Mother Defends Dog After Attack on Son

Article here.

This woman allows her 2 year old to "annoy" the dog instead of removing him from a situation that she knows he could get hurt. She blames it on her 2 tear old son. Pathetic. She is the adult and should know better. Excerpt:

'A little Australian boy's face was horribly scarred by the family dog - but his mother vowed to keep the pet, blaming the attack on her son.

Two-year-old Noah Newbold is lucky to have the sight in his left eye after being mauled by his family's mastiff-staffordshire cross.

Deep cuts and scratches cover the left side of his face.

But, the toddler's mother, Alicia Cottier, said she was keeping the dog despite the attack because it had been provoked by her son pulling the dog's ears.'

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Woman guilty of attempted murder of her husband on their anniversary

This story on the BBC is a nightmare to read - the poor guy is almost deaf, blind and has brain damage - but it's good to hear firstly that she was found guilty, and secondly that not a single word in this article attempts in any way to reduce her culpability or make it out to be in some way 'his fault'. No 'woman as victim' crap.

It boils down to this - she researched methods of killing him on the Internet, settled on poison by anti-freeze, cooked him a meal and laced his wine on their anniversary, and did it all just to pay off some debts, even bragging about it to neighbors. If she doesn't get the book thrown at her it'll be a travesty.

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Texas Kindergartener Accuses Two Female Classmates of Sexual Assault

Story here.

I can't stand it when 5 year old boys are accused of sexual harassment. I would also defend a 5 year old girl if accused of harassment at such a young age. This incident is a much different. This is a disturbing case of sexual assault. Excerpt:

'A Texas kindergartener is accusing two of her female classmates of sexual assault, MyFoxHouston reported on Monday.

"She said two of the girls at school put glue in between her legs, in her private parts," the mother of the 6-year-old girl told the station. "Someone hurt my baby; she just seems different now."

The alleged attack took place inside a school bathroom, according to the report.

Doctors confirmed the unidentified girl suffered vaginal trauma and that glue was present when they examined her, the station reported.'

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Jury Hears Testimony About British Teen Who Filmed Herself Trying to Kill Parents

Story here. Excerpt:

"A British girl tried to kill her parents — and filmed her murder attempt — according to testimony presented to a jury on Tuesday, the Daily Mail reported.

The girl, then 15, allegedly tried to strangle her mother in the living room of the family's house in St. Neots, about 57 miles northwest of London, while she was working on the computer.

She also is accused of planning to stab her father with a pair of scissors once he realized what was going on, according to the Mail.

The girl, who is 16, has pleaded not guilty to two counts of attempted murder."

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Where Are All the Battered Women?

A curious British journalist asks:

"If one in four women are battered in their own homes, you would expect to see some evidence of it. If you work with eight girls in an office, two of them are being battered, or have been, or will be. Yet, where is the evidence? There just isn't any.

I'm not saying that DV never happens. It does. In fact, I've been on the receiving end of it myself. (What? You're a man! Impossible! You must have imagined it!)

The scale of the problem has been grossly exaggerated, and the facts grossly distorted by the feminist movement.

So why do they tell so many lies about it?


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Man Claims Battered Spouse Defense

Story here.

A man who claims he was repeatedly battered by his wife is on trial for killing her. The jury trial began yesterday, 28th January. He once had a restraining order against his wife and she was also arrested on suspicion of domestic battery against him so there is a paper trail of abuse against him.

Watch this one.

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Misandry in recent "City Journal"

Read the full and bigoted article entitled "Child-Man in the Promised Land" here.

The response that I sent to the author is here:

"Misandry. Ever hear of it? Because your article was full of it. Did it ever occur to you that men don't marry because the rules are rigged against men? If a divorce follows, who gets the kids? And who gets to deny their former spouse access to those children? If any allegations of domestic violence is made, who automatically gets kicked out of the house (no evidence required)? And who doesn't?

Indeed, your article even stooped to old-style social Darwinism. Chromosomally challenged? Surely it has occurred to your superior intellect that while the male population has EVERY gene that the female population has, they also have additional genes that no females have access to? How does that fit into your superiority paradigm?

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Paternity Fraud is "In the Best Interests Of The Child"

Story here.

Another man lied to about his relationship with "his" child. The courts support the liar/defrauder. He pays, the mother collects, the child is lied to/defrauded - what could be more fair (to a gender feminist, maybe...)? Comments are interesting, so far tend to be supportive of the man in this case.

Any man considering a long term relationship needs to ask himself "What's in it for me?" here is an example of what could be in it for a man who doesn't ask that question. Excerpt:

"Paternity doesn't count when it comes to a Hunterdon County man's bid to lower child support payments for a child that's not his.

