Czech Republic: Men suffer from domestic violence as much as women

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'Prague, Jan 14 (CTK) - The term of domestic violence does not necessarily have to invoke the picture of a battered woman since the number of maltreated men is almost equal, and every third Czech man has experienced some kind of domestic violence, the latest issue of the weekly Tyden writes.

While dozens of studies focusing on male victims of domestic violence have been made abroad, only one survey on this subject has been conducted in the Czech Republic, without the media even noticing it, Tyden writes.'

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Holstein Presents Romney with 300 Falsely Accused Fathers' Stories

Story here. Excerpt:

'In response, Romney, who was governor of Massachusetts from 2003-2007, said that he could not recall a circumstance where such a thing had occurred, but said, "If you’re familiar with such, let us know."

We appreciated Romney's offer, and decided to take him up on it. We only had a couple of days to act, since it is widely believed that Romney will drop out of the presidential race if he is not successful in Michigan's primary, which is Tuesday, January 15. Ned Holstein, Executive Director of Fathers & Families, put out an email asking for cases, and I posted my Call to Action! Romney Asks for Cases of Falsely Accused Fathers on Thursday. Your response was overwhelming, and on short notice we collected 300 cases to present to Romney.'

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National Post: The plight of divorced dads

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'Of the myriad forms of discrimination men cite, one looms over the rest: The egregious treatment meted out to fathers in the throes of contested child custody following the "no-fault" divorces most of them did not initiate or desire. My files bulge with stories of disenfranchised fathers ripped from their children's arms and lives. They have lost their homes, their careers, fortunes, friends and reputations, often on the basis of false allegations of abuse (for which their female accusers are virtually never punished). I wouldn't mention such anecdotal evidence, if the anguish in these testimonials didn't jibe with objective data confirming the shameful gender bias that dominates the family law system.'

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MRA Horror Movie Script Available

Hello guys. I am truly sick and tired of all the misandric BS in horror movies like the abhorred upcoming abomination, "Teeth" (and they said women had better verbal skills? lol), thus I've decided to offer my fellow MRAs another of my brainchildren, "You Should Know Better", a horror movie written for men. At the current time, it's just a rough script, but I'm sure you guys would probably enjoy it. I do intend to make it into a movie someday. And all the deaths are not only deserved, but the victims bring them upon themselves. Karma's a biatch. lol. I will warn you though, most of the victims are men, but I didn't do that on purpose. There is a female victim, too, but she gets it the worst, IMO. So I did that to kind of build up to the last scene. I must also warn you that the second last death seems really bad when you read it, but there's a twist that makes it more bearable. If you'd like to read it, Email Me and I will send you the script.

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RADAR ALERT: Ask the Candidates How They Stand

With the advent of YouTube, everything a presidential candidate says on the campaign trail is potentially important. As Big Media loses credibility and the homemade content of YouTubers and bloggers gains credibility, more and more people are turning to the Internet for news and information. Remarks that once went unnoticed are now fodder for online analysis and commentary.

The rise of alternative Internet media presents an opportunity for RADAR supporters to educate the nation about some of the problems with the domestic violence industry and where the various candidates stand in relation to those problems. RADAR has crafted two questions, one for Democrats and one for Republicans, that you can ask the candidates when they come to your area.

False allegations of domestic violence have become widespread in our country and disproportionately disadvantage minority communities. Restraining orders obtained through false allegations of domestic violence rip parents out of children's lives. If you are elected president, what will you do to stop these violations of civil rights?


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Who's Tired of Pink?

This is quite a misandrist harangue, IMO, by Erica Jong:

Who's Tired of Pink

"I am so tired of pink men buying bombs and cheating schools. I am so tired of pink men having wives who stand behind them and nod sagely on television. I am so tired of pink men expecting that someone--a brown, black, yellow or white woman--will trail behind them changing light bulbs, taking out garbage, washing laundry, keeping food in the house, taking care of kids of all ages, of parents of all ages. I am so tired of pink men whose wives double or triple the family income thinking they can spend it without doing a damn thing at home."

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Police say girl lied about school attack

Story here. Excerpt:

"A sixth-grade girl at Perry Hall Middle School lied about being sexually assaulted this week in a school restroom, Baltimore County police said yesterday.

Based on their investigation, police concluded that the incident did not occur, said Bill Toohey, a county police spokesman.
The girl described her alleged attacker as a construction worker employed on a renovation project at the school, but police determined that he had no involvement, Toohey said.

Police said their investigation included interviewing the girl and the worker and reviewing video from one of the school's 18 surveillance cameras."

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Men Are Brainwashed by “Bachelorism”

Suzanne MacNevin at the Feminist e-Zine has a serious beef with the men’s marriage strike:

“There is a growing plethora of anti-feminist websites out there ... (claiming) ... that feminists are out to get pregnant and get alimony/child support payments from their deadbeat dads/husbands.
* "Marriage is a trap designed to enslave men."
* Feminists use divorce to take away a man's children and his money."
* "Bachelorism is the only way to fight feminism."

