Hillary: Men's Issues Matter Too

Men’s Issues Matter Too - by Hillary Clinton*

April 1, 2008

The following is a transcript of the speech given by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at the California Men’s Center this morning:

Welcome. It is good to see you all here this morning.

Firstly, I would like to thank the National Coalition of Free Men, and Harry Crouch, director of the California Men’s Center, for inviting me here to speak today.

As you all probably know, I have long been an advocate for women’s rights and issues. However, it has become increasingly clear to me during my presidential campaign that I have overlooked the issues that American men face. Well, I have done some soul searching on these issues, and have had a change of heart in my approach toward gender politics. After all, men’s issues matter too, and I will now detail my new ideas here.

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RADAR ALERT: The CDC Admits its Mistake, But Doesn't Stop Junk Science

Two months ago RADAR blew the whistle on a junk science report from the federal Centers for Disease Control. The report purported to show that in their lifetime, women are more than twice as likely as men to suffer from intimate partner violence – 23.6% vs. 11.5%.

The problem is the CDC researchers loaded the questionnaire, counting any "attempts" or "threats" of violence, or "any unwanted sex," on the same level as actual acts of violence – and then lumping all the answers together!

So on February 11 we put out an Alert – and thousands of you responded!

Then the CDC rechecked the raw numbers. OOOPS! Turns out the numbers were wrong – but the CDC didn't explain why. The percentages are actually 26.4% for women vs. 15.9% for men. So on March 7 the CDC issued a correction.

But here we are almost two months later, and the CDC has not fixed the main problem – three of the four questions they used have not been validated.

The CDC needs to hear from you – TODAY!

Email CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding at jyg2-at-cdc.gov, or call her office at 1-404-639-7000.

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Study shows that circumcision does not shield men from STD

Article here.

Even though it's common sense to anyone with a brain, a study shows that you are still able to catch STDs no matter how mutilated your penis is.


Circumcision does not appear to shield men from the types of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) common in the developed world, according to new research by Dr. Nigel P. Dickson and colleagues in the Journal of Pediatrics.from New Zealand.

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Anti-Feminism: What Is It?

Article here. Excerpt:

"Anti-feminists on the other hand propound that women have advanced in all spheres and share equal status in the world and due to this reason feminism is not required.

The view of anti-feminists that women are not dependant on men and that they share equal status, shows that this ideology is very different from male chauvinism.

Masculinism is associated with men’s rights and seeks to promote them. Masculinism, like anti-feminism, is also a response to feminism, but masculinism gets into concerns of equal child rights and social issues affecting men’s rights.

Masculinism is thus a counterpart of feminism and seeks to empower males in society and redress discrimination against them. Anti-feminists differ from masculists as anti-feminism is an ideology against feminism rather than an advocacy of male rights."

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Opinion: "Feminism may go too far in girls vs. boys"

Article here. Excerpt:

'But as I sat in the stands of my local indoor soccer facility, watching my son's under-12 boys team being physically abused by a girls team, I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps feminism has finally gone too far.

During the game, I saw a female player actually punch one of our boys in the back of his head (the ref did not see it) and later, I saw my own son's face being smashed into the boards by another young lady. (The ref did see that.) I noted the parents of the girls' team smiling smugly whenever one of their players managed to knock over one of our boys.

We drill it into our boys' heads from a very young age that they should never push, shove or hit a girl; if anything, they are to step to the defense of a girl when necessary. Then we put them all out on the soccer field -- basketball court, wrestling mat, pick a sport -- together where the boys are supposed to be as physically competitive with girls as they would be with boys. We are confusing our boys.

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College 101: More women than men enrolled - some look to even the score

Story here. Excerpt:

'"The enrollment gap is undeniable," said Sanford Shugart, president of Valencia Community College, "but our belief is that raising the achievements of all students will help close that gap."

Shugart and other administrators say they have no plans to launch recruitment drives to increase male enrollment, nor do they envision reaching a point where they would.
At least one of those schools is trying to get a few more good men.

St. Petersburg College opened The Male Outreach Center last year -- modeled in part after a nearly 30-year-old on-campus drop-in program for women -- to recruit and retain male students, especially blacks and Hispanics, who statistically tend to struggle more than others in college.

Some think more schools should open similar programs because of the rising need among men for career training. Changes in the economy are eliminating well-paid blue-collar jobs that once allowed men to earn a living wage without a college degree.'

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England: Year's jail for 'wicked' false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who falsely accused a soldier of rape has been described as "wicked" by the judge who sentenced her to a year in jail.

Amanda Lang, 21, had consensual sex with Lance Corporal Philip Trowell after drinking with him at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire. The act took place in Lang's bedroom which she shared with her pilot boyfriend.
"For a few days this man's life was turned upside down. You persisted with your story for 15 months so all the time he thought he was going to have to give evidence to prove you were lying.
"That is the evil of what you did - it undermines the whole process. This is a case where a message has to be sent out to everybody that false allegations of rape are insidious to a degree."'

