UK Telegraph Opinion: United States can't afford to elect a 'woman president'

Article here. Excerpt:

"Simply put, I don't want a woman president. Not if she's running to be a "woman president" and not the leader of the United States.
Instead, she bought into their script: Women are victims, and it will take a woman to ascend to the presidency on the shoulders of the feminist movement for the glass of oppression to break.
Sadly, real politics this year hasn't fallen too far from the Ms. Ridiculous tree. Given that we're at war, I'd like a candidate who is not playing an identity politics game. I'd like a candidate whose executive experience is more than pillow talk with a president of the United States. I'd like a candidate who is a grown-up and doesn't let her surrogates try to steal her opponents' GI Joes. But I have the audacity to hope the next woman who runs will run because she's qualified to be commander in chief, not because she's a uterine-American.'

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Study: Male Fertility Problems May Develop in Womb

Story here. Excerpt:

"New research from the University of Edinburgh suggests that male fertility problems such as low sperm count and testicular cancer are likely linked to hormone levels early in the mother’s pregnancy, BBC News reported.

Research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that levels of male hormones, like testosterone, in a “critical window” of eight to 12 weeks into pregnancy determine the male’s future reproductive health, according to the article.

Common reproductive problems for young boys include cryptorchidism, where the testes do not descend properly into the scrotum. Disorders such as low sperm count and testicular cancer are thought to be along the same path, researchers suggested."

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Ontario women in shelters told to provide sex to the shelter workers, suffer other abuse

Another video in the women's shelter series in which a mother from Ontario, Canada describes her horrifying experience residing in women's shelters in Ontario. In the shelters where she and others were residents, women were beaten, robbed, intimidated and sexually exploited. Children were exposed to violence, swearing and abuse by the women and often witnessed their mothers being abused and humiliated by shelter staff.

Children are being taught that being "Canadian" and respecting yourself means to hate fathers, lie to your own parents and to call the Children's Aid Society on your mother if you don't get your way. When is the government of Ontario going to put an end to women's shelters being used as indoctrination centers where lesbian women prey on vulnerable women? When is the Ontario government going to make these women's shelters accountable and professional? When is all this government funded madness going to end?

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Changemakers announces Young Men at Risk winners

Visit the page to see the winners and what you can do to help.

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As predicted, Mills collects

Story here. Not content with her GB£24 million payout, she needs to launch into a courthouse-step rant as icing on the cake and declare her allegiance to charitable causes, etc. Excerpt:

'Heather Mills launched an astonishing tirade on the steps of the High Court today as she emerged triumphant after securing a multi-million pound pay day.

The former model took the opportunity to round on Sir Paul McCartney, the legal system, the media and her many critics.

While Sir Paul McCartney initially offered £15.8 million, Miss Mills eventually reached a settlement of £24.3 million in the divorce deal.

The lump sum of £16.5 million is made up of a sum of £14 million as the capitalised figure for her income needs, which the judge assessed as £600,000 per annum, and a sum of £2.5 million for her to buy a property in London.'

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RADAR ALERT: Avon Sales Reps and Reese Witherspoon Hurting Women Worldwide?

Recently, Hollywood's highest-paid actress Reese Witherspoon became Avon's lead spokesperson promoting a "women's empowerment bracelet" in support of enacting the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA).1

Avon is a financier of International Women's Day and promoter of UNIFEM, a radical NGO section of the United Nations focused on "empowering women".2,3,4

"Empowering women" and "violence against women" are two entirely different issues with two entirely different agendas.

(Note: The hyperlinked refs above only work when the article is expanded by clicking "Read more".)

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UK: Equality law could bar white men from jobs

Story here. Excerpt:

'White men could be legally blocked from getting jobs under new anti-discrimination laws being considered by Labour.

Employers would be able to give jobs to women or ethnic minority candidates in preference to other applicants, under the plans unveiled by equalities minister Harriet Harman.

If two candidates were equally qualified for a position, employers would be able to reject the white person or the man in favour of a black person or a woman.

But the plans are due to be criticised by business leaders and last night, even equalities campaigners expressed doubt.'

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House Ways and Means Personal Statement of Record

I found this quite amazing. Excerpt:

'Careful study and review shows that Gramscian Marxist Communism encompasses today’s “feminist” movement. Feminism’s goals are to use women to undermine and destroy the culture by abandoning marriage and by not carrying on the critical task of “transmitting the culture” to the next generation. Today’s feminists use women to advance the destruction of women, children, and families while convincing them they are somehow a “victim” of the patriarchal structure. And the patriarchal structure is nothing but Orwellian NewSpeak for the social structures and institutions that have kept Western civilization together long before the social decay we see today.'


Ed. note: I went looking for information about the author, assuming he was a House rep. I haven't been able to find any such references. Can anyone say who he is and what if any role he has in government? Is this statement a general submission of record or was it made during a hearing, and if so, a hearing on what?

