Bank offers refunds in false rape case

Story here. Excerpt:

"Peoples Bank is offering a refund to people who donated to a fund for the woman who falsely claimed she was abducted and raped while running at Little Squalicum Beach last month.

Bellingham Police announced Wednesday that the woman fabricated the story.

The Squalicum Beach Runner’s Fund was established after the alleged March 2 incident by community members who wanted to supplement state victim assistance funds to help the woman cover her lost wages, living expenses and other costs associated with surviving the supposed attack."

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New York Bachelors seeking to Become Single Dads

Story here. Excerpt:

"As a surge in surrogate births sweeps the country - up 28 percent in the past five years - baby-loving city bachelors are getting into the act, finding egg donors, providing sperm and paying surrogates to give birth to their offspring.

James Shrybman, a surrogacy lawyer in Dickerson, Md., advised about 10 bachelors last year. Such clients were once "non-existent," he said.

New Jersey lawyer Melissa Brisman has helped at least five city men through the process in the past year."

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Maryland: Definition of rape widened

Story here. Excerpt:

'The state's highest court ruled yesterday that a man can be charged with rape if he ignores a woman's calls to stop - even if she had previously consented to sex.

With this expansion of the legal definition of rape, Maryland joins seven other states whose courts have determined that a woman can revoke her consent after intercourse begins.
All seven judges agreed that a woman has the right to revoke consent, but reached that conclusion in different ways. Yesterday's ruling returns the 2004 rape case of Maouloud Baby to Montgomery County for a new trial.
The victim testified in Montgomery County court that she agreed to sex "as long as he stops when I tell him to." As he began, she told him to stop because he was hurting her, but he kept going for five or 10 seconds, she said.
Mel Feit, director of the National Center for Men, based in Long Island, N.Y., said the facts of Baby's case have been lost in the larger argument about a woman's right to say no.

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The War on Boys starting now at birth

With MSN leading the charge, of course. Read the crap here. Excerpt:

'Depression is one of the most common postpartum medical problems that new moms face. New research suggests that the risk is even higher for those who give birth to boys.

Most moms will readily admit that rambunctious little boys are a bit more challenging to parent than little girls, who are generally quieter and less physically active. But the impacts of gender on parenting don’t necessarily start once the little ones start toddling.

New research out of France found that women who gave birth to boys were significantly more likely to suffer from severe postpartum depression than women who gave birth to girls. The findings weren't limited to severe depression: Women who gave birth to boys were also much more likely to report a lower quality of life than women who gave birth to girls.'

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Police: Indiana girls beat 12-year-old, posted video online

Story here. Excerpt:

"A group of southern Indiana middle school girls videotaped the beating of a 12-year-old schoolmate and posted it on the Internet in an attack that authorities believe was inspired by a similar one in Florida, police said.

No charges have been filed and police said they have not yet interviewed all the girls, ages 12-14, who are students at Clarksville Middle School. The girls' identities were not released because they are juveniles.

The victim, who was treated for cuts and bruises at a hospital, was the daughter of a police officer, said Police Chief Dwight Ingle.'

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Indoctrinate U's NYC premiere wrap-up report

Via e-mail:

'There have been so many exciting developments lately!

* "INDOCTRINATE U" HAD ITS NEW YORK CITY DEBUT on Monday night, playing to a capacity crowd at the Director's Guild of America theater in midtown Manhattan. (See below for some words from the director following the wildly successful NYC premiere.)

* THE DVD IS NOW AVAILABLE (FINALLY!) - At long last, the much-requested DVD can now be yours. Visit the "Indoctrinate U" online store.

* THERE ARE MORE SCREENINGS COMING UP AT CAMPUSES all over the country. For the most up-to-date information on future screenings, go to:'

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DNA Samples will now be collected at the federal level from all those who are arrested

Story here. Thanks to VAWA, Federal officials will start collecting DNA samples from all those arrested for federal crimes (including arrests for tax evasion). Those not charged and those who are acquitted "may" be able to have the samples deleted from the database; however, they can only request it. Per Federal regulations, samples cannot be disclosed to third parties such as insurance companies and hospitals (however, doing so is only a misdemeanor).

