Why Jane, the C Word?!

More to laugh at for you guys here on "V Day"; Jane Fonda is busted on live TV (on "The View", no less), talking about The Vagina Monologues, when she uses "the C word" in context! And on Feb. 14!! Incredible!

Why read fiction when you have reality?

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Bravo's "Millionaire Match Maker" No Place for Men

Via email submission:

Hi my name is Dan. I'm a big fan of your blog and I have a lot of respect for you and what you are doing. I recently sent a letter to the website for the Bravo television network about a show they have called Millionaire Match Maker. Like I'm guessing most of you, I have grown tired in the last couple of years of TV shows depicting women being rude or condescending towards men. I see it in TV commercials, programs and reality shows. Well, a couple of days ago I was watching the above-named show and decided I was going to write the network and tell them about how I felt. Here is copy of the letter:


I am a member of a growing group of men's rights activists and I found your show to be offensive to men and irresponsible.

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DHS, FBI Warn of Possibility of Female Homicide Bombers

Story here. Excerpt:

'The growing use by terrorist groups of women — some disguised as expectant moms — to deliver deadly homicide bombs has prompted the Department of Homeland Security and FBI to issue a rare warning that such attacks could take place on American soil.

"Female suicide bombers may have an advantage over their male counterparts in accessing targets," the analysis cautioned. "The means to conduct a suicide attack vary widely, but a key element in maximizing the lethality of a suicide bombing is the bomber's ability to get close to the target."

The assessment also strongly warned that potential female homicide bombers could use "prosthetic devices that mimic the look of a pregnant woman.'

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A letter to protest tax-funded misandry

This intriguing letter was written by Deborah Fellows, president of the New York Civil Rights Council. Excerpt:

'“Women” studies appeared overnight and everywhere. Statistics like “One in Four females will be sexually molested by the time their 21” or “Super bowl Sunday incidences of domestic violence raise by a factor of four” started to appear. They were repeated so much they did become the truth. But when true and factual reports came out to counter balance the manipulated reports they had to come up with another way of getting their message of hatred and prejudices across. They infiltrated the Governments. They had to manipulate the questions to fulfill their data. Henceforth – Propaganda was again born.'

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Please contact NH's Gov. Lynch re the NH Men's Commission

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'The terms of two people on the state Commission on the Status of Men expired as of Sept. 1. It's been almost half a year, and Gov. Lynch still has made no new nominations to replace them.
The women's commission has existed for 40 years, most of that time with full staffing and funding. The men of New Hampshire have a right to equal treatment not only by the Legislature but also by the governor.'

Contact information here.

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YouTube: "Chivalry and Equal Rights"

I figured we could use some comedy in this forum. A friend of mine from YouTube sent this to me. It's good to see men starting to open their eyes.

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Female Deputy Dumps Quadriplegic Man From Wheelchair

Story here. Excerpt:

"The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said Tuesday that one of their own deputies is in trouble after she was caught on tape dumping a quadriplegic man out of his wheelchair while he was being booked into jail, and three supervisors were nearby at the time but did nothing.

Investigators say Deputy Charlotte Marshall Jones is suspended without pay after the January 29 incident, which involved 32-year-old Brian Sterner, who is a quadriplegic. Video shows Deputy Jones dumping Sterner out of his wheelchair and onto the floor while she is booking him into the Hillsborough County Jail. The tape also shows the deputy then searching Sterner as he lay on the floor."

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Restraining Order Issued for Woman Who Sent Ex-Boyfriend 10,000 Text Messages in Two Months

Story here. Exxerpt:

"Timothy Mortimore's Valentine's Day may be less than romantic this year. Mortimore, 37, tells the UK's Daily Mail he has been unable to lead a normal life since his bitter ex-girlfriend, Lee Amor, 23, bombarded him with 10,000 abusive phone and text messages in two months — an average of one every eight minutes.

Mortimore took Amor to court after she followed him and his current girlfriend, approached him at work demanding they talk, sent a piece of glass she had used to cut herself and tried to convince him he was the father of her unborn child.

Amor pleaded guilty to harassment and was fined, as well as being slapped with a restraining order barring her from contacting or approaching Mortimore, the Daily Mail reports."

