Suspended School Teacher Arrested a Third Time on Charges of Having Sex With Students

Story here. Excerpt:

"A suspended middle school teacher out on bail for allegedly having sex with two students will be back in court Tuesday after police say they caught her having sex with one of them again.

Stephanie Ragusa, 29, was arrested for the third time in about six weeks on charges of sex with a minor, MyFOXTampa reported. She was being held without bond at the Orient Road Jail.
Officers discovered Ragusa and the now-16-year-old boy at his house about 12:20 p.m. Monday, the arrest affidavit states. Ragusa had gone to the teen's house to discuss the criminal case but wound up in bed with him, police said.

Detectives nabbed the woman as she was leaving and getting into her boyfriend's truck. Ragusa remained behind bars Tuesday, charged with two counts of unlawful sexual activity with a minor."

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Serial killer of college-aged men suspected

Story here. Excerpt:

'Gannon and Duarte have done something that no other law enforcement agency has ever done in this case -- they looked at the big picture and visited each site where the young men disappeared.

While most local investigations focused on where a body was recovered, Gannon and Duarte tried to figure out where the body went into the river.

City after city, when they'd find the spot where the body went into the water, they would find something else: The symbol of a smiley face.

In Michigan, they found something strange among the group's graffiti: the word 'Sinsiniwa.' They couldn't figure out what it meant until a few months later when they arrived in Dubuque, Iowa to investigate the death of Matt Kruziki.

His body was found on Sinsiniwa Avenue. Plus, they've discovered the nicknames of people in the group at more than one location.
They have already taken all of this evidence in the Jenkins case to Minneapolis Police and Hennepin County prosecutors--so why haven't they taken action? We will ask them.'

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Flirters will be shorn!

Story here. We all knew that in strict Muslim countries, talking to members of the opposite sex to whom you are not related and for non-commercial or other very practical reasons is forbidden. But apparently, this doesn't stop nature from taking its course. So instead of locking everyone up, one particular political leader has decreed that men caught talking to or trying to talk to women in public will have their hair cut off.

I suppose it's better than getting tossed into jail. Or is it? There are cultural implications in the Middle East to having one's hair forcibly shorn that perhaps may make it more distressing than spending a few days in lock-up.

No mention of what happens to women who respond to a man's greeting, though.


'RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - A governor in northern Saudi Arabia has ordered authorities to punish men who flirt with women in public places by cutting their hair, local media said Tuesday.

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Local Fathers' Activism Heats Up

Local Fathers' Activism Heats Up

"Caring people attempted to offer a small antidote to the abusive and vilifying ways that gender feminists and local politicians poisonously treat good Fathers (and men). Far too many Dads have entered the beat dead Dads’ graveyard, but with dedicated efforts to focus attention on the issues facing Fathers and men, activists are hopeful of changing the despicable way good Fathers (and men) are being routinely abused in Los Angeles (and American) society."

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iRobot Roomba: Husband is an ass

I'm surprised this hasn't made it onto the Boycott List yet. Video found here.

The iRobot Roomba is a vacuum cleaner, and of course the commercial depicts a frustrated wife complaining about her dirty home.

"I don't know about you, but I live with a bunch of animals. My kids are pigs, and my husband is a . . . [image switches from the woman to a donkey]."

Obviously, it is cute and humorous for a wife to call her husband as an ass.

iRobot Corporation website found here.

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Washington Post v. RADAR

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the past three weeks, a notable public faceoff occurred in the Washington Post.
Without providing any research evidence, Meier goes on to make the improbable claims that most custody disputes "arise in the context of mothers seeking to end abuse or protect their children" and "mothers have few means of protecting their children from dangerous fathers". Meier's statements represent a serious misrepresentation of a well-known government statistics, and are highly defamatory of fathers.'

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Tokyo: Woman jailed for killing, cutting up husband

You can file this story under: 'You Gotta Be Kidding Me!'

'An abused wife who killed her husband, cut up his body and dumped the parts on a street and in a park was jailed for 15 years by a Tokyo court on Monday, a court official and Japanese media said.

Doctors had said Mihashi was insane at the time of the murder but the court ruled that while she had been seeing hallucinations she was mentally capable of making decisions, Japanese media said.
A Tokyo District Court official confirmed the sentence but declined to give details of the crime.'

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Boys 'better at English in single-sex classes'

Story here. Excerpt:

"Boys would get better English results at primary school if they were taught in single-sex classes, a study has found.

