Man-Bashing Art in Family Court Taken Down

Because a man finally objected.

Story here. Intro paragraph reads:

Photo collages on the walls of the Thurston County Family and Juvenile Court building were taken down Monday after an Olympia resident complained they discriminated against men.

The graphics in question have been hanging for four years, passed daily by men on their way to Faimly court to lose their children, their homes, and their life's work. When men raised objections, they were finally taken down. Interestingly, the story doesn't mention who ordered them put up. Ah, the anonymity of bureaucracy!

Read the comments - the implication is that only one man objected, but that does not appear to be true.

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Furious Mills throws water over McCartney's lawyer

Story here.

Thankfully they weren't drinking coffee. Excerpt:

"Heather Mills threw a glass of water over the coiffured hair of Sir Paul McCartney's lawyer after McCartney was ordered to pay her just 24.3 million pounds ($61 million) to settle their divorce, according to British media reports.

Mills emerged from court declaring she was happy with yesterday's ruling, despite it being less than a fifth of what she had demanded.

But The Sun newspaper reported that as the hearing came to an end, Mills calmly walked over to McCartney's lawyer Fiona Shackleton and soaked her.

Shackleton appeared outside court smiling but with wet hair."

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Obama Speech: "demand more from our fathers"

Matt Drudge managed to get a full text copy of Barack Obama's speech given today in Philadelphia on the subject of race; currently it is here. (If that link is cold, try this one.)

It is utterly history-making, in my judgment. However I have one peeve with it that MRAs should take note of; the quote is here:

'And it means taking full responsibility for own lives – by demanding more from our fathers, and spending more time with our children, and reading to them, and teaching them that while they may face challenges and discrimination in their own lives, they must never succumb to despair or cynicism; they must always believe that they can write their own destiny.'

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Please vote for SAFE International's Razoo SpeedGranting Proposal on Facebook

If we get enough votes we can win a $1,000 prize that would help us sustain and expand our mission to, Stop Abuse For EVERYONE"! [If you already have a Facebook account, just click here, sign in, and add the Razoo app. If not, you can sign up for one and add the app afterward.]

Lee Newman
Executive Director: SAFE International
Business Phone: 503-853-8686 (not a crisis line)

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"Why top jobs elude women"

This was published in Australia on today.

Apparently, top jobs are still held back from the poor women, the glass ceiling just never goes away does it. So okay, maybe women don't want those jobs, and maybe they prefer more flexibility in their life, but hey that's no reason for them not to get them, right?

The interesting thing is, there's no comparison based on choice. For example I'm a male single parent low-level manager with young kids, in a dynamic fast-moving company. I 'could' choose to go for a higher level management role, but I wouldn't as it would cost me too much in time with my kids - and equally I wouldn't get picked, because management know I'd always be saying no to extra events and evening functions. So, how is that different from how women are treated..?

A direct comparison piece of research is needed here...

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Boy Made to Urinate in Lunchbox at Teacher's Order

Story here. Excerpt:

'ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Orange County Public Schools is investigating claims that a student was forced to use a lunchbox as a toilet in front of his class at Meadowbrook Middle School.

The teacher will not be coming to school. She will be relieved of her duty with pay as the school district investigates, officials said.
Orange County Public Schools wouldn't specifically comment about what happened. The district says teachers have to allow students to use the restroom.'

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UK Telegraph Opinion: United States can't afford to elect a 'woman president'

Article here. Excerpt:

"Simply put, I don't want a woman president. Not if she's running to be a "woman president" and not the leader of the United States.
Instead, she bought into their script: Women are victims, and it will take a woman to ascend to the presidency on the shoulders of the feminist movement for the glass of oppression to break.
Sadly, real politics this year hasn't fallen too far from the Ms. Ridiculous tree. Given that we're at war, I'd like a candidate who is not playing an identity politics game. I'd like a candidate whose executive experience is more than pillow talk with a president of the United States. I'd like a candidate who is a grown-up and doesn't let her surrogates try to steal her opponents' GI Joes. But I have the audacity to hope the next woman who runs will run because she's qualified to be commander in chief, not because she's a uterine-American.'

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Study: Male Fertility Problems May Develop in Womb

Story here. Excerpt:

"New research from the University of Edinburgh suggests that male fertility problems such as low sperm count and testicular cancer are likely linked to hormone levels early in the mother’s pregnancy, BBC News reported.

