Feminist Rule: We Must Vote For Clinton

Article here.

It highlights that gender based voting requirements may actually be a threat to democracy. Excerpt:

'"I paused for a long time," says McFadden. "Then I told her I voted for a boy - I wasn't going to lie." McFadden, who has worked on women's issues for twenty years, says the room went silent and the board chair chastised her. "It was clear that I had betrayed feminism by voting for Barack Obama. It became obvious - if you didn't vote for Hillary Clinton, you were less than a feminist and only marginally a woman."'

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Boys School In Works For Fall

Story here. Excerpt:

'Hartford is poised to jump headlong into single-gender education, with an all-boys school being planned for the fall and a girls' school to follow a year later.

They would become the first entirely single-gender public schools in the state, said Tom Murphy, spokesman for the state Department of Education.
The girls take up an extra row at graduation ceremonies, Weaver High School Principal Paul Stringer said. "I think it's because there are so few male role models and fathers in homes of kids growing up in poverty-stricken areas." He said a school dedicated to boys could help, and he offered to return to such a school after he retires at the end of this year to mentor the principal, teachers and students.'

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CNN Video: Arrest made, 2nd woman involved in tot carwash case

Video here.

"CNN's Sunny Hostin talks about the case against a mother caught on surveillance cameras power washing her toddler."

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RADAR ALERT: Unaccountable DV Programs Misuse Tax Dollars, Place Victims at Risk

"We have no evidence to date that VAWA has led to a decrease in the overall levels of violence against women." –Angela Moore Parmley, PhD, U.S. Department of Justice

Very often, bad public policy accompanies bad fiscal policy. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is no exception.

The quote above comes from a Justice Department official with no ax to grind. VAWA is ideological public policy in which true debate is considered politically incorrect. None of the discussions in Congress leading up to the passage of the original 1995 VAWA bill, the 2000 reauthorization, nor the 2005 reauthorization involved any real debate about the merit, or lack of merit, of the programs to be funded. The predictable result is that VAWA is filled with waste, fraud, and abuse. In short, ideology has been given priority over efficacy, and Congress' expenditure of roughly $1 billion tax dollars per year on domestic violence programs is yielding very poor results.

These problems are outlined in RADAR's latest special report: $1 Billion for DV Programs That Misuse Taxpayer Money and Place Victims at Risk.

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Watch "Indoctrinate U" Today

Via email:

We're very happy to announce the arrival of the Indoctrinate U
online store!

You can download the film today and watch it on your computer or TV.

The film is available as a high-quality MPEG-4 file or as a Virtual DVD, which allows you to burn your own DVD copy of "Indoctrinate U" and watch it on your TV. (The Virtual DVD is a standards-compliant ISO file.)

The MPEG-4 file and the Virtual DVD are compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux.


There are a number of new screenings that have been added to the schedule over the coming weeks.

Note: Physical DVDs are not yet available, and will not be available for a number of weeks. If you can't make it to a local screening, downloading the MPEG-4 file or the Virtual DVD is the only way to see the film soon.

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New report from RADAR

Each year the federal government spends $1 billion for domestic violence programs. But there is no evidence that these programs actually reduce abuse. Worse, one widely-used strategy – mandatory arrest for partner assault – has been shown to place victims at greater risk of violence.

To find out what’s gone wrong, RADAR combed through numerous reports from the GAO, OMB, and Office of the Inspector General to find out how well federal agencies administer domestic violence (DV) programs. We reached 3 conclusions:

  1. DV programs are largely unaccountable to the public.
  2. Federal agencies frequently mismanage DV grant monies.
  3. Recipients of federal money often engage in financial misconduct, embezzlement, and fraud.

These conclusions are explained in RADAR’s upcoming Special Report, “$1 Billion for DV Programs that Misuse Taxpayer Money and Place Victims at Risk.”

Today we will be meeting with staffers on Capitol Hill to discuss the report, and on Monday we will be issuing a national press release.

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International Women's Day: Code for 'Advancing Radical Feminism Around the Globe'

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Today's feminists and CEDAW advocates view 'progress' as government-run day care, greater access to abortion, the elimination of 'Mother's Day' because it promotes an 'negative cultural stereotype,' decriminalization of prostitution in China, and government-mandated workplace benefits that men do not enjoy, just to name a few," said Schlafly. "Their goal is not equality, but preferential treatment."

"The radical feminists want to remake our laws in order to eradicate everything that is masculine from our culture and create a gender-neutral society," concluded Schlafly. "The United States should seriously reconsider lending its stamp of approval to future IWDs."'

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Extensive list of "women behaving badly"

List here.

The site contains a rather long list of women involved in sex crimes with children of both genders. The length of the page stunned me right away.

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Homeschooling Ban in California

I am submitting this to the site because of the overwhelming evidence that shows boys do equal to or better than girls in all areas when home-schooled and worse when FORCED to be indoctrinated in the feminist public "education" system. Excerpt:

'A California appeals court ruling clamping down on homeschooling by parents without teaching credentials sent shock waves across the state this week, leaving an estimated 166,000 children as possible truants and their parents at risk of prosecution.
Parents can be criminally prosecuted for failing to comply, Croskey said.