If the men in question actually believe these kind of bullshit statements there isn't a lot we women can do to change their minds. They have essentially become brainwashed by the philosophy of bachelorism and thus can't commit to a relationship (and likewise would probably make horrible parents and adulterous husbands)."

Thought you would enjoy the reading.

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Fathers 4 Justice and the Coalition of Free Men Expand Outreach

Fathers 4 Justice and the Coalition of Free Men Expand Outreach

Fathers' for Justice, L.A. and the National Coalition of Free Men, L.A. expanded their educational outreach in Los Angeles County today, with a rally in Columbia Park in Torrance, California. Once again, a significant number of folks read our big signs and stopped by to talk with us about "the issues." Even a couple of Torrance Park Rangers stopped by to say “hello” and find out more about us. Judging by the responses of the citizens of Torrance today, there appears to be a definite need for educational outreach through F4J and NCFMLA to those good people.

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Carey: "Hillary’s Pity-Pot Politics"

Article here. Excerpt:

"Every day Mrs. Clinton talks up her candidacy as the Great Turning Point in History, the moment in time for women to shrug off 500 (or is it 5,000?) years of patriarchal domination and show they are the equals to men. The solution, of course, is more government programs, set-asides, and gender quotas.

I suspect the voters are beginning to tire how Mrs. Clinton parades her hurts as a badge of honor. In a recent interview she shamelessly worked the female victim angle: “But you know, our scars are part of us, and they are a reminder of the experience we’ve gone through and our history.”

This is shaping up as the first presidential election in history in which the candidates’ qualifications are defined not by their personal character or legislative accomplishments, but rather by who is the greater victim."

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NY Daily News: Jess Weixler treads tricky sexual ground in the comic horror film 'Teeth'

I read a "spoiler" review that offers a graphic view of the most intense gore scenes. I won't even mention them during this story submission. I consider them that offensive. I guess this movie is considered somewhat of a comedy because it deals with male genital mutilation. I suspect we'll be hearing a lot more about this movie as it approaches its release date. I'll keep you guys updated. Excerpt:

"I do see her as a superhero," says Weixler, 26, who grew up in Louisville, Ky., before attending Juilliard. "She's anatomically unique. Her power has to be learned, to use it for good. She doesn't seek out victims."

Then Weixler pauses and laughs: "Of course, this is also a ridiculous dark comedy. I took it seriously while we were making it, because I thought the concept was important and special. But it's also funny."

But it may be a tough movie to sell exactly because of its anatomically unique character, and because of a cultural atmosphere that can find even names of body parts offensive.

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Hillary Clinton in 1998: "Women have always been the primary victims of war"

Men's activists might pause to consider, as part of the "thirty-five years" of experience that Hillary Clinton has brought to the presidential race, statements that Clinton made in 1998 in an address to the First Ladies' Conference on Domestic Violence in San Salvadore.

The experience that you have gone through is in many ways comparable to what happens with domestic violence. Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee from the only homes they have ever known. Women are often the refugees from conflict and sometimes, more frequently in today’s warfare, victims. Women are often left with the responsibility, alone, of raising the children. Women are again the victims in crime and domestic violence as well.

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Children: Unsafe for Men to Be Around

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a society where pedophiles are outed and shamed as part of prime-time entertainment, it has come to this: Tony Taylor, a Pittsburgh father, says he wouldn't come to the aid of a crying child lost in the mall.

"For a guy to think he can walk up and say, 'Can I help you, kid?' he obviously does not watch the news," said Mr. Taylor, a retired military officer who lives in Turtle Creek...
It can be tough being a man seen around children these days, Mr. Taylor and other men's rights leaders would argue. Gotcha shows such as "To Catch a Predator" and front-page stories about pedophiles have fueled such a fervor that just being around a child can raise unfounded suspicions.'

Not too surprising that only 9% of elementary school teachers are men.

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Finley on Hillary's "No Woman is Illegal" Pronouncement

Essay here. Excerpt:

'So, as a man, I am kind of wondering how this would work if Senator Clinton became President Clinton. Presumably, every mode of transportation would be full of women from every corner of the earth flocking to America because they would not have to worry about trifling matters such as immigration status, citizenship, and health care. Presumably also, any man swimming upstream against the inflowing tide of women would be declared “illegal” and sent back to wherever. Do I read it right: “Men need not apply?” Men, you still are illegal?'

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Activists Inject Fatherhood Issues Into Romney Campaign Stop

Read about it here. Darrick Scott-Farnsworth, Angela Pedersen and Robert Pedersen were able to get the Governor's ear on fatherhood issues. Pictures - Robert Pedersen speaks with Mitt about VAWA and Fatherhood Issues.

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