Female Teacher Sentenced To Ten Years After Raping 11-YO Boy

Story here. Excerpt:

"Wendie Ann Schweikert, a former elementary school teacher, began serving a 10-year sentence in June for having sex with an 11-year-old Black boy.

Ward, the daughter of a preacher, admitted to having sex at the school where she taught, a park, a motel and a restaurant after school officials found a note she had written to one of the boys. She was sentenced to 15 years in prison for each of three counts of lewdness against the 14- and 15-year-old boys, but they were reduced to six years in prison, to run concurrently."

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Article: "Female sex predators hard to understand"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Days before, a 29-year-old Galveston City Hall worker was charged with sexually assaulting of 13-year-old boy who was a longtime friend of her stepson.

Within the same week, a Deer Park High School teacher was charged with having sex with a teenage student.

None of these woman have been convicted of any crimes."
"But in cases like the two recent Galveston County arrests, the women are rarely pedophiles, Reamer said.

Instead, the women are mentally close in age to their victim and rationalize their pursuit.

“In her mind, she’s relating to a guy her age,” he said. “Developmentally, they are much younger. They got stuck in older teenage years.”'

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More DV Propaganda for VAWA

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) has issued an urgent press release (.doc file) asking people to contact their Congressional representatives because President Bush wants to “slash” VAWA’s budget. The appeal includes a sample letter to write your state’s reps, with the typical feminist lies like this one – “Domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking directly affect at least 1 in 4 women in the United States and touch the lives of nearly all individuals.”

(I would agree that these feminist lies "touch the lives" of everyone; though the actual nature and extent of domestic violence is very much in dispute.)

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Boy, 16, has sex with girl, 13, and now is a registered sex offender for life.

Article here.

When Ricky was 16, he went to a teen club and met a girl named Amanda, who said she was the same age. They hit it off and were eventually having sex. At the time Ricky thought it was a pretty normal high school romance.

Turns out she's 13 (so she lied about her age). Ricky is now a convicted sex offender for life. This flawed system has ruined yet another life. It's almost to the point where if a sex offender moves near you, you shouldn't even have to worry. Good job, judge!

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DV shelter for men opens in Ohio

A domestic violence shelter for men has opened in Ohio! It is a church-run shelter in Fostoria.

Those needing help or would like to help donate supplies or make a monetary contribution to The Bridge and First Step, call Terri Mercer or Esuga Abaya at (419) 435-7300.

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Female Bus Driver Faces Possible Charges for Assault on Student

Another "girl fight" story, caught on camera, with an adult woman involved. Watch it here.

People may ask why MANN reports on stories of "women behaving badly" so much. The reason is just this: People of both sexes apparently need to see the proof of the capacity of females to engage in dangerous, anti-social, and/or criminal behavior repeatedly to undo the prejudice that says that "women just don't do those things." It has to be repeated again, and again, and again, in order for it to sink in: Women are just as capable of violent, dangerous, criminal, etc. acts as men and do indeed engage in such behavior at rates comparable. It is only the fact that they are female that allows people to forget so quickly what they have just seen.

Double-think, as Orwell imagined it, comes in many forms, and the persistent but false belief that women can behave this way, or do so only with some "very good reason" (usually based on some purported reaction to what a man, or men, do), is one of those beliefs that we just need to keep hammering at.

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High School Teacher Arrested for Sending Students "Adult Photos" via Cell Phone

Watch it here. Caption: "A 24-year old high school teacher has been arrested for allegedly sending photos of herself in various stages of undress to students."

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Serbian girls prove looting is an equal-opportunity profession

Well I suppose it'd be one thing if they hadn't eaten in days and they were taking food staples like rice and bread to avoid ravenous hunger. But no. No sooner does the social order come apart when they are letting their fingers do the walking to make off at a 100% discount with all manner of luxury goods. Just amazing, really. Take a look here. What is truly remarkable is the utter brazenness and total lack of self-consciousness.

