Bad Behavior


I received a note from Terri Lynn Tersak at regarding the MANN post of 3/19 announcing the release of her study.

She said she has received phone calls at the number previously appearing in that post that were not just rude but in some cases hostile to an unacceptable degree, and that those callers have referred to as the source of the reason for their calls.

I am not suggesting that anyone in the thread associated with that post are among them; indeed I don't know who made such calls if they did. But I am saying that if indeed it is true she has received such calls, it makes MRAs look very, very bad and does absolutely nothing to further the cause.

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Hillary's Upcoming Religious Scandal

Story here. Hillary Clinton now has some explaining to do about her affiliation with a right-wing religious organization known as "The Family," with ties that go all the way back to the Nazi regime.

This group has reinterpreted Christian doctrine to endorse an elitist philosophy where the politically powerful are the truly annointed ones. Big surprise, huh? A right-wing feminazi in disguise running for President as a Democrat? Excerpt:

'There's a reason why Hillary Clinton has remained relatively silent during the flap over intemperate remarks by Barack Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright. When it comes to unsavory religious affiliations, she's a lot more vulnerable than Obama.

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England: False rape claim will mean jail

Story here. Excerpt:

"A 21-year-old woman who admitted making a false allegation of rape has been told she will be jailed.

Oxford Crown Court heard today that Amanda Lang, formerly of Carterton but now of Bamber Bridge, Preston, had wrongly accusing Phillip Trowell of raping her between November 2006 and February 2007.

Judge Julian Hall told her: "You must prepare to be going to prison."

Lang, who pleaded guilty to attempting to pervert the course of justice, was bailed until March 31."

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Woman accused of false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who claimed she was sexually assaulted while employed at two different Denver metro businesses and may have authored almost 100 derogatory letters about herself and sent them to those employers has been arrested on charges of false reporting.

Lori Anne Koehler, 37, was taken into custody Tuesday morning after an investigation by authorities in Broomfield and Aurora and by Hobby Lobby and Family Dollar stores.

Koehler claimed that on Feb. 20 a man entered the Hobby Lobby store at 5105 W. 120th Ave., bound her to store shelving and sexually assaulted her.

But in a four-page arrest warrant, investigators said they believe Koehler staged the robbery and assault."

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Woman sentenced in Redmond for false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who made a false rape accusation against a college professor pleaded guilty in King County District Court in Redmond to making false statements.

The judge sentenced 22-year-old Katherine Clifton on Tuesday to eight days in jail and ordered her to pay the professor's attorney fees. The former Woodinville woman now lives Ellensburg.

Judge Peter Nault says her case will make it harder for real victims to seek help.

The professor spent nine days in jail and was suspended from his job during the rape investigation."

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Senate approves funding for Biden VAWA program

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON -- The Senate voted to add funding for two of Sen. Joe Biden’s signature programs, the Violence Against Women Act and the Community Oriented Policing Services program.

President Bush’s fiscal 2009 budget proposed a reduction in funding for VAWA and eliminating funding for COPS.

But the Delaware Democrat’s measures to increase and restore funding passed the Senate last week as amendments to the Senate budget resolution, which sets the parameters for congressional spending. The House and Senate will have to work out differences between their resolutions.

The COPS program has funded the hiring of community police officers nationwide while the Violence Against Women Act supports programs related to domestic, sexual and dating violence and stalking.'

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Woman Gets Five Years for Trying to Hire Hit Man to Kill Husband, Son-in-law, and another Man

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman was sentenced to five years in prison after pleading guilty to trying to hire a hit man to kill her husband, her son-in-law and another man.

The sentence came Wednesday after Ivy Jean Davis, 67, pleaded guilty to five counts of criminal solicitation to commit murder and admitted to giving $200 to an undercover officer she thought was a hit man. The money was for him to buy an untraceable gun.

Clarke County Superior Court Judge Steve Jones also told Davis to serve 20 years of probation with special conditions and pay a $1,000 fine.
"I wouldn't hurt nobody," Davis said. "I didn't get a chance to do nothing. I'm a very compassionate person."
A sting was set up and authorities said Davis gave the undercover officer pictures of her husband and her son-in-law, as well as instructions and a map to their homes. She also tried to have her boyfriend's son killed, police said.'

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Cops: Two Female Teachers Arrested for Fighting During School

Story here. Excerpt:

"Two female middle school teachers were arrested Wednesday on charges they got into a fight in front of students, officials said.

Eighth grade teachers Tawana Horton, 30, and Cambrella Pinckney, 28, bumped into each other during a hallway class change Friday afternoon at St. Andrews Middle School and began fighting, according to a report by the Richland County sheriff's department.

The two teachers told an officer that they had an ongoing personal dispute, the report said.

The teachers were charged with disturbing schools and have been placed on administrative leave, deputies said."

