Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-04-27 16:24
Letters here. Excerpts:
'I regret circumcising our son. When I asked if the procedure was painful, my obstetrician shook his head and said no, the baby just goes "waah" once, and it's over. That is not true, as I learned later when I saw the operation performed at a friend's Jewish bris ceremony.'
'Your article also failed to mention an article published last year in the peer-reviewed British Journal of Urology International titled "Fine-Touch Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis". The results indicated that intact penises were four times more sensitive than cut penises.
This is not a medical issue, nor a hygiene issue, nor a look- like-daddy issue. This is a civil rights issue. There is no room in a civilized society for the unnecessary amputation of infant genitalia.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-04-27 16:20
Article here. Excerpt:
"Heterosexual men can't catch a break from the media. When they're aggressors, they're condemned. When they're victims, they're ignored. Conversely, when women -- gay or straight - and gay men are victims, they're pitied. And when they're aggressors, they're also pitied.
The invisibility of heterosexual male victims I speak of shows up in the article's first comment on domestic violence: In asserting that "Canadians know full well that domestic violence is a major problem," Anderssen cites examples of a woman beaten by her boyfriend, and three children murdered by their father. To this journalist (and to be fair, to most others too), men hurting women and men killing children are what Canadians "know" about domestic violence.
What Canadians would know if the article was better researched is that men are almost equally likely to be assaulted by their female partners, and that children are statistically more likely to be abused or killed by their mothers than fathers."
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-04-27 16:16
Essay here. Excerpt:
"The social critic Camille Paglia once wrote: "There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper."
Men are simply more variable - there are more really stupid ones and more very smart ones than women; more extremely lazy ones and more who are willing to halfkill themselves with overwork."
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-04-27 16:07
Article here. Excerpt:
"Female behaviour favouring empathy, friendship, family and cooperation have been undervalued in workplaces in which women try unsuccessfully to behave like men, Pinker said. She suggested that it's time we take a look at both genders and realize that neither's needs have been understood.
Pinker also is an avowed feminist, but she said the drive for equality was misdirected, distorted by the belief that women should do all the things that men do. "I think it was necessary at the beginning, equating equality to sameness," she said. "Essentially all feminist writers say we want what they want, so we've got to be like them. The science tells us, no, we're not like them ... unless biology changes."
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-04-27 15:12
Essay here. Excerpt:
"But now there are two and we're facing Pennsylvania and whom are we kidding? This is an election about whether the people of Pennsylvania hate blacks more than they hate women. And when I say people, I don't mean people, I mean white men. How ironic is this? After all this time, after all these stupid articles about how powerless white men are and how they can't even get into college because of overachieving women and affirmative action and mean lady teachers who expected them to sit still in the third grade even though they were all suffering from terminal attention deficit disorder -- after all this, they turn out (surprise!) to have all the power. (As they always did, by the way; I hope you didn't believe any of those articles.)
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2008-04-27 06:52
Ran back in 2002 here. Excerpt:
'Single dads are sick and tired of being labeled "deadbeats" when it comes to paying child support. And data suggest they have good reason to be upset.
The percentage of "deadbeat" moms is actually higher than that of dads who won't pay, even though mothers are more consistently awarded custody of children by the courts.
"It’s not the exception anymore," Wood said, adding that before he became a single dad two years ago, "I would have almost bought into that stereotype" the dads are usually the deadbeats. But "that philosophy is just 30-40 years out of date."
And moms who don’t have custody of the kids often remarry and have more kids, and often choose to not work.'
I doubt they would run this today. Apparently feminists hadn't taken over the editorial room back then.
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2008-04-26 14:28
Article here.
Some information in this article could be offensive to some. Excerpt:
"Gaining weight and still thinking you're attractive. "For better or worse” should include weight fluctuations, but don’t let yourself go completely.
You don’t know how many women have complained to me about the double standard in staying attractive: Women are expected to stay hot-to-trot, men aren’t.
So if you want continued star treatment for your rock star performances, know that Meat Loaf isn’t the singer to emulate."
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2008-04-26 13:29
Article here. Excerpt:
"Women have surpassed men in most areas of education, but men continue to be more numerous in fields like math, physics, and engineering. For more than a decade, feminist groups have been lobbying Congress to address the problem of gender “injustice” in the laboratory. Their efforts are finally bearing fruit. Federal agencies are now poised to begin aggressive gender-equity reviews of math, science, and engineering programs. Groups like the National Organization for Women must be celebrating — but American scientists should brace themselves for the destructive tsunami headed their way.
