UK: Most boys missing GCSE targets

Story here.

"Barely a third of boys in comprehensive schools are gaining the GCSEs they need to obtain a job or stay on at school, new league tables will reveal...

...However, for boys in comprehensive schools, the proportion struggling to achieve decent results increases. Just over 62 per cent of boys in "community schools" - as they are officially known - failed to achieve the target of five A* to C grades at GCSE, including the two vital subjects.

...Many of the boys who fail to achieve good GCSEs will go on to become Neets - young people not in education, employment or training.

The number of Neets has increased to 11 per cent in the past decade - 210,000 16-to 18-year-olds. It is estimated that the army of Neets costs the taxpayer £2 billion in benefit payments, lost tax revenue and the increased likelihood of them committing crime and having health problems."

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A New Candidate for the Boycott List Emerges

I was recently watching television, and I couldn't help but notice a new Molson Canadian commercial. This ad has had a few predecessors, in which a man who claims that Canadians have bad taste when it comes to beer is tied up and put on an airplane, put in the path of a raging bull while holding a red flag, and wrapped in plastic wrap from head to toe, with marker marks all over his face. These ads weren't too bad, in fact, I would even consider them comical. But this new ad, in my opinion goes too far. In this new commercial, it shows the same man tied up to a hockey net. Four targets appear in the exposed corners of the net, then the caption "Take Your Shot at", and a fifth target on the man's crotch appears. I rolled my eyes when I saw this, because I think it's sad that people still consider this type of thing to be comedy. Will they ever make a commercial with a woman strung up to a hockey net, with a target on her crotch? It's extremely unlikely, even though the same scenario is less painful for a woman. Looks like the old double standard monster has struck again.


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UK: Two out of three teachers in UK are women as men shun the classroom

Story here.

"Fewer men are teaching in schools than at any time since records began and in one in ten primary schools there are no men on the staff at all.

More than two out of three teachers are now women, leading to fears that the kind of male role model embodied by the classic fictional creation Mr Chips has been lost to a generation of boys...

...In the space of a generation, men have gone from taking a majority of jobs in secondaries to a dwindling minority.

They now make up 43 per cent of secondary teachers, down from 49 per cent in 1996 and 54 per cent in 1986.

Experts say it is increasingly likely that a boy will go through his entire education without being taught by a man".

Picture caption:

"It is thought more men are chasing higher salaries in the City and put off teaching because of false abuse allegations"

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Male-only aneurysm screening programme to be introduced in UK

Story here. Excerpt:

"The Government is poised to introduce screening for a condition which kills more than 3,000 men a year as part of its new "predict and prevent" approach to health.

Pilot projects to screen for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) will be set up this year, with national screening to follow...

...Health Secretary Alan Johnson said: "Successful prevention would mean significantly fewer early deaths, less long-term ill-health, and a reduction in health inequalities. We are doing a lot of research to assess the potential cost-effectiveness of a 'predict and prevent' approach...

...Mr Johnson said within five years he expected to have 60 centres operational around the country, covering all 270,000 men aged 65.

It will be the first male-only screening programme, for a condition which causes roughly twice as many deaths as cervical cancer for women, which has its own screening."

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Anniversary of 'Larry Summers and the feminist purges of academia'

A day of infamy... 3rd anniversary of 'Larry Summers and the feminist purges of Academia'! Analysis here. Excerpt:

'Unlike most religious fundamentalists, these feminists were pursuing a careerist, self-serving agenda. This cause can put money in their pockets.

Summers's suggestion—now ignominiously retracted, with groveling, Soviet-show-trial-style apologies—was that sex discrimination and the reluctance of mothers to work 80 hours a week are not the only possible explanations for gender imbalances in the math-science area. He noted that high school boys have many more of the highest math scores than girls, and suggested that this might reflect genetic differences. He also stressed the need for further research into all three possible explanations.'

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New Hampshire Primary Campaign Appearances

The New Hampshire primary campaign appearance schedule for all of the major candidates is available here.

Contact Richard at if you'd like to collaborate in making our concerns heard by the candidates.

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Mother Charged After Ramming Father's Car, Running off with Child

Story here. Excerpt:

"Cincinnati police have charged a woman with child endangering after a strange incident on Tuesday afternoon.

Officers said that Danielle Kah chased after her child's father's car on Sedler Street, ramming it from behind until he stopped.

When the father stopped, police said, Kah opened the door of his car and took their 4-year-old daughter, then fled into a nearby wooded area.

Police said the child was not dressed for the freezing temperatures.

Officers were able to find Kah and her child and take them into custody. The child was not seriously hurt.

Bond for Kah was set at $2,000 on Wednesday."

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DNA wins freedom for man after 26 years

Story here. Excerpt:

"A man imprisoned since 1981 for sexual assault was freed after a judge recommended overturning his conviction.

