Female teacher admits having sex with upstate NY student

Story here. Excerpt:

"A suspended high school English teacher is facing up to six months in jail after admitting she had sex with a 15-year-old student.
The relationship became known when she went to a school basketball game while intoxicated and announced the affair to nearby students and spectators. Gravlin blames her actions on depression, alcohol, prescription drugs and pressure from the victim."

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MSM Alert: 20/20 Friday March 14: 'Double Standard When It Comes to Underage Sex?'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Movies and television often portray having sex with an older woman as an exciting conquest. The Comedy Central show "South Park" shows police officers impressed that an elementary school student slept with an attractive teacher. One cop jokes to the another, "The crime is she isn't doing it with me!"
There are differences between men and women, but is there something about that difference that makes it less serious when a woman sleeps with a younger boy? Studies do show that most teenage boys who had sex with older women say that the sex was voluntary and the experience positive.
Regardless of what science or popular opinion say, the law makes no distinctions. When adult woman are caught having sex with younger boys, they are usually punished just as severely, sometimes more severely than men.'

Check your local listings for broadcast on ABC, 10:00 PM, US Eastern Time.

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Baker Sheriff: Woman Borrows Gun From Neighbor, Kills Husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman is charged with the shooting death of her husband before dawn Monday in their home south of Macclenny, according to the Baker County Sheriff's Office.

Investigators said Meloney Jackson borrowed a gun from a neighbor, entered the house in the 7000 block of John Rowe Street and shot Kevin Jackson.
"She was telling me how her husband had threatened her and they were going to court on Tuesday, and she needed a gun right now," Krall said.

He said he knew something was not right and went directly to the sheriff's office when the woman left his store.

Channel 4's John Dunlap was told that the Jacksons were in the process of getting a divorce. It was to be finalized at a hearing set for Tuesday.'

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Newsday: Spitzer scandal shows gender politics' inequality

Article here. Excerpt:

"If a female political leader did get caught in a sex scandal, having her husband stand silently by the podium while she sought forgiveness would probably make matters worse. Many Americans would conclude that she was a castrating witch married to a wimp.

Maybe it's a sign of progress that men are now supposed to beg their wives' forgiveness for infidelity. Through most of history, wives were expected not to forgive adultery but to pretend it never happened."

Time to hit the 'Comments' section, guys!

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"If you want a real man, just vote for Hillary"

Article here. Excerpt:

"Ms. Clinton wants to have it both ways. Her pitch is that she's the best person, regardless of gender, to answer the White House phone. But she is also shameless about playing the gender card. Women ought to vote for her because, not only does she know what it's like to be a leader who can pick up the hotline, she also knows what it's like to be a 60-year-old waitress who's had to work hard all her life and put up with a cheating man. And besides, it's about time for a woman to be president.

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Female Teacher Charged for 'Sex' With 14-Year-Old Student

Story here. Excerpt:

"A Hillsborough County middle school teacher has been arrested and is charged with having sex with a 14-year-old student.

Deputies arrested 28-year-old Stephanie Ragusa around 5 p.m. Thursday.

According to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Ragusa had a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old boy at Davidsen Middle School from October of 2006 to May of 2007.
Ragusa is charged with five counts of lewd and lascivious battery."

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Schoolboy found hanged in his bedroom after Ritalin prescription was increased

Story here. Excerpt:

'A schoolboy who was taking Ritalin has been found hanged in his bedroom.

Anthony Cole, 15, had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and recently had his prescription for the drug increased.

Recent research claims that Ritalin, also used to combat hyperactivity in children, has led to many developing "manic and psychotic" symptoms.'

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West Virginia Legislature Passes Bill Criminalizing False Allegations of Child Abuse

Bill would criminalize making false allegations of abuse
March 13, 2008


MARTINSBURG, WV -- Nine times, one aggrieved father says he fought to protect his name and his relationship with his daughters after he was accused of child abuse in a custody dispute.

The man, whose name we will not use to protect the identity of his daughters, said he is pleased that West Virginia legislators last week passed a bill that slaps criminal charges on those who falsely report child abuse or neglect in order to influence a custody case.