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Dozens of Unindicted Lacrosse Players File Federal Lawsuit Against Duke

Story here. Excerpt:

'DURHAM, N.C. — More than three dozen current and former Duke lacrosse players plan to file a federal lawsuit against the university, the city of Durham and others involved in the case.

A spokesman for Washington-based attorney Charles J. Cooper said the civil lawsuit will be filed Thursday on behalf of 38 players who were not charged in the notorious case.

Spokesman Robert Bork Jr. declined Wednesday night to release the specific allegations made in the 30-count, 100-page lawsuit.'

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Middle school teacher faces 5 counts of sexual misconduct

Video here. Right at the end of the video the reporter notes the judge ordered a "psychiatric evaluation". In the Related Media list, this article also appears on the site; it was a special to the Seattle Times. Good to see it even if it is dated Sept., 2007. Excerpt:

'The decade long wave of sexual offenses committed by women — teachers in particular have exposed a cultural double standard: The public is more willing to accept the female abuser's claim that she had a "relationship" with the victim. And in cases in which the male is a teenager, the sexual abuse is more likely to be dismissed as a rite of passage. The questionable, yet overriding assumption, is that women predators are somehow different from men.

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Rudov: "Mills doesn't deserve a dime"

Marc Rudov debates Lis Wiehl concerning why Heather Mills should not receive a dime from Paul McCartney. Congrats to Marc for not pulling any punches.

Watch the video.

Ed. note: If the video doesn't come up with the link above, click this search results link and select the video.

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The Nuclear Option: How Men's Constitutional Rights Are Obliterated in Family Courts

Article here. Excerpt:

"In acrimonious divorce and child custody disputes emotions are tense and tempers flare. Buoyed by litigious attorneys, each side engages in strategic maneuvers to gain the greatest legal advantage. Sometimes a parent, fearing a loss of control or custody over a child, crosses the ethically acceptable bounds of legal warfare. An unfortunate but all too frequently used tactic by mothers is to accuse the father of sexually molesting their child. The mere accusation is sufficient to strip the father of all his custody rights and launch a criminal investigation. Even when no evidence is found to substantiate the allegation, family law courts typically "err on the side of caution" and award full custody to the mother. While national statistics reveal that the majority of all child sex abuse reports are legitimate, when such claims are made by a mother in the context of custody litigation, an estimated 77% of allegations are determined to be unfounded (Tong, 2002).A false child sex abuse allegation made during child custody litigation is a destructive legal stratagem."

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BBC Radio 5 Feature on Male DV Victims, Sunday Feb. 24 2008

BBC Radio 5 Live in the UK (693/909 MW and digital) will be running a feature on male DV victims from 10pm on this Sunday (24th). It may come on later than 10pm so you may have to listen for a while.

Please tune in and if there is a phone-in/text-in on the show then please take the opportunity.

It should be available for those outside the UK via http://www.bbc.co.uk/fivelive/

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RADAR ALERT: Randy Moss's "Trial by Rumor" and the Patriot's Super Bowl Loss

Just as the New England Patriots were looking to cap off a perfect season, Boston Patriots wide receiver Randy Moss was hit with a claim of "serious injury." The allegation made by Rachelle Washington over an alleged altercation on January 6, 2008.

Washington is an old paramour of Moss's who was unemployed and behind in her rent payments. Reports suggest that Washington had a soft-tissue injury to her finger, but how it occurred remains a mystery. Hospital X-rays were negative.

A temporary restraining order was quickly entered against Moss.

According to Moss' agent, attorney David K. McGill demanded a $500,000 payment and threatened to reveal "lots of dirt" about Moss if the money was not paid by January 11th. McGill has refused interviews and has not explained the specifics of the allegations.

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Middle School Teacher gets Six Years for "Sex with" Teenage Boys

Video report here. The story reports she was originally facing 60 years in jail total, but the judge reduced it to six (of course). One comment:

"Typical. If a man had raped 5 teenage girls he would have been sentenced for much, much longer. But a woman raping young boys does not receive the same level of attention or reprimand. She is a sexual deviant and justice has again been denied."

Posted by "Scott". Hmm, is that our very own Scott, I wonder? :)

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