Charles Chatman, 47, was released on his recognizance after serving nearly 27 years of a 99-year sentence. He was freed on the basis of new DNA testing that lawyers say proves his innocence and adds to Dallas County's nationally unmatched number of wrongfully convicted inmates.

Chatman became the 15th inmate from Dallas County since 2001 to be freed by DNA testing. That is more than any other county nationwide, said Natalie Roetzel of the Innocence Project of Texas, an organization of volunteers who investigate claims of wrongful conviction.

Texas leads the country in prisoners freed by DNA testing. Including Chatman, the state will have released at least 30 wrongfully convicted inmates since 2001, according to the Innocence Project."

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Court rules man who donated sperm not liable for child support

This is actually kind of significant. This isn't an anonymous donor, and most of us will be familiar with the fact that often 'friendly' donations for invitro are often not enough to establish non-liability.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that a woman who promised a sperm donor he would not have to pay child support cannot renege on the deal.

The 3-2 decision overturns lower court rulings under which Joel L. McKiernan had been paying up to $1,500 a month to support twin boys born in August 1994 to Ivonne V. Ferguson, his former girlfriend and co-worker.

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Survivor shows that breaking the cycle of violence can be done

Survivor shows that breaking the cycle of violence can be done

This article says, "She wants to empower women she meets through her company and at the domestic violence center."

As this article strongly indicates, men are wasting their time seeking shelter at this taxpayer funded domestic violence shelter. It seves only women.

A more honest title for this article, IMO, would have been, "Survivor shows that breaking the cycle of violence can be done - unless you're a man."

Here is my letter to the editor, and the author (below), at these two emails addresses. I redacted my address and phone number from this post. Feel free to use whatever parts of this post you choose if you choose to send them an email, which I hope you do. It appears they limit publishing of letters to the editor at 150 words.

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Beware of the office piranha: Male bosses warned of man-eating women who are preying on them

Story here. Excerpt:

'Mrs Benussi runs a large matrimonial law firm in Birmingham specialising in high-value divorce cases and has almost 30 years' experience. She said piranhas "want a highearning, high-flying, high-virility man" who will place a ring on their finger.

"Office parties are a brilliant opportunity for them to lead a colleague astray. The alcohol is flowing, they can wear sexier clothes and they just generally loosen up.

"There are women who join companies with large amounts of male employees with the sole intention of looking for a partner, and by that I mean an equity partner - one of the owners of the business."

She said that for such women, joining a large firm of accountants or solicitors can be more advantageous than signing up with a dating agency.

She warned: "A piranha will hang on for the kill and will rip any man to shreds."'

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Rudov: "Chivalry is Benevolent Sexism"

Author and Men's Rights activist Marc Rudov talks about what's wrong with chivalry and women's feeling of entitlement.

Watch the Video.

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Comment Policy Changes

The MANN comment sections have been buzzing a lot lately. Unfortunately a lot of this buzz has been the result of many personal attacks and unproductive anger.

We've seen this problem come and go in cycles in the past, but this time it seems to have become especially bad. The administrators of MANN have become concerned about this and feel it's become necessary to take a more proactive stance to try to bring the MANN comment boards out of this rut. We can't simply sit by and watch the site become little more than a place for individuals to flame and entertain each other by trying to write shock-entertainment posts. was created to be more than that, and we need to return to a reasonable level of decorum. Read More to continue...

Not only is this trend counter-productive, but it is discouraging genuinely interested parties from taking the site seriously as well as discouraging actual, substantive debate. When debates that are basically about ideas degenerate regularly and quickly into name-calling and over-use of profanity, especially targeted specifically to other posters, the value of any site is damaged.

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England: Victim of false rape claim must pay £12,500 for bed and board in jail

Story here. Excerpt:

"A man wrongly jailed when a woman cried rape has failed to prevent being charged £12,500 for his "board and lodging" while in prison.

Warren Blackwell, 38, spent three years in jail as a convicted sex attacker until his 'victim' was unmasked as a fantasist.

It was revealed he has been awarded £252,500 compensation for his lost years - but minus the estimated cost of his food and accommodation while behind bars."

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RADAR ALERT: In 2007 We Set the Stage for DV Reform!

In 2007 domestic violence programs around the country continued to encourage false allegations, undermine families, force children into single-parent households, ignore the civil rights of the falsely accused, and discriminate against male victims.

And as RADAR's Special Report "Why Have Domestic
Violence Programs Failed to Stop Partner Abuse?" reveals, these
programs have been flatly ineffective in reducing abuse rates – and in some cases placed victims at greater risk of violence.

In response RADAR and the VAWA Reform Coalition continued to make the case for reform. Highlights of the year included:

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