Horray! Five years for homicidal false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'FORT WORTH -- A Tarrant County jury sentenced Tracy Roberson to five years in prison because she made a false claim of rape that got her lover killed. Jurors deliberated two hours before reaching a decision on her sentence.'

Okay, not so "horray", but it's better than what her misandrist lawyer wanted: probation.

About time they start penalizing women for this.

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RADAR ALERT: Ask NPR to Interview Neil Munro about his Article "Domestic Politics"

National Public Radio offers a webpage in which the general public can suggest topics for NPR to cover.

The thesis of Neil Munro's April 7, 2008 National Journal article "Domestic Politics" - "The question of how to respond to family violence has become controversial, as ideology and research collide" - would be an excellent topic for NPR to cover, and Mr. Munro would be an excellent guest for one of their shows to talk about it.

Neil Munro specializes in the politics of science and the high-tech economy for National Journal. According to Wikipedia, "National Journal is a weekly magazine that reports on the current political environment and emerging political and policy trends.... It is read by members of Congress, Capitol Hill staffers, the White House, Executive Branch agencies, the media, think tanks, corporations, associations and lobbyists."

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PD James: Political correctness ruining society

Story here. Excerpt:

'Modern life is bedevilled by political correctness, PD James, the crime author, said last night.

There was a growing risk that Britons would live in "ghettos" and experience little contact with other people, she said in a speech on policing in the 21st century.
"Our society is now more fractured than I, in my long life, have ever known it.
"...And in our relationships we are bedevilled by the cult of political correctness."
It would be "unfortunate" if the police became "enamoured" of political correctness, which she described as "a pernicious if risible authoritarian attempt at linguistic and social control".'

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Mother arrested after three babies found in basement freezer

Story here. Excerpt:

'The bodies of three infants have been found bundled into the freezer of a large family home in Germany, it was revealed today.

Police investigating the gruesome find said they were attempting to determine whether the children had been alive when they were put in the freezer.

A 44-year-old woman, believed to be the children's mother, has been arrested on suspicion of murder.'

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HOKA HEY! Welcome back, Thundercloud!

I am happy and relieved to see Thundercloud has returned to the MANN site after a way-too-long hiatus, and not for cheerful reasons. Our friend was involved in a very bad motorcycle accident but has lived to tell about it. Old-timer regulars (no offense, guys!) of MANN will recall him and be glad I am sure to see him back, just as I am. And new regulars, well, he is one helluva great guy, as you will learn from his posts.

Thundercloud, you are all that! Welcome back to MANN!

-- Matt

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Police: Woman Flew To Upstate For Sex With Boy

From the story:

"PICKENS COUNTY, S.C. -- A 28-year-old woman has been indicted after deputies say she flew from Wisconsin to the Upstate to have sex with a 15-year-old boy.
The Attorney General said that Schneider started having conversations with the boy over the Internet and phone using Web cams and having telephone sex.

She eventually set up a time to meet the boy for sex, but his parents found out and had deputies arrest her when she came to the home."

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Canadian woman found guilty in Mexico treated as a queen in Canada

We have been given yet another demonstration of Canada’s feminist jurisprudence as a chartered government jet was sent to Mexico to fetch a convicted female criminal. She is now enjoying the facilities at the Grand Valley Club Fed for women. Maybe she will have another shot of becoming the prison queen as well? See the article and picture by Megan Smith, Sat. Apr. 12, 2008, called “Canadian prisoner Brenda Martin unwinds during beauty pageant”

She has been tried and found guilty in front of a court of competent jurisdiction, even if that court happens to be in Mexico. The only “evidence” of her innocence is her word alone.

Many Canadian men, who equally claim innocence, are languishing under horrendous conditions, including torture, in foreign, as well as Canadian, jails. I have yet to hear any of them having had their fines paid by the government, flown home in a private chartered jet, served cappucino and fresh fruit while being wished happy home coming. All curtesy of us taxpayers, mainly men.

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Woman Who Falsely Cried Rape Convicted of Manslaughter

Woman's violence-by-proxy gets jail time. Are we reaching the point where we are now holding women accountable? I hope so! Excerpt:

'FORT WORTH, Texas — An Arlington woman who caused her lover's shooting death by falsely crying rape was found guilty Friday of involuntary manslaughter.

Tracy Denise Roberson, 37, cried slightly when the verdict was announced after jurors had deliberated for more than a day. The punishment phase was set for Monday, and she faces two to 20 years in prison.

