RADAR ALERT: Courageous Radio Host Challenges New York Domestic Violence Propaganda Campaign

A year ago, it was Rebecca Odor, director of Virginia's Dept. of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, who was spending taxpayer dollars on a propaganda campaign to vilify any father who might hold his little girl's hand. The more things change, the more they stay the same. This year, it's Amy Barasch, Director of New York State's Domestic Violence Office who's spending taxpayer dollars on a publicity campaign (Coaching Boys into Men) that ignores objective research and instead promotes the falsehood that all domestic violence is male-on-female, and that men are inherently disposed to abuse women.

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"Young girls should be surrounded by girls with the same heritage"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Entering its sixth year, the event has a new partner — the University of Rochester.

The college is now a prime sponsor of the rally along with advocacy group Latinas Unidas. Free rally events were held on the university's River campus.
"Young girls should be surrounded by girls with the same heritage," said Perez, 17. The Hilton High School senior plans to pursue a career as a criminal investigator.'

Mine is the second comment, posted of course by 'mcc99'.

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Some justice: 15-YO girl convicted of murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 15-year-old girl who stabbed a young mother to death while high on drink and drugs was convicted of murder today.
Madgin, who was an aspiring model and on the books of an agency based in Newcastle, suffered 10 stab wounds - one to the face, four to the left arm, two to the right arm and three to the chest.
As the jury of eight men and four women announced its unanimous verdict, Madgin's friends and family in the public gallery cheered and shouted, "Thank God".

Addressing the defendant, Judge David Hodson said: "In the light of the jury's verdict that you are guilty of murder, the court has one sentence and one sentence only it can pass and that is that you be detained at her majesty's pleasure.

"It is important that the courts now determine the minimum term you must serve in custody before you can be considered for release by the parole board."'

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Juggling life as both Mr. Wallet and Mr. Mom

Article here. Excerpt:

"Deadbeat dads, ghost dads, Disneyland dads, Santa daddies: The divorce culture is rich in labels, especially ones that reduce men to negative stereotypes.

Some may be warranted, but the trouble with simplistic labels is that they rarely shed light on the complex truth of reality.

What is forgotten is that fathers have their own painful adjustment to divorce that is different than that faced by mothers.

I have heard some of that truth from men who write to me and agree to tell their stories.

If the stereotype is that men have a tendency to suffer in silence, the reality is that they no longer want to."

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Killer mom fights to keep child tax credit

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who murdered her four-year-old daughter is appealing Revenue Canada’s decision not to allow her the child tax benefit.

Astrid Margaret Literski, who is incarcerated at the Nova Institution in Truro, pleaded guilty in February 2005 to the second-degree murder of Eveleigh Rain Bringsli by feeding her sleeping pills and then smothering her with a pillow. The mother, then 34, killed her daughter on Sept. 1, 2003, one day before the little girl’s first day of kindergarten.

Ms. Literski is slated to appear at a tax court appeal hearing May 2 in Halifax to argue that she deserved the child tax benefit cheques she received before her daughter died."

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Lovestruck female parishioner convicted of harassing 'traumatised' priest

Story here. Excerpt:

"48-year-old Cheryl Burston's romantic dreams - which saw her give Father Timothy Menezes chocolates and a teddy bear - turned to harassment when he rejected her advances.
The obsessed parishioner put a public notice about the 37-year-old priest in a local newspaper and wrote to his superiors in the Roman Catholic Church."

Burston denied harassment but was convicted by magistrates in Coventry.

PS: See the comments from women at the bottom of the story.

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Forged signature in IVF deception leading to legal case

Story here. Excerpt:

'A husband is threatening legal action after his estranged wife twice gave birth without his consent by using frozen embryos created while they were still together.

The woman deceived a world-renowned IVF clinic into fertilising her on two occasions by forging her husband's signature on a consent form.'

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UK: Ordinary families would get £100 a week MORE benefits if they lived apart

Story here. Excerpt:

'Three out of four ordinary families would be better off living apart than sharing a home under Labour's benefits system.

Tax credits and benefits are increasingly skewed towards single mothers, a study has shown.
For some families, such as those with one child and a wife who stays at home, the premium would be almost £100 a week.
The findings will add to anger over how the benefits system increasingly penalises families.

They will lead to calls for changes to Government policy to encourage more couples to stay together.

David Cameron has promised to end the bias in favour of single parents by alterations to benefits which could mean some families receive £3,000 more.'

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More from the "Lyin' Eyes" Department

Story here. Excerpt:

'Most females lie "more cleverly and successfully than men" about everything from cheating on their spouses and shopping binges to barhopping and facelifts, according to a new book published this week.