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Woman Indicted After Dropping Child Twice From Second Story

Story here. Excerpt:

"A suburban mom accused of dropping her infant daughter twice from the indoor, second-story balcony in her home has been indicted on a charge of attempted capital murder.
The child did not suffer serious injuries and is in her father's care.
She has been suffering from schizophrenia since the birth of her daughter, said Howard Shapiro, one of Enjeti's attorneys."

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Dads DO matter: Why children brought up by BOTH parents are happier and more successful

Article here. Excerpt:

"Children behave better, learn more and are better adjusted if their father is involved in their lives, a major study shows...

...Anna Sarkadi, of Sweden's Uppsala University, where the research was carried out, said: "Our detailed 20-year review shows that overall, children reap positive benefits if they have active and regular engagement with a father figure.

"We found various studies that showed that children who had positively involved father figures were less likely to smoke and get into trouble with the police, achieved better levels of education and developed good friendships with children of both sexes.

"Long-term benefits included women who had better relationships with partners and a greater sense of mental and physical well-being at the age of 33 if they had a good relationship with their father at 16.

"It may seem obvious that what's worked for centuries is good for individuals and society, but that's what we found."

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Yet Another Beer Company Tries To Profit Off Of The Sexual Abuse of Males

Hey guys. I'm sad to inform you of yet another beer company that thinks the sexual abuse of males is comedy. If this isn't proof that beer must have a detrimental effect on brain cells, I don't what does. In this ad for Rolling Rock, a baseball deflects off of the scoreboard, hitting not one, not two, not three, but about ten men in the crotch. You can view the ad here. I must warn you though, your IQ will probably be cut in half from watching it, as this is the most immature commercial I've ever seen. I decided to write the company.

I sent them this letter regarding the ad:

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Prominant European economist refutes Alberto Alesina's "man tax" pseudo-science

Professor Gilles Saint-Paul of Toulouse, France just published this fantastic article refuting the pseudo-science behind Harvard Professor Alberto Alesina's "man tax." Excerpt:

'This proposal has long been associated with a fringe of radical feminism, so it surprises me to see it coming out of mainstream economics and the academic establishment. In fact, it is becoming so mainstream that Spain’s allegedly conservative Partido Popular has a tax break for female workers in its platform for the next election. Given that the ruling Socialist Party is unlikely to oppose such a “progressive” measure, the Spaniards will have gender-biased taxation whether they like it or not. This will probably remind them of the good old days of Franco.

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Hillary learns the hard way-- or maybe she doesn't

I saw this and this and laughed. "She who lives by the PC-sword apparently also dies by it." Well if you're going to keep taking the approach that skin color-ethnicity and/or gender are, or should be, significant factors in decisions that don't really have them as a proper input, I suppose when things don't go your way, you must accept the consequences. I hope she learns something from these happenings but somehow, I doubt she will.

To truly take on a point of view that says to judge people by the content of their character rather than anything else apparently has yet to really make its way into the collective psyche. MLK Jr. would be disappointed, but really, what did he expect? This human race it seems has a long way to go in pulling its collective head out of its collective you-know-what.

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Movie Released: "A Father's Rights"

Via email submission: A Father's Rights is a movie based on a true story about a father's struggle with the legal system in how his daughter, who was born out of wedlock, was treated differently than other children while fighting for his rights to have a say in said daughter's life. Please go to http://www.williamfain.com/ to find out more about the company and see clips of the movie.

[WFP would like to make you aware of a fundraising opportunity. The soundtrack CDs retail for $15.00; however, WFP will sell them to you for $7.00 so you can resell them for $15.00.]

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Wanted: Geeks with Boobs

This article suggests that high tech products would be better designed if more women were recruited to the information technology field. It recycles some traditional feminist myths about women’s natural abilities to enhance teamwork and understand “user interfaces…”. Excerpt:

'Women control more than 83 percent of all consumer purchases, and they outpace men when it comes to buying consumer electronics, but they hold only 27 percent of computer-related jobs...

"One of the biggest criticisms of technology today is that user interfaces are poor," explains a professor of information systems at the University of Arkansas. Men, he says, largely don’t do a great job making the products easier to use because they concentrate more on the "geek" factor of technology. "I think women have more of an intuitive sense of designing interfaces."'

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