Report from Women's Advocacy Group Threatens to Derail Efforts to Help Troubled Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

"The report gave no clue that boys generally receive lower grades on their report cards, or that boys are far likelier to be suspended or held back a year, or that boys account for two-thirds of children in special-education programs. Attempting to portray boys as youth's favored gender, brimming with confidence and self-esteem, the AAUW also failed to account for the particular self-destructiveness of adolescent males: Not only are boys two to four times likelier to commit suicide, depending on their age, they also stand much greater risks of being murdered, killed in car accidents, or incarcerated later in life, according to data compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics and other federal agencies."


Ed. note: You may need to scroll down about 1/10 of the page to see the article. Another way to get to it fast is to search on "Friday, May 23, 2008".

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DAHM Launches Public Awareness Campaign for Abused Men

As part of our ongoing effort to bring more public awareness to the plight of abused men and spread the word about our toll free helpline and services for men in relationships with abusive women, we have created an informational poster. (See here.)

The 11 x 17 poster is printed on 80lb gloss cover paper and at the bottom right hand corner of it is a small pad (48 sheets) and each sheet has our agency's name, helpline number and website address printed on it so that someone in need or a family member or friend can easily tear a sheet off and take the information with them.

Help us spread the word by putting these up in your local area today!

Place them along side other social service informational posters i.e. in court houses, hospital ER's and church bulletin boards etc. Let everyone know that when men are emotionally, psychologically and/or physically assaulted by their intimate female partners it's also domestic violence and unacceptable.

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RADAR Alert: Stop I-VAWA Now!

The International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA - HR 5927) has recently been introduced in the U.S House of Representatives available here (.pdf file).

I-VAWA is intended to export America's failed VAWA program, which credible scientific researchers and advocates say needs substantial reform. Statistical claims contained in I-VAWA statement of findings were taken directly from a U.N. Secretary General report that was not accepted by the U.N. Third Committee. For example, I-VAWA falsely claims that approximately one in three of the women in the world will experience violence in her lifetime, with rates of up to 70 percent in some countries; and that one in five of the women in the world will be the victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime. Credible science shows that the international statistics are far lower.

I-VAWA would:

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Happy Memorial Day

To all our veterans, living and dead:

Thank you for the many sacrifices you have made and endured to ensure the safety and security of our nation and its people. Your bravery and tireless efforts are remembered today and every day.

With utmost respect,

Men's Activist News Network

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Teacher has class vote "disgusting, annoying" mentally-handicapped boy out of class

Story here. Can you just imagine a teacher of either sex having the class dot he same thing with a mentally handicapped 5-YO girl? Excerpt:

'PORT ST. LUCIE — Melissa Barton said she is considering legal action after her son's kindergarten teacher led his classmates to vote him out of class.

After each classmate was allowed to say what they didn't like about Barton's 5-year-old son, Alex, his Morningside Elementary teacher said they were going to take a vote, Barton said.
Barton said her son is in the process of being diagnosed with Aspberger's, a type of high-functioning autism. Alex began the testing process in February for an official diagnosis under the suggestion of Morningside Principal Marsha Cully.
The child's mother filed a complaint with the school resource officer, who investigated the matter, said Port St. Lucie spokeswoman Michelle Steele said. But the state attorney's office concluded the matter did not meet the criteria for emotional child abuse, so no criminal charges will be filed...'

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Florida mother buys 20 years for caging son

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Florida mother has been jailed for 20 years for keeping her teenage adopted son in a cage.

The 17-year-old weighed 22kg (3st 7lb) when child welfare workers found him in 2005.

He suffered from severe medical and emotional problems. His mother, Brenda Sullivan, told a judge at the time that authorities told her to keep the boy in a crib.'

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How my mother's fanatical views tore us apart

"She's revered as a trail-blazing feminist and author Alice Walker touched the lives of a generation of women. A champion of women's rights, she has always argued that motherhood is a form of servitude. But one woman didn't buy in to Alice's beliefs - her daughter, Rebecca, 38.

Here the writer describes what it was like to grow up as the daughter of a cultural icon, and why she feels so blessed to be the sort of woman 64-year-old Alice despises - a mother."

Feminism has betrayed an entire generation of women into childlessness. It is devastating.

But far from taking responsibility for any of this, the leaders of the women's movement close ranks against anyone who dares to question them

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CNN: Some ex-wives have to pay 'manimony'

Article here. Excerpt:

'For most of the history of marriage, money changed hands before the ceremony, often in the form of dowries. But as divorce started to become more common in the 1900s, so did post-separation monetary agreements.
The Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act of 1970 gave men as well as women the right to ask for alimony. Up until the 1980s, however, there were only a handful of cases in the U.S. in which a woman was ordered to give money to her spouse in a divorce case. However, "in recent years there's been a greater movement towards gender equality," says Phillips.
Jeffrey Leving, an Illinois divorce lawyer and author of the book "Fathers' Rights" attributes a rising trend in women paying spousal support in part to an increased number of fathers serving as primary caregivers.
Chemtob says close to one-tenth of her clients are women who pay alimony to their exes. "When I first started 14 years ago, that number was zero," she says.'