An appeals court upheld a lower court which denied the man's request in 2006 after he said he discovered he was not the father of the 10-year-old girl.

The appeals panel found the judge put the best interest of the child first."

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"Mom Acquitted But Tortured by Son's Death"

Story here.

Notice how the father is indirectly blamed for the death. Apparently Dad incorrectly installed a baby seat which prevented Mom from checking on her sons health. Excerpt:

"A Virginia jury acquitted 36-year-old Raelyn Balfour of involuntary manslaughter Friday in the death of her infant son, Bryce, but the pain of his death made it difficult for her to appreciate the exoneration.
Balfour's nightmare began March 30, 2007, when she returned to her vehicle after work and realized her 9-month-old son was still was strapped in his car seat.
Police said the temperature inside the sport utility vehicle could have reached 98 degrees in 40 minutes, which is more than enough to kill an infant.
During her trial, Balfour took the stand and explained how her husband had placed a spare baby seat where Bryce sat normally, so she didn't see him in the other seat behind her. "

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RADAR ALERT: Are You Ready For Some Football ... Mythology?

It's Super Bowl time, and you know what that means. Wings, beer, new commercials, more beer, play stealing, and, oh yeah, domestic violence mythology. There's a statistic that's trotted out this time of year – "More women are victims of domestic violence on Super Bowl Sunday than on any other day of the year" – that has no basis in fact but is fervently believed and/or promulgated nonetheless. See just one example here.

And more than a decade after it was shown to be a fabrication, the people who make our laws clearly still believe it. Read one example of this here., the scourge of urban legends everywhere, has a good article on the apparent origins and subsequent debunking of the myth.

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Australia: Canberra Community Consultation Event


With Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner responsible for Age Discrimination.

Have your say on building a fair and equal society for women and men in Australia.

The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) and the ACT Human Rights Commission invite you join HREOC's new Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner responsible for Age Discrimination, Elizabeth Broderick, for a community consultation.

This consultation is part of Commissioner Broderick's national Listening
. The Listening Tour is an opportunity for people all over Australia to make their voices heard on the issues that matter to them.

Tuesday 5 February 2008
Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre 2nd floor, North Building 180 London Circuit, Canberra City
12:00 - 2:00 pm

A light lunch will be provided
RSVP by Monday 4 February to Jorge Kapeen, ACT Human Rights Commission
02 6205 2222 or email:

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Misantric article attacks "Men and Women Against Domestic Violence"; needs responses

Via Marc A. This misandrist feminist article cites crime data instead of sociological data to attack the billboard put up by fair-minded anti-DV advocates. If you want to respond with a letter to the editor, these are the email addresses I used, though I'm not sure whether they're all good:,,



'Domestic violence occurs within a broad spectrum of relationships, but this billboard clearly portrays an unfair depiction of women as typical perpetrators of domestic violence homicides. Women killing their male partners are especially rare. The U.S. Department of Justice cites that only 3 percent of male murder victims were killed by an intimate partner.

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Movement in Sweden to Ban “Sexist” Ads

Story here. Excerpt:

"Sweden, considered a world leader in gender equality, should ban all advertising that could be considered sexist, according to a new government-commissioned report that suggests the creation of a law "banning advertising containing sexist content." Sexist advertising is defined as any message distributed "with a commercial aim" that can be "construed as offensive to women or men."

Imagine the possibilities for banning! No more feminine hygiene commercials, and no more beer ads either! This law will never fly, not even in Sweden, the world's most celebrated gynocracy.

And, who knew that advertising "has a commercial aim?"

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Czech Fathers Protest

There is growing impatience all over the world. This Czech news story seems to be the beginning there.

There does seem to be attempt to demonize and silence. Echoes of Gandhi who started the civil disobedience movement in 1921-24 and 1931-36 by saying "no taxes without representation."

Our protests, though well attended, seem tame in comparison what Czech fathers have achieved. Excerpt:

"Prague- Labour and Social Affairs Minister Petr Necas fiercely criticised the members of the K213 group, associating divorced fathers who are banned from seeing their children, who have been blocking the entrance of the child protection office, he told journalists today.

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Documentary Exposes Family Court Corruption in America

View the four shocking trailers now! To help this documentary reach the masses please read how you can help. From the site:

"Support? System Down. View the shocking trailers of this documentary which exposes the corruption of family court systems throughout America. Family Courts compared to the mafia? Fathers killing themselves because they were forced by family court systems to go from a full-time father to seeing their children only 4-6 days a month. This is court sponsored child abuse!"

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