Researchers said boys perform "significantly" better in English tests if they are taught in classes with fewer girls. The study by Bristol University used results from every state primary school and found that as the proportion of girls increased, boys' performance in tests fell..."

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Woman alleges she was raped over the phone

Yes indeed, folks, we have a classic example here of a man using his Magic Patriarchal Phallus-Power to rape a woman over a telephone. He used some kind of evil dark mystical power, possibly in collusion with Satan himself, to commit this dastardly deed. Story here. Excerpt:

'TUNIS, Tunisia, April 27 (UPI) -- A Tunisian family alleges their daughter was raped during a telephone conversation with a man, a lawyer for the family said.
"The intercourse did take place with all its details but verbally only," he said. "The sexual act did not really happen because the physical proximity factor is not there, yet it happened because there is a direct physical impact – the loss of virginity."'

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RADAR ALERT: Sen. Barack Obama Supports I-VAWA!

Senator Barack Obama may well become the next president of the United States. But in a recent letter to one of his constituents, he affirmed his support for the International Violence Against Women Act, and reiterated many of the half-truths and falsehoods of domestic violence – see complete letter below.

I-VAWA – Senate bill 2279 – is a dangerous bill that would break up families, harm women, and openly discriminate against male victims.

In India, domestic violence laws have become so harmful that they are commonly referred to as "legal terrorism"1. For more information on the Pandora’s Box of I-VAWA, see the RADAR analysis "I-VAWA: The Destruction of Families Worldwide"2.


Please contact Sen. Obama’s office today.

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Women patronizing male prostitutes

This article from back in 2007, linked to from this at the HuffPost. Belies the myth that only men seek the services of prostitutes, or that the difference in motivation is so significant as to free women from any sort of "unacceptable" motivations. Excerpt:

'I’m sure I’m not the only person who hides such a guilty secret, and I’m equally sure that anyone in my position would guard it as ferociously as I do.

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LA Times Readers Comment: Concern and regret over circumcision

Letters here. Excerpts:

'I regret circumcising our son. When I asked if the procedure was painful, my obstetrician shook his head and said no, the baby just goes "waah" once, and it's over. That is not true, as I learned later when I saw the operation performed at a friend's Jewish bris ceremony.'


'Your article also failed to mention an article published last year in the peer-reviewed British Journal of Urology International titled "Fine-Touch Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis". The results indicated that intact penises were four times more sensitive than cut penises.

This is not a medical issue, nor a hygiene issue, nor a look- like-daddy issue. This is a civil rights issue. There is no room in a civilized society for the unnecessary amputation of infant genitalia.'

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National Post: The media's invisible victims

Article here. Excerpt:

"Heterosexual men can't catch a break from the media. When they're aggressors, they're condemned. When they're victims, they're ignored. Conversely, when women -- gay or straight - and gay men are victims, they're pitied. And when they're aggressors, they're also pitied.
The invisibility of heterosexual male victims I speak of shows up in the article's first comment on domestic violence: In asserting that "Canadians know full well that domestic violence is a major problem," Anderssen cites examples of a woman beaten by her boyfriend, and three children murdered by their father. To this journalist (and to be fair, to most others too), men hurting women and men killing children are what Canadians "know" about domestic violence.

What Canadians would know if the article was better researched is that men are almost equally likely to be assaulted by their female partners, and that children are statistically more likely to be abused or killed by their mothers than fathers."

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"Why women don't want top jobs, by a feminist"

Essay here. Excerpt:

"The social critic Camille Paglia once wrote: "There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper."

Men are simply more variable - there are more really stupid ones and more very smart ones than women; more extremely lazy ones and more who are willing to halfkill themselves with overwork."

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Vancouver Sun: The 'real gender gap': a discussion that's overdue

Article here. Excerpt:

"Female behaviour favouring empathy, friendship, family and cooperation have been undervalued in workplaces in which women try unsuccessfully to behave like men, Pinker said. She suggested that it's time we take a look at both genders and realize that neither's needs have been understood.

Pinker also is an avowed feminist, but she said the drive for equality was misdirected, distorted by the belief that women should do all the things that men do. "I think it was necessary at the beginning, equating equality to sameness," she said. "Essentially all feminist writers say we want what they want, so we've got to be like them. The science tells us, no, we're not like them ... unless biology changes."

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