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More trash from "junkscience.com": 'Clueless Guys Can't Read Women'

Misandrist B.S. here. Excerpt:

'More often than not, guys interpret even friendly cues, such as a subtle smile from a gal, as a sexual come-on, and a new study discovers why: Guys are clueless.

More precisely, they are somewhat oblivious to the emotional subtleties of non-verbal cues, according to a new study of college students.

"Young men just find it difficult to tell the difference between women who are being friendly and women who are interested in something more," said lead researcher Coreen Farris of Indiana University's Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences.'

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Cops: Neglected Boy, 4, Wasted Away to 10 Pounds

Story here. Excerpt:

"Authorities in the Florida Panhandle say they have arrested a woman suspected of severely neglecting a 4-year-old boy.

Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Sgt. Scott Haines says the boy weighed only 10 pounds when he was hospitalized earlier this month but his condition is improving.

Deputies on Friday arrested 19-year-old Erin Brittany Markes, identifying her only as the boy's caregiver."

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Evidently Filming Fully Clothed Cheerleaders During a Public Performance is a Felony

Article here. While female teachers are banging their students, the police are arresting men for filming public cheerleading events and calling it child pornography. Excerpt:

"WOODLAND – Gilbert Chan, a business reporter at The Bee, pleaded not guilty Friday to a felony charge of possession of child pornography.

Chan, 52, of Davis was arrested after trying to conceal a camera he was using to videotape a youth cheerleading competition at UC Davis on Feb. 3, police said."

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Magazines 'harm male body image'

After decades of railing against the damage teen magazines inflict on girls' self-esteem,
someone finally thought to stand up for the boys, too.

"'Lads' Magazines have been increasingly successful in recent years, and have attracted criticism for an alleged potential to exploit women rather than cause problems for their readership.
Professor Naomi Fineberg, a consultant psychiatrist who runs a treatment service for people with obsessive compulsive disorder, said that men and women suffered equally from body dysmorphic disorder."

Also, it's good to see that they specifically pointed out (scathingly!) the tendency to put women's rights before men's. "[A]n alleged potential to exploit women". I couldn't have chosen a more appropriate word.

I'm glad to see further evidence that not all women are blinded by their sex; both of the women mentioned in the article seem rather enlightened about gender equality.

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WSJ: At the Barricades In the Gender Wars

I saw this in today's Wall Street Journal at the supermarket, and looked it up online. I couldn't get through the whole thing without puking. The article misstates the reasons why men are reluctant to vote for Hillary, and frames the resistance as "sexist backlash" instead.

Uh, what about men's issues, Hillary. I'd vote for a woman who was evenhanded with regard to men's and women's issues. Excerpt:

'When Sen. Clinton started her presidential campaign more than a year ago, she said she wanted to shatter the ultimate glass ceiling. But many of her supporters see something troubling in the sometimes bitter resistance to her campaign and the looming possibility of her defeat: a seeming backlash against the opportunities women have gained.

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How to Disagree

Paul Graham just published an insightful essay on How to Disagree. This isn't an article on men's issues or double standards based on gender, but I'm submitting it here because I think spending some time understanding this essay could improve the quality of discussion/disagreement in the men's rights community. Gender issues tend to be very divisive and emotional topics to discuss, and I think the overview Graham gives of effective disagreement can serve to strengthen pro-male discussions. Check it out.

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Progress Is Progress...

First of all I'd like to say how proud I am to be a part of this organization. I have noticed male bashing in the media for years and frankly I'm getting sick of it along with all the other injustices we've been victims of such as divorce law and child support policies.

Anyways, it seems Australia is on the forefront of *gasp!* treating men like human beings! This article from news.com.au relays the good news that the child support policies are getting a major improvement. Included in the changes are the determination of child support payments taking into account the income of both parents, as well as the amount of time the children stay with the non-resident parent. Tax benefits have been altered, as well, giving non-resident parents monetary incentive to spend time with their children. Like a parent needs to be paid for incentive to see their children. It's still a nod to MRA groups, though. So keep your fingers crossed and your heads high.

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Australia: Men and Fathers' Health Forum Report Available

Via e-mail:

A report on the Men and Fathers' Health Forum, held at Parliament House, Canberra, last Wednesday 19th March 2008, can be downloaded here (.pdf file). Please distribute it amongst your colleagues and networks. In particular we would encourage you to write and/or email the parliamentarians listed in the report with a 'thank you' note from yourself as an individual, organisation or group.

This will do two things. Firstly it will encourage the individual parliamentarians. They work hard on our behalf and rarely get thanked. Secondly, whilst men are the largest minority 49.2% in the nation, they are also the most silent. Thankfully this is starting to change. We believe the men and fathers' movement affected the course of the last election quite profoundly. Our Men and Fathers Family Friendly Forum on 20th June 2007 might have changed the course of electoral history. The proposal for the National Men's Health Policy was triggered at that forum.

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