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Marc Rudov to host his own radio talk show

Marc Rudov, an advocate for men and fathers and frequent guest on FOX News programs (as well as many other media appearances worldwide), has begun his own radio talk show. Per his recent newsletter:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"On Thursday, 03.27.08, at 2PM ET (11AM PT), I will begin hosting a new radio talkshow, "The Marc Rudov Show." This show will succeed ONLY if YOU call me on the air. I'll use this platform as another weapon in my arsenal -- besides my Web site, books, podcasts, articles, and radio/TV guest appearances -- to inspire men to take action, to improve their lives.

"Go to for details. The call-in number is: 877.474.3302. Use it!

"Also: Tell your friends around the world to tune in. WSRadio will archive all the shows."

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Boyfriend of woman stuck to toilet charged

Story here. Suppose if the sexes were reversed, she would be facing charges? In either case the other person would have been in the wrong for not doing something sooner. And either person would rightly be called, well, stupid. But the question here is equal treatment/protection under the law. Is a man getting equal treatment as compared to what a woman gets in a comparable situation? Excerpt:

'NESS CITY, Kan. - A man whose girlfriend authorities say spent nearly two years in a bathroom in their house, sitting on the toilet so long that the seat adhered to her body, has been charged with mistreatment of a dependent adult.
McFarren told authorities that Babcock feared leaving the bathroom and may not have left it in two years, although said he was unsure how long she was in there. He said that he took her food and water daily, and that he repeatedly asked her to come out but that she usually replied “maybe tomorrow.”

“The only thing I am guilty of is I didn’t get her help sooner,” McFarren told The Associated Press nearly a week ago.

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US: National 'Fatherless Day' Rally - June 13, 2008 Nationwide

Please help us spread the word of this event! Blog it! MySpace it!

National Fatherless Day Rally - nationwide on June 13th 2008

Flyer for printing, posting, information, etc. is here.

Thank you for your support and ACTIVE help.

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Female veterans report more sexual, mental trauma, and get special woman-only clinics

Story here. Women are not in combat roles yet female veterans are suffering from higher rates of mental health issues?

What do you guys make of this "military sexual trauma" rhetoric?

Should I be surprised the VA has started health clinics specifically for women? Excerpt:

'In 2007, the Department of Veterans Affairs found that women are reporting signs of mental health issues when they return home at a higher rate than their male counterparts.

The VA diagnosed 60,000 veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Of those, 22 percent of women suffered from "military sexual trauma," which includes sexual harassment or assault, compared with 1 percent of men.

"PTSD is actually something that shows up over time, and so the natural recovery process doesn't happen," said Dr. Darrah Westrup, who counsels female veterans at the VA-run Women's Health Clinic in Menlo Park, California.'

Like0 Dislike0 Releases Anticipated DV Study

From Terri Lynn at

[Click 'Read more' for links to files referred to herein]

The attached is my latest investigative report. It discloses -- through candid video interviews with former shelter residents linked to in the report -- how women are being forced into sexual servitude (forced to have sex with the female shelter staff and others) in order to remain in the shelter. In addition, a former San Diego prosecutor is caught on video all but bragging about how “everyone would be in jail” for perjury if false claims of domestic violence were prosecuted (a link to that interview in included as well).

It is being called my best piece yet. Preview copies sent to radio show hosts have landed me nine shows (booked in one day).

Please accept this one - it pulls no punches for anyone.

I have attached three copies. One Word file includes the charts and tables that support the information proffered in the work. The other has hyperlinks to the charts and tables, no graphics. The third is the HTML.

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Decline of marriage is destroying our pupils, say teachers

Story here. Excerpt:

'The decline of marriage is leading to widespread underachievement and indiscipline in schools, teachers warned yesterday.

Children with "chaotic" home lives turn up at school too troubled to learn, wrecking their prospects of success in exams, they said.

Growing numbers are being brought up in splintered families by mothers with children by different fathers, leading to behaviour and mental health problems including eating disorders and suicidal thoughts, a teachers' conference heard.'

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Tim Lott: Orange Prize for women is sexist

Story here. Excerpt:

"The country's leading literary award for women novelists is sexist and should be scrapped, a prominent male novelist claimed yesterday.

Tim Lott said the £30,000 Orange Prize - founded 13 years ago amid claims that women writers fared poorly in awards such as the Booker Prize - was "discriminatory, sexist and perverse".

He said: "I know that I face derision and ridicule but a lot of writers I have spoken to find it [the prize] ridiculous and unfair..."

...Girls in schools are more literate than boys, and pupils are taught reading mainly by female teachers promoting mainly female writers.

"Could the establishment of a men-only prize, with men-only judges, be justified given their level of relative exclusion in schools and the marketplace? Can you imagine the derision with which it would rightly be met?"

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