Supermodel Naomi Campbell 'dragged off plane in handcuffs'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Foul-tempered supermodel Naomi Campbell has been released on bail pending further inquiries after being arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer on a British Airways flight.

Police were called, and witnesses claim she was "virtually dragged" out of the First Class cabin and off the plane in handcuffs.

A witness said: "She was screaming and shouting, effing and blinding and complaining that she did not have her clothes for her television appearance.

"I've never seen anything like it."

Another said: "She attacked a male police officer and spat at him."

Miss Campbell, who is known for her fiery temper, was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer and taken to Heathrow police station.

She re-emerged late last night. So far no charges have been brought.'

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Woman sentenced to 99 years for masterminding murder

Story here. 35-year old mother, good looking, hard luck story, supportive husband, she didn't pull the trigger and she is still sentenced to 99 years for masterminding a murder. Even tears and appeals to psychological "experts" didn't help. She won't be eligible for parole for 33 years.

Looks as if the default assumption of "Man-Bad/Woman-Good" is beginning to fray around the edges.

A remark from the presiding judge is worth noting:
"In my mind I can find no principled distinction between the puppet who pulls the trigger and the puppeteer who pulls the strings," Volland said of Linehan's role. "And in my judgment, Ms. Linehan was the puppeteer who pulled the strings."

Some interesting stuff in the comments section, too.

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The Fatherhood Project requests input

The Fatherhood Project will be represented at Prime Minister Rudd's Australia 2020 Summit on 19 and 20 April by one of our newly elected board members Margot Cairns, a brilliant mind. She will be on the economics committee and we need to show the economists and financiers why and how fatherhood has a massive impact on our economy.

I am compiling a dossier to aid her presentation on what economic benefits accrue from supporting actively engaged fathers and fatherhood organisations.

If you have any hard evidence about...

1. The real costs to government of fathers being separated from their children

2. The real costs to the corporate world of fathers being separated from their children

3. The economic impact of fathers staying connected with their children

4. The economic benefits to the nation both corporate and government of programmes for fathers, support for fathers in all its myriad forms and how that economically impacts on family

5. Any other aspects of this discourse that will assist those working with fathers to be funded

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Woman Files Assault Charge on 5-year-old Boy

Video here.

So, a FIVE YEAR OLD has assault charges on him? This poor woman was threatened by a FIVE YEAR OLD? This is sick.

The mother has a blog of this event on the website as well. Not very well spelled or worded, but she was probably upset.

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New U.K. Law Bans Barmaid Banter

Britain appears to be competing with Canada for the top spot in feminist tyranny -- story here. Excerpt:

'New discrimination laws to make employers liable for customers behaviour may make banter with the barmaid a thing of the past.

Landlords who allow sexist jokes or even words like “darling” or “love” at the bar could be taken before tribunal and handed unlimited fines.

Operators will need to show they have tried to combat sexual harassment of workers by customers if they are to guard against the risk of compensation claims.

Pubs have been advised to put up warning notices telling punters that staff harassment will not be tolerated.

The new rules, pushed through by Women and Equalities Minister Harriet Harman, allow tribunals to award damages for injury to feelings if a case is proved. The regulations will come into force on Sunday.'

(More criminalization of normal heterosexual behaviors? Injury to feelings? If the barmaid tells the customer to bleep off, is that also an injury to HIS feelings?)

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The Tyranny of Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

"Judges, bureaucrats, and college administrators have interpreted the law to demand "statistical proportionality" - so if a school's student body is 60% female, then 60% of its scholarship athletes must be too. Never mind that, from earliest childhood, boys are far more interested in athletic competition than girls are, or that everyone else is generally more interested in boys' competition too.
The Title IX problem is just going to get worse, as schools' student bodies become increasingly majority-female. More programs will be eliminated. Until ND cuts to the chase and re-names its teams the Peacing Multiculties, we're still the Fighting Irish. Wrestling's the only intercollegiate sport that even comes close to fighting. Let's bring it back to Notre Dame."

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Equal Pay Day is April Fool's Day

Hillary Clinton repeatedly introduces the Paycheck Fairness Act on Equal Pay Day (in 2008, it will be April 22). This distinguishes her from both Barack Obama and John McCain.

But Dr. Warren Farrell, author of Why Men Earn More, says both the Paycheck Fairness Act and Equal Pay Day rest on a false assumption: that the gap in male-female pay reflects discrimination. He feels, therefore, that they would more appropriately be introduced on April Fool's Day.

Equal Pay Day was originated by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) in 1996. April 22 represents how long into 2008 a woman would allegedly have to work to earn as much as her male counterpart could have earned for the same work in 2007 alone.

