Victim or abuser?

Via Marc A. Article here. Excerpt:

'The statistics on male victims of domestic violence in heterosexual relationships show the instances are very low, she said, while acknowledging that men are much less likely to admit they are victims.

There are some studies, however, that claim the opposite.

Psychologist Martin S. Fiebert at California State University compiled a list of 491 studies that show that women are far more likely to be violent in a relationship than men, but the numbers of men willing to identify themselves as victims is very low.'

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UK: The UK Independent covers Erin Pizzey

Via Marc A. Story here. Excerpt:

'Erin Pizzey, the campaigner who pioneered treatment for abused women by setting up Britain's first refuge centre for victims of domestic violence in the 1970s, is now turning her attention to another group of often overlooked victims: men.

Launching an online campaign and research project aimed at bringing the issue out in the open, Ms Pizzey is hoping to raise awareness of abuse perpetrated by women against men – a subject she describes as "one of the last taboos". She has put a questionnaire on the website that allows women to answer questions anonymously about how they treat men.'

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Man sues after wrongful rape conviction

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Indianapolis man is suing the Marion County superior court after he was wrongfully accused and convicted of rape.

For 13 years David Buntin sat behind bars as an innocent man. The prime of his life he says was taken from him. And now, he wants retribution. At 38, Harold David Buntin has been through an incredible ordeal and his torment isn't over yet.
While behind bars David earned two associates degrees and hired an attorney. Dna tests later showed that he wasn't the rapist. But from 2005 through April 2007, Buntin remained in jail. Turns out, court records that would have ensured his release were never filed. For two years, David sat behind bars as an innocent man.'

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Prostate exam fees not sexist, human rights tribunal rules

Story here. Excerpt:

The short version is that men have to pay for a certain type of prostate exam (vs. women, who pay nothing for most types of breast cancer screens), but it's not sexist because of differences in the reliability of each screening method.

OK, so the problem isn't necessarily that the fee structure sucks, but the question is raised as to why screening methods for prostate cancer suck so badly compared to those for breast cancer? Its not really a question. Excerpt:

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Baby sitter charged with boy's murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'A judge in Hartford arraigned Torres on a murder charge Thursday and set her bail at $1 million in the child's death last weekend. Torres told investigators his head smacked a door frame as she ran around with him slung over her shoulder in a sleeping bag.
Adkins-Gasque, 23, said she met Torres two months ago through a friend and asked her to watch her son as much as five days a week. She noticed fresh bruises on him four or five times, but she said Torres told her Elijah sometimes fought with her son over toys.

"I thought she was letting her son get out of control," Adkins-Gasque said. "I thought that's just the way it was."'

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13-year-old girl arrested for alleged school bus assaults

Story here. Excerpt:

'PALMER –—A 13-year-old Sutton girl is being held in the Mat-Su Youth Facility after two boys said she sexually assaulted them on a school bus.

The boys, also 13, of Sutton, said the girl touched them over their clothing, Palmer Police Det. Kelly Turney said. Police went to Palmer Junior Middle School Jan. 9 to investigate and ended up arresting the girl.
“Reverse the genders and if a boy, generally speaking, if a boy touches a girl inappropriately on the school bus and the school district and the police don’t take action, can you imagine the outcry there would be?” Turney said.'


"The real headline of this story should read, 'Two 13-year old boys turn in girl for doing something we all wanted to happen to us when we were there age.' I hope they get beat up and when they are older, live in misery and wonder why they were such pussies. "

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Orwell + False Allegations = Bad News For Men In California

Article here. Excerpt:

"A proposed database listing the names of abusers convicted of domestic violence could help Californians find out if a potential partner has a dangerous background."

Ax's Take: The theory behind this thing, is supposedly to enable the screening out of violent people prior to starting a relationship with them. The reality is that, since women commit DV as often as men, but so few are convicted, hence the database is all but useless to men.

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Teen says sex abuse by female teacher scarred him; files suit against district

Article here. Excerpt:

"An 18-year old who claims he was sexually abused by a Hilton Head Island High School teacher in 2003 filed suit Friday against the Beaufort County School District and the school board.

The suit states that the district and school board members were negligent because they did nothing to prevent the abuse from occurring and under-reacted afterward.