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Submitted by arindamp on Sat, 2008-04-26 07:07
Full story here. Excerpt:
PUNE: "Do only girls have reputation and dignity? Don't boys have them too," asks Pushpa Muralidhar Bhise (48), mother of Sagar (19), who was falsely implicated by a minor for raping her.
Sagar was arrested on March 17 after the minor girl from Wadgaonsheri alleged that he and three of his friends raped her in a house in Dehu Road. The police had also detained another minor following communal pressure as the girl belonged to a minority community."
What is most outrageous is that only men are being arrested. The main culprit, the woman is still at large. Why is this sexist double standard?
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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2008-04-25 15:44
Instapundit is considered one of the most influential news and polical blogs in the world! Instapundit averages 250,000-500,000 visitors daily and all of them are being exposed to Equal Parenting. This is a huge media win for our movement.
Check out the constantly updating list of blog, new media and traditional media coverage of the 2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek.
NOW is the time to help us make make more noise about this event!! Men can parent just as well as women!! It is time for Judges and the laws to reflect this. Get behind this effort and lets make some serious noise guys!!
Be sure to visit Instapundit and tell them why you are thankful that they covered this.
Thanks - Robert and Angela Pedersen
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2008-04-25 14:28
Article here. Excerpt:
'Deadbeat dads, ghost dads, Disneyland dads, Santa daddies: The divorce culture is rich in labels, especially ones that reduce men to negative stereotypes.
Some may be warranted, but the trouble with simplistic labels is that they rarely shed light on the complex truth of reality.
What is forgotten is that fathers have their own painful adjustment to divorce that is different than that faced by mothers.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2008-04-24 16:21
Fox can be as bad as MSN. The network all too often drips with the same kind of chivalrous claptrap only trussed up in different terms and styles. Marc Rudov is one of the few men's voices that are allowed even to be heard (when he isn't being screeched at by some feminist), and while we can thank them for that, unfortunately it seems the rest of the time they are playing to many of the same prejudices we see on other channels. Well anyway, here is their latest. Excerpt:
'After embracing the dark side of reality television with its marriage-busting hit "The Moment of Truth," Fox's newest project taps the power of its unscripted division for the forces of good.
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2008-04-24 12:54
Essay here. Excerpt:
'Why is it that liberals think that, if white men decide not to vote for Obama, it means they HATE black people? Or that if they don't vote for Hillary, they HATE women? Did it ever occur to them that they, like all intelligent people in the United States, don't like their politics? Gee, what a thought.
And what's interesting is how Ephron sneers at the "suffering" white men receive at the hands of mean women, and points out how these white men are "somehow" able to rise above affirmative action, feminism, and the myriad of benefits handed to minorities simply for... being a minority. The difference, my dear Nora, is that most white men don't see themselves as victims. A lot -- but not all -- of minorities, feminists, and liberals do. Therefore, when white men are presented with overwhelming obstacles, they find a way to overcome them. A lot of people who are women and/or minorities do this, too, but it doesn't fit into the "WHITE MEN IN POWER!!" screed.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2008-04-24 12:52
Essay here. Excerpt:
'Feminists especially love this kind of special treatment. They can say anything they want about men; they can slander them, smear them, and paint them all with a very nasty brush just for the "crime" of being men. Valentine's Day is canceled in favor of "Victory over Violence" Day to somehow fight domestic abuse. Love between a man and a woman is bad; women must stick to the sisterhood! Consensual sex is likened to rape; flirting to sexual harassment. Man-hating has become synonymous with feminism, and the most radical of these harpies usually reside on college campuses. Men, meanwhile, are supposed to just grin and bear it. One joke about women is deemed sexual harassment and can get a male student kicked off campus. Double standard? Nope, it's just "fighting for women's rights".'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2008-04-24 12:46
Story here. Excerpt:
'Feminist critic Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers sparked a lively discussion about the effects of gender feminism on young men Thursday night in Baxter 101.
Dr. Sommers’ lecture was based on her 2000 book, The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism is Harming our Young Men, in which she utilizes extensive social data to challenge the notion of the shortchanged female and the emotionally repressed male. Her talk Thursday focused primarily on what Sommers described as the hypocrisy and false information perpetuated by some gender feminists.
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