Yes, gents, since all of us are potential rapists, we must all have our genetic information recorded in a database for when we do rape someone. Excerpt:

'The U.S. government will soon begin collecting DNA samples from all citizens arrested in connection with any federal crime and from many immigrants detained by federal authorities, adding genetic identifiers from more than 1 million individuals a year to the swiftly growing federal law enforcement DNA database.

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"She Stole My Voice" - Ground-breaking documentary on lesbian rape

This new documentary, She Stole My Voice, is utterly ground-breaking. I've seen it so I can say that with a clear conscience. It takes on femnist misandry and distortions head-on and exposes a reality that people of both sexes are oblivious to or in denial of.

Warning to viewers, it has some graphic parts. This is a serious documentary and it should be referred to whenever someone tries to throw the old "rape is only or primarily a crime against women done by men" line at you. The producers are both women and they have interviews with women in rape crisis centers as well, stating that this problem is real and is more common than anyone expects. It also refers to the coercion some women experience by staff and/or other women living there in "women's shelters" to have sex with them, and if they don't-- there's the door.

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Update: Elderly Women Guilty In Homeless Murders

Story here.

Two elderly women accused of killing two homeless men to collect millions of dollars in insurance payouts were convicted Wednesday of conspiracy to murder, and one of them was convicted of the murders themselves. Excerpt:

'Prosecutors said the women collected $2.8 million from insurance policies on the lives of two homeless men who were killed in staged hit-and-runs.

Golay's convictions carry potential sentences of life in prison without possibility of parole. The single conspiracy count returned against Rutterschmidt carries a sentence of 25 years to life.
In his closing argument, Deputy District Attorney Bobby Grace called the women "the worst of the worst."

"They didn't need this money. They weren't poor and destitute. They went out of their way to target men who had nothing," the prosecutor said."'

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Update: Feminist thought police at Colorado College

Two men at Colorado College satirized a feminist rag and ended up in a "star chamber"-like inquiry.

The editor of the Rocky Mountain News took CC to task.

The director of the CC Feminist and Gender Studies Program responds that feminists just want a dialogue .

The RMN editor responds to her here.

Excerpt from original editorial:

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Soon -- No More Daddies Needed

Story here. Excerpt:

'A scientific technique that could allow same-sex couples to create their own biological child in a laboratory should be allowed under law, a group of influential scientists said on Monday.

The experts, all international leaders in embryology research, called on ministers not to restrict such "important" research.

The laboratory creation of eggs and sperm from other cells could offer hope to thousands of people unable to have children of their own.

Although the creation of both sperm and eggs in a laboratory is still at an early stage, the Hinxton group, made up of 40 world-renowned experts, estimates that the procedure could be used to create human foetuses within 15 years.'

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"Divorce by Youtube"

Story here. Watch the video-- see how the two desk reporters handle the issue. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK -- A New York woman involved in a divorce battle spilled secrets about her husband, his family and their intimate life in a "scary, new step" in user generated content, attorneys said.

Tricia Walsh-Smith can be watched on YouTube lashing out at her husband, Broadway executive Philip Smith, in a teary and furious clip that has been viewed more than 150,000 times.
Other divorce experts said the video will likely come back to haunt her. They said the clip probably won't help her in front of a judge.'

The video itself? here.

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'Girls risk falling behind in the classroom'

Story here. Excerpt:

"Girls risk falling behind in the classroom because government policies focus on the education standards of boys, a report claims.

A "significant proportion" of girls are struggling to read but many are not getting enough help, it is claimed...

...A study by the National Literacy Trust, a reading charity, says many young girls were "in danger of being overlooked by current policy drives"."

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SueEasy has circumcision entry

I just found out about this web site. One of the actions is a class-action suit over circumcision.

Successful or not, it will be a good way to show that there are many of us who are not at all happy about it and we are not staying silent. The case looks like it has been started by a user 'gburlin'. gburlin, if you're out there, please post in comments.

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MSN: Wife and Husband's "Bills of Rights"



Compare and contrast... the list for husbands asks for small ways in which he is "allowed" to be alive and just be himself without getting whacked. The wife's list is the ways in which she is allowed to curtail his life and decide how he is to behave toward her.

Reminds me of some of those "duties of the master/slave" lists that have popped up throughout history.

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