Research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that levels of male hormones, like testosterone, in a “critical window” of eight to 12 weeks into pregnancy determine the male’s future reproductive health, according to the article.

Common reproductive problems for young boys include cryptorchidism, where the testes do not descend properly into the scrotum. Disorders such as low sperm count and testicular cancer are thought to be along the same path, researchers suggested."

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Ontario women in shelters told to provide sex to the shelter workers, suffer other abuse

Another video in the women's shelter series in which a mother from Ontario, Canada describes her horrifying experience residing in women's shelters in Ontario. In the shelters where she and others were residents, women were beaten, robbed, intimidated and sexually exploited. Children were exposed to violence, swearing and abuse by the women and often witnessed their mothers being abused and humiliated by shelter staff.

Children are being taught that being "Canadian" and respecting yourself means to hate fathers, lie to your own parents and to call the Children's Aid Society on your mother if you don't get your way. When is the government of Ontario going to put an end to women's shelters being used as indoctrination centers where lesbian women prey on vulnerable women? When is the Ontario government going to make these women's shelters accountable and professional? When is all this government funded madness going to end?

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Changemakers announces Young Men at Risk winners

Visit the page to see the winners and what you can do to help.

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As predicted, Mills collects

Story here. Not content with her GB£24 million payout, she needs to launch into a courthouse-step rant as icing on the cake and declare her allegiance to charitable causes, etc. Excerpt:

'Heather Mills launched an astonishing tirade on the steps of the High Court today as she emerged triumphant after securing a multi-million pound pay day.

The former model took the opportunity to round on Sir Paul McCartney, the legal system, the media and her many critics.

While Sir Paul McCartney initially offered £15.8 million, Miss Mills eventually reached a settlement of £24.3 million in the divorce deal.

The lump sum of £16.5 million is made up of a sum of £14 million as the capitalised figure for her income needs, which the judge assessed as £600,000 per annum, and a sum of £2.5 million for her to buy a property in London.'

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RADAR ALERT: Avon Sales Reps and Reese Witherspoon Hurting Women Worldwide?

Recently, Hollywood's highest-paid actress Reese Witherspoon became Avon's lead spokesperson promoting a "women's empowerment bracelet" in support of enacting the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA).1

Avon is a financier of International Women's Day and promoter of UNIFEM, a radical NGO section of the United Nations focused on "empowering women".2,3,4

"Empowering women" and "violence against women" are two entirely different issues with two entirely different agendas.

(Note: The hyperlinked refs above only work when the article is expanded by clicking "Read more".)

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UK: Equality law could bar white men from jobs

Story here. Excerpt:

'White men could be legally blocked from getting jobs under new anti-discrimination laws being considered by Labour.

Employers would be able to give jobs to women or ethnic minority candidates in preference to other applicants, under the plans unveiled by equalities minister Harriet Harman.

If two candidates were equally qualified for a position, employers would be able to reject the white person or the man in favour of a black person or a woman.

But the plans are due to be criticised by business leaders and last night, even equalities campaigners expressed doubt.'

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House Ways and Means Personal Statement of Record

I found this quite amazing. Excerpt:

'Careful study and review shows that Gramscian Marxist Communism encompasses today’s “feminist” movement. Feminism’s goals are to use women to undermine and destroy the culture by abandoning marriage and by not carrying on the critical task of “transmitting the culture” to the next generation. Today’s feminists use women to advance the destruction of women, children, and families while convincing them they are somehow a “victim” of the patriarchal structure. And the patriarchal structure is nothing but Orwellian NewSpeak for the social structures and institutions that have kept Western civilization together long before the social decay we see today.'


Ed. note: I went looking for information about the author, assuming he was a House rep. I haven't been able to find any such references. Can anyone say who he is and what if any role he has in government? Is this statement a general submission of record or was it made during a hearing, and if so, a hearing on what?

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Sweden’s "Get the customer" approach gets traction elsewhere

Story here. Excerpt:

"Selling sex isn't illegal in Sweden, but buying is — a radical approach to prostitution that faced ridicule when it was introduced nine years ago.

Now, while Americans are preoccupied with the downfall of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer in a prostitution scandal, some countries are considering emulating the Swedish model, which prosecutes the client but views the prostitute as an exploited victim.

"We don't have a problem with prostitutes. We have a problem with men who buy sex," said Kajsa Wahlberg, of the human trafficking unit at Sweden's national police board."


Story here. Excerpt:

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