Equal Parenting Resources in Canada

Site here. From the "About" page:

"Nearly all of the individuals and groups listed support "Equal Shared Parenting".

We have included most Canadian groups concerned with equal parenting including men's rights, second spouses, women's groups, grandparent's and children's rights groups and related Issues.

Groups listed here without a link are known to people who have submitted the names but the groups haven't been found to have a website, or contact information."

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Readers respond to "Study finds women a violent as men" in universtity newspaper

Via Marc A.:

On 12/6, the campus newspaper at Webster University in Missouri printed an article titled Study finds women as violent as men that quoted NCFM-LA extensively.

Today the newspaper printed 5 letters in response to the article. All of them are on our side except for one misandric feminist who didn't dispute the DV stats but instead ranted on with the usual garbage about patriarchy and who even attacks NCFM as "misogynistic" but provides no backing for that at all. Comments about the letters can be read and posted as well.


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MASH project reaches goal

This is good news! Hope things go well for it.

"Congratulations! The project you voted on, Mens Alternative Safe House has collected enough votes and is now eligible to receive donations through the GiveMeaning website.

Please visit the following link to check-in on your project.

There are two ways to support your project:

Make a donation: 100% of your donation will be given to your project and your privacy is totally protected. The process is totally secure.

Spread The Word: Forward this link to anyone who you think will support this project. We suggest you include a brief note about why you voted for this project and what it means to you."

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5-year-old boy handcuffed, taken to psych ward for misbehaving

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 5-year-old boy was handcuffed and hauled off to a psych ward for misbehaving in kindergarten - but the tot's parents say NYPD school safety agents are the ones who need their heads examined.

His mom and a school source said Dennis threw a tantrum inside the Ridgewood school at 11 a.m. on Jan. 17.

Dennis was taken to the principal's office, where he apparently knocked items off a desk.

Rather than calling the boy's parents, a school safety agent cuffed the boy's small hands behind his back using metal restraints, the school source said."

When baby-sitter Sandy Ortiz arrived, Dennis was still handcuffed, she said. School safety agents also were holding his elbows even though the boy was calm, Ortiz said. Dennis is about 4-feet-3 and weighs 68 pounds.

"I hugged him. I said, 'OK, release the cuffs, I'm taking him,'" she recalled. "They told me, 'No, Miss. You're not taking him anywhere.'

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911 Tapes Released in Former Beauty Queen's Ex-Boyfriend Torture Case

Story here.

To listen to the tape simply look for the link above the womans picture. I thought the 911 operators were completely incompetent.

"Tucson police have released the recordings of several 911 calls that were made last month in connection with the kidnapping and torture of a former Pima County beauty queen’s ex-boyfriend.

In the recordings, callers reported hearing gunfire along with a man screaming for help.

Kumari Fulbright, 25, a UA law student who has since been suspended from school, is accused of kidnapping the 24-year-old man, binding him with plastic cable and duct tape and holding him captive in two homes."

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Police: Mother Tried To Kill Son Before Killing Herself

Story here.

Is it any surprise the term clinically depressed is mentioned by the third paragraph? Excerpt:

"On Thursday, they laid out in elaborate detail the story of how the clinically depressed Tegtmeier carefully made sure she was home alone with her 20-year-old autistic son, tried unsuccessfully to kill him and then committed suicide.

Investigators said on Jan. 4, Tegtmeier called Ankeny Schools at 7:30 a.m. and said her son Rory Jr. was sick and she cancelled his bus pickup. Tegtmeier also called a siding company that was coming to work on her home and told them not to come because of a family matter. She then called her husband at his Ames office and left a message that she could not keep their 11 a.m. lunch appointment.
During interviews with Rory Jr., 20, who has autism, investigators learned that Rory Jr. struggled to get free from the cord and forcefully pushed his mother away. He then hid in the basement, later telling investigators he was scared of his mother."

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"A Tale of Two Rapes"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In that decade, I found myths and lies about “Violence Against Women” with respect to both rape and domestic violence were both de rigeur, and vehemently defended by many who knew good and well they were defending myths and lies, and would privately admit as much. Their justification for this dishonesty was simple and pragmatic - police work is after all, a political job. Anyone who seeks advancement to positions that involve more face time with cute reporters and television cameras than with burglary reports and false alarm calls will keep their ears open for the latest tune being called by the politicians. “Violence Against Women” has been a buzzword for at least a generation now, and any police officer of any rank that exposes a reality not in concert with the absurd statistics and draconian measures put forth to combat this “epidemic of violence” is unlikely to advance.'

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"Single, Male and not a stereotype"

Story here: Excerpt:

'... some proud, single men say they're better off alone.

