Police: Wife tried to drive over man 20 times

Story here. Excerpt:

'PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. - A woman in Port St. Lucie faces charges of chasing her fleeing husband around their yard in a minivan, in attempts to drive over him about 20 times.

Their baby, who was in the back seat of the minivan, was buckled up and was not hurt, deputies said.

Deputies said it started over a dispute over $300 on Friday between Leslie Ann Brown and her husband, Nicholas.'

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Males Are Fragile?

This article is about much more than male "fragility" and argues for close consideration of all the new research on sex differences and gender preferences in life choices. Excerpt:

"Males are more vulnerable to maternal stresses and pollution in utero — female preemies are almost twice as likely to survive as male preemies. Boys are twice as likely to have attention problems, four times as likely to have language or reading disabilities, and ten times as likely to have Asperger syndrome. Males are more susceptible to almost all chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, liver disease and AIDS. They have much shorter life spans.

They are more aggressive and take more risks, which is one reason why there are more male prisoners (the ratio of male to female prisoners is 10 to 1) and male suicides. Victims of work and school violence are 93 percent male. Men catch postsurgical infections more than women do, and 70 percent of them die from this peculiar vulnerability (compared to 30 percent of women). If this is not a picture of fragility, I don’t know what is."

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RADAR ALERT: On False Rape Allegations, A Judge's Pious Words Are Not Enough

On March 19, 2008, the Seattle Times reported on a story whose ending could have been much worse but should have been much better. The story is of a woman, Katherine M. Clifton, who manufactured false evidence to frame a man and then lodged a false rape charge against him. As a result of the allegation, the man spent nine days in jail and was placed on leave from his teaching job at a college.

A March 21, 2008 article in London's Daily Mail illustrates just how much worse the ending to this story could have been. It reports on another innocent man, but in that case, the false accusation of rape drove him to suicide.

In the Seattle case, when Judge Peter Nault accepted the woman's guilty plea to the charge of making a false rape accusation, he stated: "That we hurry to castigate a person who turns out to be entirely innocent ... I don't know how it could be worse."

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White House Press Secretary: Men know more about war ‘by osmosis.’

File this one under 'Humor'...

"On Fox News Sunday today, White House press secretary Dana Perino was named the “Power Player of the Week.” She explained to host Chris Wallace that, in addition to the pressure to look good, she faces an extra challenge as a woman — understanding military jargon:

Some of the terms I just don’t know, I haven’t grown up knowing. The type of missiles that are out there: patriots and scuds and cruise missiles and tomahawk missiles. And I think that men just by osmosis understand all of these things, and they’re things that I really have to work at — to know the difference between a carrier and a destroyer, and what it means when one of those is being launched to a certain area."

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New American mums expect 'push presents'

Article here. Excerpt:

"It has always been the way that the only reward expected by women from the trials of childbirth has been the gift of life, in the form of a new baby. But American mothers are increasingly demanding more material compensation for pregnancy and labour: diamonds, other jewellery, or an expensive holiday.
Spurred by the examples of Hollywood stars such as Pierce Brosnan and Ben Affleck, and encouraged by a growing range of gifts designed especially for such occasions, the motherhood industry has given birth to the concept of "push presents" - so-called both because they are a reward for the act of giving birth, and because mothers are pushing their husbands to dig deep into their wallets.

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The M.O. of False Child Sex Abuse Allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'These false abuse allegations are almost always made by a divorcing woman against her husband in the midst of an acrimonious divorce or custody dispute. A false sex abuse allegation is the perfect weapon for mom to use against dad. Here's why:

1) It is easy to make a false sexual abuse allegation.

2) The mother is given instant sympathy and support while the father is instantly ostracized because society hates child abusers.

3) It almost always guarantees the immediate removal of the father from the mother and child's life.

4) It usually results in the mother being granted immediate, temporary sole custody.

5) It establishes a status quo living arrangement for the children that will yield a precedent for continued primary physical custody by the mother.

6) The mother is given moral vindication for the divorce.

7) It is nearly impossible to prove that the mother made the allegation in bad faith.

8) There is virtually no punishment for mothers who are found to have made a false child abuse accusation.'

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Defining Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is a topic often discussed on MANN. The Alec Baldwin incident exposed this ignored topic throughout the MSM. Feminists such as Kim Gandy have written articles filled with false statistics to refute the fact. I thought it would be interesting to post Wikipedia's assessment of parental alienation. Its a concise overview and offered me some extra knowledge on the subject.

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Widow of FDNY fire marshal arraigned for murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'The disheveled widow of an FDNY fire marshal showed no remorse and mischievously grinned her way yesterday through an arraignment - even winking to her family - as prosecutors charged her with "coldbloodedly" murdering her husband in his sleep.