"A primary purpose of the educational system is to train school children in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare," the judge wrote, quoting from a 1961 case on a similar issue.
Heimov said her organization's chief concern was not the quality of the children's education, but their "being in a place daily where they would be observed by people who had a duty to ensure their ongoing safety."'

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Dems Duel & Women Debate Shoulder-pad Feminism

The always lovely Maureen Dowd has an excellent piece in the NY Times today about the issues posed by the Obama-Clinton contest:

'Some women in their 30s, 40s and early-50s who favor Barack Obama have a phrase to describe what they don’t like about Hillary Clinton: Shoulder-pad feminism.

They feel that women have moved past that men-are-pigs, woe-is-me, sisters-must-stick-together, pantsuits-are-powerful era that Hillary’s campaign has lately revived with a vengeance.

And they don’t like Gloria Steinem and other old-school feminists trying to impose gender discipline and a call to order on the sisters.

As a woman I know put it: “Hillary doesn’t make it look like fun to be a woman. And her ‘I-have-been-victimized’ campaign is depressing.”'

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Trendwatch: "French women 'are the sexual predators now'"

Story here. Excerpt:

'French women are becoming increasingly assertive in their sexual habits, while one-in-five younger French men "has no interest in sex", according to one of the most comprehensive surveys of the nation's love lives.
"The good old dichotomy (male predators, females patiently awaiting the warrior's return in front of the cave entrance) is in big trouble", said Le Nouvel Observateur.

Female sexual emancipation has been a hot topic in France ever since President Nicolas Sarkozy met Carla Bruni, the Italian model and singer. The couple married last month.

Ms Bruni recently declared monogamy "terribly boring"...
At the same time, she reinforced old stereotypes that link status and virility, by reportedly declaring: "I want a man with nuclear power."
One of the more surprising findings was that one-in-five French men aged between 18 and 24 "manifests no interest in sexuality", while abstinence rates for men under 35 was twice as high as for women.'

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Daily Journal covers Al Rava's win against Club Med

Via Mark A. Article appears here, but this is a subscription-only site. It covers legal issues and is widely-read by attorneys.


By Don J. DeBenedictis
Daily Journal Staff Writer
This article appears on Page 1 of Verdicts and Settlements.

SANTA ANA - If attorney Alfred G. Rava hadn't won an important civil rights ruling from the California Supreme Court last year, lead plaintiff Alfred G. Rava might not have won a hefty settlement in an unrelated men's rights class action last week.

The settlement ends litigation by Rava and other men challenging a promotion by Club Med Sales Inc., the French vacation-resorts company, that offered women, but not men, $400 discounts on airfare to either of two Club Med locations. Rava v. Club Med Sales Inc., 03CC09858 (Orange Co. Super. Ct., filed Aug. 4, 2003)

Rava, a San Diego lawyer and activist for men's rights, had won a unanimous ruling from the Supreme Court last May in a case challenging "ladies' nights" at a nightclub.

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UK: Five-time false rape accuser spared jail

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who made a string of false rape claims, leading to the arrest of five different men and wasting massive amounts of police time, has walked free from court.
Judge David Hodson sentenced Brooks to 32 weeks imprisonment suspended for two years with a three month curfew from 10pm to 7am.'

Alas, unlike the previous story, justice denied.

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Lesbian 'vampire' lovers jailed for life

Story here. File under "Justice Served", at least in this case. Excerpt:

'Jessica Stasinowsky, 21, and Valerie Parashumti, 19, pleaded guilty to murdering 16-year-old Stacey Mitchell in Perth in western Australia in 2006 because she was annoying, Australian news agencies reported.
"Even more appalling are your admissions to the effect that at the time of the murder you were each sexually excited by the violence of the event," said Judge Blaxell.

The killers made a mobile phone video of the murder scene, laughing and mocking their victim, and then dumped her body upside down in a garbage bin in a back shed.

A psychologist found Parashumti, who drank blood as part of a vampire subculture, had very strong sexual sadistic tendencies and was sexually aroused by physical torture and violence.'

Sadly I can imagine these girls getting jailed for 10 years or less here in America.

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Article: "Hillary Plays the 'Gender Card,' Again "

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hillary Clinton has made clear she will insist on the nomination even if she trails in elected delegates, and Obama’s side is sure to be furious if the “establishment” rips the prize away from its candidate. Whoever emerges the bloodied victor will face a daunting task of reuniting the party and defeating Republican John McCain in November.
On the morning of the New Hampshire primary, feminist Gloria Steinem added fuel to the “identity politics” fire by arguing in a New York Times op-ed that American women have suffered more political and economic discrimination than American black men.

Steinem’s historical arguments threw down a gauntlet to a bitter debate over who’s the bigger victim, blacks or women.

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