The teacher, Rebecca Robertson-Shaffer, now lives in San Diego, Calif., according to the attorney who filed the suit, Thomas A. Holloway of Beaufort. She resigned as a Spanish teacher in February 2004 after being charged with having sexual intercourse with the plaintiff, then 15, and contributing to the delinquency of two other students.

Robertson-Shaffer, then 25, subsequently pleaded guilty to committing a lewd act on the boy and received an 8-year suspended sentence and three years of probation. She was allowed to move out of South Carolina with her husband, who was in the military, but must register as a sex offender for the rest of her life.\"

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Technology for a Male-less Matriarchal Society

Article here. Excerpt:

"Scientists in the United Kingdom believe that women may be evolving as humanity's sole representatives.
What does all this mean? It means scientists are more than willing to attempt to create a baby without the need for male involvement. It is proof positive that the push to destroy traditional families and morality continues all out. And it shows the intent that parenthood be reduced to nothing but a legal responsibility and not a human biological one. It also means that the state is willing to set a precedent, redefining a child's biological origins in total opposition to the natural law."

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Murtari Arrested-- Please write to Hillary

John Murtari has been taken to jail (once again) for daring to present father's issues in public in New York. Is this the kind of treatment that peaceful protesters, petitioning their government regarding fathers' and men's issues, can come to expect under a "Clinton Presidency?"

Please write a letter to Senator Clinton, and please be polite.

A Kids Right

press release

Here is Senator Clinton's contact info and my letter (below) to Senator Clinton, who will soon be campaigning for your vote in CA, and your state (if she hasn't already been there). Feel free to borrow whatever parts you like from the letter below, then send it to her, politely please.


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India: Domestic violence act to be reviwed

India plans to review the domestic violence act in wake of serious criticism about the act.

My blog mentions the major criticisms of Domestic Violence law.

While not much can be expected out of the conference planned by the government. It is first time that there is talk now in the government about the misuse of the Domestic violence act which is important. Of course the battle will take years with the improvements in every country acting as positive loop.

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Molson Replies Regarding Misandric Ad

Well, fellow MRAs, I finally got a response from Molson regarding their misandrist Molson Canadian ad. Here's the response I got:

Dear Evan:

We appreciate the time you have taken to share your concerns over our recent Molson Canadian advertisement and we welcome the opportunity to respond. The ad was intended to be funny in nature and it was never our intention to offend anyone with our advertising. We understand there will be differences of opinion and no advertising campaign will suit everyone's taste, just as no product will appeal to everyone.

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Men Forced to Pay Allimony to Child Murderer, and Child Support to Rapist

Story here. Excerpt:

"New Jersey appeals court recently ruled that an ex-wife who brutally killed the son she had with her ex-husband does not automatically lose the right to collect alimony from him.

Linda Calbi is currently in prison, serving a 3-year term for beating her 14-year-old son Matt to death. She will be eligible for parole in November 2008..."

This case reminds me a lot of one I previously read about in which a woman had sexual intercourse with a man while he was drunk and unconscious, then bragged to some friends of hers that she had saved herself a trip to the sperm bank. When a man has sex with a drunk and unconscious woman, few people have trouble calling it what it is: rape.

The woman who had sex with an unconscious man in lieu of going to the sperm bank got pregnant, as she intended, and then sued the man for child support. The court ordered him to pay it.

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Mike Nifong Bankrupt

The wages of sin... bankruptcy. Read it here. Excerpt:

'JANUARY 15--Disgraced and disbarred, Mike Nifong is now bankrupt. The former North Carolina prosecutor, whose career imploded with his botched handling of the Duke University rape case, today filed for bankruptcy, listing liabilities in excess of $180 million.'

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Politics and Misogyny (or should it be misandry)

Wow, this guy Bob Herbert is a classic example of a male feminist. See his NY Times Op-ed. An excerpt:

"With Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s win in New Hampshire, gender issues are suddenly in the news. Where has everybody been?

If there was ever a story that deserved more coverage by the news media, it’s the dark persistence of misogyny in America. Sexism in its myriad destructive forms permeates nearly every aspect of American life. For many men, it’s the true national pastime, much bigger than baseball or football.

Little attention is being paid to the toll that misogyny takes on society in general, and women and girls in particular."

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