skipping this month’s rally, and pursuing the usual holiday merriment instead, but a little voice in my ear kept whispering that a rally for Dads was needed this month - more than ever. I'm not sure exactly what the suicide statistics are for men and Fathers in the month of December, but given the disgracefully high numbers for a typical year, and the disgraceful lack of care from America, I couldn't in good conscious let this month go by without saying to the world, "Dads, you're more than wallets. You’re a blessing, and a gift, for your children, at the holidays and all throughout the year."

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Rudov: "Hello Kitty for Boys Will Feminize Them"

Marc Rudov destroys yet another woman's pathetic, misandric argument on Your World with Neil Cavuto. In a debate over women wanting boys to wear "Hello Kitty" shirts -- which were originally made for girls -- and play with dolls.

According "to the woman taking part in the debate" boys are extremely violent and playing with girls toys, wearing girls clothes -- and basically becoming girls in everyway possible -- will make them "less violent."

At one point the woman asks for proof that mothers are more violent towards their children than men. Mr. Rudov cites a government statistic that supports his claim and as always the woman then dismisses it as not being relevant.

I suppose even the network got tired of hearing her fraudulent, pathetic, biased, pro-woman argument because the station cut her off towards the end of the debate!

Also, is that Lis Wiehl "hosting" the debate?

Watch the video.

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Missing woman returns after $250,000 Search

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHICAGO - Family members arranged a meeting at an undisclosed location between investigators and a married woman from Illinois whose disappearance on Christmas Eve prompted a $250,000 search.
Cell phone records indicated Solanki had left voluntarily with a 23-year-old male friend from California, authorities said earlier Friday. Mayberry did not know whether the friend, Karan C. Jani, had returned with Solanki.
Solanki's husband, who lived with his wife near suburban Des Plaines, was not aware of her friendship with Jani, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart told reporters.

Dart said authorities did not know how Solanki and Jani met, but the cell phone records suggested they had been in contact for about a year.

Anu Solanki called a friend Monday afternoon and said four men were following her, then called back saying they were not following her anymore, relatives have said.

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LaCrosse, WI Gets Feedback from MRAs

If you read nothing else to celebrate the New Year, check out this link.

The MR movement turned out in force with letters to the editor of the newspaper in LaCrosse, Wisconsin -- interrogating to the max the misandrist and gender-biased policy of letting women out of jail... because they are women.

Really read these dozens of posts and take some heart that MRAs are starting to hit the mainstream radar screen!

(And BTW -- a lot of you MANN guys are "guilty" of sending in your comments, because I have parsed your writing styles and can identify you at any airport.)

Good work!

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Kenya: First Lady Mama Lucy Slaps a Male Staffer

And the story defends her actions! Excerpt:

"When it comes to Mama Lucy, Kenyans have a male chauvinist view of how a First Lady should behave. Nobody ever asks themselves why she slapped Musyimi. Nobody asks why Mama Lucy visited the offices of the Nation Media. Do we know what pressures she works under? Why are we against her freedom of expression? Don’t we as human beings have the right to be angry?

THERE WERE ALWAYS ALLEGATIONS that during his rule, Kenyatta whipped his ministers and yet that was never an issue. We do not recall President Kibaki being criticised by liberally using the word pumbavu (fool). When will these double standards end?

It is arguable that when women beat up men they are doing so in self-defence. The collective violence that is visited on mothers, sisters, daughters and wives must be resisted. Mama Lucy has been a victim of violence by men and she has the right to defend herself."

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Middle-aged Princess Laments: Feminism Ruined My Life

A confessional essay truly worth reading. Excerpt:

"I had become a fat, unpleasant, middle-aged princess because I had refused to grow up. Sure, I had taken on grown-up responsibilities (marriage, career, house, motherhood) but at the core of my psyche was a 13-year-old girl who stamped her feet and whined when she didn’t get her way. Of course, I had stopped whining years ago but I simply replaced the whining with emotional manipulation and ornery bitchiness. No wonder I was still single and my two teenaged sons spent all their free time with their father... being a dilettante feminist, I swallowed the standard line that women can have it all... I had lots of blame to dole out. There was no way that the current state of my life was the result of my decisions. My single girlfriends all told me that, many, many times over copious cocktails in sundry singles bars. I read a lot of women’s magazines and the advice I got said pretty much the same thing - a woman is never to blame... Looking back in brutal honesty, I was a stark, raving bitch."

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Police Using Topless Sunbathers to Lure Men in Parks

Not content to arrest men for wearing speedos in a McDonald's, law enforcement now has to start luring them into sexual situations in parks and arrest them. Story here. Excerpt:

'Robin Garrison, an off-duty 42-year-old firefighter, was walking in Berliner Park in Columbus, Ohio, in May when he saw a woman sunbathing topless under a tree.
Eventually, she asked to see Garrison's penis; he unzipped his pants and complied.

Seconds later, undercover police officers pulled up in a van and arrested Garrison; he was later charged with public indecency, a misdemeanor, based on video footage taken by cops who were targeting men having sex or masturbating in the park. While topless sunbathing is legal in the city's parks, exposing more than that is against the law.

At Garrison's trial, his attorney argued that it was a case of entrapment. "Columbus police utilized this topless woman to snare this man," said Sam Shamansky. "He sees her day after day. He's not some seedy pervert."

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UK: Nurseries are told playing with toy guns is good for boys

I find this to be very encouraging news. Someone is actually looking at how certain interactions ACTUALLY affect boys, and not just making assumptions based off of some notion of political correctness. Article here.

'Playing with toy weapons helps the development of young boys, according to new Government advice to nurseries and playgroups.

Staff have been told they must resist their "natural instinct" to stop boys using pretend weapons such as guns or light sabres in games with other toddlers.

Fantasy play involving weapons and superheroes allows healthy and safe risk-taking and can also make learning more appealing, says the guidance.'

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National Fatherhood Summit Jan. 4, 2008: Press Release

National Fatherhood Summit
Jan. 4th 2008 Grand Rapids, Michigan
Grand Rapids, Michigan - Release Date: 12/28/07

2008 National Fatherhood Summit - Jan 4th 2008 - 8:30am-4:30pm

Location: Abundant Life Ministries, 1725 Division SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Contact Information: Minister Ronald Smith 616-301-1515

Numerous elected officials, authors, religious leaders, family preservation organizations, experts, advocates and a Michigan District Court Judge will be speaking at this historic event!

The Jan 4th 2008 National Fatherhood Summit will bring together husbands, wives, mothers, fathers and grandparents in an effort to begin the New Year recognizing the need for repair of fatherhood nationwide. The 2008 National Fatherhood Summit is the first event leading up to the 2nd Annual Family Preservation Festival which is to take place on August 15th-17th 2008 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

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