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Prostate Cancer Petition

Please sign the petition on this website if you haven't done so already:

Over 4,000 people have signed so far -- spread the word and let's make it 5,000 by the month's end!

Many thanks to you all.

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Boy Lured by Photo of Pamela Anderson's Breasts Into Sex With Co-Worker

Story here. This woman somehow justifies her actions because he was a 'big strong boy'. Absolutely sickening! Excerpt:

'A 32-year-old woman sent a picture of Pamela Anderson's breasts to a 15-year-old workmate shortly before beginning a sexual relationship with him, the Supreme Court in Launceston has heard.

Courtney Isabella Bailey, now 34, told police that the boy had tested her asking her for a picture of her breasts – but she sent a picture of the Baywatch star's breasts instead.

Bailey received a four-month suspended jail term today after pleading guilty to five counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 17 in January 2007.'

Bailey had remarked to his parents that he was a "big strong boy" for a 15-year-old."

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Fathers' Rights Groups Celebrate One-Year Anniversary of Rallies in the Park

Fathers' Rights Groups Celebrate One-Year Anniversary of Rallies in the Park

"Last May 2007, some people now living in Los Angeles weren't even born. A little, eight-month-old girl who attended our May ’08 anniversary celebration is shown in one photo, being held in her Daddy’s arms."

"A Los Angeles County District Attorney, running for a Judge's Office in the June election, stopped by unannounced to solicit our votes. "I'm with you guys," he said. "I almost got divorced a few years back and it was a real eye opener," he said."

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Police: Woman Left Newborn Son to Suffocate in Trunk of Car

Story here. Excerpt:

'GASTONIA, N.C. — A Lincolnton, N.C., woman has been charged with felony child abuse after police said she left her newborn son in the trunk of a car to suffocate.

Authorities said 22-year-old Sharena Waynette Bess is scheduled to appear in Gaston County District Court on Tuesday. The infant is expected to make a full recovery.

Police said Bess gave birth in Charlotte on Friday, then drove herself to a women's health care facility in Gastonia. She was taken to a hospital where police say she told personnel she left the infant in a box at another hospital. A search turned up nothing.

Police later searched her car and found the baby in the trunk wrapped in a towel and placed in a book bag. An arrest warrant said Bess "left him there to asphyxiate."

Bess is being held at Gaston County Jail on $100,000 bond.'

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Operation "G-WAR"

I've been thinking long and hard about the state of men in this country and in the Western world, generally.

Each and every day through media, family courts and other places. The constant belittling, dehumanizing, mockery and gynosexism and over all bigotry against men our "civilization" is bathed in and beaten over the head with. And increasingly, I see the effects on not just men but women, too. The damage is severe. It has been nearly completely absorbed into the public Psyche, things that would now be considered unacceptable to be said or done to ANY group of Americans, and called "bigotry" and "un-American" is said and done to men on an ever flow basis.

We call America a "free country". with "Freedom and Justice for ALL". I don't care WHAT you've been told, this country is NOT "liberty" OR "JUSTICE" for "ALL".

If it were, Native Americans would not be starving to death, living in 3rd world conditions on forgotten wastelands called "reservations". And, if it were, hate speech against MEN would not be tolerated any more that it would be WOMEN.

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Mom forced to live in car with dogs widely reported-- homeless men still ignored

This story has been all over the news. It has been the top headline on CNN's news site. As usual, we hear very little in regard to the massive disparity of the male homeless population. I work as a psychiatric social worker and take it from me, the vast majority of the mentally ill individuals I place in supportive housing are male. One particular man was living behind a 7-11. During the winter he had his foot amputated because of frost bite. The man was so happy when my agency purchased him a wheel chair. You'll never see such male suffering anywhere on cable news. Excerpt:

"John Quigley, an economics professor at the University of California-Berkeley, said the California housing crisis has left many middle-class families temporarily homeless or forced them to go to food banks to feed their families.

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Wendy McElroy: A feminist defense of men's rights

There's nothing like a McElroy article to stir some heated debate. Have fun guys! Excerpt:

'This is a transcription of a speech delivered before a man's rights group.

"When they speak, their voices sound similar to those of women in the 60's when the feminist movement, called Second Wave feminism, swept through our culture like a force of nature and left it changed forever. The women demanded of men, "Give us equal rights, give us respect." Forty years later -- two generations later -- the situation has been reversed. It is now men, not women, who are protesting against systematic discrimination against their sex. Even the issues around which the complaints gather are similar to those raised in the '60s. Men are saying they are not taken seriously by the police as victims of domestic violence. Similar to female rape victims from decades ago, society tends to stigmatize and blame men who are victims of spousal abuse."'

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