"Women lie as a survival technique, but also to get what they want," Susan Shapiro Barash, author of "Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets: The Truth About Why Women Lie," told the New York Post.

Barash interviewed 500 women nationwide and found 75 percent lie about how much money they spend, while more than 60 percent admitted to cheating on their husband.'

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Los Angeles Marathon "won" by Russian woman

Headline: "Russian woman making marathon debut wins Los Angeles Marathon"

Actually it was won by a man from Kenya. But you won't see that mentioned here. Excerpt:

'LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Russia's Tatiana Aryasova made a smashing marathon debut Sunday, taking advantage of a head start on the male runners to capture the Los Angeles Marathon.

She held off a group of Kenyan men and finished in 2 hours, 29 minutes and 9 seconds. She gave little thought to the men in pursuit.
Kenya's Laban Moiben won the men's division in 2:13:50. Aryasova and Moiben each received $20,000 and a car for winning their divisions.'

In addition to double-think and cognitive dissonance, as well as cowardice, the reporting of this story betrays an unbelievable lack of basic arithmetic skills. The female runners got a 20-minute head start. The first man to cross the line did so at 2:13:50; the first woman, at 2:29:09. So even with a 20-minute head start, she came in about 13 minutes after the first man. Add the 20 minutes to it and she came in about 33 minutes after him.

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Harvard Sets Women-Only Hours for Gym, Complying With Muslim Students' Request

Story here. Excerpt:

'In response to a request by female Muslim students, Harvard University has created women-only workout hours at one of its campus gyms. The decision has angered some students at the Ivy League university.
These hours are necessary because there is a segment of the Harvard female population that is not found in gyms, not because they don't want to work out, but because for them working out in a co-ed gym is uncomfortable, awkward or problematic in some way," she told Boston University's Daily Free Press.'

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Daughter, 16, charged in murder of mother, brothers

Story here. Excerpt:

"A family's opposition to a teenage daughter's romance is suspected of leading to a fiery attack that left the girl's mother and brothers dead and her father critically wounded, investigators said Sunday.

Four suspects, including the 16-year-old daughter, remained in custody on capital murder charges Sunday, a day after the pre-dawn attack on the rural East Texas home of Terry and Penny Caffey.

Terry Caffey, who was shot in the head, was able to crawl about 300 yards to a neighbor's house to seek help, while flames consumed his home with his wife and two young sons inside, the Rains County Sheriff's Department said.

Penny Caffey, 37; Tyler Caffey, 8; and Mathew Caffey, 13, had been shot and stabbed multiple times, according to the statement."

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Women Tell the Truth about Their Lies

Article here.

More confirming data. Yes, the sweet, fairer sex. We need to rid the world of this type of baloney!! Excerpt:

'Barash interviewed 500 women nationwide who answered her Craigslist ads seeking females to confide what they fib about. Among her findings:

* 75 percent lie about how much money they spend. For instance, they sneak purchases inside their homes after shopping or hide the price tags.

* 50 percent harbor "mixed feelings about mothering." One told Barash, "I look at these children and I crave sleep and free time. They wear me out and make me jealous of working women who have no children, no husbands."

* More than 60 percent cheated on their husbands. A 32-year-old mother conducted her trysts while telling her trusting husband she was working late. Even in asking for a divorce, she withheld the truth: "I didn't say I had fallen for another man. He was better off with my lies."'

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Washington Post: Women vs. Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Take Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign. By all measures, she has run one of the worst -- and, yes, stupidest -- presidential races in recent history, marred by every stereotypical flaw of the female sex. As far as I'm concerned, she has proved that she can't debate -- viz. her televised one-on-one against Obama last Tuesday, which consisted largely of complaining that she had to answer questions first and putting the audience to sleep with minutiae about her health-coverage mandate. She has whined (via her aides) like the teacher's pet in grade school that the boys are ganging up on her when she's bested by male rivals. She has all but wept on the campaign trail, even though everyone knows that tears are the last refuge of losers. And she is tellingly dependent on her husband.

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Duke U. Trying to Shut Down Lawsuit Web Site

Duke University is asking the courts to shut down a web site that lacrosse players and their families have created to publish news about the ongoing lawsuit, alleging that the information posted on the site might prejudice a jury. That is an amazing testimony to the hypocrisy of the Duke administration given their former lack of concern about widespread media condemnation of innocent young men. Duke has offered large monetary settlements to shut down the upcoming lengthy trial, but their bribes have been declined by all litigants.

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