Former NY Yankee estranged wife arrested after refusing to leave his home

Story here. Excerpt:

"EVANSVILLE, Ind. -- The estranged wife of Los Angeles Dodgers coach Don Mattingly was arrested and charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct after police say she refused to leave his property in Indiana.

Police arrested 45-year-old Kim Mattingly after they were called to the home of the former Yankee first baseman to investigate reports of a person refusing to leave on Saturday, a probable cause affidavit said. The affidavit, signed by a Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Deputy Chad Howard, said she smelled of alcohol and screamed at officers.

The couple filed for divorce in November on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. The divorce has not been finalized, and no further action has been taken.

Kim Mattingly was released from the Vanderburgh County Jail after posting $50 bond shortly after her arrest and made her first court appearance Monday on the charges. She is scheduled to appear next on March 3."

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Hillary's Program For Helping Fathers - No, This Is NOT A Joke!

From Glenn Sacks: Hillary Clinton’s Youth Opportunity Agenda Will Help Low-Income Fathers


"The Urban League’s 2006 report on the state of black America concluded that the child support system and its abuses are a major problem for African-American men. The report found that the system represents a large, hidden “tax” on the already meager earnings of many black men."

Ax's Take: As with any campaign promise, it remains to be seen if she will follow through on it should she win. She might just be trying to steal some of the black vote from Obama, since he has stolen women voters from her.

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Feminist Leaders Oppose Hillary, Endorse Obama

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Choosing to support Senator Obama was not an easy decision for us," the group stated, "because electing a woman president would be a cause for celebration in itself." They "deplored" the "sexist attacks against Senator Clinton that have circulated in the media." But, they stated, they nevertheless supported Obama because his election "would be another historic achievement" and because "his support for gender equality has been unwavering."'

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Law keeps man from daughter

Article here. Excerpt:

'James Rodesiler carries outdated photographs of the daughter he lost.

The girl is alive and evidently doing well in Coldwater. But Rodesiler, an Addison resident who is postmaster of Hanover, was cut from her life when the baby was 2 months old. She is 3 years old now.

He learned the hard way that he has no legal rights as a parent because the girl's mother was married to another man when the baby was born.

"The fact that you've got a DNA test, the fact you've held your daughter in your arms, that fact you want to take care of her doesn't matter," Rodesiler said. "The state recognizes the marriage certificate."'

Michigan law always presumes a husband is father of his wife's children, regardless of biological facts."

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The feminist fight over male circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

"Last week I wrote an item about the recent court decision in Oregon on whether or not a 12 year old Olympia boy should be circumcised. The court ruled the lad should have a say in the matter. My concern was whether the dispute itself--public litigation between his divorced parents--could itself be psychologically damaging to the boy. My brief post quickly went to the top of the Crosscut charts. One reason: men arguing the pros and cons of the procedure. Emotions ran high: some men liken the experience to being raped. Now the debate has spilled over into feminist circles. That right, a girl fight over penises."

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Female Teacher Arrested for Having Sex with 8th Grader

Story here. Excerpt:

'Sarah Elizabeth Joel, a former teacher at Narccoossee Community School, was recently arrested and charged with three counts of lewd and lascivious battery on one of her former students. The woman is 31 years old and she is represented by an attorney that has already asked the media and the public not to prejudge his client before “all the facts come out.”

Sarah Elizabeth Joel was arrested on Saturday at school-district headquarters in Kissimmee, but she was granted $22,500 bail during a first appearance hearing. It seems that the young woman admitted to having sex with the boy twice during Christmas holiday. However, the teen, who is now 16 years old, told the police that they had sex once before in September. Back then he was 15 years old.'

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Women Run Over Husband with Car

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two Ronkonkoma women were arrested yesterday after they intentionally hit with their car a man who lived at the same residence, Suffolk police said.

The car's only passenger was the victim's wife, who was a willing accomplice in the effort to mow him down, police said.
Lester's car jumped the curb, striking Corso. He suffered a broken collar bone, broken ribs and a head laceration, police said. Corso's wife, Christina Latorre, 34, was in the vehicle and police are investigating why the two women set out to hit him.

"It's unusual that two women would go out and one would hit their husband intentionally," said Det. Sgt. Michael Komorowski. "We're still investigating the reasons for the crime."'

