Female Teacher Allegedly Tapes Special Education Student to Chair

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Chicago teacher faces dismissal after allegedly wrapping masking tape around a special education student to keep him in his chair when he wouldn't sit down, authorities said.
The teacher was in a classroom of four or five students on Tuesday when one 9-year-old boy would not sit down. The teacher restrained him with the tape, Vaughn said.
"It appears the allegations will be substantiated and we will fire her," Vaughn said.

The unnamed teacher obtained her credentials last June, Vaughn said.'

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Hillary & Obama Met Hollywood with Fathers 4 Justice outside Kodak Theater

Hillary & Obama met Hollywood this past week at the Kodak Theater (home of the Academy Awards), while Fathers 4 Justice stood outside.

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"Flirty women victimize well-dressed men"

Story here. Imagine if this were a cadre of "flirty men vicimizing well-dressed women" how that would be presented. Excerpt:

'DALLAS - Well-dressed men at posh Dallas hotels and bars are being targeted by a ring of flirtatious women who may be drugging them before swiping their watches and other expensive items, police said.
About a half-dozen men have reported falling victim to the scheme, Dallas police detective Mark Jenkins said. Many were business travelers, and Jenkins suspects there are others too embarrassed to file police reports.
"I don't know if so much it's that the men are being attracted to them, as that (the suspects) are more or less forcing themselves on the men," Jenkins said.
The women have histories as prostitutes, Jenkins said.
The women may be slipping drugs into the drinks of their victims, police said.'

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Budweiser's Reply Regarding "Good Dog" Bud Light Ad

Hi fellow MRAs. I recently posted a story about a Bud Light commercial, in which a man is viciously assaulted where it hurts most by a dog. I'm happy to say that the only place this ad can now be viewed is YouTube. Here's what Budweiser had to say:

"Dear Evan,

Thank you for responding to Anheuser-Busch. We apologize if your question was not answered, and also because there seems to be some confusion surrounding the ad.

For starters – no, the ad is no longer being aired. It actually has not appeared on television for a few years now, and the YouTube version was posted online without our company’s permission. This is typical of most videos on sharing sites, an in addition to not being able to control posters’ actions, we also cannot control the information they provide along with the spot.

If you have concerns about this ad appearing on YouTube, we encourage you to contact the poster directly.

Again, Evan, thank you for contacting us. Please let us know if you have additional comments or questions.

Your Friends at Anheuser-Busch

1-800-DIAL-BUD (1-800-342-5283)"

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"Love in the Air for Sugar Mamas & Boy Toys"

Story here. Older rich women (must be at least 35 years old and earn at least $500,000.00), are now being provided with young men as boy toys. The only criterion for men is that they be good-looking. I guess "This is Only Bad If Men Do It". Excerpt:

'Women who pursue men more than seven years their junior are sometimes derogatorily referred to as “cougars,” because of the perception that they’re on the hunt. But times are changing.
“At a certain age, the trophy wife syndrome is so prevalent," says Vivian Cha, a 47-year-old physician and speed-dating contestant. "The older man, in his 40s or 50s, goes for the younger blond bimbo, who’s 20 or 30 years old. We older women sort of get thrown to the dust, so I think this is a great idea.”

Attractive young men seeking their own Mrs. Robinson jumped at the chance to meet a woman with more “experience.”

“I’m definitely interested in being surprised or wowed," says Paul Janka, a 32-year-old writer who authored an online guidebook for men called "Getting Laid in NYC."

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Lolita love affair scandalises Italy

Story here. Italy is up in arms because a 34-year-old Italian man who had sex with a 13-year-old girl has had his sentence cut by a two-thirds because a court decided there was "real love" between the pair. Excerpt:

'However, Simonetta Matone, a judge in Rome, said the law must "always look to be reasonable in these cases".

She added: "Every relationship is a relationship and the real maturity, whether physical or psychological, of the minor must be weighed, with the help of experts."

The court decision has unleashed a wave of condemnation in Italy, and even authors of teen novels stepped forward to caution their readers against early sexual encounters.'


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Strippers Welcomed Back to Duke... as "Paid Artists"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Duke University has come under fire from some students and conservative commentators this week for hosting a performance that involved strippers and burlesque dancers, two years after an infamous case in which lacrosse players at the school were falsely accused of raping a stripper at a team party.

The Sex Workers' Art Show, a traveling act that features discussions about the sex industry as well as performances by strippers and burlesque dancers, performed on campus on Sunday. The event was sponsored and paid for in part by the Student Health Center, the Duke women's center, the Women's Studies department and the sexual assault support services, among other groups.
Larry Moneta, Duke's vice president for student affairs, said the performance "raised issues for discussion." Asked about the difference between the art show and the lacrosse team's hosting strippers, he said, "one served the purpose of personal gratification and the other had educational value."'