Dr. Farrell, the only man ever elected three times to the Board of Directors of the National Organization for Women in New York City, and an organizer of protests against pay discrimination against women, changed his mind about the pay gap reflecting discrimination after he spent about a decade researching the subject. Instead, he discovered twenty-five measurable differences between men and women's work-life choices.

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Men who need breast reduction face multiple ways to cope

This video identifies male breast reduction. This is an issue discussed once before on MANN. I thought some extra information on the subject might help men who suffer from this condition.

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Glenn Debates Swedish Official Who Claims Men Are Primarily Responsible for Global Warming

Article here. Excerpt:

'The fact that women travel less than men – measured in person- kilometers per car, plane, boat and motorcycle – means that women cause considerably fewer CO2 emissions than men and thus considerable less climate change.

"If women’s consumption levels were to be the norm, both emissions and climate change would be significantly less than today. To put it differently, if men were to change their behavior, emissions and climate change might be a much more limited problem as compared to what it is today."--Gerd Johnsson-Latham'

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Requesting Help with article on the 2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek

We are asking for your help in a very simple task which requires NO ACCOUNT. Simply visit this article on the Lansing State Journal website and click on “Recommended” which is towards the top and to the right of “Read Comments”.

Doing this helps because it drives the article towards the top of their news online. The exposure for the Equal Parenting Bike Trek is tremendous and very helpful. This article has funneled new traffic that is equivalent to that which the Protein Wisdom article on the Bike Trek provided. The Michigan Government seems to visit it very frequently. :) Currently we lost our #1 ranking on their website and have fallen to #2. We truly need your help for this very simple task, which again requires no account.

If you are ambitious you can also comment but this requires an account.

Robert and Angela Pedersen
2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek

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Woman in YouTube 'rape' is arrested over underage sex

Article here. Excerpt:

'The three-minute clip, filmed on a mobile phone, apparently showed a young and unconscious mother being gang raped as she lay helpless in her own home.
The alleged victim claims it shows her being raped by three boys in front of her screaming children, aged two and four, after being drugged.

But yesterday it was revealed that the 24-year-old woman has now been arrested on suspicion of unlawful sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old and perverting the course of justice.

Scotland Yard confirmed it will take no further action against two 16-year-olds and a 14-year old arrested in February in connection with the video.'

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Australia: Lack of representation on men's issues at 2020 Summit

As you may be aware, there appears to be a distinct lack of representation on men's issues (male health, fatherhood, boys' education, etc) at Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's 2020 Summit.

Only one men's health advocate made it onto the list as far as I am aware - Professor Gary Wittert from the University of Adelaide. At the same time, many women's issues appear to be strongly represented (as they should be).

Warwick Marsh and myself are collating a list of unsuccessful nominees with a view to putting out a press release in the next day or so. If you, or any of your colleagues who work in the men's, fathers' and boy's sector, were nominated for the summit but were unsuccessful (or successful for that matter), could you please let me know via email at your earliest convenience?

Many thanks.

Kind regards,


Greg Andresen
Research & Media Liaison
Men's Health Australia

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Anti-male double standards at Colorado College

Via Marc A.:

Feminists at Colorado College can distribute material about "male castration," but if men distribute a satirical response, they get charged with violating a campus code. You can post comments under the story and email the Bulletin at and


'A Colorado college has found two students guilty of violating the conduct code against violence after the students distributed a satirical flyer poking fun at the college's Feminist and Gender Studies program. Chris Robinson and a second student who wished to remain nameless now must hold a campus forum to discuss the very issues that landed them in hot water.

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Hitchens on Hillary's Falsified 'Bosnian Combat Record'

Love him, hate him, respect him, reject him, you have to admit the man can write, and he is unflinchingly fearless in the application of his trade. Article here. Excerpt:

'The punishment visited on Sen. Hillary Clinton for her flagrant, hysterical, repetitive, pathological lying about her visit to Bosnia should be much heavier than it has yet been and should be exacted for much more than just the lying itself. There are two kinds of deliberate and premeditated deceit...
... Sen. Clinton has managed to commit both of these offenses to veracity and decency and how in doing so she has rivaled, if not indeed surpassed, the disbarred and perjured hack who is her husband and tutor.

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Women Cheer New Yahoo Shine Website

Article here. Excerpt:

"Yahoo is taking aim at the distinct content and buying power of women with a new Website called Shine.

Women in the male dominated technology business said there is a real need for Web content that speaks directly to women. They said Websites like Shine and Channelweb Women of the Channel are necessary to educate young girls to compete in corporate America.

Steward said she hopes Shine addresses how woman think differently than men. "Understanding how woman work is critical," she said. "We work differently. Woman are extreme multitaskers. Because of this the way we do business is very different. We leap ahead five or ten steps."


Study: More girls than boys are blogging or writing online

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