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Ohio HB 287: "NOW's the time for dad's rights"

Article here. Excerpt:

"You know you've done something right when you wind up on the Internet homepage of the National Organization for Women.

Allow me to introduce you to House Bill 287, offered for consideration in the Ohio House last summer by Rep. John Adams, R-Sydney. HB 287, in short, requires a pregnant woman to get the consent of the baby's father in order to obtain an abortion.

Just listen to the estrogen boil!"

Bill tracking here.

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Boys and Phonics

Submitted via note:

Hi, I have read an article about education and boys on your site and thought this may be useful to you. It is a system employed in some Scottish schools which eradicated the gap between gender and even social classes furthermore, boys actually came on top in some areas; but would the education system ever support a system where boys do better then girls even when the girls themselves do better with the system?

Articles here:
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3

Comment from one article:

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Nun Sentenced for Sexual Abuse Against Boys

Story here. Excerpt:

'"When are we going to start dealing with female rapists and give them the same sentence as male rapists?" he asked.
Prosecutors had asked for more than $28,000 in restitution, mainly for therapy costs, but the judge noted Giannini had taken a vow of poverty 60 years ago and had virtually no assets.'

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Murder-by-Proxy: Hit man faces murder charge while estranged wife of victim does not

Does it get any more classic than this? A woman hires a man to murder her estranged husband because she is afraid she will not do well in the divorce, or whatever. They get caught. She and another man (will presume it is her boyfriend but the article doesn't say) face criminal solicitation of murder while the hit-man faces capital murder charges. Correct me if I am wrong here, but doesn't it generally happen that when there is a murder conspiracy all the conspirators face the charge of murder? Unless of course one of them is female. I wonder what the second man will get for prison time vs. the woman, assuming both or either are found guilty? Excerpt:

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Woman gets two and half years for sex offences

Article can be read here.

Interesting development up here in Canada. A female sex offender is getting 2 and a half years recently for sexually assaulting a 12 year old boy. It's good to see justice being served in such cases for a change. What's particularly encouraging about this case is the opinions of both the prosecutor, Chris Nicholson, and the Judge, Margaret Stewart. Nicholson is quoted as saying in reference to the gender of the perpetrator, "in these days of "equality" [my quotation marks], it shouldn't make any difference". The prosecutor also said,"if a man committed a similar offence, he would almost certainly get prison time", and apparently the female judge agreed. Even more impressive is Judge Stewart's criticism of her not taking responsibility for the crime and laying the blame on her ex-husband.

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Witness: Ohio Mom on Trial Said Baby 'Fit Right In' Microwave

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who shared a jail cell with a mother accused of killing her baby by burning her in a microwave oven told a jury Thursday that the mom confessed to the crime, saying the month-old girl "fit right in" the oven.

Linda Williams testified that she developed a sexual relationship with defendant China Arnold when the two were cellmates in the Montgomery County Jail in March and that Arnold confided in her about what happened to her baby.

She said Arnold feared her boyfriend believed he wasn't the father of the child and was going to leave her.

"She said she put the baby into the microwave and started it and left the house," Williams said."

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Carey Roberts: "American Heart Association Plays a Cruel Trick on Women"

Article here. Excerpt:

"So men are at far greater risk of heart disease, and their premature deaths portend institutionalization and financial hardship for their wives.

You'd think the American Heart Association would have programs designed especially to help men. They don't.

But not to worry, the AHA does have a gender-specific program - "Go Red for Women."

That's right, the Heart Association has designated this Friday, February 1 as National Wear Red Day. Here's the latest fashion tip from the AHA:

"National Wear Red Day has its own dress code. Wear your favorite red clothes or accessory - a red blouse, a red dress pin, a fabulous red handbag."

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NOW to Monitor Super Bowl Ads for Offensive Content

Article here. Excerpt:

"The NOW Foundation is going on the offensive this year with our 2008 Feminist Super Bowl AdWatch," said NOW Foundation President Kim Gandy. "Almost as many women as men watch the Super Bowl, and millions of girls and boys are glued to the screen as well," said Gandy. "That's why our feminist ad-watchers will be paying close attention to the commercials and ranking them based on their portrayal of women and other groups who often see themselves stereotyped, ridiculed or just plain missing in high-profile ads."

Somehow I suspect that there won't be enough lesbians represented in the beer commercials. Just a hunch...

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