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Ex-wife arrested for murder over custody outcome

Story here. So I suppose when a man does something like this it's another example of patriarchal oppression and when a woman does it, it is her natural instincts at work and she shouldn't be blamed for it. Or maybe it was really just payback for years of abuse? No matter, she has a vagina, and therefore, can't possibly be guilty of anything. Notice it's a murder-by-proxy case too; she got someone else to actually do the deed. Excerpt:

'The ex-wife of slain dentist Daniel Malakov was arrested Thursday on charges of plotting to kill him on a playground in front of their 4-year-old daughter.
Borukhova exchanged 65 calls with suspected triggerman Mikhail Mallayev, 50, in the days before the Oct. 28 slaying - one of them placed from near the crime scene, prosecutors have said.

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Police collecting men's DNA at traffic stops

Any excuse, the more sensational, the better, to introduce the unending documenting and tracking of men. I think when Patrick McGoohan produced the TV series The Prisoner back in the late 1960s, he may not have been thinking it could get this bad this fast. But here it comes, even faster than Orwell would have thought. Read it here. Excerpt:

"DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Police officers in Daytona Beach are swabbing the mouths of persons of interests during traffic stops with special DNA kits in the hunt for an elusive serial killer, sources close to the investigation told Local 6.

Investigators said they believe the same man has killed four women execution style in the Daytona Beach area.

A profiler said the serial killer is likely clean cut and probably has a wife or girlfriend.

And, the Daytona Beach police Chief, Mike Chitwood, said detectives have the killer's DNA.
The DNA kits are also being used in prostitution stings in the area.

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"Home circumcisionist" faces child abuse charges

Story here. This guy is quite a piece of work on many levels, but the significance of this story is the reason for his facing of charges. It's good news that that is what he is being charged with and why; it's bad that he did it at all. Now if we could only get the same attitude about it in other contexts. Excerpt:

"Detective Shelly Hartley said Marlowe doesn't like hospitals and denied the women prenatal care in both cases, then circumcised the boys when they were 8 days old.

Marlowe later moved to Gaston County and is serving a 150-day jail sentence there on charges of resisting a public officer, assault on a female and multiple counts of child neglect."

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"The Men's Experiences with Partner Aggression Project" Needs Participants

"The Men's Experiences with Partner Aggression Project" is a research study at Clark University in collaboration with the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women (DAHMW). This study is funded by the National Institute of Mental Health.

The goal of the study is to better understand the experiences of men who are in relationships with women who use violence. Extensive research has shown that men are at risk for sustaining partner violence in their relationships, yet few studies have investigated their experiences, and there are few resources available to such men. By conducting this research project, we hope to provide much needed information on these men, their relationships, and their needs.

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NH Men's Commission Releases Second Biennial Report

The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men has just released its second biennial report: The Status of Men in New Hampshire. This report summarizes the work of the Commission during the past two years and serves as a guide to policymakers on some of the most pressing problems facing men today.

The report covers topics including the education of boys, NH college enrollment statistics, the status of fathers, parental alienation syndrome, birth certificate laws, family law, prostate cancer, and domestic violence. It includes summaries of testimony heard from NH state agency representatives, education experts, family violence researchers, and psychologists.

The Commission hopes that the distribution of this report will be used to raise awareness about the problems facing men and their families, and inspire productive efforts to correct these injustices.

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Enshrined in Law since 1930: Only men can be slaves

Via Marc A. Been looking for more "cold hard evidence"? It's right here. Excerpt:

"C29 Forced Labour Convention, 1930
Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour (Note: Date of coming into force: 01:05:1932.)
Date of adoption:28:06:1930
Article 1

1. Each Member of the International Labour Organisation which ratifies this Convention undertakes to suppress the use of forced or compulsory labour in all its forms within the shortest possible period.

2. With a view to this complete suppression, recourse to forced or compulsory labour may be had, during the transitional period, for public purposes only and as an exceptional measure, subject to the conditions and guarantees hereinafter provided.
Article 11

1. Only adult able-bodied males who are of an apparent age of not less than 18 and not more than 45 years may be called upon for forced or compulsory labour.

2. Nevertheless, for the purposes of this Convention, the term forced or compulsory labour shall not include--

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MensActivism Readers - "Support? System Down" Needs Your Support

All readers of MensActivism - the filmmaker for "Support? System Down" needs our help now. PLEASE do not brush this post off... united we can help Angelo Lobo achieve nationwide distribution of his documentary on family court corruption. There is significant resistance to the release of this film and as you can guess many do not want its release.

Please consider: 1) Buy a T-shirt or 2) Make a donation of any amount.

View the four shocking trailers here.

The filmmaker of this high quality movie will NEVER see a dime, however he feels compelled to release it for nationwide distribution because of all who have suffered. Thank you for any help you can provide.

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Good summary/handout re DV vs. men

Find it here. Excerpt:

"Very little in known about the actual number of men who are in a domestic relationship in which they are abused or treated violently by women. In 100 domestic violence situations approximately 40 cases involve violence by women against men. An estimated 400,000 women per year are abused or treated violently in the United States by their spouse or intimate partner. This means that roughly 300,000 to 400,000 men are treated violently by their wife or girl friend."

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