"A man is a sperm bank, a meal ticket, a handyman and an early retirement plan," Gulvin says.

For those reasons and others, he has decided to go through life without committing to one romantic relationship.'

This is an AP story that appeared on the back page of the local paper today. The treatment is not as even-handed as one would like, but is better than I would have expected from my local Leftist/Feminist fish-wrap. I think the reporter wasn't sure how to sneer at men for being single by choice when women have been lauded for "independence" for so long.

Men are learning to take a long, cold look at the women that are trying to manipulate them into a "relationship", and ask the key question, "what's in it for me?". Most of the time, the answer is going to be "Not as much as it is going to cost you." This story is about some men who have asked the question and come up with a realistic answer.

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Women-only buses in Mexico City

Story here. Excerpt:

'Groping and verbal harassment is an exasperating reality for women using public transportation in this sprawling capital, where 22 million passengers cram onto subways and buses each day. Some men treat women so badly that the subway system has long had ladies-only cars during rush hour, with police segregating the sexes on the platforms.

But that hasn't helped women forced to rely on packed buses, by far the city's most-used form of public transportation — until this week.

Acting on complaints from women's groups, the city rolled out "ladies only" buses, complete with pink signs in the windshields to wave off the men.
While only seven female public bus users complained last year, she said the real number of offenses was probably much higher, because women rarely protest openly against sexual harassment.'

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CNN Interview Shows Diversity Except When It Comes To Gender

Anderson Cooper: Race or Gender?

The main thing to be noticed about the article, and the interview it discusses, is how all the people involved, including the author, are women (except for Cooper himself, who does not give his own opinion, of course). This is absolute proof positive that all gender issues are defined from the perspectives of women (In this case the interviewees are of different races, but of the same gender as mentioned).

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On YouTube: Marc Rudov Debates O'Reilly

Rudov has entered prime time. Many hate O'Reilly but he does have the highest rated show within the 8-9PM time slot. There has been some debate between myself and other MANN contributors in regards to Rudov. I need to state that I definitely feel he is an MRA ally. Clip here.

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Former prosecutor faces sex charges

Story here. Excerpt:

"A former prosecutor who is also the wife of a suburban police chief has been charged with having sex, smoking marijuana and drinking with high-school-age children.

Beth Modica, 44, a former assistant district attorney in Rockland County and Queens, N.Y., pleaded not guilty Tuesday to counts that included statutory rape, sex abuse and endangering children. Her hands were cuffed in front of her in court, where the indictment was unsealed.

Bail was set at $75,000."

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UK: Serial Murderess Enjoys Comfy Life-Sentence

Story here. Excerpt:

'The pictures showed a smiling, overweight Rose West strolling into a cell which boasts a TV, DVD player and stereo.

Curtains hang across the window, while shelves hold books, pictures and cards from well-wishers.

She is also reported to have access to a sewing machine and embroidery kit, and to have the run of Bravo wing at the prison, where she works loading and unloading washing machines in the laundry room.

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Woman allegedly kills husband, two children

A friend of mine told me about this story. It took me a half hour to find it. When a man commits a crime its reported to CNN within minutes and becomes the headline later that evening. Excerpt:

"A 35-year-old Fontana woman was arrested Sunday for allegedly killing her husband and two small children, according to the Fontana Police Department.

Bertha Martinez was booked on three counts of murder in connection with the killings of her husband, Marcello Martinez, and her children Amy, 7, and You may, 8 months, said Fontana Police Sergeant Jeff Decker.

Police found Marcello Martinez deceased on the floor of the living room at the family's residence in the 16600 block of Orange Way. He had suffered head trauma apparently caused by blunt force, police said.

The two children died as a result of suffocation or asphyxia, police said. The children were found in their beds covered with blankets."

Ed. note: The page didn't render well in Firefox, but did fine in Internet Explorer.

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Hillary's Henchmen Neuter Chris Matthews

Story here. Excerpt:

What Chris Mathews said is 100% correct in my opinion. It's obvious the Clinton campaign used these feminist supporters to counter-attack Mathew's opinion. Is there any doubt Hillary is playing the gender card? If Hillary becomes president will feminists try and censor every negative comment directed towards her? Excerpt:

Last week, the host of MSNBC’s “Hardball” issued an odd semi-apology for allegedly “sexist” and dismissive comments he made about Hillary Clinton on the network’s early-riser show, The Morning Joe. Matthews told that show’s panel:

'"[T]he reason she’s a U.S. senator, the reason she's a candidate for president, the reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around. That's how she got to be senator from New York. We keep forgetting it. She didn't win there on her merit."
And the leadership of the feminist movement made an attempt at censorship.

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