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Sweden’s "Get the customer" approach gets traction elsewhere

Story here. Excerpt:

"Selling sex isn't illegal in Sweden, but buying is — a radical approach to prostitution that faced ridicule when it was introduced nine years ago.

Now, while Americans are preoccupied with the downfall of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer in a prostitution scandal, some countries are considering emulating the Swedish model, which prosecutes the client but views the prostitute as an exploited victim.

"We don't have a problem with prostitutes. We have a problem with men who buy sex," said Kajsa Wahlberg, of the human trafficking unit at Sweden's national police board."


Story here. Excerpt:

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McCartney Divorce Settlement: $50 Million

Apparently Sir Paul and the former hooker* he foolishly married have settled on an award to Heather Mills of $50 million.

I guess there are a couple of ways to look at it: clearly that was a very expensive piece of ass. But $50M is only about 1/20th of his net worth, so he can probably live with the loss.

I'm sure there will also be a "gag rule" put on Heather so that she is not permitted to write a book or go on the talk show circuit to trash talk Paul. I think that has been the source of the legal acrimony all along, rather than the money.

Can't wait to hear Sir Paul's next album of "silly love songs"!


*Ed. note: "former" hooker?

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International Men's Day: Why can't we agree on a day to celebrate?

International Men's Day: Can we not agree to a date and celebrate it? We celebrate International Men's Day on November 19th, following the lead of the first day when it was celebrated in Trinidad and Tobago in 1999.

The website is here.

The most comprehensive reportage on why is found there. Yes, it is vernacular and English is used sparingly. Aajtak the Hindi news channels cannot be ignored, as it is the most watched news channel in India, where the most famous MRA in India talks of suicide, marital issues, alimony as reverse dowry, and when he is not hectored, can talk calmly on many issues.

In print, we have almost 10 articles appearing all over the country. Some of them are here.

The International Men's Day presentation which left every reporter moist in eye is here. Why we need to celebrate is discussed here.

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Woman Throws Two Sons from Highway Overpass

It's sad. This tragic act happened in Dallas, and I didn't see a lick of it on any national news outlets. If the genders were reversed, well... remember the bloke who threw his kids out of the hotel window a few years back? Of course. It made international news. This is just a snippet in an archive on the NBC affiliate. Excerpt:

'Police said Busby was headed to a friend's home with her parents and stopped for gas when an argument broke out and, while her father was paying for gas, she walked over to the bridge and threw the children onto the interstate before jumping, Lt. C.L. Williams said in a Wednesday morning news conference.

"It appears the children were trying to stave being thrown over the edge, but they were overpowered by their mother," he said.

Busby's father had to make a U-turn to follow her in the car, but by the time he drove up, she "had picked up the kids and thrown herself over," Dallas police spokesman Sgt. Gil Cerda said.

"She was not fleeing for her safety," Cerda said. "She just threw them over and decided to throw herself over."'

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Women Wanted in Boyfriends' Murders

Story here. Excerpt:

'Murder suspects Hazel Head and Sherry Denise Halligan couldn't be any different. One was a hard-drinking, hard-living drifter who took advantage of lonely men she found in wanted ads. The other appeared to be a fragile victim forced into a crime of passion. But police say they shared a common bond: both women allegedly shot their lovers and left them to die.

In 1998, Hazel Head parked Charles Barker's 1994 Lincoln Continental near Shreveport Regional Airport in Shreveport, La. after, police say, she left Barker slumped over in his trailer with a fatal gunshot to the head.

Investigators say Barker was just one of many in a long line of men Head hustled for money. She was already wanted in Nebraska for burning down a boyfriend's trailer seven years earlier.

Head typically targeted older men, usually truck drivers she met while hitchhiking across the country or working odd jobs like waitressing.'

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UK Budget 2008: Start up your own business - if you're a woman

Story here. Excerpt:

'Women and the over-50s are being targeted in a new government drive to increase the number of people starting up and growing their own businesses.

The Treasury is investing £12.5m in a venture capital fund that will back women-owned businesses and provide support.

It is also piloting new women-only business advice based in children's centres and is planning a national mentoring network for women.'

The only way for women to start business is with special benefits eh? Well why change a habit of a lifetime...

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Ohio U Post: "Despite feminist denial, sexes are wired differently"

Article here. Excerpt:

'With this level of censorship, it’s no wonder that scientists are expected to hide research that suggests men and women are innately different. We can rest assured that a book like The Female Brain will never be assigned reading in a college classroom. Meanwhile, sociology and women’s studies textbooks are filled with laughably false assertions about gender. Legitimate scholarship is being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.
Of course, not all feminists reject scientific explanations for gender differences — but they’re often out-screamed by the ones who do, allowing the denial to reach absurd new heights. In their book Professing Feminism, women’s studies professors Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge described a confrontation with a fellow feminist. The feminist was angry over suggestions that women should breast-feed babies, because — in her words — “research shows that men can lactate, too.”'

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