On Thursday, state senators passed House Bill 3065, after the measure met overwhelming approval in the House of Delegates last week. The bill charges those who make a false abuse report with a $1,000 fine, or forces the plaintiff to pay for the defendant's legal fees. The misdemeanor crime would also carry a punishment of up to 60 hours of community service.

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School clears kids in contraband candy caper

Story here. Notice the wording; he's 'cleared' of the *crime* of possessing a bag of unauthorized Skittles! Heck, revoke his recreation privileges for two weeks and no Kool-Aid at dinner, neither!

School = prison... for boys, anyway. You know, with every such case of feminist-inspired abuse of boys and men, MRAs win another convert. Think the LAX players at Duke had ever heard of "men's rights" before their ordeal? You can bet they have now, and are ardent supporters. The target of this particular feminist attack will certainly, too, and he's only in 8th grade!

Keep it up, ladies (and manholes). Just keep it up. You're the best recruiting tool we in the Men's Rights Movement have. Excerpt:

'Michael Sheridan, an eighth-grade honors student who was suspended for a day, barred from attending an honors dinner and stripped of his title as class vice president after he was caught with a bag of Skittles candy in school will get his student council post back, school officials said.

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MSNBC Video: "Why men go to call girls"

The Today show asks "Is your mate cheating and how can you tell?" Absolutely no mention of women's infidelity or how prevalent that is. Replace 'mate' with 'husband'. Video here.

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Australian Woman Kills Boyfriend Who Stopped Her From Playing Springsteen

Story here. Excerpt:

An Australian woman stabbed her de facto husband to death after he stopped her playing her favorite Bruce Springsteen CD.

Karen Lee Cooper told arresting police: "I couldn't even play Bruce Springsteen on my stereo -- can you believe that? Can you believe that?"
In the Supreme Courty in Brisbane Thursday, Cooper, 50, was jailed for eight years.

She pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Kevin Lee Watson on July 8, 2006.
The court heard Cooper stabbed Watson through the aorta after they had been drinking at their Cedar Grove home, south of Brisbane.'

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Child protection? No, ruination

"Two men are incarcerated by the State, when they should be the stability in two children's lives."

This excellent article discusses two recent notorious cases in the UK. Excerpt:

'The system is merciless to people who question the system. Charles Roy Taylor, whom I wrote about at Christmas, is in a similar situation. Mr Taylor is a 71-year-old with a heart condition. He was sent to prison for 20 months for being in contact with his stepgrandson, who has been in care since his mother died and who has repeatedly run away to see his grandparents. By breaching an agreement not to answer the door to him, Mr Taylor stands accused of “undermining the care plan”. But he and the boy's grandmother are the teenager's only living relatives. They will presumably be his first port of call when he comes of age and is thrown out of the care system. Mr Taylor may not survive that long: last week he suffered an angina attack that put him in hospital for four days. Is that in the interests of the boy?'

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"Why I was forced to abandon my son and didn't see him again for ten crucial years"

Article here. What's unusual is that this link appeared under the "Femail" heading on the DM website. Excerpt:

'I see the long-term harm done by absent dads and the lack of appropriate male role-models, and I experience the damage caused by unsocialised boys - both to themselves and to others - and their inability to function as men.

And yet I abandoned my own son, just at the time when he was starting junior school, and I didn't see him again for those ten crucial years when character development is at its most vulnerable. And I'm still not exactly sure why.
Fortunately, I knew that if I withdrew from his life, Joe wouldn't lack for male role-models: on his mum's side he has uncles aplenty and they're mostly of that warm, jocular, physical brand of masculinity that is easy and uncomplicated and supportive. They'd do, I thought. They're not me, but they'd do.

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Newsweek: "His Cheating Brain"

Article here. Excerpt:

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Men Naturally Unfaithful?

Dennis Prager says that men are naturally unfaithful, and that for those of us who AREN'T cheating on our wives currently, we should expect a hug for them.

So, men naturally cheat? I'd disagree, as all my exes have cheated on me. My wife listened to it today, and she got mad about it. If it irks a woman, I'm sure it'll irk a man.

It's about eight or nine minutes in. Audio here.

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