Looking haggard in sweats with her hair in a ponytail, Janet Redmond-Mercereau, 38, was slapped with second-degree murder and other charges for allegedly shooting Douglas Mercereau three times in the head at close range with his 9 mm revolver last December.
As she was led away by police, she continued to flash her deadly smile, although she looked a mess in a gray hoodie emblazoned with the letters "LBI" - for the Jersey Shore vacation spot Long Beach Island.
Through her lawyer, Redmond-Mercereau has said her husband had been verbally abusive after she gained weight because of a thyroid condition.

The couple - married for 12 years - had a rocky relationship over the past few years.

Prosecutors don't buy her claims.

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Man hangs himself after being falsely accused of raping women and children

Story here. Excerpt:

'A man who lost his job after being falsely accused of a horrific sex crime has been found hanged in a shed.

Ian Adams, 51, was suspended and then sacked from his job at a local IKEA store after his employers received a letter saying he had raped a woman and her two children.

The writer claimed to be a journalist on a local newspaper, but the name and address in the letter were false and the author has never been traced.

Police confirmed that Mr Adams, from Highams Park East, London, had never been arrested or convicted of a sexual offence or had any complaints made against him.

Mr Adams' life went downhill as he struggled to recover from the accusations.

He failed to get his job back after being sacked in January. His drinking led to problems with his partner and he spent the last few nights of his life sleeping in a storage shed at the bottom of the block of flats in which he lived.'

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Bad Behavior


I received a note from Terri Lynn Tersak at True-equality.org regarding the MANN post of 3/19 announcing the release of her study.

She said she has received phone calls at the number previously appearing in that post that were not just rude but in some cases hostile to an unacceptable degree, and that those callers have referred to mensactivism.org as the source of the reason for their calls.

I am not suggesting that anyone in the thread associated with that post are among them; indeed I don't know who made such calls if they did. But I am saying that if indeed it is true she has received such calls, it makes MRAs look very, very bad and does absolutely nothing to further the cause.

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Hillary's Upcoming Religious Scandal

Story here. Hillary Clinton now has some explaining to do about her affiliation with a right-wing religious organization known as "The Family," with ties that go all the way back to the Nazi regime.

This group has reinterpreted Christian doctrine to endorse an elitist philosophy where the politically powerful are the truly annointed ones. Big surprise, huh? A right-wing feminazi in disguise running for President as a Democrat? Excerpt:

'There's a reason why Hillary Clinton has remained relatively silent during the flap over intemperate remarks by Barack Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright. When it comes to unsavory religious affiliations, she's a lot more vulnerable than Obama.

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England: False rape claim will mean jail

Story here. Excerpt:

"A 21-year-old woman who admitted making a false allegation of rape has been told she will be jailed.

Oxford Crown Court heard today that Amanda Lang, formerly of Carterton but now of Bamber Bridge, Preston, had wrongly accusing Phillip Trowell of raping her between November 2006 and February 2007.

Judge Julian Hall told her: "You must prepare to be going to prison."

Lang, who pleaded guilty to attempting to pervert the course of justice, was bailed until March 31."

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Woman accused of false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who claimed she was sexually assaulted while employed at two different Denver metro businesses and may have authored almost 100 derogatory letters about herself and sent them to those employers has been arrested on charges of false reporting.

Lori Anne Koehler, 37, was taken into custody Tuesday morning after an investigation by authorities in Broomfield and Aurora and by Hobby Lobby and Family Dollar stores.

Koehler claimed that on Feb. 20 a man entered the Hobby Lobby store at 5105 W. 120th Ave., bound her to store shelving and sexually assaulted her.

But in a four-page arrest warrant, investigators said they believe Koehler staged the robbery and assault."

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Woman sentenced in Redmond for false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who made a false rape accusation against a college professor pleaded guilty in King County District Court in Redmond to making false statements.

The judge sentenced 22-year-old Katherine Clifton on Tuesday to eight days in jail and ordered her to pay the professor's attorney fees. The former Woodinville woman now lives Ellensburg.

Judge Peter Nault says her case will make it harder for real victims to seek help.

The professor spent nine days in jail and was suspended from his job during the rape investigation."

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Senate approves funding for Biden VAWA program

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON -- The Senate voted to add funding for two of Sen. Joe Biden’s signature programs, the Violence Against Women Act and the Community Oriented Policing Services program.

President Bush’s fiscal 2009 budget proposed a reduction in funding for VAWA and eliminating funding for COPS.

But the Delaware Democrat’s measures to increase and restore funding passed the Senate last week as amendments to the Senate budget resolution, which sets the parameters for congressional spending. The House and Senate will have to work out differences between their resolutions.

The COPS program has funded the hiring of community police officers nationwide while the Violence Against Women Act supports programs related to domestic, sexual and dating violence and stalking.'

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