In late 2006, Darrell Roberson came home from a late-night card game to find his scantily clad wife with another man in a pickup truck in the driveway. Tracy Roberson was with her lover but cried rape, and her husband fired four shots into the truck as Devin LaSalle was driving off, killing him.'

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A trilogy of horror here...

All stories from the last month or so, found by simply searching for 'penis' on Google news...

Story 1

"The victim, aged 39, was rushed to hospital in northern France in June 2005 with his penis sliced off."

"Police never recovered either a weapon or the missing body part."


Story 2

"A PAKISTANI woman chopped off her lover's penis after he wedded his cousin in a marriage arranged by his parents."

'She invited him to her house last Wednesday and after serving some intoxicant cut off his sexual organ.'"


Story 3

"Lenly, the police said, suspected her husband of having affairs and having tired of it, planned to stop her husband from seeing other women."

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Netherlands: "Magazine wrong on women-only policy"

Score a victory for the men and hallelujah, it's about time!!!

Story here. Excerpt:

'Feminist magazine Opzij must be open to employing men when it has job vacancies and cannot reserve all editorial jobs for women, the equal opportunities commission said on Tuesday.'

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The Mid-Ohio School to Host Women's-Only Honda Adult Defensive Driving Program

Why is it OK to have women-only events? This one described here.


Women would burn down the school! Excerpt:

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Oh and by the way, the boys may have been abused, too

Story here. Excerpt:

'SAN ANTONIO - Authorities investigating whether teen girls in a polygamist sect were forced into underage marriages and sex said they are also looking into possible abuse of young boys — allegations that drew a sharp rebuke by sect's members.
In a written report, the agency said interviews and journal entries suggested young boys may have been sexually abused, but didn't elaborate.

Cockerell also said 41 of the 463 children seized from the Yearning For Zion Ranch in Eldorado had evidence of broken bones. Some of those children are "very young," he said.
Before Wednesday's disclosure, the state had argued it should be allowed to keep the boys, not because they were abuse victims, but because they were being groomed to become adult perpetrators in the sect. Men in the sect take multiple wives, some of whom are allegedly minors.'

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UNL Student Paper: Women-only gym hours not likely - but still, it'd be OK if they had them

Story here. The story starts out by saying that women-only hours at the gym are not likely at UNL. Then it says that Kalamazoo College has had women only hours for about 3 years. The funny thing is at Harvard everyone justifies the discrimination against men by pointing out that there are other gyms on campus. At Kalamazoo College, there is no other gym! Excerpt:

'Several of the schools' women-only gym hours were made to satisfy the women's religious desires. A group of Muslim women from Harvard, Orthodox Jews from Queens College and Christians from Wheaton College successfully lobbied their schools to implement women-only hours. Kalamazoo College offers women-only gym for an hour and half Tuesday evening and early Sunday morning to make their women feel more comfortable.

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Plaintiffs Sought for Class Action vs. VAWA

I received this email through the California Men's Centers San Diego, then got email permission from Mr. Den Hollander to send this to Mensactivism for posting. I wish him every success in this endeavor.

Subject: Plaintiffs for Class Action VAWA


I'm expanding my search for additional named-plaintiffs for the VAWA class action suit. The requirements are

1. Male and a U.S. citizen.

2. You married an alien wife.

3. You sponsored her for a temporary green card which she got.

4. You did not sponsor your wife or ex-wife for a permanent green card.

5. You believe or know that your wife or ex-wife used or is using or will use the VAWA self petitioning procedures that accuse you of abuse in order for her to obtain a permanent green card.

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About.com Covers the Equal Parenting Bike Trek

ABOUT.COM, owned by the New York Times and recognized as a top 15 content site, just covered the 2008 Equal Parenting Bike Trek. In less than 24 hours, thousands of readers have visited the main event page for the Equal Parenting Bike Trek! This is a big win following the coverage by Instapundit!

Please take the time to thank author Wayne Parker for covering this important human interest story. Commenting does NOT require you to sign up for an account so it is very easy. Don't cite your personal case even though we all have a painful one to share - thank Wayne and tell him why children deserve BOTH fit and willing parents after a divorce. If you utilize Stumbleupon, Digg!, Mixx or other social bookmarking please do so on Wayne Parker's story.

Thank you Men's ACTIVISM readers!

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